Archive for 2013

August 29, 2013

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2 (NRSV)


The master of arts in higher education program is pleased to welcome five new graduate assistants for 2013-14. Graduate assistantships offer graduate students the opportunity to put the educational theories gained through classroom instruction into professional practice through supervised, real-world experience. Our graduate assistantship program aims to provide an innovative and cost-efficient way to advance departmental and college-wide goals and objectives. It is important to note that host departments reconfigured existing financial resources to create these assistantships. Please join us and our collaborating departments is welcoming the following to the Messiah College community: Jennifer Cory, graduate assistant in women’s softball; Laura Julius, graduate assistant in student retention; Ben Kirk, graduate assistant in men’s baseball; Jordan Martz, graduate assistant in men’s basketball; and Carol Zook, graduate assistant in the Agapè Center.

Congratulations to William Gunning, grounds crew leader, for recently becoming a Certified Arborist by the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture). If you see William on campus please acknowledge him for this great accomplishment. We are proud to have our very own arborist in the grounds department now!

We are very excited to announce that Scott K. Hwang will be serving as Messiah College’s new director of multicultural programs. Scott comes to us from Gordon College where he held a very similar position as director of the Clarendon Scholars Program and advisor to ALANA. Scott received his master’s degree in higher education from Geneva College where he also served as a residence director. Prior to that, Scott served as the director of student leadership at Covenant College (GA). Scott will start his position at Messiah on Aug. 26. Please join me in welcoming Scott to the Messiah College community.
Doug Wood, associate dean of students

A “Harrisburg Magazine” article features Kirk Reese, lecturer in department of music. See link for complete article.

Messiah 411

Aerial video capture scheduled for Move-In Day

The offices of student affairs and marketing and communications have hired a firm to take aerial video footage of campus on the morning of Thursday, Aug. 29 (weather permitting). The photographer will be using drone technology to capture aerial shots of the activities on campus that day. So, don’t be alarmed if you see a small, spider-like helicopter zooming around campus!

Make plans to attend the Movie on the Green 

The office of human resources is once again partnering with the Agapé Center and Student Involvement and Leadership Programs to host an outdoor movie event. Walt Disney’s “Monsters University” will be showing on a 40-ft. tall screen Friday, Sept. 27 on the Eisenhower Lawn at 7:45 p.m. Coinciding with Family Weekend, this event is open to all employees and their families as well as students and their families. More information will follow in September. Mark your calendar! 

Curator Club registration is open 

Registration is open for Curator Club (grades three-five) and CC2 (grades six-eight). These programs provide science education on a variety of topics in a fun learning environment. See flyer for complete information. Please visit the website or contact us at the museum office at ext. 2431 with any questions. We hope to see your kids in September!

Learning Technology Services continues to offer Canvas Training 

Learning Technology Services continues to move forward with the transition to Canvas, and this summer more than 170 training spaces have been filled.  Follow our website to keep up-to-date on Canvas Information. The website is updated periodically, so please bookmark the site and visit regularly. You will find a list of benchmark dates. We will do our best to keep you informed if there is any change to the training schedule or implementation process. You will also find an FAQ page where there is space for you to submit additional questions. Please come and see what all the excitement is about!



Desk and a chair, bookcases, a sofa and guest chairs as a donation or for minimal cost —Recently arrived from Ill. and need to put together a nice office in my apartment to record and produce online courses on systems’ therapy. Contact Dr. Carlos Del Rio, graduate program in psychology, at or phone 618 967 4935.


Nanny —We are in immediate need of a two-hour-a-day, five-days-per-week nanny to provide after-school care in our home for our six-year-old grandson. Hours: 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Pay per week: $75. Respond by email or call 717-432-3001 to schedule an interview.

For sale:

Moving sale — Tractor (Bolens 1800), yard vacuum, snow blower, leaf blower, trimmer (edger), ladders, picnic table and benches, bicycle, refrigerator, tools and tool cupboard, dresser, desk with file, household items and more! 109 North Fileys Rd., Dillsburg, near Monaghan Township Firehouse Aug. 30 and 31 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Outside organization announcement:

American Cancer Society’s Cancer Prevention Study —The American Cancer Society is looking for participants for its third major Cancer Prevention Study (CPS-3). This long-term study will help researchers better understand the genetic, environmental and other factors that may cause or prevent cancer. To be eligible, you must be 30 – 65 years old, never been diagnosed with cancer, and willing to make a long-term commitment by filling out surveys every two to three years for the next 20-30 years. For more information, visit the Cancer Prevention Study 3 website at or call 888-604-5888. Opportunities are available in York, Pa., on Sept. 17 and CampHill, Pa., Nov. 6-8.