Archive for 2016

December 15

Thursday, December 15th, 2016

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,  and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Luke 2:15-20


Congratulations to Michelle Lucas, RN and health services coordinator at the Engle Center for Counseling and Health Services, who recently became a certified ambulatory care nurse by passing the American Nurses Credentialing Center Ambulatory Care Certification exam. Certification is a mark of distinction for nurses who demonstrate expertise in their area of specialty and recognizes excellence in nurses practicing in ambulatory care. We are privileged to have Michelle on our team!

Engle Center counselor Marcelle Giovannetti, MS, NCC, CADC, LPC, was recently recognized for her contribution to the substance use disorder field and elected to serve a four year term on the PA Certification Board of Directors. The PA Certification Board (PCB) offers credentialing to substance abuse and other behavioral health professionals. Additionally, the PCB implements standards and testing for certification of addiction counselors, prevention specialists, clinical supervisors, criminal justice addictions professionals, co-occurring disorders professionals, auxiliary professionals, recovery specialists and intervention professionals in the state of Pennsylvania. PCB advocates for quality, comprehensive, substance abuse and other behavioral health services and offers management to related organizations.


Employee Christmas luncheon

See you tomorrow for the Employee Christmas Luncheon from noon – 2:30 p.m. in Lottie Nelson!

Employee Christmas Luncheon: toy donations

All toy donations should be UNWRAPPED and brought to the Employee Christmas Luncheon. We will have an area set up outside of Lottie for you to drop off your donation before the event. For additional information on how to participate, please see the attachment.

Advising a J-Term service trip

We’d like to offer the opportunity for employees to participate in and advise a student service trip over J-Term break. Through service with diverse communities, we hope students will experience enriching and challenging growth which will help to foster learning of oneself, of the needs of others, and of the role that service plays in society through a lens of Christian faith. Advisors serve alongside students, assist student leaders in facilitation of reflection and devotions, and assist in any problem-solving that may arise. All costs are covered for advisors. J-Term service trips will take place Thursday, Jan. 26-Sunday, Jan. 29. We are currently looking for an advisor who may be interested in specifically serving with Priority One Ministries, which is described below. If you’re interested in serving as an advisor or have additional questions, please contact Emily Callon at by Thursday, Dec. 22. To learn more about advising a service-learning trip, please visit:

Thank you for considering!

Priority One Ministries (Bronx, NY) This service trip focuses on issues of hunger and homelessness. Some participants may be serving in a storehouse organizing food and other materials for distribution while others might be directly interacting with homeless communities. Additionally, participants may have the opportunity to work with children in an after school tutoring program. To learn more, visit: 


Winter Newsletter/Honor Roll of Donors

The Office of Development would like to extend our deep gratitude to our colleagues who financially investing in our students. We are so grateful for the sacrifice, love and dedication you display through your giving. Please find our Winter Newsletter attached. It highlights how your investments impact the lives of our students. As part of this newsletter, you’ll find the Honor Roll of Donors list which spotlights our beloved donors (that’s you!). Thank you again for your generosity!

EMPOWER needs a few more employees

We are hoping to offer a popular on-site wellness program beginning in January, but we need a few more employees to sign up. EMPOWER is an 8-week program that uses interactive sessions with a motivational health educator as well as colleague support to guide individuals into a lifetime of success in weight management. But this program is much more than just a weight management course! The skills and knowledge you gain are guaranteed to improve your overall well-being in many areas. Classes will meet on Thursdays from 12:30-1:30 p.m., beginning Jan. 19. But we are a few employees short of meeting our required number for offering the class. The registration deadline is Jan. 3, 2017, so sign up today. Simply email Doug Miller at to indicate your interest. Participants must be able to attend at least 6 of the 8 meetings, and will be eligible for prize-drawings. EMPOWER may the New Year’s resolution you’ve been looking for!

Christmas week at Grantham Church

Please join us at Grantham Church for worship and celebration of the Christmas season at these three special events:

Lessons and Carols with Friends, Wednesday, Dec. 21: This special intergenerational Advent/Christmas event features Nine Lessons (scripture) and Nine Carols (choral and congregational), following a pattern established at King’s College in England almost a century ago. If you interested in participating as a singer or musician, come to rehearsal at 5 p.m. Then at 6:30 p.m., everyone is invited to a carry-in meal in the fellowship hall, after which we will move to the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m., for the reading and singing.

Christmas Eve candlelight service, Saturday, Dec. 24, 6:30 p.m.: Prepare for Christmas by gathering with family and friends to sing Christmas carols and songs. The service concludes with a traditional candle-lighting.

Christmas Sunday worship service, Sunday, Dec. 25, 10:30 a.m.: Our multigenerational gathering is characterized by a meaningful and engaging mix of modern, traditional and global forms and styles. Pastor David Flowers will conclude his Advent series Ancient Words with a special Christmas message “Emmanuel Has Come!”

We hope to see you there!

January 2017 Brown Bag Lunch Series with the CPDC, part of teaching and learning initiative

The career and professional development of our students doesn’t just occur in one department on campus. We recognize that it takes a community. We also recognize that faculty is a significant source of influence in students’ discernment and development processes. In an effort to enhance our shared efforts to assist students in this journey, the Career and Professional Development Center is offering a three-part series during J-term to address critical issues on this topic.

Jan. 10: Professionalism and Career Readiness: What employers are saying about new graduates’ session components:

  1. A survey of national trends on what employers are noticing in the new graduates in their transition to the world of work
  2. A discussion on the expectations and role of colleges/universities in the development of professional competencies of students
  3. Feedback from a panel of local employers who routinely hire new college graduates

Jan. 17: What you should know about millennials and the world of work session components:

  1. Overview of generational differences in their approach to work
  2. Highlights of the millennial generation and their values
  3. Strategies for managing or working effectively with millennials

Jan. 24: Faculty roundtable on strategies for promoting professionalism in the classroom session components:

  1. A panel of faculty sharing ideas for integrating career development and encouraging professionalism in the classroom 


For rent:

Single family one level cottage for rent in Camp Hill school district. Home is newly renovated throughout with 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms. Mobility friendly design. Off street parking with garage. Available beginning January 15. Non-smoking, no pets. Please contact if interested. 

Walk-in basement apartment within a ten-minute walk of the college.  Ideal for single person or young couple. One bedroom, living-dining room, kitchen, and bath.  The apartment has central AC, washer and dryer, good off-street parking.  Utilities include oil heat, sewerage, and garbage collection.  $425/monthly. Please contact or call 717-766-4937.