Archive for 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26th, 2018


Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

James 5:16


Dr. Nancy J. Patrick, director of the graduate program in education and professor of special education, plans to retire from Messiah College during the summer of 2018. Dr. Patrick joined the Messiah College family in the fall of 2002 when she was hired to write and lead the first Messiah College Pennsylvania Special Education certification teacher education program within the Department of Education. For the following nine years she continued to work in the undergraduate program, until 2011, when she was asked to co-author with Dr. Jenn Fisler the graduate program in education. Since that time, she has lead the graduate program with grace and enthusiasm as she works with teachers at the graduate level, always striving to improve the learning experience for every student—her own students, and their students in turn. Dr. Patrick will take her years of experience and the joy she finds in helping others to her own private practice that she plans to open soon. There she will work to support individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Please join us as we wish her well and celebrate her years of service at a reception on Thursday, May 3, from 4 – 6 p.m. in Howe Atrium.

Please join us for a reception honoring Linda Tedford, Wednesday, May 2, from 2 – 4 p.m. in Steinbrecher Atrium in the High Center. Linda will retire this spring after 24 years as director of choral activities at Messiah. Linda has received significant recognition as a leader in the choral field, and has contributed in many important ways to both the music program and Messiah as a whole. Please help us celebrate her many years at Messiah!

Senior biology major Samuel Stambaugh presented a talk entitled “Cryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Laboratory Culture of Plasmodium falciparum” to the annual spring meeting of the Helminthological Society of Washington held at the Penn State York campus on Saturday, April 14. Given in response to a personal invitation by the meeting organizer who had heard Sam speak at the recent Pennsylvania Academy of Science meeting, the talk described results from an ongoing senior research project that Sam and collaborator Nicole Clemente are conducting under the direction of Dr. Larry Mylin (biological sciences, Messiah College). In recognition of his outstanding talk, Sam was awarded with the society’s Judith Humphrey Shaw Undergraduate Award. This local project supports ongoing malaria research efforts in Macha, Zambia that are guided by Phil Thuma ’70.

Dr. David Kline will present “A Joint Spatial Model of Opioid Associated Deaths and Treatment Admissions in Ohio” on Thursday, April 26, from 5 – 6 p.m. in Frey 110 (Alexander Auditorium). Dr. Kline is a Messiah alumnus with a Ph.D. in biostatistics from The Ohio State University. He is currently a research scientist at The Ohio State University in the Department of Biomedical Informatics Center for Biostatistics. He was the inaugural recipient of the American Statistical Association’s Lester R. Curtin Award in 2013. David is married to Jennifer Martin who is a Messiah alumna (biology).

Keith Quesenberry recently had an article published about social media and how social media marketing is a lot tougher with trust in social medial plunging. Read the article here:


Dr. Damian Savarino, associate professor of music in the Department of Music, made his seventh solo appearance at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Dr. Savarino sang the bass solos in Mozart’s REQUIEM on April 22 with the New York City Chamber Orchestra and Manhattan Concert Productions, under the baton of Dr. Jeffrey Douma (Yale University).

The In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association (IPMA) has announce the winners of their annual achievement awards and Messiah College Press has been awarded the 2018 IPMA Organizational Impact Award. The Press has earned this award because of a collaborative effort made between Sr. Graphic Designer Ashley Todd and members of our Department of Human Resources and Compliance surrounding the production of a valuable resource brochure for those responding to sexual violence in our campus community. Ashley met a challenging topic with a new approach by presenting the information in an inviting, creative way, while also being sensitive to use imagery that did not trigger a traumatic response within a victim of violence. The imagery selected was inspired by the verse: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5),” with the goal of bringing hope to such a difficult situation. IPMA is the largest association of in-plant printing and mailing professionals. They boast 700 members from all industry segments including higher education, K-12, government, manufacturing, finance, insurance, faith-based, corporate and health care. The IPMA awards serve to recognize print and mail centers for outstanding contributions related to non-production activities within their parent organizations. The award winners will be honored at IPMA’s annual conference, June 10-14, in Costa Mesa, California.

After serving Messiah for nearly 19 years, Registrar Jim Sotherden has lived by “make the right decision for the right reason.”  Over the past seven years, Jim has also served as the coordinator of student retention—the first in Messiah’s history.  Always looking for ways to improve the quality of work while providing the highest level of customer service, Jim has sought out ways to leverage technology to assist the campus in improving its processes. Now that Jim is retiring, he and Joan can devote more time to their granddaughter and cheer on the Orange to victory. Please come and help celebrate Jim’s years of service and wish him well on Monday, April 30, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Howe Atrium, Boyer Hall.  Light refreshments will be served and there will be a brief program at 12:30 p.m.


Key return information

This is a reminder from Key Services that any keys you hold and no longer need should be returned to Key Services in the Lenhert maintenance building before the end of the spring semester. The Lenhert front office is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Also, if you are a supervisor to students in work study positions, internships, etc., please remind your students that their keys need to be returned prior to their departure for summer (no later than May 18). It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure the students turn in their keys before leaving campus. Failure to do so will result in the department being charged the associated fines. Any keys – regardless of whether they are held by employees or students – are subject to a minimum $75 fee per key if they are not returned and/or lost. Please contact Jen Peachey in Key Services at if you have questions about keys. Thank you for your cooperation.

School of Science, Engineering and Health Symposium

The 15th Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health will be held on Friday, May 4 in Frey, Jordan and Kline academic buildings. More than 150 students from within the school will participate in oral and poster presentations in sessions that are scheduled throughout the day. A detailed schedule and program is available on the Symposium website at: Celebrate the work, creativity and innovation reflected in the rich and diverse variety of oral and poster presentations. Many presentations will describe basic or applied research projects and represent the culmination of months (or years) of effort by graduating seniors. A number of presentations will highlight how talents and resources are being used to address needs in the developing world. Plan to join us to celebrate the accomplishments of the students!

Important film on refugee crisis, with live Q&A with Chinese artist-activist director

The film “Human Flow” is a powerful documentary about the modern refugee crisis by one of the most well-known contemporary Chinese artists and activists. Ai WeiWei’s art has been exhibited in major museums around the world and he himself has been imprisoned for his highly critical stance on Chinese human rights. The film, captured over the course of a year in 23 countries, follows a chain of refugees’ stories that stretches through Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Greece, Iraq, Kenya, Mexico, Turkey, Germany and France. After the screening, attendees will have the special opportunity to participate in a live webcast Q&A with Ai WeiWei himself. Join us this Sunday, April 29, at 2:30 p.m. in Parmer Cinema for this free screening and live webcast Q&A. Hosted by the Messiah College Galleries at the School of the Arts and Murray Library. Here’s a trailer to watch and share:

Move-in day 2018 ; volunteers needed

New student orientation and move-in day will be Friday, Aug. 31 and the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Programs is in need of volunteers to serve during move-in day 2018. Volunteers are needed in 3-hour time slots to help move new students into their residence halls on Friday, Aug. 31. You can choose a shift of 9 a.m. – noon, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. or noon-3 p.m. You will receive a free t-shirt. Please know that lifting and walking stairs is required. If you are interested and available to serve in this capacity, please contact Sheryl Scaramuzzino at with your availability for that day and t-shirt size by May 31. We look forward to serving with you and thank you in advance for your time and help!

Make change happen. Choose here!

Did you know that Messiah College purchased over 100,000 compostable to-go containers in the fall 2017 semester? That is a lot of waste, both in terms of resources and meal plan dollars. What if there was a better way? What if clicking ‘here’ rather than “to go” on the order screen actually meant something? What if students could reduce their impact on the environment AND save a little money? Every time you choose ‘for here’, you are taking a small step towards a more sustainable future. When a campus community begins taking small steps together, those steps can add up to big change. Beginning Thursday, April 26, when you get your order “for here”, you will receive a $0.25 discount on your order. All you need to do is click “for here” when placing your order in The Falcon or Union Café. The discount will be taken at the register. The discount applies equally to ALL payment types (cash, credit, dining dollars, employee meal plan, etc.).

Open enrollment begins soon 

Monday, May 7, 2018 – Wednesday, May 31, 2018

Messiah College offers eligible employees a comprehensive and valuable benefits program. Open Enrollment is the period in which eligible employees have the opportunity to enroll or change their options for health and welfare benefits. The changes you make during Open Enrollment will be effective July 1, 2018.


The process to elect your benefits is changing this year so it is very important to attend an Open Enrollment meeting. The meetings will provide valuable details on upcoming changes to your benefits and the process to choose your benefits. The meetings will also provide you the opportunity to ask questions.

It is very important to take the time to educate yourself about the changes to your benefit plans by attending one of the meetings listed below so you are able to choose the best coverage for you and your family.

 05/07/2018  Monday  Parmer Cinema  10:30-11:30 a.m.
 05/08/2018  Tuesday  Parmer Cinema  2 – 3 p.m.
 05/16/2018  Wednesday  Parmer Cinema  2 – 3 p.m.


 Thursday  Parmer Cinema  8:30-9:30 p.m.

The elections you make during open enrollment will become effective July 1, 2018 and will remain in effect the entire year (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019) unless you experience a life change status such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child, death in the family, etc.

An Open Enrollment Guide will be emailed to you in the coming weeks. It will provide an outline of the benefits available to you for the new plan year and the process to choose your benefits.

Plan to attend one of these important meetings. 

Campus climate survey follow-up

One year ago, in the spring of 2017, a campus climate survey was disseminated to campus in an effort to measure the perceptions and prevalence of discrimination and harassment at Messiah College. 

As analysis of survey results has concluded, several options are available for campus community members to hear these results and look to future response and programming.

Live presentations of the survey results in narrative form will be held:

Thursday, April 26
Noon -1 p.m.
Parmer Cinema

Monday, April 30
1-2 p.m.
Parmer Cinema

All employees are welcome to attend these sessions.

For those interested in reviewing the survey results but unable to attend, a link with secure documents will be provided to campus on May 1, following the live presentations. These documents will include data overview, narrative summary, and FAQ information.

For more information, please see the linked FAQ.

Thank you for your participation in this process, interest in the outcomes, and care for our community.


Job opportunities:

The Department of Dining Services has an opening for a full-time restaurant manager. For additional information and to apply, please visit: Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz, director of dining services, at

Campus Events is hiring temporary, full-time and part-time workers for the summer months, mid-May to mid-August. First and second shifts are available. You must be 16 years of age to apply. For additional information and to apply, please visit:

For sale:

2006 Cadillac DTS V 8. Automatic, Northstar, fully loaded. Excellent condition, one owner. Inspected until April 2019. 57,000.00 miles. $ 6,800. Contact: or 717-386-8439.

Thiery Cabinet Grand Piano: Good Condition. Asking $100. Plays well. Buyer needs to move the piano. Contact Erik Lindquist at

Two white, resin deck chaise lounges. Both have adjustable backrests. One 5 years old (in pretty good shape) and one ten years old (slightly scratched, but still usable). $20 for one; $25 for both. Photos available if interested. Contact Sherri Hoffman at or ext. 7326. 


Looking for housemate. New Messiah faculty member looking for young professional to share rental of house near the College, starting this summer. There are several 2- or 3-bedroom houses available between $600–900/month, so the individual rent would come to $300–450/month plus splitting utilities. Contact Philip Tan at or 757-514-1421. I’m a 26-year old single engineering professor, the eldest of 11 children, Grove City and U.Va. grad, responsible with housework, a fairly good cook, enthusiastic about reading, hiking, and piano, fun-loving but not too noisy.

A daughter of a Messiah alum is looking for an apartment or room in the Mechanicsburg/Dillsburg area. She has a teaching job in the area, but is looking for a place to rent beginning in May after graduation. Her preference is for a faithful Christian person (preferably a woman) or family that might have a room/space in their house, or possibly a small apartment. If you have a space you think might work, I would be glad to pass your information along: