Archive for 2014

March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (NRSV)


Rachel Cornacchio, associate professor of music and director of music education, served as the guest conductor for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) District 6 Vocal Jazz Ensemble. This select ensemble, along with three jazz bands, rehearsed over the course of two days. Their hard work culminated in a performance for a standing-room-only crowd at Altoona High School in Altoona, Pa.

Brad Genevro, director of band, served as recording producer for the Temple University Wind Symphony recording project in Philadelphia. This project is a concerto CD highlighting players from the Philadelphia Orchestra. The first artist recorded was Blair Bollinger, bass trombonist with the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.

William Stowman, professor of music, served as the guest director for the PMEA District 4 Jazz Festival held at Forbes Road School District. The band was comprised of students from across District 4 who auditioned into the group through a competitive process. In addition to the leading rehearsals for two days and directing the group on the concert, Stowman performed for the students on Friday evening of the festival along with music educators from the region.

Messiah 411

Inspiring Change: Conversations with Dr. Esther Mombo set for March 6

Kenyan theologian and activist, Dr. Esther Mombo is internationally known for her scholarship and advocacy for gender equity, the church’s response to HIV/AIDS, global poverty, those living with disabilities and Christian-Muslim relations. She currently serves as deputy vice chancellor of St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya where she has worked hard to make theological education more accessible to women across Kenya. Mombo will present “Peace, Justice and Public Theology: Theory and Practice” on Thursday, March 6 at 4 p.m. in Boyer 230. Mombo will also present “Hope Rising: Women’s Theology and Activism at Work in Kenya” during an alternate chapel at 7 p.m. in Frey 150.  Co-sponsored by African Student Union, Campus Ministries, Center for Public Humanities, Department of Biblical and Religious Studies, Gender Concerns and Peace Fellowship.

“Relax and Stretch” sessions begin March 7

The wellness program is offering employees a noon-time “Relax and Stretch” opportunity. Led by Ellie Addleman and senior HHP students, this will be a lunch break that will help you relieve stress. The sessions will be on Fridays in Larsen 237 from 12-12:45 p.m. Employees who attend four of the eight sessions will receive 15 wellness points. Make your Friday afternoons more productive by taking a relaxing lunch break that enhances your well-being. No need to register – just show up. Feel free to bring your lunch (as long as your eating is not distracting). Sessions begin Friday, March 7.

Open lab sessions for phase one of the FY15 budget process

For budget managers and/or administrative assistants who remember the budget process but may need some guidance or questions answered while inputting Phase 1 data, we have scheduled eight open lab sessions. The following sessions will be held in Boyer Hall, room 337: Monday, March 17 from 10 – 11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m.; Tuesday, March 18 from 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m.; Wednesday, March 19 from 9-10 a.m.; Monday, March 24 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. or 2-3 p.m. The following session will be held in Boyer Hall, Room 237: Tuesday, March 25 from 2-3 p.m.

Spring Pilates class announced

The wellness program is sponsoring a six-week spring Pilates class that you are invited to join. The class will be held on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in the Hostetter Fellowship Hall. The first class will be Tuesday, March 25. The registration fee, which covers all six classes, is $15. All participants must pre-register and pre-pay at the front desk in the fitness center (upper level of Sollenberger Sports Center). Classes will be taught by certified Pilates instructor and HHP adjunct professor, Mindy Smith. This class is open to both beginners and advanced.

March Wellness Workshop offered March 25

Plan now to attend our March wellness workshop titled “Healthy Spirituality for Everyday Lives.” The presentation will be based on the text from John 5:7, “Do you want to be well?” Led by Eldon Fry, this will be the next workshop in our series of spring workshops emphasizing ways we can more effectively manage the stress in our lives. Come and hear why spiritual wellness is such a vital part of the picture. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 25 from 12:15-1 p.m. in Parmer Cinema.

Workshop for the Christian Guitarist March 29

The Department of Music will again be offering a Workshop for the Christian Guitarist. It will be held Saturday, March 29 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts. The event is open to the public. Admission price is only $30 for any type of student (under age 21) and $45 for the general public.

There are sessions throughout the day for all levels of guitarist from the beginner to the advanced player on steel string acoustic guitar or electric. The focus of the event is to help guitarists be more effective in serving the church with their music. All information and online registration are available here or by calling 717-766-2511, ext. 3310.

There is a printable poster on the registration page of the site. Please consider displaying some of these posters at your church.

Wellness Program offers biometric screenings April 4

The Wellness Program is sponsoring a biometric screening for interested employees on Friday, April 4 from 7- 10 a.m. in Jordan 161.  The blood draw will screen for total cholesterol, HDL, glucose, and triglycerides and will take five minutes.  Two copies of the results will be mailed to the employee’s home address and all results will be kept strictly confidential. The cost for employees will be $15. All participants are required to do a 10-hour fast prior to the blood screening.

Sign-ups for the biometric screening will be done online. Go to MCSquare, “Employee” tab, scroll down until you find the registration option titled “Wellness Biometric Screening.” Sign-up for the time slot you are interested in. Space is limited, so you are encouraged to sign-up today. All participants will be required to stop by the Falcon Fitness Center (second floor Sollenberger Sports Center) on Thursday, March 13 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. to pay the fee and sign a brief registration form. Employees failing to do this will not be allowed to participate in the blood draw.

Alumni invited to participate in Service Day

Service Day is a time-honored tradition at Messiah College rooted in the College’s commitment to serving church and society in the spirit of reconciliation. As we visit alums across the country, this commitment to service continues to be a common thread still thriving within our community even after leaving Grantham.

In that spirit, you’re invited to join us for an alumni service project for Service Day 2014. As a student, you experienced this wonderful tradition while serving at the Special Olympics and around our local community. We’d like to continue that tradition by inviting alumni back to serve on campus alongside other alumni and current students.

Can’t make it to campus? We are encouraging alumni to serve right in their own communities and share your stories with us.  Click here to learn more!

There are two on-campus alumni Service Day project opportunities this year:

Wednesday, April 9:

Project: Help assemble lunches for volunteers and participants for the Special Olympics.

Time: 9:30 a.m. -noon (lunch will be provided.)

Thursday, April 10

Project: Painting in Hostetter Chapel

Time: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. (lunch will be provided.)

Interested in serving through one of these projects? Email by April 1.

Serving in your own community?

Let us know!  Let us know the details of your service here and share photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #MCServiceDay. Photos can also be emailed to

Invite someone you know to Messiah’s Open House on April 12

Do you know a student who’s in the college search process and may be a good fit for Messiah College? Consider inviting them personally to visit our final undergraduate open house of the academic year on Saturday, April 12. Students can take a closer look at our 80-plus majors, tour campus, enjoy a special lunch in the dining hall and spend time interacting with Messiah students, professors and staff. Students and their family members can register online to attend. We invite you to share this link with prospective students and their family members, along with the reasons you love being a part of the Messiah College community! We would love to have them visit and extend them a warm welcome for the day.

Previous Wellness Workshops now available for viewing

If you were unable to attend a wellness workshop this year, but don’t want to miss out on all the great information shared, we’ve got good news.  The presentations are now available for viewing online.  Simply go to MCSquare, “Employee” tab, “Employee Quicklinks,” “Wellness Workshops.”  Three workshops are available right now: “Tips for Surviving and Thriving with Cancer” by Sandy Bush, “Packaging Puzzled? Deciphering Food Labels” by Amy Porto, “Stress and Our Bodies- Hitting Above the Belt” by Doug Miller. Look for the workshop led by Phil Lawlis and Krista Cochran to be available soon. Employees who were unable to attend a particular workshop, but view it online, can still reward themselves with 15 wellness points.


For rent:

Two bedroom townhouse — Located less than a mile from Messiah College. One bathroom, convenient second floor laundry, large eat-in kitchen with island, living room, rear deck with storage shed. Off-street parking (two spaces).  Hardwood floors and beautiful tile in the kitchen and bathroom. Move-in date March 1. Contact Laurie Owens and or  April at 717-608-0700 for more information or to schedule a tour.

Outside organization announcement:

Amani Beads International Women’s Day benefit concert March 9 — Cellist Tetyana Pyatovolenko, pianist Daniel Glessner and violinist Gregory Glessner will present a concert Sunday, March 9 at 4 p.m. in High Recital Hall. There will be a reception and Amani Bead sale following concert. Admission is free, donations appreciated; 100 percent of the proceeds will go to health fund for caregivers at New Life Homes, Kenya. See attachment for complete information. For more information, contact Tetyana, at

Grantham Church presents concert— Enjoy an evening with Jenny Oaks Baker, Grammy-nominated and internationally acclaimed violinist. She will perform a stunning program across several genres with an ensemble of six Saturday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m. at The Grantham Church. Admission is free. Come at 6:45 p.m. to a gallery reception featuring the art of Sandra Bowden. A gypsy jazz trio will be performing at the reception. See more information here.

Lenten Taizé Vespers at the Grantham Church— You are invited to come, quiet your heart and mind, and prepare for remembering the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus during Lenten Taizé vespers at The Grantham Church every Monday evening of Lent (March 10 through April 14), 6:30-7 p.m. in A-1 wing.