January 25

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10


Todd Goranson, professor of saxophone and bassoon, gave an invited presentation titled “No Pain, More Gain: Stretches and Warm-Up Essentials for Saxophonists” at the 44th annual US Navy Band International Saxophone Symposium at George Mason University on January 12. The participatory presentation included warm-ups, stretches, and strengthening techniques that can be used daily by woodwind instrumentalists to promote musculoskeletal health of the back, shoulders, neck, arms, and hands.

Todd also performed a concert program as soprano saxophonist with the Junction Saxophone Quartet, a professional ensemble that also features Messiah alumni Tim Puglio and Amanda Heim. Their program included works by Guillermo Lago, Antonín Dvorák, and José Oliver Riojas.

Additionally, one of Messiah University’s student saxophone quartets comprised of four of Goranson’s current students (Joseph La Marca, Reid Buffenmyer, Evan Rojas, Connor Appleman) was featured on the Symposium’s College Quartet Series. The Messiah Quartet’s program included works by Phillip Glass and Robert Glogowski (MU ’25).


Hiring Summer Student Employees

In order to assist students with obtaining summer on-campus employment and to facilitate placement of students, the Student Employment Office will be holding a summer job fair on campus on Wednesday, Feb. 28, from 10:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. in Eisenhower Commons. Departments hiring summer student workers should plan to have a representative available at the Job Fair unless all summer workers are already actively working for the department during the academic year or are being rehired from the prior summer.

Please keep the following dates in mind as you plan your summer student hiring:

February 5: Summer position requests/modifications due

February 16: RSVP for Job Fair due and Summer Postings due

February 28: Summer Job Fair

April 5: Summer hiring proposals are due. A hiring proposal must be submitted for each student who will be working this summer.

If your department plans to hire student employees for the summer of 2024, please read the summer hiring information (attachment) prior to proceeding with the summer hiring process or making employment offers.

If you have any questions about summer student employment, please contact Belinda Conrad, Student Employment Coordinator, at ext. 2900 or studentemployment@messiah.edu.

The Bridge Center for Continuing Education

Did you know that the Bridge Center for Continuing Education offers training opportunities for professionals from various fields, including social work, counseling, business, physical therapy and other healthcare professions? We are asking for your help! If you have a family member or friend who could benefit from one of the continuing education opportunities, direct them to our website at www.messiah.edu/bridgecenter.

Advise a 2024 Service Experience:

The Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement is excited to announce that for our 2024 Spring Service Experiences we will be working and learning from the following teams and locations:
• Priority 1 Ministries: Bronx, New York (March 8 – March 13)
• The Philly Project: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (March 8 – March 13)
• Praying Pelican Missions: Maui, Hawaii (March 10 – March 15)
• Mennonite Disaster Service: Crisfield, Maryland (March 10 – March 16)

As we prepare for each of these Service Learning Experiences, we are looking for Messiah employees and faculty who would be willing to help advise these teams. Throughout each of these experiences, students will be learning more about community, culture, and how the Lord continues to call each of us to lives of service, learning and love.
If you are interested in advising any of these trips, or even our International Service Experience to Poland (May 17 – May 28), please feel free to fill out this SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5WCPRIsL2cILmI9BgGsILGcfyNT24dnIwlZ802_Jdg-9Ylg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thank you for serving, learning and loving with us! The Agapé Team is praying for you all and the 2024 Spring Semester ahead!

A note of thanks

I wanted to thank each of you who were so kind by sending my mom a card at Christmas. She was so tickled to get so many cards (over 30). I was there the one day when the employee came in to give her the mail, she said “Shirley OMG you keep getting so many cards”, and my mom just smiled. She didn’t recognize anyone (dementia), but each time she opened one she would just smile, she had them all over her room. So to each of you who showed her this kindness, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It’s not always the gift you give, but the love and care with something as simple as a card can bring to someone. Just look at that smile on her face. Thank you and may God bless each and every one of you. – Stacy and her mom

Transition in Career and Professional Development Center

Earlier this month, Carol Hall left Messiah University to pursue another opportunity in career services. Carol managed many events and projects in the CPDC, including career fairs and the first destination survey. Please reach out to Ashley Jones, director, with questions regarding career events/programs and employer recruitment opportunities this semester.

The Living Library: Many Stories, One Community

The Living Library: Many stories, One Community (formerly the Human Library Project) is where Messiah students, faculty and staff become open books, sharing their personal stories with readers. The Living Library is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Living Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers.

Please consider participating as a “book” in the Living Library @ the Murray Library on Wednesday, April 10.  As a living book, you would be sharing your story with others in the Messiah University community in a moderated 25 minute session.

Please complete this application to be a book no later than Friday, March 15. https://messiah.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_37v5VgYD9SA3g5D

Questions may be directed to Todd Allen, vice president of Diversity Affairs at tallen@messiah.edu or Liz Kielley, Discovery and Metadata librarian at ekielley@messiah.edu.


Job opportunities

Murray Library has an opening for a part-time library evening circulation supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at smyers@messiah.edu (librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/26159.

The Admissions Office has an opening for a part-time admissions hospitality assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kristin Thomas at kthomas@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/26174.

The Agape Center for Local and Global Engagement has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Paula Holtzinger at pholtzinger@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/26176.

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a part-time records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at kclark@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/25904.

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time director of the Murray Library. Job related questions may be directed to David Weaver-Zercher at dzercher@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/25707.

The Department of Computing, Mathematics and Physics has an opening for a full-time computer science faculty member. Job related questions can be directed to Niklas Hellgren at nhellgren@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/24349.

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher. Job related questions may be directed to Bryce Wickard at bwickard@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: jobs.messiah.edu/postings/25830.

The Department of Network Services has an opening for a full-time system administrator/analyst. Job-related questions may be directed to Tony Wyland at wyland@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: jobs.messiah.edu/postings/23892.

Dining Services has several part and full-time positions including chef I- cold food, dining room supervisor, and cook II . For more information and to apply, please visit: jobs.messiah.edu. Job-related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at mwirtz@messiah.edu.

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at lprice@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: jobs.messiah.edu

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher Johnson at bjohnson@messiah.edu. For more information and to apply, please visit: jobs.messiah.edu/postings/25934.


Messiah Dining Services and West Shore Chamber of Commerce: Taste of the Chamber 2024

After a few years off, the West Shore Chamber of Commerce Taste of the Chamber is back for 2024! This year the event is not a single evening but will run from Feb 9-March 25. During this time several West Shore restaurants will be featured, including Messiah’s Winding Hill Café! Here is how it works, register for $10 on the Chamber website and you will be entered into a drawing to win one of three top cash prizes and member gift cards from the West Shore Chamber. Every time you visit one of the participating eateries, snap a picture of your receipt and submit it to the Chamber and you will be entered for an opportunity to win additional prizes and incentives. For more information and to register to win check out https://wschamber.org/ Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues to stop by Winding Hill Café for lunch or a cup of coffee and support local businesses.