FEB. 18

For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

Matthew 24:27


Dr. Brenda Elliott, coordinator of MSN, CAGS, and RN-BSN in nursing, recently published a book with two colleagues, titled “Veteran-Centered Care in Education and Practice: An Essential Guide for Nursing Faculty” https://doi.org/10.1891/9780826135971 


Todd Goranson, professor of music, co-presented a seminar titled, “Your Bassoon Questions Answered” for the 2021 Texas Music Educators’ Association Annual Conference on Feb. 11. The TMEA Conference, which was held virtually this year, is the largest annual music education conference in the nation with over 30,000 attendees annually. The seminar was co-presented with Lynne Feller-Marshall (Principal Bassoon, Spokane Symphony).
Todd also served in early February as an adjudicator/selector for the Pennsylvania Music Educators’ Association 2021 All-State High School Jazz Band, selecting the alto saxophonists for the ensemble from applicants throughout the state. Todd has served PMEA in this capacity since 2015.


Information Technology Services (ITS) welcomes Kim Paull back to Messiah University in the role of ITS administrative support specialist. Kim, an alumna of Messiah, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in International Business. Her education and prior experience as general manger and senior accountant for Hot Frog Print Media of Mechanicsburg position her for a smooth transition as she supports ITS’s Administrative Technology Services (ATS) and Educational Technology Services (ETS). Please join ITS in welcoming Kim back to Messiah.


Virtual recruitment opportunities for students

The Career and Professional Development Center is hosting four virtual recruiting opportunities for students this spring semester. All of these events will be taking place via Handshake, our online job and internship portal. Employers will be recruiting for open job and internship positions during each fair. Students can see lists of participating employers and register for these events via our website: https://www.messiah.edu/info/23069/upcoming_events.

Any assistance in spreading the word about these events is much appreciated!

Health and Human Services Virtual Recruiting Event, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 3-6 p.m.

Central PA Employer Consortium Virtual Job and Internship Fair, Wednesday, March 3, 1 – 4 p.m.

Government/Non-Profit Virtual Recruiting Event, Wednesday, March 24, 1-4 p.m.

Communication/Media/Design Virtual Recruiting Event, Thursday, April 15, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Feel free to contact us with any questions about these opportunities at career@messiah.edu

 Department of Nursing: CCNE Accreditation

Dear Messiah University Community,

The Messiah University Department of Nursing will be undergoing a virtual evaluation of our baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program on April 12-14, 2021, by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) for the purposes of accreditation. CCNE accreditation is a nongovernmental peer review process that operates in accordance with nationally recognized standards established for the practice of accreditation in the United States. Accreditation by CCNE is intended to accomplish at least five general purposes:

  • To hold nursing programs accountable to the community of interest – the nursing profession, consumers, employers, higher education, students and their families, nurse residents – and to one another by ensuring that these programs have mission statements, goals, and outcomes that are appropriate to prepare individuals to fulfill their expected roles.
  • To evaluate the success of a nursing program in achieving its mission, goals, and expected outcomes.
  • To assess the extent to which a nursing program meets accreditation standards.
  • To inform the public of the purposes and values of accreditation and to identify nursing programs that meet accreditation standards.
  • To foster continuing improvement in nursing programs – and, thereby in professional practice.

If you would like additional information about CCNE or its standards and procedures, you may visit their web site at https://www.aacnnursing.org/CCNE.

A very important part of this evaluation is soliciting third-party comment on the nursing program by its communities of interest. I am writing to invite you to submit comments and opinions about the nursing program directly to the CCNE. All comments and opinions submitted to CCNE are held in strict confidence and shared with the on-site evaluation team. All comments must be written, signed, and received by CCNE no later than March 22, 2021. Please send your comments directly to:

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

Attn: Third-Party Comments

655 K Street NW Suite 750

Washington DC 20001



Thank you for your interest in and support of the Messiah University Department of Nursing.

Kind regards,

Kim Fenstermacher, Ph.D., CRNP

Assistant Dean of Nursing

Associate Professor of Nursing

“Drums and Dance” concert opens Saturday

Messiah’s Department of Theatre and Dance, GiViM, and Percussion Ensemble are proud to debut their new artistic collaboration Drums and Dance this weekend. Performances are this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in Parmer Hall.

Performances will be viewable online via livestream–just visit www.messiah.edu/SOTAlivestream to step into the theatre and enjoy the show! There are also a few tickets still available for in person attendance, available to Messiah campus members only. Tickets can be reserved online at the following links:

www.Purplepass.com/drums20 Saturday, Feb. 20 @ 7:30 p.m.
www.Purplepass.com/drums21 Sunday, Feb. 21 @ 4:30 p.m.

Please be advised that only one ticket is permitted per person, and all tickets must be reserved in advance; tickets will not be available at the door. Tickets will be available online until they sell out or until 30 minutes before Showtime, whichever comes first.

Important Note: For the safety of our campus community, all attendees must wear masks and follow campus social distancing guidelines at all times, especially in regard to seating. Please also be aware that all performance details are subject to change, pending any changes to our on-campus circumstances.

“Drums and Dance”
Directed by Gregg Hurley and Dr. Erik Forst

An artistic collaboration between Messiah University Percussion Ensemble and Messiah’s premier dance ensemble, GiViM.

Saturday, Feb. 20 @ 7:30pm
Sunday, Feb. 21 @ 4:30pm

Free, ticketed event
Parmer Hall, Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts
Limited on-campus audience with social distance seating
Presented via livestream at www.messiah.edu/SOTAlivestream
Estimated runtime: 1 hour, no intermission

Anita Voelker Literacy Awards given

Congratulations to Education Department honors student, Mikayla Frederick, for receiving funding from the Anita Voelker Literacy Award to purchase books that will support her Education Department Honors Project. She is researching how best classroom teachers can support English Learners. We can’t wait to learn her findings!

Congratulations to Julianna Chen, who was recently awarded the Anita Voelker Literacy Award! Julianna says, “The Anita Voelker Literacy Award helped me work towards enacting change by introducing other teachers to the issue of lack of representation in text and inspiring others on the journey of empowering our students through literacy. Diverse groupings of books were distributed to local classrooms in different grade levels. My hope was that these texts would be used in the classroom as not only a mirror for kids to see themselves, but also a lens through which others could understand the narratives around them.” Click on the photo to see the breakdown of how the purchased books were used.

2021 Humanities Symposium: A Conversation on Freedom, March 1-6

The Center for Public Humanities is pleased to invite you to the 2021 Virtual Humanities Symposium, March 1-6. This year our theme is “A Conversation on Freedom.” We have a week full of speakers, panel discussions, virtual exhibits and plenty of opportunities to engage in rich conversations about Freedom. We are thrilled to welcome our own Dr. Drew Hart (Biblical and Religious Studies) as our opening conversation on “Freedom, Liberation and Igniting Activism for God’s Justice, Love and Deliverance,” on Monday, March 1 at 7 p.m. (Zoom)

Dr. Jacqueline Jones Royster will deliver our keynote lecture, “Troubling the Narratives of a Democratic Nation:  ‘Whose Stories Are These?’” on Thursday, March 4 at 7 p.m. (Zoom). A leading scholar of rhetoric, literacy, and women’s studies, Royster is author, co-author and editor of several books and numerous articles, including Southern Horrors and Other Writings: The Anti-Lynching Campaign of Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Traces of a Stream: Literacy and Social Change among African American Women. She is Professor Emerita at Georgia Institute of Technology and at The Ohio State University, and most recently served as Dean of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts and Ivan Allen Jr. Dean’s Chair in Liberal Arts and Technology (2010-2019).

You can find the complete schedule for the week here. All virtual events are free and open to the public. Register here to receive zoom link and ID to join any session throughout the week. 

The Human Library 2021

Once again the Office of Diversity Affairs and Murray Library are partnering to host the Human Library on Wednesday, March 24. Because of COVID, this will be a virtual event offered through Zoom and using break out rooms. The book sessions will be at 10-11 a.m., 3-4 p.m., and 7-8 p.m. with our featured book, Gloria Igihozo (Messiah alum and previous book), at noon. More details to follow but currently we are soliciting for Human Library “books.” If you have a story you would like to share, or know of a student or colleague that does, please sign up or share this link http://messiah.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_37v5VgYD9SA3g5D (Deadline to sign up is Friday, March 5)
If you are new to the concept of the Human Library, you can read more at https://humanlibrary.org/
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Liz Kielley ekielley@messiah.edu


Job opportunities

The Agape Center has an opening for a full-time assistant director for Global and Local Engagement. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/18363. Job-related questions may be directed to Katie Rousopoulos, director of off-campus programs at krousopoulos@messiah.edu.

The Office of Finance and Planning has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant to vice president for finance and planning/coordinator for institutional research. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/18411. Job-related questions may be directed to David Walker, vice president for finance and planning at dwalker@messiah.edu.

For sale

Husqvarna 125BT Back Pack Blower. Runs good. Good condition. Asking $110 Contact: tclarenbach@messiah.edu


Free steel toe sneakers. One pair of steel toe sneakers. Size 11x. Barely worn. Free, Ext 3566 or bblackley@messiah.edu


Looking for donations of vintage school related materials. The Education Department is working to decorate our resource room with vintage school related materials.

We are looking for the following donations:
Vintage school books
Vintage lunch boxes
Football Helmet
School Pennant
Old Hand-crank Pencil Sharpener
Or other teacher/school related materials.
We could also use a few Beanbag Chairs/floor pillows.

Email Tina Keller for more information tkeller@messiah.edu