May 23

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


Sherri Wolgemuth, undergraduate admissions systems coordinator, presented at the PA Slate User Group held on the campus of Pennsylvania College of Technology on May 21 on ‘Creating Workflows for Your Scholarship Programs.’ Sherri has built and implemented a number of workflows through Slate to streamline the processes for our College Honors Scholarships, our Multicultural Scholarships and the Humanities Scholarship. The offices connected with these scholarships, as well as our admissions team, have been very pleased with how these workflows lessen their workload. Slate has been a very valuable tool for us, but without Sherri’s diligence in research and study, it would not be near as valuable. Thank you, Sherri!

Congratulations from the Office of the Provost

Congratulations to the following faculty members who have been approved for promotion, term-tenure or term-tenure renewal effective August 1:

Term tenure and promotion from assistant professor to associate professor:

  • Gregg Hurley, Department of Theatre and Dance
  • Nathaniel Skulstad, Department of Communication

Term tenure and promotion from associate professor to full professor:

  • Malcolm Gold, Department of Sociology

Term tenure renewal and promotion from associate professor to full professor:

  • Jean Thompson Corey, Department of English
  • David E. Kasparek, Department of Art and Design
  • Michael J. Shin, Department of Biological Sciences

Promotion from associate professor to full professor:

  • Nancy McCown, Department of Communication
  • Paul M. Rego, Department of Politics and International Relations

Term tenure renewal:

  •                 Robin A. Collins, professor of philosophy
  •                 Randall K. Fish, professor of electrical engineering
  •                 Jennifer L. Fisler, professor of education
  •                 David J. Hagenbuch, professor of marketing
  •                 Tara Jankouskas, associate professor of nursing
  •                 Charles D. Jantzi, professor of psychology
  •                 Abaz Kryemadhi, associate professor of physics
  •                 Valerie A. Lemmon, associate professor of psychology
  •                 Erik Lindquist, professor of biology and environmental science
  •                 Sean C. Matthews, associate professor of art
  •                 Caleb Miller, professor of philosophy
  •                 Donald A. Murk, professor of early childhood education
  •                 Alison R. Noble, associate professor of chemistry
  •                 Donald G. Pratt, professor of engineering
  •                 Robert Reyes, professor of human development and family science
  •                 Timothy W. Schoettle, professor of philosophy
  •                 Charles R. Seitz, Jr., professor of social work
  •                 David T. Vader, professor of engineering 


Important reminder for faculty

Learning Technology Services would like to remind the faculty that it’s not too early to begin planning ahead. The 2019 Fall Semester work submission deadlines have been set. Please coordinate your needs for your courses with the deadline dates posted on the ITS Blog. Click on this link to review the deadlines:

Procedure review: Messiah faculty are notified of the semester work submission deadlines by Diane Hunsinger approximately six weeks before the materials are due. This allows ample time to obtain copyright clearance for course materials (if necessary) and production of your course pack at College Press. Faculty must complete the online course materials form located on the ITS blog at this link:

The online form allows you to enter/attach your copyright clearance requests, automatically creates the work requisition, and allows you to attach a PDF file of your course pack or lab manual. It is imperative that faculty who plan to sell a course pack/lab manual to students notify Aleisha Wildon, course materials manager, Campus Store and Textbook Express.

VERY IMPORTANT: Following the deadlines allows ample time for production, ensures our students have a positive experience when purchasing and receiving their course materials, and the instructor has the assurance that their course pack is available for students to purchase before classes begin. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Diane Hunsinger at ext. 3895, or Thank you for your cooperation.

Falcon Exchange has implemented summer hours

Summer window hours of Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. are now in effect for Falcon Exchange. These summer hours are in place through Friday, Aug. 9. Answers to your questions may be available on our web page at: You may also contact Falcon Exchange by email at or phone at ext. 7245. We will return your email or phone call as soon as we are able.

Falcon Exchange limited hours, May 30

On May 30, Falcon Exchange will be closed in the morning for an Employee Training Event and will be open 2:30-3 p.m. ONLY.

Slime Camp at Messiah College

Science Explorers is an outside organization that is hosting a slime camp on campus this summer from July 22-July 26 for kids aged 7-11. They are offering a $20 discount to Messiah employees and their families and friends. Please visit and use code FF2019. See the camp description below: We’ve taken our after-school club programs from 2018-19 and turned them into a fun-filled, week-long camp that features a new slime every day, in addition to exploring an array of amazing science! In the half day camp, you will make chalkboard slime, all new color changing slime and magnetic slime! In addition, you will build inventions like catapults, discover how electricity and circuits work by making conductive dough, and explore biology as you extract DNA from a banana and dissect an owl pellet. Stay for the full day and you’ll examine anatomy as you make a model lung and observe a real sheep heart, continue our exploration of circuits as you send messages via Morse code and build a metal detector to test objects to see if they are conductors or insulators, and explore wonders of the earth as you erupt a volcano and experiment with pollination. For ages 7-11.

Curators Club/CC2 at the Oakes Museum

There is still time to register your children for Saturday science programs at the Oakes Museum. Curators Club (grades 3-5) and CC2 (grades 6-8) will be meeting on various Saturdays throughout the summer, with topics including the scientific method, recycling, and a creek study, among others. For more information and to register, go to

FY20 admissions event calendar

The admissions visit team is pleased to announce the event schedule for the 2019-2020 school year featuring new and improved Falcon Fridays – summer event days designed for prospective students and families explore our campus, ask questions, sample our delicious food, hear from the Deans and, hopefully, inspire them to sign up for an Open House or Spotlight Day in the fall! We consider all employees to be honorary members of our team in welcoming guests to campus and deeply appreciate your joyful and hospitable spirits. Erin Sanno, admissions events manager, will be in touch with faculty and staff invited to participate directly in any specific event days.

Guests on Campus

The Office of Conference and Event Services is pleased to welcome the following groups to campus over the next week:

• Chinese Bible Church of College Park, Maryland – May 25-27

• First Korean Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia – May 25-27

• Mechanicsburg High School Commencement – May 28

• Evangelical Congregational Church – May 29-31

If you see our guests on campus, please extend a warm welcome to Messiah College!


Job opportunities

The School of the Humanities has a part-time opening for a commonwealth monument project coordinator. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job related questions may be directed to Pete Powers at

The Facility Services Department has an opening for a full-time maintenance mechanic (zone). For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Brad Markley, director of facility services at or Lenny King, facility maintenance zone supervisor, at

The Facility Services Department has an opening for a full-time HVAC/refrigeration technician. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Brad Markley, director of facility services at or Dan Soltis, facility maintenance supervisor, at

The Office of Marketing and Communications has an opening for a full-time graphic designer. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job related questions can be directed to Nancy Soulliard, creative director, at

For sale

Subaru Outback for sale. Selling our 2005 Subaru Outback for $6,000. Maintenance superb (timing belt, water pump, 4 new tires, 4 new struts, and 2 new rear coil springs). Color: beige. Transmission: automatic. Miles: 117k. Comes with a hitch for a bike rack or moving a light trailer load. Contact Brandon:


West Shore Christian Academy and Harrisburg Christian School enrolling for Fall 2019

Have you considered Christian education for your preschool, elementary or high school child(ren)? West Shore Christian Academy (WSCA) and Harrisburg Christian School (HCS) have educated the children of Messiah College employees for over 40 years. WSCA and HCS are currently enrolling for the 2019-20 school year in grades pre-K3 through 12th grade (including dual enrollment courses through Messiah College). Some classes/grades are close to full – so don’t delay if you are interested in a fall 2019 start. Contact Mary Beth Gilge, director of admissions at 717-737-3550 x144 or to learn more about WSCA’s and HCS’s mission to sharpen minds, deepen faith, and develop gifts.