Archive for 2014

March 20, 2014

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NRSV)


Brad Genevro, associate professor of music and director of bands, recently conducted the Philadelphia Wind Symphony in a concert titled “Cultural Kaleidoscope in Center City Philadelphia.” The concert featured composers from all over the world including representation from eight different countries. There were several Messiah College alumni performing in the group including Amanda Heim, Christa Converse and Justin Meyer.

Professors Anne Reeve, Rick Schaeffer and Roseann Sachs recently took a group of five students to the 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting in Dallas, Texas March 16-20. Julie Fenton, Lauren Martin, Seth Sharber, Nicholas Tay and Caleb Wehrmann each presented the research they have done with faculty mentors at Messiah College as well as additional research done this past summer at National Science Foundation-sponsored research experiences for undergraduate programs.

Damian Savarino, assistant professor of music, recently performed the bass solos in Rossini’s “Petite Messe Solennelle” with the Greenwich Choral Society. A reviewer from the Stamford Advocate wrote, “Savarino shook the rafters with his resonant low pitches and put the ‘Quoniam tu solus sanctus’ onto our playlists.” More reviews and information from Savarino’s performance can be found here.

Erin Boyd-Soisson, associate professor of human development and family science, was recently quoted in “Parents” magazine within an article titled “Dealing with Separation Anxiety.” You can review the article here.

William Stowman, professor of music, served as guest conductor for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Region 1 State Band. The festival was hosted by Mark Surovchak at Belle Vernon High School near Pittsburgh. The 150-member ensemble was comprised of students who, through a rigorous audition process, advanced from PMEA District Band with hopes of eventually earning a spot in the PA All State Band. Students from more than 100 Pittsburgh area schools competed to advance to the region level. Those advancing to state band will be on the Messiah campus in two weeks as part of the annual PMEA Conference.

Messiah 411

Shredding Solutions on campus for confidential document shredding March 26

On Wednesday, March 26, Shredding Solutions will provide a shred truck on campus that will be accessible beginning at 11 a.m. The shred truck will be located in the service area parking spots outside Hoffman Hall and will be available 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Please use this opportunity to purge your office/work areas of documentation that contains confidential information that has met its retention requirements and is no longer needed. See attachment for complete information.

Fourth annual Easter Egg Hunt set for April 5

Eyas, the Student Alumni Council, invites you to join alumni, employees and their families for the fourth annual Messiah College Easter Egg Hunt.

Who: Open to all Messiah alumni, employees and family members

When: Saturday, April 5; check-in opens at 9:30 a.m., Egg Hunt begins at 10 a.m.

Where: The hunt will begin on Eisenhower Lawn.

To register, email The Easter Egg Hunt will be divided into three age groups: one- to three-year-old; four- to six-year-old; seven and up.

All children will receive candy found in their eggs and those who find special golden eggs will be able to select a prize! All alumni, employees and family are invited to enjoy refreshments at the Climenhaga Homestead immediately following the Egg Hunt. streamlining the recruitment and hiring process for student employees

The student employment office will soon be rolling out, Messiah’s new online employment recruitment system, for student employment. This remaining implementation phase will bring the hiring of all employees under the same system and similar processes. This system is designed to centralize and streamline position description management, recruitment and the hiring process for student applicants and hiring managers. The system will allow for more student awareness of job opportunities across campus and will help educate students via a standardized application process. More information will be available later in March on the implementation timeline and training opportunities. If you anticipate filling a student position and would like more information at that time, contact the student employment office at ext. 2900.



Old magazines—Discipleship journal, Real Simple, Runners World and National Geographic. Contact

For sale:

House—Four bedroom, less than 10-minute drive to Messiah College. Family apartment in basement; Piano—Yamaha spinet piano; recently tuned; in very good condition; Academic robe—Ph.D. robe, excellent condition; Screened camping canopy—In very good condition. Extra large size. Contact John W. Eby at 717-432-7072 or

Acoustic guitar—Takamine G-series in good condition, $75. Also includes soft case, guitar strap and guitar stand; Pfaltzgraff dishes—Ocean Breeze pattern, over 50 pieces included. $75 for entire set; Craft supplies—Box of paper (scraps, card materials, etc.) for $7.50 and box of random crafting materials (scissors, stamping materials, markers and other misc. items) for $10. For more information or photos, contact