February 23

“But to you who are listening I say:

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also.

Luke 6:27


Jay McClymont, director of alumni and parent relations, and Abby Book, director of advancement affinity programs, recently presented at the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities multi-academic conference. Their presentation, entitled “Into the City: How a Collaborative Career Immersion Program Provides Lasting Benefits”, detailed the many ways the ITC program has benefited the university.


I’m excited to announce that Sarah Wade will be joining the enrollment management (EM) division in this role beginning Feb. 20. Sarah is a 1999 graduate of Messiah. She has worked in admissions and EM in several roles over the years, most recently as the associate vice president for EM. In addition to her time at Messiah, Sarah served on the enrollment teams at Kutztown and CU Boulder, and as vice president for education at VEMO. She is an experienced enrollment leader and looks forward to serving the grad enrollment team in this role!

Please join me in warmly welcoming Sarah back to Messiah!


Messiah University vehicle reservation reminders

When using a fleet vehicle, you are responsible for filling the gas tank before returning the vehicle, if the tank is less than ¾ full, and for removing all trash and personal belongings from the vehicle upon your return to campus.

  • Each vehicle is equipped with an EZ-Pass transponder. On the green vehicle receipt card (which you receive in the key bag), please be sure to indicate whether or not the EZ-Pass transponder is in the vehicle. This question is at the top of the green card, and you will check YES or NO. (We use this to track any missing transponders).
  • The approved driver list is updated weekly, and can be found on FalconLink. Please be sure to check the list for potential drivers prior to making a vehicle reservation.
  • Students expire one year from the approval date; employees expire two years from the approval date. You will see the “approved” date on the approved driver list.
  • Documentation needed to renew or become an approved driver:

o Application for approved driver status
o Motor vehicle request form (MVR Form)
o Safe driving program training
o Copy of proof of auto insurance (if you are on a parent’s policy, you need to provide a copy of the declaration page, listing you as an insured driver).

  • Submit all necessary documents to: University receptionist – Debbie Farver at dfarver@messiah.eduor drop them off at the receptionist desk – ECC lobby. (Please allow 2 weeks of processing time to renew your driver status or to become an approved driver).
  • MVR forms are sent to the University’s insurance broker, who determines a “pass” or “fail” designation based on the matrix provided in University the Fleet Policy. (The MVR falls under the umbrella of the fair credit reporting act, but a credit report is NOT run when processing an MVR form).
  • Van tests for 15-passenger vans can be scheduled AFTER you receive your approved driver status. (Once you are van approved, you do NOT have to re-take the test when you renew your driver status).
  • Vehicle reservations should be requested through EMS. You will provide the necessary information, and select the number of vehicles and types of vehicles needed for your reservation, according to those which are available. The University receptionist (or someone in her absence) will review the vehicle request and complete the final confirmation within 24-hours of the request.
  • If you need to set-up an EMS account, please contact Randy Heintzelman at rheintze@messiah.edu.

PSYCamp 2023

We are excited to invite high school students (entering 10th through 12th grade in fall 2023) to attend Psychology Camp this year, June 25-30 (5-day camp)! Psychology Camp provides a fun opportunity for students to explore psychology and the question, “Why do humans do what they do?” This year, we are offering both an overnight residential option and a day-camp commuter option. This enriching summer camp environment will help students gain knowledge and explore various branches of psychology including clinical psychology, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology and biopsychology.
If you know someone who would be interested in attending, we invite you to learn more and register at: www.messiah.edu/PsychCamp before June 1.
Also, there is a special offer for dependents of Messiah University employees!
Contact PsychologyCamp@messiah.edu for more information.

Central Pennsylvania Forum for Science and Faith Presents Spring Lecture

Please join us as the Forum welcomes Loren Haarsma, associate professor of physics at Calvin University, to campus to deliver a talk based on his recent book entitled, “When Did Sin Begin? Human evolution and the doctrine of original sin”.  Haarsma’s talk is Monday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel. This is sure to be an informative, engaging, and timely presentation.

Roadmap to Medicare webinar

We are excited to have HTA’s Medicare Insurance Specialist present:
ROADMAP TO MEDICARE – Educational Webinar

Register at https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/2565180847660898135.

This presentation is designed for those: Nearing age 65, nearing retirement, working past age 65, and ALL Retirees.

Join us for an informative presentation and get your questions answered about the following topics:

Important Timeframes:
• What you should be doing as a retiree or soon to be retiree
• Open Enrollment and Guaranteed Issue Periods, plus late penalties
• What happens when you and your spouse do not turn 65 at the same time
• When to enroll or defer Medicare Part B if not retiring at age 65
• Changing carriers—how and when

Make sure your coverage is complete:
• What does Medicare cover and not cover
• Is secondary insurance necessary and what are the options
• How do a Medicare Supplement and Original Medicare coordinate

This is an educational presentation for consumers—no cost to attendees

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents 2023 Humanities Concert: “Migratory Dances: Moving from One Place to Another”

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre & Dance is proud to present the 2023 Humanities Symposium dance concert “Migratory Dances: Moving from One Place to Another” on Friday, Feb. 24 at 4 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. in Poorman Black Box Theater, Climenhaga Building.
What happens when people travel from one place to another, migrate? The act of migration has many forms and functions. The Messiah University dance ensemble, GiViM, will explore through the medium of dance circumstances, choices, and actions that lead to the need for an individual or community to migrate.
Tickets are free, but required due to limited seating. Tickets can be reserved online at messiah.edu/tickets, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available.

Procurement made easy

In the spirit of communication and education, the Procurement Services Office will be supporting a “Did you know?” section of the Intercom.  Keep a look out each week for helpful facts and tips about Procurement at Messiah University.

Did you know…? The difference between types of documents?

  • Estimate/quote –
    • provided by the supplier prior to the purchase
    • Accounts Payable cannot pay the vendor using an estimate or quote
    • Can guarantee the price of an item.  The price invoiced should match the price quoted
    • Usually expires after a set number of days, typically 30
  • Invoice/bill –
    • Provided by the supplier after the purchase, typically at the time of shipment
    • Accounts Payable can pay the vendor using an invoice
    • Will only be paid if there is a 3-way match (quantity of all items invoiced = quantity ordered and received)
    • If you receive an invoice, please forward to invoices@messiah.unimarket.com noting the PP# in the subject line
  • Contract
    • Signed document agreeing to service to be provided, payment terms and conditions
    • Signed contracts must adhere to the Contract Authorization Policy, which can be found on FalconLink
    • Accounts Payable can pay the vendor from a contract if the vendor will not be invoicing
    • Payment terms are typically negotiable.  Email purchasing@messiah.edu to review contracts and payment terms prior to signing to assist in negotiating terms.


Job opportunities

The Department of Computing, Mathematics and Physics has an opening for a full time director of cybersecurity education. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at ahare@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/23761.”

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a first year residence director. For more information and to apply, please visit https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/23737. Job-related questions may be directed to Lyndsay Grimm at lgrimm@messiah.edu.

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time collection strategies librarian. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/22838. Job related questions may be directed to Linda Poston at poston@messiah.edu.

Dining Services has several part and full-time positions including a catering supervisor, dining associates, and cooks. For more information and to apply, please visit: jobs.messiah.edu. Job-related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at mwirtz@messiah.edu.

Campus events has several openings for all shifts. For more information and to apply, please visit: jobs.messiah.edu. Job-related questions may be directed to Laura Price at lprice@messiah.edu.

Groundskeeping has openings for part-time seasonal groundskeepers. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/23614. Job-related questions may be directed to Mark Graybill at mgraybill@messiah.edu.

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time 3rd shift safety officer. For more information and to apply, please visit https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/23602 or contact Bryce Wickard with any questions at bwickard@messiah.edu.

The Employee Referral Bonus Programs provides a cash incentive of $500 for employees who provide referral assistance that leads to the successful hiring of qualified staff, administration or full-time faculty. For more information and to see if you qualify for the position, please visit: https://www.messiah.edu/info/20587/applicants/969/employee_referrals

For sale

Country décor accessories – older style. Bench, $20. Shelf $15. Night stand, $15. Candle holder $10. Clock $10. See photos here. Contact: kgarlinger@messiah.edu

Kid’s Fox dirt bike pants. I’m not positive on the size, but they look like a size 5. If you’re interested I could bring them to look at. Good shape. Email: sportko@messiah.edu

Cell phone charms. Large selection. $10. Email: sportko@messiah.edu.


Computer and desk. My son is moving out and taking his computer with him. I am in need of a computer (not a laptop) so I can use my cricut to do my crafts. I am also looking for a desk. Email: Stacy at sportko@messiah.edu