April 4, 2013

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:1 (NRSV)


Richard Hughes will be stepping down as director of the Sider Institute at the end of this school year. We have benefited from his superb leadership over the past two years. His expertise in denominational histories, theological insight, organizational skills, innovation and enthusiasm have served the Sider Institute well. Richard will continue his teaching and scholarship role as distinguished professor of religion. I am pleased to announce that Devin Manzullo-Thomas has agreed to assume the leadership of the Sider Institute beginning in July 2013. Devin is no stranger to Messiah College or the support of the Sider Institute. He is a Messiah College alum and a member of the Brethren in Christ Church. This background, along with his degree in history from Temple University and his emerging scholarship agenda, places him in a good position to nurture and advance the mission of the Sider Institute.
Randall Basinger, provost

Congratulations to Kristi Mouttet, senior lecturer in counseling, and her husband, Nate, on the arrival of their son Joshua Philip Mouttet on March 4. Joshua weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz. and was 20.5 in. Best wishes to Kristi, Nate and big brother Samuel.

Messiah 411

President Phipps to host Open Door Day April 5

President Kim Phipps will host an Open Door Day on Friday, April 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to meet individually with students and employees on topics that are important to them. “Open Door” is an opportunity for you to speak with the president in her office on the second floor of Old Main. The president’s conference room adjacent to her office is used as a waiting room. Please call the president’s office at ext. 2820 if you have any questions.

Christian Ministry in China presented by the education department April 4 

Join Nancy Patrick, associate professor of special education, Thursday, April 4 at 5 p.m. in Parmer Cinema, Boyer Hall, when she will report on a recent service trip to China where she presented at an international conference in Nanjing, a two-day seminar at the Children’s Hospital in Urumqi and consulted with parents, teachers and medical professionals on topics related to teaching and parenting children with various disabilities including autism. Come see and hear how doors are opening for Christians to serve and build relationships with families and professionals in China.

Third annual Messiah College Easter Egg Hunt set for April 6

Join Messiah College alumni, employees and their families for the third annual Messiah College Easter Egg Hunt!

Who: Open to all Messiah alumni, employees and family members

When: Saturday, April 6

  • Check-in opens at 9:30 a.m.*
  • Egg Hunt begins at 10 a.m.

Where: The hunt will begin on Eisenhower Lawn. 

Register: To register, email alumnievents@messiah.edu 

The Easter Egg Hunt will be divided into three age groups: one through four year olds, five to eight year olds, and nine and up. All children will receive candy found in their eggs and those who find special golden eggs will be able to select a prize! All alumni, employees and families are invited to enjoy refreshments at the Climenhega Homestead immediately following the Egg Hunt. We look forward to seeing you there!

*Please note that parking on campus will be full that day so plan to arrive early to find a spot!

Theatre for social change performs April 9 

The theatre for social change class will present a staged reading of Donald Margulies play, “July 7, 1994.” All members of the College community are welcome to attend this special event on Tuesday, April 9 at  2:05 p.m. in the Poorman Black Box Theater located in the Climenhaga Building. After a short break the audience is welcome to attend a brief discussion. Admission is free. 

About the Play: “July 7, 1994” illuminates the challenges and heartaches of an inner-city health clinic physician. We witness her typical day and how her work impacts her personal life. The action takes place during the O.J. Simpson trial, which sets the tone for patient/physician conversations on race, gender, domestic violence and the American dream. Donald Margulies is the Pulitzer-Prize winning author of “Dinner With Friends” and many other plays. This play contains mature themes and language and situations that may be offensive. This event is not open to children.

Service Day opportunities available with alumni office

All alumni and alumni employees are invited to join us for an alumni service project for Service Day, 2013. As a student, you experienced this wonderful tradition while serving at Special Olympics and around the local community. We’d like to continue that tradition by inviting alumni back to serve on campus, alongside other alumni and current students. There are two alumni Service Day projects opportunities this year:

Wednesday, April 17: Help assemble lunches for volunteers and participants for the Special Olympics

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Lunch will be provided. 

Thursday, April 18: Painting in Hostetter Chapel

Time: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Lunch will be provided. 

Interested in serving through one of these projects? Email alumnievents@messiah.edu by Wednesday, April 10. 

Please save the date for Homecoming Oct. 18 and 19

A reminder that all events during this weekend must be approved by and planned through the office of alumni and parent relations. If you have plans for an event and have not been in contact with our office, please reach out to Brittany Claridge, by email or phone at ext. 2490 by Wednesday, May 1.

The 2013 Homecoming weekend schedule will be made available online by July 1 here. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to let us know. We look forward to sharing this time of celebration with you and our alumni community!

Alumni are encouraged to take survey 

One of the ways we are trying to better understand what alumni engagement means at Messiah College is to create an inventory of ways that our alumni interact with various campus departments, organizations and educators. We are building both on the current College Strategic Plan (Theme #1: Strategic Communication – Goal 2: Promote alumni engagement and support for the College) and discussions led by Jim Langley who spoke at the opening of the academic year last August.If you have not had a chance to complete the Alumni Engagement Survey, please do so no later than Monday, April 15. The survey should take no more than three to five minutes to complete. If you include your name, you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card. Click here to take the survey.
Barry Goodling, alumni engagement working group chair

Announcements from purchasing card administrator 

The purchasing card administrator will be unavailable from April 13 to April 21. Please plan ahead and notify pcard@messiah.edu or ext. 2211 of travel plans or credit limit needs by April 10 so that they can be addressed. Emergencies during these dates should be communicated to Wendy Starner at ext. 6920.  

Also, many of our college-issued purchasing cards expire April 2013. The new cards, with updated expiration dates, have arrived. Please check your card now. If your card expires April 2013, call Daisy Anderson at ext. 2211 to arrange a time to exchange your card. 

Guidelines for college vehicle use 

Questions often arise about the payment method that should be used to purchase gas for an automobile when traveling on behalf of the college. Please review the three situations below:

1. When utilizing a Messiah College fleet vehicle, gas must be purchased using the Sunoco WEX card that is provided with the vehicle. The college issued P-card or a personal credit card should not be used.

2. When renting a vehicle, gas should be purchased using the College-issued P-card. This is the only time it is acceptable to use the P-card to purchase gas.

3. When using a personal vehicle for college travel, gas must be paid for by the employee. Upon completion of travel, the employee must complete a mileage reimbursement form (found on the finance channel on MCSquare). The employee will be reimbursed a flat rate per mile, currently 53 cents per mile. Any questions should be directed to purchasing at ext. 6010.

Jay McClymont’s winning chili featured in Lottie Nelson Dining Room 

If you missed the Chili Challenge, you can still have some of this first place chili! Jay’s “A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That” chili will be featured for lunch in Lottie on Tuesday, April 9 at the Southwest station.  Stop in for lunch and have some of this delicious chili. Pictures of the Chili Challenge can be found on dining services facebook page.

Reminder to use CommUNITY Day Passes

Participants in the United Way Employee Pledge Drive received CommUNITY Day Passes that entitle them to discounts on lunch in Lottie on the day(s) of their choosing, courtesy of dining services. This is a reminder that those coupons expire on June 30. Take advantage of the improving weather and walk over to Lottie for lunch someday soon! Please contact Kathy Castonguay, human resources, with questions.

Performance Management Workshops scheduled for supervisors

Human resources will host two workshop sessions on performance management in April. Topics covered will include managing the work behaviors of your employees, giving praise and constructive criticism and preparing for and conducting the annual appraisal.

Tuesday, April 23, 2 – 3:30 p.m., Kline 113

Wednesday, April, 24, 9 – 10:30 a.m., Boyer 432

Please contact Kathy Castonguay, kcastong@messiah.edu, with questions or to enroll in the session of your choice.


Positions available:

Admissions Counselor — The office of admissions currently has an opening for the position of admissions counselor. This is a full-time, 12-month, administrative position. The admissions counselor oversees recruitment and admissions efforts for a specific geographic region and is responsible for communicating the mission of Messiah College to prospective students and their families while assisting them through the entire admissions process from recruitment to enrollment. A bachelor’s degree is required. The successful candidate must have strong and effective interpersonal skills in relating to high school age students and their parents with an emphasis on customer service; excellent communication skills both orally and in writing; organization and time management skills; computer experience with Microsoft Office Suite; self-starter with the ability to work without direct supervision while traveling; ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines; and ability to work with and relate to both on and off campus publics. A valid driver’s license and the ability to travel frequently is also required. To apply, please submit a rèsumè, letter of interest, statement of faith and salary requirements to Messiah College, Human Resources, One College Avenue, Suite 3015, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 or email humanres@messiah.edu. (Application materials are strongly preferred via email.) A job description is available in human resources or on the College website. Job-related questions should be directed to Dana Britton, director of admissions, at ext. 7270. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and will accepted until the position is filled. 

Assistant Director of Admissions for Multicultural Student Recruitment — The department of admissions currently has an opening for the position of assistant director of admissions for multicultural student recruitment. This is a full-time, 12-month, administrative position. Along with traditional recruitment activities, this position provides leadership to the multicultural and underrepresented student recruitment initiatives and is responsible for communicating the mission of Messiah College to prospective students and their families. Education and experience required includes a bachelor’s degree; master’s degree preferred. Three years of college admissions experience required; multicultural recruitment experience preferred. Other requirements include effective interpersonal skills in student and family counseling; ability to work with a wide-age range of students, from middle school to high school; experience working with first-generation college students; ability to work with and relate well to a broad spectrum of consitutencies including people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds; excellent written and oral communication skills; strong organizational and time management skills; expertise in computer technology as it relates to communication, presentations and organization of data; self-starter and able to work without direct supervision while on the road; ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines; and Spanish language ability a plus. To apply, please submit a rèsumè, letter of interest, statement of faith and salary requirements to Messiah College, Human Resources, One College Avenue, Suite 3015, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 or email humanres@messiah.edu. (Application materials sent via email preferred.) A detailed job description is available on the College website. Position-related questions should be directed to Dana Britton, director of admissions, at dbritton@messiah.edu. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and will be accepted until the position is filled.


Reptile aquarium —Free glass reptile aquarium with warming light and pad. The aquarium is 36 in. long × 16.5 in. high × 18 in. deep. Please contact Wendell at wwitter@messiah.edu.

For rent:

House — Located at 1142 Gettysburg Pike, Dillsburg, PA 17019 (2.2 miles from Messiah’s campus). This beautiful, remodeled farmhouse is furnished with a large living room and eat-in kitchen. There are four large bedrooms upstairs furnished with beds, dressers, desks and chairs. The back portion of the house includes a full bath, an office/study room, laundry room and a large bedroom which is great for visiting family or friends. The house also offers two separate living spaces with a large living room and a finished attic. Asking $1,250/month for rent plus utilities, $500 security deposit is required. The utilities include electric, high-speed internet, trash and heating. Care for the grounds (about a quarter of an acre) and snow removal are the responsibility of the renter. Some nice amenities include a side yard that is large and gives kids plenty of space to play. It is also completely enclosed with a fence. Neighbors are very nice and quiet. Please contact Paul by email at acaito@messiah.edu or 1paulmichaels@gmail.com or by phone at 717-364-6564.

For sale:

Cherry and antique black desk and matching lateral file cabinet — Purchased Aug. 2011 for $1,589 in mint condition, on sale for $600. If interested contact Eldon at ext. 6520 or efry@messiah.edu.

120GB computer hard-drive —Internal hard-drive, not external. Make an offer. For more information, contact Stephen Beaver at sbeaver@messiah.edu.

1995 Chevrolet Blazer LT — Very good condition, 132,000 miles, 4.3 liter, one owner, air, power steering, power windows, power door locks, AM/FM cassette. Asking $3,500. Please email ekime@messiah.edu for pictures or test drive.

Outside organization announcement:

William Paul Young, author of “The Shack” and “Cross Roads” to speak April 12 — Children’s Aid Society, Southern PA District Church of the Brethren invites you to mark the importance of Child Abuse Prevention Month and celebrate their 100th birthday with William Paul Young, author of “The Shack” and “Cross Roads” in Brubaker Auditorium on Friday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. Young was abused physically, sexually and emotionally as a child. His books embody the great loss he experienced and his roads to healing. Valerie Pritchett of Harrisburg’s abc27 News “Live at Five” will join Young on stage as interviewer and friend of children. Get your ticket here or call 800-965-9324 and join us for this historic event. For more information, contact Sherri Hoffman at shoffman@messiah.edu.

Host family needed —Host families are needed to host high school international students for the 2013-2014 school year. Students will attend Bible Baptist/West Shore Christian Academy. Host families will be given a stipend each month to cover all expenses. If you would like more information, please contact Emily at ewarari@messiah.edu.