Archive for 2018

March 8, 2018

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:2-3


New director of the College Honors Program selected

I am pleased to announce the selection of Dr. James LaGrand, professor of American history and director of the core course, as the next director of the College Honors Program. LaGrand’s experience within the QuEST program; teaching of honors sections and service to many students’ honors projects within the College Honors Program; and commitment to the liberal arts and sciences provide a solid foundation upon which to build as the new director. Please congratulate Dr. LaGrand on his new role.

Bill Strausbaugh, associate provost/vice president for information technology  

Raeann Hamon, distinguished professor of family science and gerontology, and Abigail Young, music education major with children and youth services minor, presented “Sing for the Moment: A Choral Ensemble for Persons with Dementia and Their Care Partners” at the 2018 Association for Gerontology in Higher Education Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on March 2. The poster described an innovative choral program created and run by Rachel Cornacchio, associate professor of music.


Reminder about the Public Events Calendar on

The Office of Marketing and Communications and the Office of Conference and Event Services have collaborated to develop a new online Public Events Calendar on the College’s website at The new calendar is easier to navigate, searchable, filterable and integrates with the events module of Jadu, the College’s web content management system (CMS).

What types of events are posted on the new calendar? The primary audience for the new online calendar is prospective students and other off-campus community members. Events posted on the Public Events Calendar should meet the following criteria:

• Must have already been approved and room reserved through the Office of Conference and Event Services or other appropriate campus events protocol;
• Must be open to the general public (would not include private, by-invitation events or events designed for primarily student or employee audiences);
• Promotes a cultural, educational or recreational benefit to the community;
• Must be sponsored by an official Messiah College entity (student, academic or administrative);
• Events can be either free or paid admission.

How can I request my campus event be added to the new calendar? Campus event planners may request that their event be added to the new Public Events Calendar (if it meets the above criteria) via an online form they will receive during the room reservation process. Or, if you already have an approved public event for the 2017-18 academic year, and would like to request that it be added to the new calendar, you may submit your request at

The Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra Bernstein’s “Chichester Psalms” Bloch’s “Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service)” for Baritone, Chorus and Orchestra

The Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, the Messiah College Concert Choir, the Messiah College Choral Arts Society and ensemble-in-residence The Susquehanna Chorale will perform two of the great sacred masterpieces of the 20th century on Friday, April 13 at 8 p.m. in the Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts, Parmer Hall.

Written for a synagogue in San Francisco in the 1930s, “Sacred Service” presents the Sabbath liturgy of that time, but in a setting for full orchestra, baritone and chorus, which Bloch clearly intended for the concert hall as well. Chichester Cathedral in England commissioned Bernstein to write what became “Chichester Psalms” in 1965, and they entered quickly into the repertoire of choirs around the world. The concert will open with more music of Bernstein: “Three Dance Episodes” from the musical “On the Town.”

Ticket prices are $30 for adults; $10 for Messiah College students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah College Ticket Office at 717-691-6036 or online at

Signage protocol

* Signs and fliers may only be displayed on designated bulletin boards. They may not be attached to walls, doors or windows.
* Main entrance lobbies need to be clear of free-standing signage displayed on easels. An exception would be that on the day of an event, a sign may be displayed on an easel, directly outside the venue, but must be removed immediately.

Thank you for your cooperation regarding these policies.

Operations Service Excellence Program

The Division of Operations strives to model servant leadership with the mission, “all employees are committed to serving the mission of Messiah College, are innovative in their work and serve the College, Division and their Department with integrity and positive attitudes.” The Operations Division has developed an “Operations Service Excellence Program,” whereas any Messiah College employee and or guest of the College can recognize an employee within the Operations Division. This recognition should be based on the Division’s core values of Compassion, Hospitality, Integrity, Commitment, Communication and Stewardship.

A freestanding poster with a tablet of forms will be placed in employee lounges throughout campus. When you interact with an Operations employee who has exemplified one of Operations’ core values, please take the time to complete one of the forms by simply answering three short questions.

On behalf of the Division of Operations, we thank you for supporting our “Service Excellence Program!”

Summer student hiring reminder

This is a reminder that if your department plans to hire a student for a summer position, you must submit a summer hiring proposal request through by March 23.

All summer student employees must be requested for hire by submitting a summer hiring proposal through the system, even if the student currently works for your department, or has worked previously for your department.

If you will be hiring a student that has not worked for your department previously, please remember that students that attended the Summer Job Fair must be given first priority to openings. If you have any questions or need assistance with summer hiring, or would like a list of job fair attendees, please contact Belinda Conrad, or ext. 2900. Additional information regarding hiring summer student employees can be found here.

March employee workshop

Thursday, March 22, 12:40-1:15 p.m., Parmer Cinema

“Rest and Digest: Responding to Stress!” Learn how you can decrease your vulnerability to stress. This session will present helpful information as well as the opportunity to practice two relaxation activities. The workshop will be led by Engle Center interns Hannah Bingham and Joy Fasick.

Prayer walking: The Messiah way (a wellness initiative for employees)

The Messiah Wellness Committee would like to invite you to join us for 1-mile prayer walks, a simple discipline guaranteed to reap body, mind, and soul benefits. Prayer walks will be held each week on Wednesdays at 12:45 p.m. and Thursdays at 4 p.m., beginning March 21. All walks will depart from the Library. Silent walking offers an incredible opportunity for us to reflect, respond, and renew together.

Recognition reception scheduled for Tuesday, May 22

Please save the date for the annual gathering to celebrate the commitment of those employees who have reached significant service milestones. The Employee Recognition Reception will be held on Tuesday, May 22, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in Brubaker Auditorium. Please note that this date is a departure from our practice of holding the event on Reading Day. More details will be shared later in the spring.

Prize winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in the fire extinguisher training in February. We had a total of 238 individuals (153 employees and 85 students) complete this training. As you know, everyone who completed the online and hands-on training was eligible for entry into a prize drawing. This year we had four $25 Amazon gift cards to award. The drawing was held during the Workplace Safety Committee meeting on March 5 and the winners are: Ron Barnes, Denise Blackley, Greg Stallsmith and Katy Bechtold.

A special thanks to our workers compensation insurance carrier, BrickStreet Insurance, who provided the Bullex Simulator and two gift cards.

Reigsecker Gender Concerns Grant lecture

The Gender Concerns Committee and Office of Faculty Development would like to invite you to “The Sins of Cinema: Gender Politics” lecture by Dr. Crystal Downing, professor of English and film studies, and recipient of the 2017-2018 Reigsecker Gender Concerns Grant. The lecture will be held in Parmer Cinema on Thursday, March 22 at 7 p.m. The recent #MeToo movement serves as a disturbing reminder of the difficulties women have encountered in the filmmaking industry. Looking through the lens of Dorothy L. Sayers, whose life was transformed by cinema, this presentation explores the triumphs and trials of women behind the camera, beginning with the most powerful woman in Hollywood during the silent era, and ending with clips from films by contemporary filmmakers, their stories of survival and success communicated by Film History students.


For sale

Skywalker Trampoline (Model SWTC1711 Series) – 17′ Oval enclosure in great shape. $200 OBO. See attached photo. Contact Emily at

For rent

Student off-campus house available Aug 1. or 717-623-0735.