Archive for 2025

March 13

Thursday, March 13th, 2025

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5


Professor of Marketing Keith Quesenberry is presenting a special topic session on AI at the National Annual Conference of the American Association of Advertising in Pittsburgh on March 7. “Taming The AI Storm With Strategies For Advertising Educators. AI Teaching Frameworks, Integrations, Assignments, Topics And Approaches” was competitively selected for special topic sessions. Along with presenting he is the moderator for the session with professors from the University of Colorado Boulder, Shippensburg University and Texas State University.


The Office of Faculty Development, with the leadership of Leah Clarke, in her capacity as director of teaching and learning, supported a strong representation of educators at 2025 Lancaster Learns, a one-day conference held on Friday, Feb. 28. Additionally, several Messiah University educators contributed as break-out session presenters during the event. Sarah K. Myers, collection development and analysis librarian, Beth Transue, informational literacy librarian, and Liz Kielley, discovery and metadata librarian, collaborated on “From Cognitive Overload to Practical Engagement in First-Year Seminar”; Timothy Shea, language, literature and writing, presented “You Matter! You Belong! Using Mindfulness Strategies to Build Warm Classroom Communities”; Molly Myers, psychology, criminal justice and sociology, presented “Lights, Camera, Diagnosis: Teaching Psychopathology Through Film”; Oksana Moroz, assistant professor of English, presented “Gen Z Students’ Identities in the Age of AI”; Nicholas Weaver, assistant professor in mathematics and statistics, presented “Specifications Grading: Alternate Grading to Promote Student Growth”; Donielle Bailey Horst, theatre and dance, presented “Unlocking the Unknown Via a Methodology of Play”; Ling Dinse, associate professor of social work, presented “When Students Cheat”; Sheila Rodriguez, associate professor of Spanish, presented “Get on Your Feet: Movement as a Means to Learning”; Joanna Behm and Jim Foster, assistant professors of occupational therapy, collaborated on “Preparing Students for AI-Driven Occupations: Effective Strategies for Classroom AI Integration”; Karen Harrington, residence life educator, presented “Strategies to Engage the Chronically Online”; Valerie Lemmon, professor of psychology; assistant dean, School of Arts, Culture and Society, presented “Providing Feedback with Kindness”; Karen Burket, assistant professor of physical therapy, and Michelle George, associate professor of social work, collaborated on “Intersection and Scaffolding of Interprofessional Education throughout Two Curricula”; Cindi Kerns and Rocky Allinger, instructional designers, presented “Build Your Digital Project Toolbox!” and Dottie Weigel, associate professor of higher education; director, graduate program in higher education, presented “Learning that Lasts: Enhancing Student Learning Through Critical Reflection.”

Additional attendees included faculty members Liz Eveler, assistant professor of education, Rachael Jasitt, collection strategies librarian, Cynthia Lehman, senior lecturer in mathematics, Gladys Robalino, professor of Spanish, Jennifer Thomson, professor of biopsychology, and Janet Vogel, director of the Murray Library.

Please join me in thanking these colleagues for their commitment to excellence in teaching.

Cynthia A. Wells
Associate Dean for Faculty Development
Director of The Ernest L. Boyer Center
Professor of Higher Education


Dr. Damian Savarino, bass (professor of music), recently appeared as feature soloist with the West Shore Symphony Orchestra. Savarino performed a concert and opera arias by W.A. Mozart and Giuseppe Verdi. The orchestra also performed works by Ethel Smyth, Claude Debussy, and Robert Schumann.


Ted Prescott, professor emeritus of art, will speak on “Christ’s Descent from the Cross: An Image for Christian Meditation” on Thursday, March 20 at 4:30 p.m. in Boyer 235. The story of the taking down of Christ’s body from the cross is told in all four gospels, and has inspired many artists, including van der Weyden, Rubens and Rembrandt. Professor Prescott will speak about his experience viewing some of these paintings and about his own sculpture, Descent from the Cross, which will soon be on display at the Museum of the Bible.


It is with sincere regret that we announce Lori Zimmerman will be leaving Messiah at the end of March to pursue an exciting new opportunity with Katapult Engineering in Dillsburg.

Lori first came to Messiah as a student back in the … well… back in the day! She returned in Oct. 2007 to support Ray Norman, dean of what was then the School of Math, Engineering and Business. She next worked with Dean Angela Hare at the renamed School of Science, Engineering and Health. After finishing her bachelor’s degree from Messiah in May 2017, she became the Collaboratory program manager. She then earned her MBA from Messiah in 2020 and started in her current position as executive coordinator and project manager for University Advancement and University Partnerships in January 2022 – supporting first Barry Goodling and Rob Pepper and now Rob and Jon Stuckey. A great many folks have benefited from Lori’s skills and expertise!

Throughout her entire career at Messiah, Lori has exemplified a strong work ethic, a gracious spirit, and a genuine sense of fun. She will be missed. We will gather to celebrate Lori on Thursday, March 27 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the Messiah Trustees Board Room in the Phipps AWC (#310). Please join us in wishing Lori the very best in her next chapter!

Rob Pepper
Jon Stuckey


2025 PEACE Chapels hosted by the Program in Peace and Conflict Studies

Join us on Tuesday, March 18 for the 2025 PEACE Chapels, hosted by the Program in Peace and Conflict Studies.

We offer two distinct chapel opportunities that feature Rev. Dr. Sivin Kit as he discusses “Hope in a Chaotic and Wounded World.”

Tuesday, March 18 at 9:30 a.m. in Brubaker Auditorium
“A Fierce, Urgent, and Wonderful Hope”

Tuesday, March 18 at 7 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel
“For the Healing of the World”

Rev. Dr. Sivin Kit is a Malaysian church planter, pastor and professor who currently serves as the Director of the Department for Theology, Mission, and Justice with the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Central Pennsylvania Forum for Science and Faith presents spring lecture

Please join us on Tuesday, March 25 at 7 p.m. in Frey Hall, Alexander Auditorium (F110), as the Central Pa Forum for Religion and Science welcomes Edward B. “Ted” Davis, Professor Emeritus of the History of Science at Messiah University, to deliver a talk entitled “Historical Roots of the American Evangelical Encounter with Natural History.” (Originally presented at Henry Center conference, “Adam, the Fall, and the Goodness of God” at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.)

Abstract: American evangelicals began seriously to engage natural history in the early nineteenth century, when Benjamin Silliman became the first professor of natural history at Yale. He and his pupil, Amherst geologist Edward Hitchcock, embraced “deep time” in geology and defended its consistency with Genesis. Hitchcock went further, exploring in depth the implications of this popular new science for theodicy and natural theology. Regardless of whether subsequent authors knowingly accepted or rejected their conclusions, these two Antebellum natural historians have substantially influenced evangelicals down to our own time. This paper presents some of their most important attitudes and ideas, with an eye on the modern evangelical conversation about origins.


Job opportunities

Residence Life has an opening for a full-time residence life educator. Job related questions may be directed to Annastasia Bonczyk at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Office of University Advancement has an opening for a full-time executive assistant to the vice president for advancement. Job related questions may be directed to Jon Stuckey at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Office of Development has an opening for a full-time regional advancement representative. Job related questions may be directed to John Zeigler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Residence Life has an opening for a temporary summer residence director. Job related questions may be directed to Annastasia Bonczyk at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Facility Maintenance has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative) 2nd shift. Job related questions may be directed to Amy Stephan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time cook II AM. Job related questions may be related to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time cook II PM. Job related questions may be related to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services has an opening for a part-time 3rd shift worker. Job related questions may be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Grounds Services has an opening for a full-time groundskeeper/crew leader. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Graybill at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a 1st shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Daniel (Brad) Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 2nd shift safety officer/dispatcher. Job related questions may be directed to Daniel (Brad) Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Brad Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, visit:

Department of Communication has an opening for an assistant professor of public relations. Job related questions can be directed to David Dixon at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Ashley Thomas at For more information and to apply, please visit:

With thanks

A Word of Thanks. Thank you to each one of you who reached out to me during my husband’s health journey. Your words of comfort, food, hugs, cards, and prayers for me and my family have helped us navigate this difficult season of our lives. Small acts of kindness generated the strength needed to face the daily challenges. You are so appreciated! ~ Heather Wisner