Archive for 2025

Jan. 23

Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Romans 13:10




Peter Kerry Powers, professor of English and director of the Center for Public Humanities, presented a paper at the annual conference of the Modern Language Association, held in New Orleans from Jan. 9 to 12. His paper, “Read the Bible… or else: Mandated religious literacy in a democratic society,” was part of a panel Professor Powers organized and chaired titled “Education for freedom: Current threats to freedom of inquiry in historical perspective.”


Dwayne Safer, associate professor of finance, was recently cited by CBS News as a subject matter expert. The Jan. 20 CBS news article, “What will happen to short-term CD rates in 2025? Experts weigh in” presented various views on the role of Fed monetary policy, interest rates and the path of short-term CD rates.


Messiah University has been selected to receive a Collaborative Discernment for Project Sustainability or Scaling Grant, which encourages Thriving Congregations project leaders and their teams to take a broad view of the project, participants, partners and host institution. The $15,000 grant, offered by Leadership Education at Duke, allows leaders and teams to broaden their perspectives and gain clarity about what needs to happen next.

Ivone Guillen, Collaborative Discernment Grant Consultant at Leadership Education, comments: “The Collaborative Discernment for Project Sustainability or Scaling Grant at Leadership Education at Duke Divinity recognizes and supports the faithful and innovative work of lay and ordained Christian leaders who find themselves at a pivotal moment in their ministry project. Using Harvard professor Ron Heifetz’s language, we want to help leaders experience ‘balcony time,’ which allows them to gain a broader picture of the work, organization, community and trends.”

We are grateful to the effort and effectiveness of the Thriving Congregations Leadership team at Messiah University. Congratulations, Drew Hart, Brian Smith and Shelly Skinner.


Commissioning Service for Dr. Christine Gardner

The Office of the President is pleased to invite the Messiah University community to a special Commissioning Service as we celebrate the appointment of Dr. Christine J. Gardner as our new provost. This chapel service will be held on Thursday, Feb. 6 from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. in Brubaker Auditorium.

Share your unique classroom and club events with our social team!

Faculty – Do you have any unique, hands-on, or highly visual classes or events coming up? We’d love to hear about them! Messiah’s social media team encourages you to invite us into your classrooms to capture activities that highlight our distinctive academic opportunities. While we can’t guarantee coverage for every event, we’ll do our best to ensure all departments are represented. Examples of events that are great for showcasing include Physics Day, Collaboratory boat races, and mock disaster drills. If you have any events you’d like us to feature, please send a message to

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: “Peter Rabbit and Me”

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present a theatre for young audience production of “Peter Rabbit and Me” on Jan. 24-26 in Poorman Black Box Theater! This performance by students in our traveling troupe, The Swinging Bridge Players, will be ideal for early elementary students and their families.

“Peter Rabbit and Me”
Written by Aurand Harris
Directed by Ed Cohn

Jan. 24-25 at 7 p.m.
Jan. 26 at 3 p.m.
Poorman Black Box Theater, Climenhaga Building

“Peter Rabbit and Me” is a delightful dramatization of the beloved story of Peter Rabbit. Beatrix Potter, age 13, is a poor little rich girl secluded in her top-floor nursery. She creates her own excitement by inventing and illustrating stories about her pet animals. Beatrix transforms into Peter, her Governess becomes Peter’s mother, and her stern Victorian father becomes Farmer McGregor. Here is a revealing and charming glimpse of Victorian society in contrast to the antics of the uninhibited animal world. “Peter Rabbit and Me” is filled with humor, adventure, colorful characters and all of the magic of children’s theatre.

Estimated run time: 1 hour

Tickets: $10—Adults; $7—MU students (w/ID), MU employees (w/ID), Youth (under 18) and Seniors (60+)
Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more.

Passport Service Day

Are you planning to travel? Do you, your spouse, or your children need a passport?

Come by Eisenhower Commons on Tuesday, Jan. 28 for Passport Service Day!

Representatives from the Cumberland County Court House will be on campus outside the Falcon between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to process NEW passport applications. Passport photo services will also be available.

Applicants need to bring the following documents to apply for a passport:
1. Completed application (
2. Original birth certificate and a photocopy of birth certificate
3. Driver’s license and a photocopy of the driver’s license (Copy of both the front and back of the driver’s license on the same side of the page)
4. Non-PA residents also need to bring their Messiah ID and a photocopy of their ID
5. Fees:
– $130 check or money order, written to the U.S. Department of State
– $35 cash or check, written to the Prothonotary’s Office
– If passport photos are needed: $10 cash or check, written to Messiah University

If you have any questions, please contact the Agape Center at

*Please note that this event is only for NEW applicants.

The Living Library: Many Stories, One Community

Save the Date for “The Living Library” at Messiah’s Murray Library to be held the afternoon of Wednesday, April 9.

The Living Library: Many Stories, One Community: Designed as a place where the stories of others are on loan to readers, the Living Library seeks to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Living Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers.

Do you have a story to share? Please consider participating as a “book” in the Living Library at the Murray Library. As a living book, you would be sharing your story with others (small group – less than 10 people) in the Messiah University community in a moderated 25-minute session. Please complete this application to be a book no later than Friday, March 7.

Questions may be directed to Todd Allen, vice president for diversity affairs, at or Liz Kielley, discovery and metadata librarian, at

Hiring summer student employees

To assist students with obtaining summer on-campus employment and to facilitate placement of students, the Student Employment Office will be holding a summer job fair on campus on Tuesday, Feb. 25 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Eisenhower Commons. Departments hiring summer student workers should plan to have a representative available at the Job Fair unless all summer workers are already actively working for the department during the academic year or are being rehired from the prior summer.

Please keep the following dates in mind as you plan your summer student hiring:

~Feb. 7: Summer position requests/modifications due
~Feb.14: RSVP for Job Fair due and summer postings due
~Feb. 25: Summer Job Fair
~April 4: Summer hiring proposals are due. A hiring proposal must be submitted for each student who will be working this summer.

If your department plans to hire student employees for the summer of 2025, please read the summer hiring information found here prior to proceeding with the summer hiring process or making employment offers.

If you have any questions about summer student employment, please contact Belinda Conrad, student employment coordinator, at ext. 2900 or

Exploring Civil Rights Through Artifacts: David Crane at Messiah University

On Feb. 3., Messiah University will welcome David Crane, author of “Making the Movement: How Activists Fought for Civil Rights with Buttons, Fliers, Pins, and Posters”. Crane will speak at 7 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel, sharing insights into how grassroots activism shaped the Civil Rights Movement through creative and powerful visual messaging.

In addition to his presentation, Crane brings his traveling museum of artifacts, a fascinating collection of memorabilia from the era that highlights the role of design and storytelling in social justice movements.

The museum will be on display in Murray Library from Jan. 30 through Feb.4, offering a unique opportunity to explore these historical treasures up close.
Don’t miss this engaging event that connects the history of activism to the present, inspiring new generations to fight for justice and equality. This event is a partnership between Messiah Press, Murray Library, the Office of Diversity Affairs, and the Department of Art and Design.


Sports Medicine has an opening for a full-time athletic trainer. Job related questions may be directed to Megan Fowler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies: Physical Therapy has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Job related questions may be directed to Karl Bergmann at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Enrollment and Student Services has an opening for a full-time enrollment counselor, Graduate and Professional Studies. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Wade at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Engle Center has an opening for a part-time counselor. Job related questions may be directed to Aubrey Kleinfeld at . For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Admissions office has an opening for a part-time data entry processor. Job related questions may be directed to Pamela Shook at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time cook II AM. Job related questions may be related to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time culinary assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a part-time cook PM. Job related questions may be related to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Arts, Culture and Society has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant to the Department of Biblical, Religious and Philosophical Studies and The Sider Institute. Job related questions may be directed to Shelly Skinner at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Grounds Services has an opening for a full-time groundskeeper/crew leader. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Graybill at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Cybersecurity Education has an opening for a part-time cybersecurity administrative project coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Lynn Bigelow at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Brad Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher. Job related questions may be directed to Daniel (Brad) Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 2nd shift safety officer/dispatcher. Job related questions may be directed to Daniel (Brad) Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, visit:

Campus and Building Services has an opening for a full time campus and building services worker, 2nd shift, Monday-Friday 5 p.m. -1:30 a.m. off Saturday and Sunday OR Sunday-Thursday 5 p.m. -1:30 a.m. off Friday and Saturday. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services has an opening for a part time campus and building service worker, 3rd shift, Monday – Friday – 8 p.m. – 12 a.m. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher-Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a part-time adjunct professor of education– EDUC 415 – Evidence-Based Practices in Early Childhood Education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher-Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Mathematics has an opening for a full-time term-tenure track mathematics faculty position. Job related questions may be directed to Amanda Lohss For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Computing, Mathematics and Physics has an opening for a part-time adjunct instructor in computer science. Job related questions may be directed to Amanda Lohss at For more information and to apply, please visit: