Archive for 2014

August 7, 2014

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.
Proverbs 4:18 (NRSV)

Messiah 411

Opportunity to study the Bible in Turkey

After having led student trips to study the Bible in Turkey, I’ve volunteered to take members of my church in Harrisburg to do the same next summer from June 15-28 and wanted to extend the invitation to any interested adult learners at Messiah as well. So, if you ever considered taking a holiday to the beautiful turquoise Mediterranean coast while also learning more about the Bible and your faith at the same time, then consider joining us on a pilgrimage next summer to the “other holy land.” There we’ll walk the roads trod by Paul on his three missionary journeys (Acts 13-21) and explore several of the cities and earliest Christian communities to which he wrote letters (Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and more).We will also visit some of John’s “seven churches of Revelation” (Rev. 2-3) and travel across the regions to which Peter wrote his two letters. Since two thirds of our New Testament books were either written from or to ancient Asia Minor (now modern-day Turkey), this land holds many clues to understanding the Bible better. Consider it an adult Vacation Bible School!

In addition to learning more about the Bible, there will also be free time and opportunities for relaxing by the Mediterranean Sea, soaking in calcium hot springs, sampling fabulous Turkish cuisine and coffee, seeing Turkish rugs woven, bartering in the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, visiting mosques to understand Muslims and their faith better, learning more about the modern secular state of Turkey and how religion and politics interact in a different country, and visiting two UNESCO world heritage sites! Spanning the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey really is the place where East meets West and it is a country full of beauty, hospitality and history. So come and join the adventure!

If you are interested in learning more about the trip, please email Dr. Ramey at Deadline for trip deposits is Oct. 15

Learn about other cultures by serving as a Friendship Family

With 47 new, incoming international, missionary and transcultural students arriving next month (a record number!), the Friendship Family Program is in need of additional employees (individuals and families) to extend caring hospitality to them for the next year. The goal of the Friendship Family Program is to provide mutually beneficial friendships between Messiah College employees and their families and these dynamic students.

At the start and end of the academic year, international student programs will organize an event on campus where our Friendship Families and their students can interact with each other. Participating employees are then encouraged to get to know their students and their home cultures by inviting them to join in family activities, attending important events (such as recitals and sports competitions) and offering other forms of hospitality. Although the emphasis is on forming relationships, it also helps us build a network of people who can possibly provide transportation to students as needed.

Please know that this is NOT a host program. While some families may feel comfortable and want to provide housing for their students during breaks when the residence halls are closed, it is NOT a requirement to participate in the overall program. Ideally, the Friendship Families just pray for and spend time with their students, providing open hearts that are ready to learn from each other.

Families or individuals that are current Messiah College employees and are interested in participating in the Friendship Family Program should visit our website for more information and to access the online application. The application process helps us to better connect families and students based on their interests, experiences and needs. When you apply you can state whether you would like one or more students and also indicate the level of involvement you are comfortable accepting.

Any questions or concerns may be addressed to Kevin Villegas, director of international student programs, at ext. 2284 or by email at Thank you for supporting our students!



Full-size box springs — Are you getting a new full-size bed and want to put the old box springs to good use? Contact Les at ext. 2901 or email

For sale:

2006 VW Beetle convertible—Very good condition, blue exterior, black interior, new tires, 141,000 miles. Moving and can’t take with us. Asking $5,200. Call Ed Gilsbach at 717-614-7682.

Outside organization announcement:

The 4th Annual Forgotten 5K, 1 Mile Mosey and Family Fun Fest will be held on the grounds of West Shore Evangelical Free Church Saturday, Sept. 6—Race day registration opens at 7 a.m. and the 5K begins at 9 a.m. All proceeds benefit Forgotten Voices, a Dillsburg based 501(c)(3) helping children orphaned by AIDS in southern Africa. Prizes are authentic curios brought directly from Zambia and will be awarded to the top three overall male and female finishers, as well as the top three runners in each male and female age group. Run or walk the race in costume and be entered to win four Hershey Park season passes! Register by Saturday, Aug. 16 to be guaranteed a race T-shirt. Registration information is available at