Archive for 2015

August 20, 2015

Thursday, August 20th, 2015

 The Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusts in him and I am helped.

Psalm 28:7 


The Bridge wins two awards

Messiah’s quarterly alumni magazine, The Bridge, recently received two honors:

2015 University and College Designer’s Association (UCDA) award of excellence

Out of 1,091 entries, The Bridge won one of 143 awards of excellence awarded during the annual UCDA Design Competition. In its 45th year, the competition recognizes the best of design work that promotes educational institutions.

2015 American Inhouse Design award

The Bridge’s Fall 2014 and Winter 2015 issues won a 2015 American Inhouse Design award from Graphic Design USA (GDUSA). A national design competition with more than 6,000 entrants, these awards showcase outstanding work by in-house designers within corporations, publishing houses, non-profits, universities and government agencies.


Enrollment Management invites you to celebrate Paul Morgan with us. After 34 years, Paul is ready for a change and looking for God’s leading in a new work or volunteer venture. We want to celebrate all the miles, students, phone calls, information sessions, events, meetings, rental cars, motels and gracious hospitality that Paul has managed over the past 34 years. Messiah College has been so fortunate to have Paul all of these years.

Please join us on Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 3-5 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel to honor Paul for his dedication and commitment to Messiah College, as well as his friendship to all.

I have been blessed beyond measure to be part of this community of scholars and believers who have so significantly shaped my professional life, my family and my faith!  I am indebted to each of you for your friendship, testimony of faith, professional collaboration and, not the least of which, your prayers. “  ~Paul Morgan 


 We are pleased to announce that Joy Fea, who has served as a part-time career coach for the past ten years, will now be coordinating the Internship Program through the CPDC. This position was previously held by Mike Blount, who has transitioned to the role of counselor/program director for education outreach, Men’s Character Development, and 6th Day Sexuality Programming in the Engle Center. Contact Joy for questions about student internships as well as information on how departmental practica can meet the new Experiential Learning Requirement (ELI). In addition, Abby Book, who has served in a part-time role for the past five years, has stepped into the full-time role of career coach/specialist for student-alumni engagement. Contact Abby for questions about post-graduate career outcomes or programs targeted at utilizing alumni to aid in the career and professional development of students. A complete listing of CPDC staff and contact information is below: 

  • Christy Hanson, director
  • Mike True, Sr. associate for talent development and marketing (contact person for employer referrals and job opportunities for students and alumni)
  • Dwayne Keiffer, assistant director for career coaching and education
  • Abby Book, career coach/specialist for student-alumni engagement
  • Joy Fea, career coach/internship program coordinator
  • Carol Hall, administrative assistant


The college community is cordially invited to attend a reception for Messiah Art professors Donald Forsythe and Brenton Good celebrating the exhibition of new prints entitled “Constant Bearing” at the Susquehanna Art Museum on Friday, Aug. 21 from 6-9 p.m. The museum is located at 1401 N. 3rd St. in Harrisburg. Visitors will also be able to view the recently installed mural by Professor Daniel Finch and assistants at that time.


The Master of Arts in Higher Education program is pleased to welcome seven new graduate assistants for academic year 2015-16. Graduate assistantships offer graduate students the opportunity to put the educational theories gained through classroom instruction into professional practice through supervised, real-world experience. Our graduate assistantship program aims to provide an innovative and cost-efficient way to advance departmental and college-wide goals and objectives. Please join us and our collaborating departments in welcoming the following to the Messiah College community: Lauri Blessing, graduate assistant internship coordinator for grad counseling and higher education; Emily Callon, graduate assistant in the Agape Center; Mark Chimel, graduate assistant for academic advising; Zac Hoy, graduate assistant in men’s basketball; Brooke Morley, graduate assistant in field hockey; Abby Reed, graduate assistant in XC/track & field; Caryn Watson, graduate assistant in student retention.

They join 10 returning graduate assistants, who will complete their degree program and GA positions this year: Jake Sprengle, graduate assistant in baseball; William Johnson, graduate assistant in men’s lacrosse; Gus Mohlhenrich and Matthew Fenton, graduate assistants in athletics communication; Katherine Athens, graduate assistant in women’s lacrosse; Rico Plummer, graduate assistant in wrestling; Brittany Salloum, graduate assistant in volleyball; Aimee Jordan, graduate assistant in career center; Crystal Lantz, graduate assistant in Intercultural office; Kirstin Lutz, graduate assistant in Student Involvement and Leadership.



Be Planted is this year’s theme for Welcome Week 2015. Messiah College is excited to welcome our incoming first-year and transfer students as they begin their orientation on Thursday, Aug. 27. You can visit to see the full five-day orientation agenda that they will follow. Every employee will receive a handout via campus mail early next week that you can carry with you and use as a reference tool if you will be on campus on Aug. 27. You may encounter new students and their families that have questions about where they need to be, who they need to contact, etc. This is a very handy guide. Any questions about the activities on Aug. 27 can be directed to the office of Student Involvement and Leadership Programs, ext. 5240 or


Schools will soon be back in session across the state and that means school buses will be on the roads and children will be walking along the streets. Keep these safety tips in mind as you are driving:

  • Always follow the speed limits and slow down in school zones and near bus stops.
  • Stay alert for children getting on and off buses, and walking to and from bus stops and schools.
  • Be familiar with Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law and comply with it:
    • Motorists must stop at least 10 feet away from school buses that have their red lights flashing and stop arm extended.
    • Motorists must stop when they are behind a bus, meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus is stopped.
    • Motorists following or traveling alongside a school bus must also stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have reached safety.
    • If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping. This is the only time a motorist does not have to stop for a stopped school bus.
    • Do not proceed until all the children have reached a place of safety.

The penalties if convicted of violating Pennsylvania´s School Bus Stopping Law include:

  • $250 fine
  • Five points on your driving record
  • 60-day license suspension
  • A lifetime of regret if a child is injured!


If you would like to learn more about the Student Government Association or are interested in connecting with students this year on a particular issue, you are invited to attend an SGA Open House for employees today, Thursday, Aug. 20, from 2-4 p.m. in the SGA Office (Larsen 202). SGA’s student body president, Jonathan Fuller, and vice president, Elyse Anderson, want to connect with you and learn how to better represent students in your particular area of campus and better represent your department to students. They’d like the chance to meet and get to know you! Feel free to stop by, introduce yourself, and grab some snacks at any time between 2-4 p.m. 


Messiah College Business Alumni Networking Breakfast

Topic: Impact Investing – Doing Well by Doing Good

Date: Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

Location: Eden Resort and Suites (222 Eden Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601)


7– 7:30 a.m. | Registration and networking

7:309 a.m. | Event Speaker

9 a.m. | Event concludes, but guests are encouraged to stay and network

Format: Keynote speaker with time for networking

Speaker: Alex Hartzler, managing partner and founder of WCI Partners, LP

Sponsor: MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates)

Event Cost: $15

This event is open to EVERYONE!

You do not have to be a Messiah alumnus. Attendance at previous events is NOT a prerequisite.  REGISTER NOW! at 

Mentor A First Generation, First-Year Student

Following the campus-wide viewing of the documentary film, “First Generation,” we received positive feedback from faculty and staff noting that the film did much to raise their awareness of the barriers these students face. For many of these students, the landscape of the college campus with its rules, policies, deadlines and expectations can be intimidating. To help our First Gens successfully navigate their first year of college, we invite YOU to “adopt” a student to mentor. We are looking to recruit faculty and staff to match with each of our entering first generation, first-year students. This commitment will require a couple of hours of your time each month.  Taking the time to connect with the student over a meal or coffee each month, with perhaps a handwritten note of encouragement now and again, could make a big difference in a young person’s first year of college. If you are interested in participating as a mentor volunteer, please email Laura Julius, administrative assistant to the registrar/coordinator of student retention at 


On Aug. 28, Higher Information Group will be on campus to offer four copier training sessions. They will be covering printing, scanning and copying features of both Lexmark and Toshiba copiers. Please sign up for your training in advance by sending an email to Bill Althoff at and note your preferred session time(s). Sessions will run for about 45 minutes. 10 a.m., Boyer 2nd floor alcove, Lexmark copier training 11 a.m., Boyer 3rd floor alcove, Toshiba copier training 1 p.m., Boyer 2nd floor alcove, Lexmark copier training 2 p.m., Boyer 3rd floor alcove, Toshiba copier training