About the Intercom

Note: As of Feb. 23, 2022, the Intercom will no longer be accepting listings for employee-owned or other rental properties.


The Intercom is the official newsletter for Messiah University employees. The primary purpose of the Intercom is to share University news items that arise in the course of University business and activities, and that are applicable and relevant to a broad employee base.

The Intercom will regularly include:

  • Announcements from Human Resources about new employees, job openings, employee programs and benefits, etc.
  • Announcements that share how employees and students are contributing to their areas of expertise and scholarship by speaking at conferences/seminars and writing books, chapters, essays, etc.
  • Announcements that share news about significant personal events in employees’ lives: births, weddings, deaths and retirements.
  • Promotion of events featuring Messiah University students and/or employees; events sponsored by campus organizations; or events being hosted on Messiah’s campus.
  • Notifications of deadlines, procedures and policies with broad campus impact.

Submission Procedures

  • All submissions for the Intercom should be submitted through this form. Announcements submitted in the comment section of the blog or sent to any other email address are not accepted.
  • For publication in the Thursday newsletter, the announcement must be received by 4 p.m. on Tuesday.
  • Acknowledgements may not exceed one publication, all other categories may not exceed two publications.