Archive for 2016

May 12, 2016

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1: 9


Art of the State: Pennsylvania is recognized as the official statewide juried competition for Pennsylvania artists and this year is the 49th year for this prestigious exhibit. Three faculty of the Department of Visual Arts—Brenton Good, Kathy T. Hettinga, and Sean Matthew’s artworks were included in the 123 pieces selected from almost 1800 entries! The exhibition will run from June 26 to Sept. 11, at the State Museum of Pennsylvania, with an Opening Reception on June 26 from 1-4 p.m.



Financial Services FYE information sessions

The Accounting Office invites you to attend one of two fiscal year end information sessions. Messiah College’s fiscal year ends June 30. To assist departments in record keeping between FY16 and FY17, information sessions will include a review of items included in the financial close check list. In addition to addressing frequently asked questions about the fiscal year end process, we will offer updates on newly released and upcoming tools and reference resources to support financial processing.

The following sessions will be held in Larsen Student Union Conference Room (237):

  • Monday, May 9, 1 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 19, 11 a.m.

Select a session by using the “Employee Training” sign up function within MC Square (Sessions are listed under “Business Office” category). For advance awareness, the Financial Close Checklist and Processing Calendar is available from the finance channel within MC Square, by selecting the Policy and Procedures drop-down category. General accounting and financial processing inquiries from session participants will be welcomed and encouraged.

Move-in Day volunteers needed

The Office of Student Involvement & Leadership Programs is in need of employee volunteers to serve during move-in day 2016. Volunteers are needed in three hour time slots to help move new students into their residence halls on Thursday, August 25. You can choose a shift of 8-11 a.m., 10 a.m.-1p.m. or noon-3 p.m. You will also receive a boxed lunch and free t-shirt. Please know that lifting and walking stairs is required. If you are interested and available to serve in this capacity, please contact Sheryl Ezbiansky at with your availability for that day and t-shirt size by May 31. We look forward to serving with you and thank you in advance.

Safety in work zones

Summer is coming. That means more vehicles on the roads due to holidays and vacations, and more road construction. And that means the potential for more accidents. In 2014, a total of 669 work zone fatalities and over 31,000 work zone injuries occurred. Did you know that almost 85% of work zone fatalities were motorists, not workers? Here are some safety tips to keep you and your passengers’ safe in work zone areas:

  • Keep your headlights on in a work zone. It’s the law.
  • Always wear your seatbelt. It’s the law.
  • Slow down. Reduce your speed – obey the work zone speed limits.
  • Don’t tailgate. Keep a safe following distance. The largest number of traffic accidents in work zones are rear-end collisions. Always maintain a safe stopping distance between you and the car in front of you.
  • Obey road signs and be alert for flaggers. Traffic patterns can change daily; frequent starts and stops can occur. Road signs and construction zone flaggers will help you safely navigate these changes.
  • Stay focused and watchful. Distracted driving is never good, but it is even more dangerous in work zones. Watch for brake lights of vehicles in front of you and be prepared to react. Expect the unexpected. Use extreme caution when driving through a work zone at night – even if work is not being conducted.
  • Give yourself enough travel time so you are prepared for the unexpected delays and be patient. Check news and traffic reports. The PennDOT website offers a traffic map, travel conditions and delays, and construction information. It’s also available as a mobile app.
  • Avoid work zones. Whenever possible, travel alternate routes.

Source: Federal Highway Administration

Commencement 2016 schedule and parking for employees

Commencement schedule and details

The Commencement Committee is pleased to announce the 2016 Commencement weekend schedule of events for Friday, May 13, and Saturday, May 14, on the Commencement website at, including helpful details on Baccalaureate, reception plans, event tickets, and inclement weather plans. Members of the Community of Educators should have already received information from the Provost’s Office regarding their participation in Commencement weekend. Faculty, staff and administrators who are participating in the Commencement ceremony itself should have already received a memo regarding their role in the ceremony from the President’s Office.

If you have any questions regarding Commencement, please contact Carla Gross, co-chair of the Commencement Committee, at ext. 6940 or . Thank you to all campus employees who have been planning and working for the past several months to make Commencement a wonderful experience for graduates and their families.

Baccalaureate service/reception parking

Prior to the Baccalaureate service and reception, traffic personnel will direct guests to designated parking areas on campus. College employees do not receive reserved parking for Baccalaureate. Please note that Baccalaureate is a ticketed event; see the Commencement web site for details. The Department of Safety asks that all guests walk from where traffic control personnel direct you to park. (Shuttle service will not be provided Friday evening.) To avoid safety hazards, please do not stop in the middle of the roadway to drop off your party. If you have questions regarding parking or drop-off locations for guests with a disability, please contact parking officer Liz Williams at ext. 3984.

Graduate programs reception parking

Graduate programs faculty attending the reception for master’s program graduates on Friday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel, are requested to enter by the campus’ South Entrance (Creekside Drive) and park in Lot XX behind Hostetter Chapel and Boyer Hall. No parking pass is required.

Commencement day parking

For Commencement day, members of the Community of Educators and other employees who are marching in the processional or participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive a reserved parking pass via campus mail. Employees MUST show their parking pass to traffic control personnel upon entering campus in order to be directed to their designated reserved parking areas. All other employees who will be working the Commencement ceremony should ask their supervisor where their designated parking area will be that day. A shuttle service will transport all other guests between their parking areas and the athletic complex both before and after the Commencement ceremony. Read additional details on guest and disability parking.

Due to the significantly increased volume of traffic on campus for Commencement, the Department of Safety strong encourages all employees to arrive on campus early (i.e., no later than 8:15 a.m.) in order to alleviate being stuck in traffic and to help ensure they are directed to their reserved parking areas on campus.

Any questions regarding parking for Commencement weekend may be directed to parking officer Liz Williams at ext. 3984.

Important reminder for faculty

Learning Technology Services would like to remind the faculty that it’s not too early to begin planning ahead. The 2016 fall semester work submission deadlines have been set. Please coordinate your needs for your courses with the deadline dates located at on the ITS blog at the following link:

Procedure review:

  1. Messiah faculty are notified of the semester work submission deadlines by the Copyright and Educational Support Specialist (Diane Hunsinger) approximately 4-6 weeks before the materials are due. This allows ample time to obtain copyright clearance for course materials (if necessary) and production of your coursepack at College Press.
  2. Faculty must complete the online course materials form located on the ITS blog at this link: The online form allows you to enter/attach your copyright clearance requests, automatically creates the work requisition, and allows you to attach a PDF file of your coursepack or lab manual.
  3. It is imperative that faculty who plan to sell a coursepack/lab manual to students notify Aleisha Wildon, course materials manager, Campus Store and Textbook Express.
  4. VERY IMPORTANT: Following the deadlines allows ample time for production, ensures our students have a positive experience when purchasing and receiving their course materials, and the instructor has the assurance that their coursepack is available for students to purchase before classes begin.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Diane Hunsinger, copyright and educational support specialist, at ext. 3895.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Early arrivals

Over the past several years we have seen a significant increase in the number of students who are returning to campus early. In fact, this past year we had over 900 early arrival students. This large number has become problematic, largely due to the fact that the campus is not staffed appropriately to care for and be responsible such a large number of students. In addition, several significant student conduct issues have occurred during the early arrival time period given the number of students and lack of staff. As a result, the Student Involvement and Leadership Programs (SILP) and Residence Life offices are working towards reducing the number of early arrivals. If you plan to sponsor students for early arrival please contact for a spreadsheet to fill out and return by Friday, July 15. If you are on a 10-month contract we need your completed spreadsheet by May 31. The earliest students may return this year is Monday, Aug. 15, but we ask that you bring your students back as late as possible.

Filling out the spreadsheet does not mean that you will be automatically approved for early arrival on the date you have requested. A few other important early arrival details:

  • The meal plan for returning students will not be active until Thursday, Aug. 25 at lunch. If you need meal cards for the students you are bringing back early, please make these arrangements through the Falcon Exchange.
  • There is no charge for students to stay on campus. However, any additions or changes received between Aug. 1–14 will be charged $10/person and between Aug. 15–28 will be charged $25/person.
  • When determining the date your students must return please factor in what date they will need to move in. For example, if your training/practice schedule begins at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 23, your students would need to move in on Monday, Aug. 22 which would be the date you would specify on the spreadsheet.
  • If you have students coming back prior to move-in day it is expected that they volunteer during move-in on Thursday, Aug. 25 unless there is a unique circumstance that doesn’t make it possible.

The Student Involvement and Leadership Programs office will follow up with more communication.

Windows 10 temporary wifi

In the fall of 2015, some Windows 10 computers could not connect to the MC-WPA wireless network so a network called MC-Win10-temp was created as a temporary fix. The issues were resolved earlier in the spring but the temporary network was left in place for convenience. If you are using this network, please transition to MC-WPA before May 16 as MC-Win10-temp will be removed on that date.

No more fax machines

Over the past several years the campus has moved from fax machines to an email based faxing system for sending and receiving. As the campus phone system transition finishes this summer, if there are any remaining fax machines, they will STOP working. If you still have a fax machine, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at ext. 4444 so that you can be setup on the email faxing system.

In addition, if you are a campus fax recipient and your fax number is NOT in the range of 691-2300 to 691-2399, please contact the ITS Helpdesk to let us know what fax number you are using. Most fax numbers should have transitioned into this range but we are aware that some may not have and we want to keep things working for you during the final phone system transitions on the email faxing system.

Mock “Intruder/Active Shooter” Incident Scheduled for May 17

On Tuesday, May 17, Messiah College will be coordinating and participating in an emergency “Intruder/Active Shooter” drill on campus in partnership with local emergency agencies. The drill will take place in the South Complex (in and around Mountain View Residence Hall and Larsen Student Union) area of campus from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. The purpose of this email is to minimize public or campus concern when police, fire and EMS units respond to the area of the South Complex for the drill. The following areas/buildings will be CLOSED for normal business activity during this time frame:

  • Mountain View Residence Hall – ground, first and second floors
  • Larsen Student Union – ground floor and conference room ONLY (employees assigned to work in the office area of Larsen may continue to work during the event. However, be aware that there will be emergency responders using the ground floor for briefings and break periods.)
  • WW (Jordan/Kline) and G (Rear of Mellinger) Parking Lots – these lots WILL BE CLOSED FOR ALL VEHICLES from 5 a.m.-3 p.m. All employees and summer students who are assigned to park in these lots may park in any other lot on campus during this exercise.

There will be NO EXCEPTIONS; vehicles will be towed if they are parked in these lots at 6 a.m.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a public spectator event. If you are not part of the response teams or are not directly involved with the drill, please avoid this area. The Crisis Management Team and Department of Safety thanks you for your cooperation during this mock drill. Exercises such as this help Messiah College meet Compliance Standards and to improve the effectiveness of our emergency planning.

2016 Performance Award recipients announced  

The following employees received performance awards at the May 4 Employee Recognition Reception. The citations for each can be viewed at

The Pride in Performance Award is given to individuals in recognition of exceptionally consistent, superior performance. This year’s recipients are:

Daisy Anderson, purchasing manager

Steve King, associate athletic director for communications & compliance

Shelley Lucas, health services coordinator

Betsey Miller, certified Registered Nurse Practitioner

Poncho Moore, HVAC/refrigeration technician

Jill Poole, transfer records specialist

The President’s Award is for notable employee action or accomplishment that is well beyond the scope of the employee’s regular day-to-day activities and assignments. This award went to:

Bob Feil, director of prospect research

Doug Kirkland, purchasing/production manager, dining services

The Team Falcon Award is a means for the College to recognize a group or team that collaborated successfully on a significant project or initiative that advanced departmental or college-wide goals. The recipients are the members of the Term Tenure & Promotion Review Task Force:

  • Henry Danso                                       Pete Powers
  • Tim Dixon                                            Roseann Sachs
  • Jennifer Fisler                                   David Weaver-Zercher          
  • Nance McCown

Please join us in congratulating these employees on their significant contributions to the College!


For sale:

Car for sale. : 2005 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx Excellent condition, one owner. 48,000 Miles. Price: $4,900. See photos attached.  Call Laurie Owens at 385-6213.

Twin bed for sale with bookcase headboard and drawers under the bed. See pictures. Contact Bill Strausbaugh at if interested. Picture attached.