Archive for 2013

November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:4-7 (NRSV)


From the office of the provost:

Congratulations to Carl A. Erikson, Jr., assistant professor of engineering, and Yvonne E. Martin, assistant professor of business administration, who have been awarded emeritus status.

Congratulations to the following faculty who have been approved for term tenure renewal for the five-year period, Aug. 1, 2014 to July 31, 2019:

Robin A. Collins, professor of philosophy

Jean Thompson Corey, associate professor of English

Crystal L. Downing, professor of English and film studies

Jeffrey S. Erikson, assistant professor of biology and environmental science

David J. Hagenbuch, associate professor of marketing

Michael A. Harcrow, associate professor of music

Charles D. Jantzi, associate professor of psychology

Erik D. Lindquist, professor of biology and environmental science

Donald A. Murk, professor of early childhood education

Retta K. Murray, assistant professor of health and human performance

Timothy W. Schoettle, associate professor of philosophy

Charles R. Seitz, associate professor of social work

David T. Vader, professor of engineering

Lamarr C. Widmer, professor of mathematics

Jenny Dose, professor of management, and David Hagenbuch, associate professor of marketing, presented papers at the national conference of the Christian Business Faculty Association, held in Bourbonnais, Ill. October 17-19. Jenny’s paper was titled “The Body of Christ and Social Capital: A Social Network Analysis of a Christian Organization.” David’s was titled “Escaping Overindulgence: How Marketers Might Avoid Encouraging Excessive Consumption.”

An interview with Todd Goranson, associate professor of music, was featured in Vandoren’s “Wave” publication (Vol. 2, Issue 41) in October. The interview includes Goranson’s insights into performing on two different musical instruments and on coping with anxiety in performance. The interview can be found here.

Messiah 411

Danielle Pianucci to deliver student honors presentation

On Tuesday, Nov. 12, senior PK-4/special education major, Danielle Pianucci will deliver her student honors presentation titled, “Study of Conditionally Admitted Students at Messiah College: Needs and Gains Over Time.” Pianucci will report on the findings of a research study of students that she began fall 2012 and recently concluded with a follow-up study of the same students in their sophomore year. Pianucci is the 2013 Ernest L. Boyer, Sr. Teacher Scholarship recipient. The honors presentation will be held in Boyer 131 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

Finance office annual soup sale set for Nov. 20

Please join us for soups and sweets on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 11 a.m. to 1 pm! Follow the aroma of homemade soups to the payroll office lobby in Old Main where you can purchase soup ($3 per bowl) and sweet desserts ($2 each). These delicacies are donated by business office employees and all proceeds are used to provide a bountiful Christmas to a local needy family. Last year your generosity allowed the business office to provide an abundance of gifts, clothing and groceries to two families. This year we are also collecting non-perishable canned goods to benefit the Silence of Mary home in Harrisburg. Please come for a satisfying lunch and help us reach out to the community again this Christmas!

Aughinbaugh Art Gallery exhibits Laurel Lukaszewski’s ceramics open through Nov. 27

The M Louise Aughinbaugh Gallery located in the lower level of the Climenhaga Building announces a new exhibition of the ceramic work of Laurel Lukaszewski: Patterns of Place

Lukaszewski’s work, based on line, rhythm and form and playing with positive and negative space, is strongly rooted in her study of Japanese art and culture bridging the traditional dichotomies of the Eastern viewpoint and her own Western sensibilities. Laurel Lukaszewski is a Washington, D.C.-based artist. Well known regionally, she also has exhibited in venues across the country, including those in New York City, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Miami, Santa Fe, Houston, and Seattle. Lukaszewski is a founding member of Flux Studios, in Mt. Rainier, Md., and has served on a number of nonprofit boards, including the Washington Sculptors Group, the National Cherry Blossom Festival and the Washington Project for the Arts Artist Council.

Mark the beginning of Advent with the annual Celebration of the Light

All students and employees are invited to attend and celebrate the traditional start to the Christmas season Tuesday, December 3 at 4:45 p.m. Carol-singing, prayer, scripture reading and the lighting of the campus Christmas tree will all be a part of this year’s advent celebration. Hot chocolate, cider, pumpkin cookies and other seasonal treats will be served. Supervisors are asked to provide release time as able to those non-essential employees who would like to attend.

Rain Date: Thursday, Dec. 5 at 4:45 p.m. in the Eisenhower Campus Center Circle. In case of inclement weather on Dec. 5, the event will be held indoors in the Larsen Student Union.

Student Professional Development Grant available

The Career Center and the Student Government Association (SGA) are pleased to once again announce the Student Professional Development Grant. This grant opportunity, funded by SGA, is for students interested in attending professional conferences or related activities. Grants will provide accepted students with half of their proposed funding needed for travel and registration costs, up to $300. Limited funding is available per semester, so interested students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

Applications are available on Career Center’s website . Other components of the grant include a mandatory online training session and an educational “give back” activity in the form of a blog posting. For questions, please contact Abby Book at ext. 6016 or

Annual Authors’ Exhibit submissions accepted

All educators may submit hard copies of their publications, exhibits, performance materials, etc. from Jan. 2013 to Dec. 2013 to Carol Hostetter in the Boyer Center, suite 3008. The annual Authors’ Exhibit is held in conjunction with the New Doctorate’s Tea on Dec. 12.

2013 AICUP first-year student survey results available

The office of institutional research administered the AICUP (Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania) first-year student survey during spring 2013. Please look at the institutional research webpage for an info-graphic aiming to provide an overall picture of the results organized by our four broad general education outcome areas.

Canvas updates from Learning Technology Services

Learning technology services continues to move forward with the transition to Canvas. Follow our website to keep up-to-date on Canvas Information. We will do our best to keep you informed if there is any change to the training schedule or implementation process. On the website you will also find an FAQ page where there is space for you to submit additional questions.

The November 2013 training calendar is available.

Important reminders

  • Remember courses for J-term 2014 and the spring semester 2014 must be created in Canvas. No new courses will be created in Sakai.
  • Training is available now and will be available in J-term; it’s not too early to get started.
  • You will have access to your course materials in Sakai until December 2014.

If you have any questions regarding Canvas, please contact ext. 4444.

Important reminder to faculty

Learning Technology Services would like to remind the faculty that it’s not too early to begin planning ahead. The J-term and spring 2014 semester work submission deadlines have been set. Please coordinate your needs for your courses with the deadline dates listed on the attached document. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Diane Hunsinger, copyright and educational support specialist, at ext. 3895. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

United Way employee pledge drive in final week

We are in the final week of our annual Employee Pledge Drive. Pledge forms are due Friday, Nov. 8. The United Way of the Capital Region provides solutions for local issues by focusing on three areas:  health, education and basic needs. Each week during the drive we are sharing information on a program partner in one of these categories.

Today’s topic: Prosperity Centers. United Way of the Capital Region (UWCR) understands that more and more families are living on the edge, and don’t know how to find a foothold. They want to become financially stable, but don’t know how. Our United Way has created a way to help people get back on track. Through our Prosperity Centers, trained volunteers help individuals and families learn to budget, plan for unexpected circumstances and manage their money. Read how the Prosperity Center at New Hope Ministries in Mechanicsburg helped Paul move beyond his crisis point to stability here

By donating to the United Way during the pledge drive, you can help realize solutions to problems in our community. One hundred percent of your contribution is directed to local programs and services. You can:

  • Specify the non-profit recipient
  • Select one of three focus areas (health, education or basic needs)


  • Allow the United Way to apply your donation to the area of greatest need

Please contact Kathy Castonguay, human resources, at with any questions. Thank you for your consideration.

Access to (Material) Safety Data Sheets (M)SDS

Messiah College contracts with the 3E Company to maintain an electronic database of safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals our employees may be exposed to in their workplace. To access this information, click on the “MSDS (3E Online)” link found on MCSquare under both Employee Quicklinks and Student Quicklinks. A link to this same database is also available here. Select” Environmental, Health and Safety” ribbon on the right, then select “Safety Data Sheets (M)SDS Online System” on the left.

If, for any reason, the online system is down or you do not have access to a computer, the safety data sheet can be obtained by dialing the phone number that you will find posted on campus phones (1-800-451-8346). The person who answers the phone can email, fax or read the contents of the SDS to you 24/7.

Campus Ministries connection

Knowing the Heart of Strangers

One hundred years ago, four Armenians escaped persecution of Christians in Turkey and found their way to Messiah College through friendship connections. It was appropriate and appreciated that one of our Malaysian students shared a prayerful song written by her godmother. Both served as a reminder that we have much to receive as well as to give.

Mission Awareness Day raises the tension of a call by Christ to an outward journey to “the world” but at the same time His call is to the inward journey of our “third world,” the inner self. Dr. Bernardo Michael pointed out that the journey starts at home according to Exodus 22:21 “Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt.” He spoke of the importance of the interior journey before attempting to cross boundaries in the outer journey. To engage the interior journey through the doorway of silence and solitude is challenging. But, Michael asserted that the unreconciled life here cannot be reconciled there. We must know our inner self so that we can let go of the baggage that prevents us from being authentic and humble in friendship with strangers. This is a journey that begins on our campus without the need for a passport but it does require courage.


Positions available:

The Department of Management and Business and the International Business Institute currently have an opening for the following position: Administrative Assistant to the Department Co-Chairs, Management and Business; Director of the International Business Institute: Job-related questions may be directed to Jenny Dose, co-chair, department of management and business, at ext. 2320.


Drum set — Contact Rhonda King at ext. 7291 or

Sofa bed —Used, floral design. Contact

For sale:

2001 Oldsmobile Alero GLS Sedan — 115K miles, $3,200; 17 in. LCD Monitor — 1280 × 1024, $50. For pictures or additional information, contact

10 strands of white lights — used once, $25; 100 glass tea light holders — $10; 8 x 8 basket from Ten Thousand Villages — $3; Small microwave — $10; Window unit air conditioner for large area — $50; Window unit air conditioner for smaller area — $30. Contact Rhonda King at ext. 7291 or