Archive for 2015

November 5, 2015

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

Proverbs 15:30


Dr. Ted Davis will be presenting a talk titled “The Bible and Biology: How Did We Get Here?” at the Faith Angle Forum Nov. 16, 2015 hosted by the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC) in Miami.  EPPC is Washington D.C.’s premier institute dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy.


Beth Transue ’93, librarian/collection development coordinator completed participation in ILEADUSA, a continuing education program that combines technology and leadership skills to address a community need. Her team, Memory Masters, created an instruction manual and online platform to help users collect, organize, store and access digital history materials. Memory Masters applied for and received a grant that provided $1,500 of equipment useful for Messiah College Digital Humanities projects such as capturing oral histories. The ILEADUSA project culminated in a presentation about the project to the PA Secretary of Education and the PA Deputy Secretary of Education/Commissioner for Libraries.


Dr. Robert Pepper has been appointed assistant provost for graduate programs and nontraditional programs. Rob has been serving as the interim assistant provost and is well positioned to provide the leadership we need at this time in the history of graduate education at Messiah. Please join me in congratulating Rob and wishing him continued success.


Accounts Payable Reminder

Accounts Payable would like to remind the campus no checks will be issued for the weeks of Thanksgiving, Nov 23-27 and Christmas, Dec 21-31, 2015. Our check are processed weekly on Thursdays. Please plan accordingly if you will need a check issued over these periods.

Save the Date – Tuesday, Nov. 17

The division of finance and planning will host the annual soup sale Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the payroll office lobby on the first floor of Old Main. All proceeds benefit local families in need for Christmas. Please support this worthy cause and enjoy some amazing homemade soup! More details will be provided in next week’s edition of the Intercom.

Flu Season

In the U.S., flu season occurs in the winter with outbreaks as early as October and as late as May. Symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. You do not have to have a fever to have the flu. Young children, elderly, pregnant women and individuals with certain health conditions are extremely susceptible to the flu.

Flu is spread when people with the flu cough, sneeze or talk, emitting droplets directly on others or on objects that are then touched by others. People infected with the flu can infect others 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5-7 days after becoming sick (and, in some severe cases, even longer).

To prepare for this year’s flu season, the CDC recommends:

  • Getting the yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older. The sooner you get it, the better!
  • Avoid close contact with sick people.
  • If you get the flu, stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone.
  • While sick, limit contact with others.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after use.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth to prevent the spreading of germs.
  • Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects such as doorknobs, keyboards, phones, children’s toys, bathroom surfaces, etc.

Mark the Beginning of Advent with the Annual Celebration of the Light

All students and employees are invited to attend the traditional start of the Christmas season at Messiah Tuesday, Dec. 1 at 4:45 p.m. Come join the campus community for carol singing, prayer, scripture reading and the lighting of the campus Christmas tree. Hot chocolate, cider, pumpkin cookies and other seasonal treats will be served.

Supervisors are asked to provide release time as able to those non-essential employees who would like to attend.

Rain Date: Thursday, Dec. 3 at 4:45 p.m. in the Eisenhower Campus Center Circle. In case of inclement weather on December 3, the event will be held indoors in the Larsen Student Union.

Conversations with Reginald Oduor, Kenyan Scholar and Human Rights Activist: Nov. 16 & 17

Monday, Nov. 16: 

7-8 “How Africa Can Help America”

Hostetter Chapel

Tuesday, Nov. 17: 

4:15-5:30 African Philosophy: Thought and Practice

Boyer 336

Kenyan philosopher and activist, Dr. Reginald Oduor is internationally known for his scholarship in political philosophy, ethics and philosophy of religion. Blind since he was a baby, he is also one of Kenya’s leading voices for the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities.

Co-sponsored by Diversity Affairs, Intercultural Office, Center for Public Humanities and the departments of biblical and religious studies, philosophy, politics and international relations.

Safety Contest

Congratulations to Nicole Benner, the winner of the Workplace Safety Committee’s Safety Contest question for October. She will receive a $50 gift card. The question for October was: If there is an active shooter situation, when should you sound the fire alarm as part of the response?

The correct answer for October’s question: NEVER sound the fire alarm in a non-fire emergency situation.

Remember that for each of the remaining five months of the contest, a question will be distributed to all employees via mass email. All correct answers for the month will go into a prize drawing; each month the prize is a $50 gift card. Watch your email on Monday, November 9 for the next question!

United Way Employee Pledge Drive

The annual Employee Pledge Drive launched this week and will run through Friday, Nov. 13. By donating to The United Way of the Capital Region (UWCR) during the pledge drive, you can help support programs focusing on critical needs such as education intervention. Last year, with the assistance of the UWCR, 513 children under the age of three received early intervention services to help with developmental delays like speech and fine motor skills.

To learn more about this program and others that help individuals and families address education issues, go to

Donating to the United Way is an opportunity for you to help realize solutions to problems in our community. 100% of your contribution is directed to local programs and services. You can

  • Specify the non-profit recipient
  • Select one of four focus areas (Health, Education, Income or Basic Needs)


  • Allow the United Way to apply your donation to the area of greatest need

Please contact Kathy Castonguay, human resources & compliance, with any questions. Thank you for your consideration.


For Sale:

Nordic Track Skier 505 Machine.  Nordic Track simulates the motion of cross-country skiing giving you a great aerobic exercise.  Folds down for storage.  Great condition. Asking $50. Please email Carol at, or call 717-480-9556.

Nordic Trac Rider and Nordic Trac Exerciser. Asking $25 each. Contact Toni at Picture one attached.  Picture two attached.

Two pieces, lighted-glass shelves, approximately 6 1/2 feet high, new condition $175. Contact Toni at

Tama Swingstar drum set—five drums, two cymbals, top hat, throne, music stand, practice pad, stick holder, several pairs of sticks and brushes, $500.  Contact

Dakao wooden shoes. Size 8, little wear, asking $30. Contact Toni at


10 fallen trees in various sizes that are available for someone to come and cut up for firewood.  They have been down for at least 6 months, so they would be ready for the winter.  If you really love to cut trees down, we have several (smaller sizes) that you can cut down in addition to the fallen trees.  If you are interested, please contact Sally Richardson at


Free Heart Screening Clinic for youth 12-19 years
Hosted by The Peyton Walker Foundation and Pinnacle Health CardioVascular Institute Sunday, Nov. 22, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Bishop McDevitt High School, 1 Crusader Way, Harrisburg. This free Heart Screening Clinic is open to students in the Central PA region, 12 to 19 years old, who are not currently under the care of a cardiologist. Echocardiograms will also be offered that day on site, free of charge, for those students who are identified as needing additional testing. Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis. Pre-registration is required online at /events by Friday, November 13. For more information, please contact or call 717-580-7697.