Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

June 9

Thursday, June 9th, 2022

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

Lamentations 3:22-24


David Walker Farewell Reception: Please stop by the Admissions and Welcome Center lobby on June 30 between 2-4 p.m. for a cake and punch reception honoring Vice President of Finance and Planning David Walker. We wish David all the best in his new role at Dickinson.


Raeann Hamon, distinguished professor of family science and gerontology, served as co-chair of the 2022 Groves Conference on Marriage and Family, May 22-25 in the Bahamas. The conference theme was “Families as a Source of Strength, Healing and Hope” and the program included peer-reviewed submissions, as well as Bahamian plenary speakers. Hamon also presented a paper with co-authors Erin Boyd-Soisson (professor of human development and family science) and Paul Johns (associate professor of human development and family science) entitled, “Pedagogical strategies that reinforce a family strengths mindset.”

Lauren (Seneca) Walter ’12 M’16 resignation: It is my misfortune to announce the resignation of Lauren Walter, effective July 29, 2022. The silver lining is that we do have her until then!

It has been a privilege to watch Lauren develop her skills from when she first arrived as recent Messiah grad and took on the role of Assistant Director for Annual Giving to the leader she has become as Director of Annual Giving & Donor Communication. Over the course of the past 10 years, Lauren has demonstrated keen insight into the part science / part alchemy / part psychology that is annual giving. She has a strong and diligent work ethic and an ability to strategize in ways that are key to running a highly effective annual giving shop. Currently, annual giving is $75K over last year at this time in dollars in the door and exceeded the overall goal 2 months ahead of the fiscal year end. Moreover, Lauren also exhibited excellent communication skills. She orchestrated the production of the launch video for The Campaign for Messiah University as well as the video to be shown at our campaign celebration on Oct. 15.

Lauren epitomizes the ideal Messiah graduate in all ways.

Please join me in wishing Lauren well with her growing family of Nate, Conner, and new baby. I am deeply grateful for her good work.

Jon C. Stuckey, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Development


Lunch and Learn: fake news or is it?

How can you tell if something is credible or fake news? What is opinion and what is fact? Discover some tools that we can use to help us figure it out. We will learn what drives fake news, how to recognize it, and how to not pass it on. Let’s learn together!

  • Tuesday, June 14 at noon: Media Literacy: fake news or is it?
    • Librarian: Liz Kielley
    • Bring your lunch to the Library Athenaeum
    • No sign up required
    • Open to all Messiah employees

403(b) Oversight committee member needed.

The 403(b) Oversight Committee is seeking a staff employee to join the committee. If interested, please send your name to Staci Davis at

Juneteenth story hour and dessert picnic

All employees are invited to stop by the Campus Commons green space for a Juneteenth story hour and dessert picnic this Monday, June 13, between 11 a.m. and noon, to enjoy an ice cream treat, tea cake and strawberry lemonade. Please feel free to bring your children, grandchildren or neighborhood kids to take a break, sit under a tree and listen to engaging stories about Juneteenth. If you don’t have any children to bring, just bring yourself! To ensure we have enough treats, please RSVP by tomorrow by visiting



Job opportunities

Campus Events has multiple openings for full-time and part-time campus events worker positions. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Laura Price, assistant manager, campus events central and residence halls, at

Grounds Services has an opening for a part-time seasonal groundskeeper, working 24 hours a week, April-November. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Mark Graybill, grounds services manager, at

The Division of Finance and Planning has an opening for a full-time senior accounting analyst – endowment and related funds. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Kimberly Hawkins, director of budget and accounting at

AROMA has multiple openings for full-time and part-time positions: FT sports ministry coordinator, PT administrative assistant, PT strength and conditioning coach. For more information and to apply, please visit:

Full-time Sports Ministry Coordinator:

Part-time Administrative Assistant:

Part-time Strength and Conditioning Coach:

Job-related questions may be directed to Aaron Faro, director of aroma sports ministry and athletics recruitment coordinator, at

The Division of Operations has an opening for a full-time project coordinator and executive assistant to the vice president for operations position. For  more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Kathie Shafer, vice president for operations at

In Search of:

Housing for the fall. I am searching for a place of residence for the fall.

Depending on availability, I am looking for EITHER:

A small apartment where I, my wife, and two cats might reside…


A room where I would reside and my wife would visit (but without the cats).

Please contact Richard Crane:


Crib Mattress. Standard crib mattress (Sealy CozyRest Extra Firm). Never used, kept in a smoke-free home. Email for information.

June 2

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

The Lord detests lying lips,
but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

Proverbs 12:22


Valerie Lemmon, professor of psychology and assistant dean, recently presented two continuing education workshops for psychologists at the 2022 Pennsylvania Psychological Association Convention. Based in part on her original Christian Scholarship Essay, she presented “Clinical Applications of Forgiveness” which also reflected student experiences in two chapel series she co-led with Chuck Jantzi. She co-presented an ethics workshop with Maximilian Shmidheiser, “The Moral Character: Cultivating Embodiment of Ethical Principles”.



Congratulations from the Office of the Provost

Congratulations to the following faculty members who have been approved for promotion, term-tenure, or term-tenure renewal, effective Aug. 1:

Promotion from assistant professor to associate professor:

Anthony Eseke, assistant professor of communication and public relations
Andrew Hart, assistant professor of theology
Amanda Lohss, assistant professor of mathematics
Joy Meade, assistant professor of music
Philip Tan, assistant professor of engineering

Promotion from associate professor to full professor:

Heather Barto, associate professor of counseling
Melinda Burchard, associate professor of special education
Fabrizio Cilento, associate professor of communication
Leah Clarke, associate professor of counseling
Kimberly Fenstermacher, associate professor of nursing
Niklas Hellgren, associate professor of physics
David Owen, associate professor of computer science
Gladys Robalino, associate professor of Spanish
Kristen Slabaugh, associate professor of nursing
Brian Swartz, associate professor of engineering
Jennifer Thomson, associate professor of biopsychology

Term Tenure:

Anthony Eseke, assistant professor of communication and public relations
Kimberly Fenstermacher, associate professor of nursing
Andrew Hart, assistant professor of theology
Amanda Lohss, assistant professor of mathematics
Joy Meade, assistant professor of music
Kristen Slabaugh, associate professor of nursing
Philip Tan, assistant professor of engineering

Term Tenure Renewal:

Edward Arke, professor of communication
Edward Cohn, associate professor of theatre
Rachel Cornacchio, professor of music
Richard Crane, professor of theology
Timothy Dixon, professor of music
John Fea, professor of American history
Daniel Finch, professor of art
Todd Goranson, professor of music
Raeann Hamon, professor of family science and gerontology
Robin Lauermann, professor of politics
Bernardo Michael, professor of history
David Owen, associate professor of computer science
David Pettegrew, professor of history and archaeology
Emerson Powery, professor of biblical studies
Gladys Robalino, associate professor of Spanish
Sheila Rodriguez, associate professor of Spanish
Roseann Sachs, professor of chemistry
Damian Savarino, associate professor of music
Brian Smith, professor of Hebrew studies
Thomas Soerens, professor of engineering
Jennifer Thomson, associate professor of biopsychology
Timothy Van Dyke, associate professor of engineering
David Weaver-Zercher, professor of American religious history

Library Promotion from Assistant Librarian to Associate Librarian:

Sarah Myers, collection development and analysis librarian

Congratulations to the following retired faculty members who were approved to receive Emeritus Status:

John Beaney, professor of modern languages
Edward Davis, professor of the history of science
Christine Forsythe, professor of art
Donald Forsythe, professor of art
John Harles, professor of politics
Caleb Miller, professor of philosophy
Richard Roberson, professor of music
David Vader, professor engineering
Kathryn Witt, professor of dietetics


FY22 fiscal year end is June 30

End of year processing and account review is essential for accurate presentation of our financial records.  Please begin your end of year processing as soon as you are able and complete no later than the due dates below.


Transaction Type Deadline Late Acceptance Until Where Special Instructions
Petty Cash Reconciliation (ALL remaining FY22 expenditures) June 17 June 24 Falcon Exchange
Cash Transmittals/Deposits June 30 July 8 Falcon Exchange Specify FY22 in Description
Cash/Credit Card Transmittals June 30 July 8 Falcon Exchange Specify FY22 at top of form
Journal Entries June 30 July 14 Specify FY22 in the Explanation
***Transfers June 30 July 14 Specify FY22
General Ledger/Books Closed July 15 Questions after this date will be reviewed but may not be eligible for recording

*** Transfers – review ALL department orgs and accounts (including operating, capital, grant, and special funds reports)

Questions should be sent to or

Lunch and Learn: and the 1950 Census

Did you know that Messiah employees have access to (Library Edition)? Find your ancestors and grow your family tree. In April 2022, the 1950 Census was released to the public for the first time, after 72 years. Learn how to find yourself or your family members in the census. Let’s learn together!

  • Tuesday, June 7 at noon: and the 1950 Census
    • Bring your lunch to Boyer 337 (computer lab)
    • This class will be hands on. Computers provided.
    • Open to all Messiah employees
    • Registration Required (max. 24). Sign up here

MSCHE self-study

As previously communicated, Messiah University is currently in the process of conducting a self-study, part of the institution’s accreditation requirements with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). The self-study process includes a written report detailing how the university fulfills the MSCHE standards of accreditation and requirements of affiliation.  As a part of the self-study process, the Messiah community is invited to review and give feedback on draft chapters of the self-study report that have been written by the steering committee and relevant working groups. The draft chapters will be available for review between June 6 – June 20 on the Messiah University Middle States webpage. Comments or feedback can be submitted to The steering committee appreciates the input and engagement of all members of the Messiah community.

Juneteenth story hour and dessert picnic

All employees are invited to stop by the Campus Commons green space for a Juneteenth Story Hour and Dessert Picnic on Monday, June 13, at 11 a.m., to enjoy an ice cream treat, tea cake and strawberry lemonade. Please feel free to bring your children, grandchildren or neighborhood kids to take a break, sit under a tree, and listen to engaging stories about Juneteenth. If you don’t have any children to bring, just bring yourself! To ensure we have enough treats, please RSVP by tomorrow by visiting


Job opportunities:

The Engle Center has an opening for a full-time medical director; provider. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Kevin Villegas, dean of students and Christian spiritual formation at

Messiah Press has an opening for a part-time printing and bindery technician position, working Aug.-May, 20 hours per week. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Dwayne Magee, director of printing and mailing services at

For sale:

Papa bear shirts. Great t-shirts for Father’s Day! What dad or grandpa would not be proud to wear a t-shirt like this? Papa bear with his baby bears. You can choose any wording you’d like along with the bears: Papa, Daddy, Grandpa, Poppy, Grams, you name it, your choice. $25 ea. Email me with size and info:

Horse t-shirts for girls. What girl who loves horses would not be proud to wear this shirt? Let them show their love for their horse. Can be personalized. Email me for more information:

FORTNITE t-shirt or sweatshirt. Yes, Fortnite is still going strong! T-shirt ($15) or sweatshirts ($25), Email for more information:

Dryer for sale. Less than one year old Whirlpool 7.0-cu ft. vented electric dryer- white. Purchased at Lowes for $599. Asking $400 OBO. Can provide pictures upon request. Pick up from Lewisberry. If interested, please contact Tom at

Duplex for sale in Grantham. 810 Grantham Rd. Contact: Dale Fogelsanger 717-623-0735

In Search of:

Housing for the fall. I am searching for a place of residence for the fall.

Depending on availability, I am looking for EITHER:

a small apartment where I, my wife, and two cats might reside…


a room where I would reside and my wife would visit (but without the cats).

Please contact Richard Crane:



May 26

Thursday, May 26th, 2022

When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Psalm 34:17


This is the inaugural year of the Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, which is given to up to two adjunct faculty at Messiah University each spring. Nominations were solicited from all department chairs/program directors, and after careful consideration of these nominations, the Scholarship and Development Committee identified the following two adjunct faculty members to be honored with the 2022 Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence at Messiah University.

Trevor Bunch, adjunct instructor in computer and information science
Linda Gemberling, adjunct instructor for graduate counseling

Congratulations to Trevor and Linda for this recognition of excellence in classroom teaching. The Messiah University community deeply appreciates the award winners, and all of our adjunct faculty, for their role in educating women and men toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith at Messiah University.


Dr. David Weaver-Zercher, professor of American religious history and assistant provost, recently published two articles in Brethren in Christ History and Life: “Sympathy and Disfavor: The Brethren in Christ and Civil Rights, 1950-1965” (December 2021) and “Words Empty and Hollow? The Brethren in Christ and the Challenge of Race, 1967-1975” (April 2022). The articles explore shifting attitudes about race, racial justice, and the church’s role in addressing social inequality among the Brethren in Christ, Messiah University’s founding denomination. Messiah faculty and graduates appear frequently in the articles. The research and writing of the articles was funded through the Christian Lesher Fellows Program and the Sider Grants Program, both administered by Messiah’s E. Morris and Leone Sider Institute for Anabaptist, Pietist, and Wesleyan Studies.

The two articles are available to read on Mosaic, Messiah’s institutional repository, using the following links:


Congratulations from the Office of the Provost

Congratulations to the following faculty members who have been approved for promotion, term-tenure, or term-tenure renewal, effective Aug. 1:

Promotion from assistant professor to associate professor:

Anthony Eseke, assistant professor of communication and public relations
Andrew Hart, assistant professor of theology
Amanda Lohss, assistant professor of mathematics
Joy Meade, assistant professor of music
Philip Tan, assistant professor of engineering

Promotion from associate professor to full professor:

Heather Barto, associate professor of counseling
Melinda Buchard, associate professor of special education
Fabrizio Cilento, associate professor of communication
Leah Clarke, associate professor of counseling
Kimberly Fenstermacher, associate professor of nursing
Niklas Hellgren, associate professor of physics
David Owen, associate professor of computer science
Gladys Robalino, associate professor of Spanish
Kristen Slabaugh, associate professor of nursing
Brian Swartz, associate professor of engineering
Jennifer Thomson, associate professor of biopsychology

Term Tenure:

Anthony Eseke, assistant professor of communication and public relations
Kimberly Fenstermacher, associate professor of nursing
Andrew Hart, assistant professor of theology
Amanda Lohss, assistant professor of mathematics
Joy Meade, assistant professor of music
Kristen Slabaugh, associate professor of nursing
Philip Tan, assistant professor of engineering

Term Tenure Renewal:

Edward Arke, professor of communication
Edward Cohn, associate professor of theatre
Rachel Cornacchio, professor of music
Richard Crane, professor of theology
Timothy Dixon, professor of music
John Fea, professor of American history
Daniel Finch, professor of art
Todd Goranson, professor of music
Raeann Hamon, professor of family science and gerontology
Robin Lauermann, professor of politics
Bernardo Michael, professor of history
David Owen, associate professor of computer science
David Pettegrew, professor of history and archaeology
Emerson Powery, professor of biblical studies
Gladys Robalino, associate professor of Spanish
Sheila Rodriguez, associate professor of Spanish
Roseann Sachs, professor of chemistry
Damian Savarino, associate professor of music
Brian Smith, professor of Hebrew studies
Thomas Soerens, professor of engineering
Jennifer Thomson, associate professor of biopsychology
Timothy Van Dyke, associate professor of engineering
David Weaver-Zercher, professor of American religious history

Library Promotion from Assistant Librarian to Associate Librarian:

Sarah Myers, collection development  and analysis librarian

Congratulations to the following retired faculty members who were approved to receive Emeritus Status:

John Beaney, professor of modern languages
Edward Davis, professor of the history of science
Christine Forsythe, professor of art
Donald Forsythe, professor of art
John Harles, professor of politics
Caleb Miller, professor of philosophy
Richard Roberson, professor of music
David Vader, professor engineering
Kathryn Witt, professor of dietetics


It is with a grateful heart to inform the campus community that Betsey Miller has resigned from her position as medical director/certified nurse practitioner. Betsey provided significant leadership to our student and employee communities in helping to manage the COVID-19 crisis and was instrumental in our successful maneuvering through that time. Her care for her patients and the leadership she provided to the Engle Center nursing team will long be remembered. We are very grateful for her commitment to providing excellent care through these years and wish her the best in her next endeavors.

We are also grateful for the stellar service to our student community that Bryce Watkins provided as our housing director. Bryce recently transitioned to serve as the program manager in the Collaboratory and we are thrilled that he’s staying at Messiah.

We are delighted to announce and welcome Courtney Williams who is now serving as Messiah’s newest director of housing. Any housing related inquiries can be directed to Courtney at Welcome, Courtney!


FY22 fiscal year end is June 30

End of year processing and account review is essential for accurate presentation of our financial records.  Please begin your end of year processing as soon as you are able and complete no later than the due dates below.


Transaction Type Deadline Late Acceptance Until Where Special Instructions
Petty Cash Reconciliation (ALL remaining FY22 expenditures) June 17 June 24 Falcon Exchange  
Cash Transmittals/Deposits June 30 July 8 Falcon Exchange Specify FY22 in Description
Cash/Credit Card Transmittals June 30 July 8 Falcon Exchange Specify FY22 at top of form
Journal Entries June 30 July 14 Specify FY22 in the Explanation
***Transfers June 30 July 14 Specify FY22
General Ledger/Books Closed   July 15 Questions after this date will be reviewed but may not be eligible for recording

*** Transfers – review ALL department orgs and accounts (including operating, capital, grant, and special funds reports)

Questions should be sent to or

Privacy word security

All employees must define a privacy word by June 1. Having a privacy word defined helps to verify your identity and protects your account. After this date, if you contact a Messiah University office for assistance that requires access to or change to your account, you may be asked to provide your privacy word before the office is able to assist you.

Go to to create your privacy word.

If you have any questions or issues defining a privacy word, please contact ETS – tech support by e-mailing or calling 717-796-4444.

Have a movie night!

All staff are invited to check out DVDs or stream videos from the library’s collection.  If you watch DVDs, search for films in the library catalog, Primo, or come browse the DVD collections. You can search for films by title or by genre – western films, foreign films, animated films, comedy films, etc.  All DVDs circulate for 1 week at a time. Or Stream from Swank Films (Messiah Login is required). Choose from 50 films like Crazy Rich Asians, Black Panther, Black Widow, and Luca. Email with questions.


Job opportunities

The Division of Finance and Planning has an opening for a full-time senior accounting analyst – endowment and related funds. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Kimberly Hawkins, director of budget and accounting, at

Campus Events has an opening for a part-time campus events worker, third shift, M-F 8 p.m.-12 a.m. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Laura Price, assistant manager, campus events central and residence halls, at

For sale

Whirlpool Washer. Purchased 2 years ago, so it’s practically brand new. It has no agitator. I was use to a front loader, so I wanted to go back to the front loader. If you want to see more pictures or get more information please email me:

Dryer for sale. Less than one year old Whirlpool 7.0-cu ft. vented electric dryer- white. Purchased at Lowes for $599. Asking $400 OBO. Can provide pictures upon request. Pick up from Lewisberry. If interested, please contact Tom at


BARBIE house. My daughter is looking for a Barbie house for her daughter’s upcoming birthday. Do you have one you’d like to sell to me? Please email me:



May 19

Thursday, May 19th, 2022



Christine Perrin taught at Messiah University for the first time in the late 1990s. Since then, she has taught a variety of courses and in many different capacities. In 2015, she took on the director of writing position alongside teaching creative writing in the English department (now Language, Literature and Writing). This year she directed the Writing Center. What drew her to Messiah University was the range of commitments to a notable diversity of goods harmonized by a fixed pledge to Christ. In turn, two of her three children graduated from Messiah. Many of her students have loved books and life and have pressed their likeness into her being. “To work with so many good and intriguing colleagues has been an astonishing privilege.” After this semester, she will step down from teaching full time to have more time to write and to teach in a variety of other contexts. (Her first order of business is a second book of poems and a novella about the Mandelstams—Osip and Nadezhda during the Bolshevik Revolution).


This is the inaugural year of the Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, which is given to up to two adjunct faculty at Messiah University each spring. Nominations were solicited from all department chairs/program directors, and after careful consideration of these nominations, the Scholarship and Development Committee identified the following two adjunct faculty members to be honored with the 2022 Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence at Messiah University.

Trevor Bunch, adjunct instructor in computer and information science
Linda Gemberling, adjunct instructor for graduate counseling

Congratulations to Trevor and Linda for this recognition of excellence in classroom teaching. The Messiah University community deeply appreciates the award winners, and all of our adjunct faculty, for their role in educating women and men toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith at Messiah University.


David Weaver-Zercher, professor of American religious history and assistant provost, recently published two articles in Brethren in Christ History and Life: “Sympathy and Disfavor: The Brethren in Christ and Civil Rights, 1950-1965” (December 2021) and “Words Empty and Hollow? The Brethren in Christ and the Challenge of Race, 1967-1975” (April 2022). The articles explore shifting attitudes about race, racial justice, and the church’s role in addressing social inequality among the Brethren in Christ, Messiah University’s founding denomination. Messiah faculty and graduates appear frequently in the articles. The research and writing of the articles was funded through the Christian Lesher Fellows Program and the Sider Grants Program, both administered by Messiah’s E. Morris and Leone Sider Institute for Anabaptist, Pietist and Wesleyan Studies.

The two articles are available to read on Mosaic, Messiah’s institutional repository, using the following links:


Join a Summer 2022 Professional Learning Community

Please join us for two Summer 2022 Professional Learning Communities (PLC):

  1. Have a course that needs a tune-up? A full overhaul? Some parts replaced? To be designed and built? Bring it into The Course Workshop. This Professional Learning Community will provide faculty with resources, support, direction and community for revising or developing courses over the summer. Individual faculty goals will drive this PLC so you can cruise into fall. The Course Workshop will be held June 1, 15, 29 and July 13 at 1 p.m. via Zoom. This PLC is facilitated by Leah Clarke, associate professor of counseling, and Tina Keller, associate professor of TESOL education. To register, please contact facdev@messiah.eduby May 20.
  2. You are invited to join Rocky Allingerand Cindi Kerns, instructional designers, to discuss Kosslyn’s brief book on the what, why and how of active learning in online courses. You will share ideas, brainstorm new strategies, and plan application for increasing student engagement online. Active Learning Online will be held via Zoom; the dates and times will be based on participant availability. To register, please contact educationaltechservices@messiah.eduby May 20. Book included in registration.

Campus Store summer hours

The Campus Store’s summer hours are 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Monday-Friday with the exception of the following holidays:

Memorial Day, Monday, May 30 – CLOSED
Juneteenth Observed, Monday, June 20 – CLOSED
Independence Day, Monday, July 4 – CLOSED

Please plan your visits accordingly!

The Bridge is here! 

The latest issue of The Bridge has published! Check out our reading feature to get ideas for your summer book list, learn about an alumna working at the National Aquarium, give to the Engle Center expansion and more. You can find hard copies in the common areas of Boyer, Eisenhower and the Kim S. Phipps Admissions and Welcome Center. Also, you can read the entire issue online at

Privacy word security

All employees must define a privacy word by June 1. Having a privacy word defined helps to verify your identity and protects your account. After this date, if you contact a Messiah University office for assistance that requires access to or change to your account, you may be asked to provide your privacy word before the office is able to assist you.

Go to to create your privacy word.

If you have any questions or issues defining a privacy word, please contact ETS – tech support by e-mailing or calling 717-796-4444.


Job opportunities

Messiah University is hiring! Full-time, part-time and temporary positions in various departments are currently available. Do you know someone who would make an excellent employee? The employee referral program provides a $300 bonus for employees who provide referral assistance that leads to the successful hiring of qualified staff, administration or full-time faculty. Please visit for a list of current job openings and to apply.

The President’s Office has an opening for a full-time vice president for finance and planning. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to

The Engle Center has an opening for a full-time medical director; certified registered nurse practitioner. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Kevin Villegas, dean of students and Christian spiritual formation, at

For sale

Teardrop trailer for cozy camping. If you enjoy semi-rustic camping, but you don’t like to sleep in a tent, then this might be the ticket for your next outdoor getaway! My sister-in-law, who recently moved to Central Pennsylvania, is selling her nearly new sleeping camper, and I thought it might be of interest to someone in our community. There is an ad on Craigslist:

The camper has been meticulously cared for since its initial purchase. Sleeps two adults. If interested, you can contact my sister-in-law directly through the Craigslist ad. Since it’s not my trailer, I don’t know all of the details about it, but I’m happy to talk with you at if you have initial questions. Deana Baddorf



May 12

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

May he grant you your heart’s desire
and fulfill all your plans!
 May we shout for joy over your salvation,
and in the name of our God set up our banners!

Psalm 20:4-5



Christine Perrin taught at Messiah University for the first time in the late 1990s. Since then, she has taught a variety of courses and in many different capacities. In 2015, she took on the director of writing position alongside teaching creative writing in the English department (now Language, Literature and Writing). This year she directed the Writing Center. What drew her to Messiah University was the range of commitments to a notable diversity of goods harmonized by a fixed pledge to Christ. In turn, two of her three children graduated from Messiah. Many of her students have loved books and life and have pressed their likeness into her being. “To work with so many good and intriguing colleagues has been an astonishing privilege.” After this semester, she will step down from teaching full time to have more time to write and to teach in a variety of other contexts. (Her first order of business is a second book of poems and a novella about the Mandelstams—Osip and Nadezhda during the Bolshevik Revolution).


Messiah University Graduate Counseling Associate Professor Carol ZA McGinnis was recently interviewed in a “Connections: Healthy Gambling and Gaming” podcast on the topic of “Women and Gaming.” Here is that web link if you are interested in hearing more on this topic:—S3E3-e1heacb/a-a69u59i


On Wednesday, April 6, The Association of College and University Printers (ACUP) announced in Vancouver, Washington that Kathrynne Shafer, vice president for operations, and her operations leadership team were recipients of the ACUP Impression Award for Collaborative Service.
The award is presented annually to leaders in higher education who collaborate on a project or goal that achieves a positive and impactful outcome. Kathie and the operations directors worked together to create Operations Appreciate Week, a celebration of support services employees whose work throughout the pandemic allowed Messiah to safely and successfully operate through unprecedented challenges.

Please join us in congratulating Kathie and her department directors for their excellent work.


The School of Science, Engineering and Health congratulates Sang Uk Joo on his appointment as associate professor of sport management at St. Thomas Aquinas College, located just a few miles outside of New York City. Sang has been with the Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science for seven years and has been a committed and successful ‘one-man show’ for the sport management major. He is a passionate teacher and mentor as well as a scholar. We are sad to see him go but wish him congratulations and blessings as he begins his new role.


School of Graduate and Professional Studies Commencement

School of Graduate and Professional Studies Commencement, Saturday, May 14, 11 a.m.
Brubaker Auditorium, Eisenhower Campus Center

Schedule and details
The full schedule for the 2022 Commencement Ceremony for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies is posted online at This website will also provide a live video stream of the Commencement ceremony.

Members of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies faculty should have already received information from the Provost’s Office regarding their participation in Commencement. Faculty, staff and administrators who are participating in the Commencement ceremony should also have received a memo regarding their role in the ceremony from the Commencement Committee.

Parking lots YY (beside the Welcome Center) VV (the visitor’s lot) and TT (along the railroad tracks and Sollenberger Sports Center will be the primary guest parking lot for this event.

Note: The COE and employees may travel through the south entrance to avoid all the guest traffic at the main entrance. They may park in the ZZ lot (between the High Center and Old Main and surrounding Old Main). There will be no reserved parking passes issued for this event.
If you have any questions regarding the School of Graduate and Professional Studies Commencement, please contact Rebekah Ostby, co-chair of the Commencement Committee, at ext. 2755 or

Fiscal Year End purchasing information

This information is intended for employees in an effort to reach budget managers, delegates and purchasing card (P-Card and DB-Card) cardholders, approvers and their delegates. If the following does not pertain to you, please disregard. Thank you.

Messiah University’s fiscal year ends on Thursday, June 30. Transactions initiated during the last months of the fiscal year often warrant additional consideration to ensure that charges are recorded in the appropriate fiscal year. Please review the timeline for purchasing, purchasing cards (P-Card and DB-Card), and accounts payable below. Call 717-691-6010 with questions or concerns. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation.

Now through June 12 –
Purchase as needed but please do not stockpile supplies in order to spend your entire budget.
Communicate definitive delivery dates with suppliers. Purchases must be received on campus by June 30, in order to be expensed in the FY22 budget. Please complete the receiving process in One$ource as soon as items arrive on campus. Be sure to update receiving note stating the date you received the item. Purchases received July 1, or later will be expensed in the FY23 budget. This is required by accounting principles, and we cannot make exceptions to this policy.
Open purchase orders:
Budget managers should check the status of open purchase orders. Select the “Encumbrance” column on the Self Service Budget Query.
Contact Purchasing to close any open PO that should not be rolled to FY23.
Examples of PO’s that should be closed:
· Blanket PO where the final delivery for the year has been made
· PO where goods have not and will never be delivered
· PO where the invoice price was lower than the amount entered on the PO
Thursday, June 9 –
Last day that requisitions for items to be expensed to the FY22 budget are entered – see delivery information above.
Friday, June 10 –
Budget managers should approve or deny all requisitions in their queue by 5 p.m.
Monday, June 13 – Friday, June 24.
Please contact purchasing for assistance with urgent requisitions for items that will positively be received by June 30 and are to be expensed to the FY22 budget.
Requisitions for items to be expensed to the FY23 budget and FY23 blanket orders can be entered at this time; however, items must not be delivered to campus prior to July 1. This must be communicated to suppliers in the delivery notes section of the requisition. Also, please note in the justification section that the requisition is for FY23. The effective date for FY23 blanket orders must be July 1 or later.
Friday, July 1–
Requisitions for FY22 goods and services cannot be entered during FY23. Please contact Purchasing for assistance.
Continue to enter FY23 requisitions and blanket orders.
Purchasing card cardholders (P-CARD AND DB-CARD)
Allocate all June purchasing card transactions by end of day Wednesday, July 6. Please allocate posted July transactions at this time as well.
· If June purchases are for FY23 (example: conference registration for a conference that takes place in FY23), please begin the description with “FY23” and email with the date, amount, and coding for the transaction. Accounting will make an entry so FY23 funds are used.
· If July purchases are for items received before June 30, please begin the description with “FY23.”
Approve all purchasing card transactions by end of day Monday, July 11. Please approve allocated July transactions at this time as well.
Accounts Payable
Now through Friday, July 15 –
Invoice processing
If you receive an invoice, please email it to
Submit all employee and student reimbursements, and expense reimbursements for speakers or contracted services from FY22.
Accounting principles require that all goods and services must be expensed in the year that they are delivered or performed, NOT when the invoice is received. If you have purchased goods or services that were delivered or performed by June 30, but do not have an invoice, please contact Accounts Payable for guidance.
Friday, July 15 –
Final day to submit FY22 invoices to Accounts Payable for processing and payment.
Final day to submit employee and student reimbursements, and expense reimbursements for speakers or contracted services from FY22.
If you receive an invoice for FY22 goods or services after this date, please email it to immediately, noting that it is for FY22.
Please contact Procurement Services at extension 6010 with questions.

Campus Store summer hours

Effective May 9-August, the Campus Store’s summer hours are 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Exceptions are:
Saturday, May 14 – 9:30 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Monday, May 30 – CLOSED (Memorial Day)
Monday, July 4 – CLOSED (Independence Day)

Please plan your visits accordingly!

New library resources

Murray Library added many new Ebooks this month. Click here to see a sampling. Educators are invited to contact their liaison librarian at any time with inquiries concerning resources.

Join a Summer 2022 Professional Learning Community

Please join us for two Summer 2022 Professional Learning Communities (PLC):

1. Have a course that needs a tune-up? A full overhaul? Some parts replaced? To be designed and built? Bring it into The Course Workshop. This Professional Learning Community will provide faculty with resources, support, direction, and community for revising or developing courses over the summer. Individual faculty goals will drive this PLC so you can cruise into fall. The Course Workshop will be held June 1, 15, 29 and July 13 at 1p.m. via Zoom. This PLC is facilitated by Leah Clarke, associate professor of counseling, and Tina Keller, associate professor of TESOL education. To register, please contact by May 20.

2. You are invited to join Rocky Allinger and Cindi Kerns, instructional designers, to discuss Kosslyn’s brief book on the what, why and how of active learning in online courses. You will share ideas, brainstorm new strategies, and plan application for increasing student engagement online. Active Learning Online will be held via Zoom; the dates and times will be based on participant availability. To register, please contact by May 20. Book included in registration.


Job opportunities

Facility Maintenance has an opening for a full-time electrician position. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Brian Miller, facility maintenance manager, at

Messiah Press has an opening for a part-time printing and bindery technician position, working Aug-May, 20 hours per week. . For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Dwayne Magee, director of printing and mailing services, at

For sale

Teardrop trailer for cozy camping. If you enjoy semi-rustic camping, but you don’t like to sleep in a tent, then this might be the ticket for your next outdoor getaway! My sister-in-law, who recently moved to Central Pennsylvania, is selling her nearly new sleeping camper, and I thought it might be of interest to someone in our community. There is an ad on Craigslist:

The camper has been meticulously cared for since its initial purchase. Sleeps two adults. If interested, you can contact my sister-in-law directly through the Craigslist ad. Since it’s not my trailer, I don’t know all of the details about it, but I’m happy to talk with you at if you have initial questions. Deana Baddorf

Amazon Fire Tablet 7. 7inch screen. 1GB. Excellent condition. $25. Contact Beth

Whirlpool Washer. Purchased 2 years ago, so it’s practically brand new. It has no agitator. I was use to a front loader, so I wanted to go back to the front loader. If you want to see more pictures or get more information please email me:

Papa bear shirts. Great t-shirts for Father’s Day! What dad or grandpa would not be proud to wear a t-shirt like this? Papa bear with his baby bears. You can choose any wording you’d like along with the bears: Papa, Daddy, Grandpa, Poppy, Grams, you name it, your choice. $25 ea. Email me with size and info:

Horse t-shirts for girls. What girl who loves horses would not be proud to wear this shirt? Let them show their love for their horse. Can be personalized. Email me for more information:

FORTNITE t-shirt or sweatshirt. Yes, Fortnite is still going strong! T-shirt ($15) or sweatshirts ($25), Email for more information:

May 5

Thursday, May 5th, 2022

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58:11


Reception for Provost Basinger: You are cordially invited to a campus reception to honor the good work of Provost Randy Basinger who is retiring in June after serving at Messiah for nearly 40 years. The reception is being held in Howe Atrium on Monday, May 9 from 3-5 p.m. This is a “come-and-go” event with no formal program or planned remarks.


Messiah University Graduate Counseling Associate Professor Carol ZA McGinnis was recently interviewed in a “Connections: Healthy Gambling and Gaming” podcast on the topic of “Women and Gaming.” Here is that web link if you are interested in hearing more on this topic:—S3E3-e1heacb/a-a69u59i


Todd Goranson, professor of music, performed as baritone saxophonist with The Four Tops at Maryland Theater in Annapolis on Wednesday, April 13. He was featured as the soloist on classic hits such as “I Got a Feeling” and “Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)”. The Four Tops became a staple of the Motown sound in the 1960s and 1970s, and were awarded a Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award in 2009.


The Office of Marketing and Communications is pleased to announce the addition of Curt Rohrer to our team in his role as our full-time graphic designer. His most recent position was the design director at Wavelength Marketing and just before that he was the director of publications and design at the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra. Please join our office in welcoming Curt to Messiah University.


Sean Paddock, who has worked for the Department of Safety for 23 years, has been promoted to associate director. Paddock has over 27 years of experience in the safety and security field and carries vital departmental history and investigative experience with him. His dedication to, and knowledge of the operations of our community cannot be matched. We are grateful for his continued service and expertise.

Officer Keith McMann has achieved the position of senior community safety officer specializing in equipment. McMann has been serving our Messiah community for 2.5 years and brought to us over 30 years of experience in campus safety and security. We are blessed by the dedication and experience that McMann brings to our campus.

Officer Jeremy Lippert has achieved the position of senior community safety officer specializing in technology. Lippert has been serving our Messiah community for 2.5 years. Lippert is a 2001 Graduate of Messiah University and has over 10 years of experience in technology/communication. We are thankful for the knowledge and expertise that Lippert offers our campus.


On Wednesday, April 6, The Association of College and University Printers (ACUP) announced in Vancouver, Washington that Kathrynne Shafer, vice president for operations, and her operations leadership team were recipients of the ACUP Impression Award for Collaborative Service.
The award is presented annually to leaders in higher education who collaborate on a project or goal that achieves a positive and impactful outcome. Kathie and the operations directors worked together to create Operations Appreciate Week, a celebration of support services employees whose work throughout the pandemic allowed Messiah to safely and successfully operate through unprecedented challenges.

Please join us in congratulating Kathie and her department directors for their excellent work.


Important undergraduate Commencement information for employees

Schedule and details

Messiah University will be hosting Commencement weekend for the undergraduate Class of 2022 on May 6-7.

Members of the Community of Educators should have already received information from the Provost’s Office regarding their participation in Commencement weekend. Faculty, staff and administrators who are participating in the Commencement ceremony itself should have already received an email memo regarding their role in the ceremony from the Commencement Committee. If you have any questions regarding Commencement, please contact Carla Gross, co-chair of the Undergraduate Commencement Committee, at ext. 6940 or

Important employee parking information for Baccalaureate (Friday, May 6)

  • From 6 a.m. until 10 p.m., the VV (Visitor’s lot) will be closed to employees so families of our graduates have access to parking for Commencement-related activities.
  • For Baccalaureate, Department of Safety personnel will direct guests to designated parking areas on campus. Guests will walk to Eisenhower Campus Center. There is no shuttle service provided that eveningNote:Messiah employees do not receive reserved parking for Baccalaureate. It is also important to note that Baccalaureate is a ticketed event; see the Commencement web site for details.
  • If you have questions regarding parking for guests with a disability, visit

 Important employee parking information for Commencement day (Saturday, May 7).

Members of the Community of Educators and other employees who are marching in the processional or participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive a reserved parking pass via campus mail from the Provost’s Office (educators) or directly from their supervisor (staff/administrators). Drivers MUST show their parking pass to traffic control personnel upon entering campus to be directed to their designated reserved parking areas.

  • All other employees who will be working the Commencement ceremony will receive parking instructions with their assignment.
  • Due to the significantly increased volume of traffic on campus for Commencement, the Department of Safety strongly encourages all employees to arrive on campus no later than 8:15 order to alleviate being delayed in traffic, and to assist in being directed to their reserved parking areas on campus.
  • It is also extremely important to follow all parking direction and instruction from safety personnel while entering and leaving campus, as traffic conditions can change quickly and officers are not able to stop traffic flow to have conversation with individual drivers.
  • An important reminder—employees are not permitted to schedule vendor visits, pick-ups or deliveries on the day of Commencement as it interferes with the increased and altered traffic flow on campus that day

 Hersheypark discount tickets

The Messiah University Community Discount Program is excited to announce that we will have representatives from Hersheypark on campus to offer an exclusive deal on tickets good for any public operating day during the 2022 season! Stop by the table located in Starry Parking Lot during the Employee Recognition event, May 10. The Hersheypark representatives will be available from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and will offer a 44.79% savings on tickets. Credit card only, please. Regular ticket (3 and older) gate rate: $77.80, Messiah rate: $42.95. This exclusive discount is available to Messiah University employees and family members. This special pricing is available at this event only. Please see flyer for more details.

The Susquehanna Chorale presents A Celebration in Song!

Performances are on Friday, May 13, at 8 p.m. at the Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey; and Sunday, May 15, at 4 p.m. at the High Center, Messiah University, Mechanicsburg. Tickets for both may be purchased through the Messiah University Box Office, and audience members are invited to a reception following each performance.

“Celebrate with us as we commemorate our legacy: 40 years of enriching lives through song,” said artistic director and conductor Linda Tedford. “Experience our joy as we come together with renewed excitement for singing to an audience in live performance.”

The Susquehanna Chorale is a nationally acclaimed adult chamber ensemble of 37 auditioned singers. Since its founding by Tedford in 1981, the group has been praised for its “ethereal blend,” “unparalleled tone,” and strong emotional connection to the music. The May concerts will feature songs that have delighted its listeners for four decades, including sacred motets, early American hymns, love songs, and African American spirituals. There are songs that reflect heartfelt faith, common experiences, and powerful emotions. Concert repertoire includes signature Chorale favorites like Schubert’s Holy, Holy, Holy and Bruckner’s Locus Iste; Philip Stopford’s poignant Do Not Be Afraid; two classic early American folk hymns, Down to the River to Pray and No Time; and Java Jive, made famous by Manhattan Transfer. The concert will conclude with Rollo Dilworth’s Shine the Heavenly Light, and a special performance of Shenandoah as the Susquehanna Chorale is joined by several alumni.

For more information, call 717-533-7859, email or see

2022 Fall Semester – Faculty work submission deadlines

A Note to Faculty: Please Read

Due to the new Campus Store vendor’s textbook subscription service, Slingshot Choice, the due dates for faculty submissions of copyright and non-copyrighted material have been adjusted. With enrollment in this new service, the Campus Store aims to deliver a student’s required course materials, including course packets and lab manuals, to the students a week before the semester starts.

As a result, the Campus Store needs these materials to be received into their inventory sooner than in the past.
Thank you in advance for your understanding. Below are the new dates.

Deadline Dates for Fall Semester 2022 (begins Tuesday, Aug. 23)

May 18:
* Course packs and lab manuals for sale in the Campus Store requiring copyright clearance
* Course materials requiring copyright clearance (posted in Canvas, library reserve, class handouts)

June 13:
* Course packs and lab manuals not requiring copyright clearance

*Complete web form for:

*Electronic copyrighted course materials posted in Canvas
* Print course packs/lab manuals for sale to students in Messiah University Campus Store that REQUIRE copyright clearance
* Print lab manuals/course packs for sale to students in the Campus Store that DO NOT REQUIRE copyright clearance
* Print course materials placed on library reserve or used as a classroom handout

Important: If you plan to have a course packet or lab manual, please add this item to your course in Slingshot Pro as a custom product. Enter the title (i.e. CHEM 106 Lab Manual), your name as author, Messiah Press as publisher and choose Coursepack as product type. Include any additional context in the additional comments section. If you have questions, please contact Aleisha Wildon at x3070.

Questions? Contact Cathy Weaver, Messiah Press customer service representative, at ext. 3896 or

School of Graduate and Professional Studies Commencement

School of Graduate and Professional Studies Commencement, Saturday, May 14, 11 a.m.
Brubaker Auditorium, Eisenhower Campus Center

Schedule and details
The full schedule for the 2022 Commencement Ceremony for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies is posted online at This website will also provide a live video stream of the Commencement ceremony.

Members of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies faculty should have already received information from the Provost’s Office regarding their participation in Commencement. Faculty, staff and administrators who are participating in the Commencement ceremony should also have received a memo regarding their role in the ceremony from the Commencement Committee.

Parking lots YY (beside the Welcome Center) VV (the visitor’s lot) and TT (along the railroad tracks and Sollenberger Sports Center will be the primary guest parking lot for this event.

Note: The COE and employees may travel through the south entrance to avoid all the guest traffic at the main entrance. They may park in the ZZ lot (between the High Center and Old Main and surrounding Old Main). There will be no reserved parking passes issued for this event.
If you have any questions regarding the School of Graduate and Professional Studies Commencement, please contact Rebekah Ostby, co-chair of the Commencement Committee, at ext. 2755 or

Help us tell your story

The Office of Development would like to help you tell the story of the philanthropic donors who support your department and students. If there are any donor stories you wish to highlight, please email Abby Book at with any relevant pictures and information. We will ensure that your story is highlighted on our social media, e-newsletters, website, and print mailings!

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment for benefits begins May 10! Please click here for more information.

Music composition contest winner announced

The ACDA of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the following 2022 Composition Contest winner, Maira Myers, in the Student Category with her piece “The Violet” for SATB and piano.

Maira Myers is a rising junior at Messiah University in the Department of Music. Although she is originally from Harrisonburg, Virginia, she has come to Pennsylvania to pursue music education. Maira specializes mainly in voice and has always loved to sing in choirs. She is part of Concert Choir and Chamber Singers at Messiah University and has also sung in numerous choirs throughout her high school years, including district, honors, and state choir. Maira has always had a love and passion for composing music and recently started taking lessons under Dr. Richard Roberson. Maira is very thankful for the opportunity to continue composing and pursuing music. Her piece will be premiered at the ACDA Summer Conference.


Job opportunities

Information Technology Services has an opening for a full-time programmer/reporting analyst position. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Joe Bennett, director of data innovation and reporting, at

Alumni and Parent Relations has an opening for a full-time project coordinator and administrative assistant position. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Jay McClymont, director of alumni and parent relations, at

For sale

Great for Mother’s Day –Sunflower Key Fobs – Cute, handmade, adorable key fobs, available in 4″ and some are 6″. $5 each. I have them with me if you’d like to stop by Naugle and see them in person.  MANY other crafts available. All make great gifts for graduation, Mother’s Day, and birthdays etc. Feel free to email for more information and pictures. Contact Stacy at

Great for Mother’s Day – Handmade earrings. These would make a great gift for your mom – handmade and really cute. Made with cork or faux leather; some other materials used. These pictures do not do them justice. They are so cute. They’d be perfect for Mother’s Day, birthdays, graduation, or just to say “I love you”, or “thanks for being my friend”, whatever the occasion. I have many to choose from, you’re welcome to stop by Naugle and browse through all of my craft items. I have too many to post. Email me to set up a time: Monday – Friday until 4 p.m. All items $5. Thank you for looking. Contact Stacy at

Moving boxes. Lots available: 40 legal (11x16x24); wardrobe (tall and medium); miscellaneous. Negotiable price (i.e. v low). Contact Dan:


Free: New mother baby bundle. Interested? Contact Amanda at


April 28

Thursday, April 28th, 2022

And in Your loving kindness, cut off my enemies

And destroy all those who afflict my soul,

For I am your servant.

PSALM 143:12


Make the most of your summer with Messiah University’s undergraduate online courses.

This year, choose from nearly 60 courses in two different sessions—all at a discounted price. Messiah’s online summer undergraduate courses cost 60 percent less than the same classes offered during the academic year. Visit our course list to find the online class you, or someone you know, may want to take this summer.

Messiah’s online summer sessions are convenient, interactive experiences that work around busy summer schedules. All courses are taught by Messiah faculty, drawn from Messiah’s curriculum, and designed specifically for an online learning experience that reflects Messiah’s reputation for academic excellence. Summer courses are open to college-level students, qualified homeschooled and high school students, employees, alumni, parents, and anyone who would like to further their education. The majority of Messiah’s online summer courses meet general education requirements and are transfer friendly—and high school students will find a variety of options for pursuing dual enrolled credit.

Messiah is now enrolling for all summer online sessions. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in registering or learning more, visit To learn more about our dual enrollment program for qualified homeschooled and high school students, visit

School of Science, Engineering and Health Symposium

The 19th Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health will be held on Friday, April 29 in Frey, Jordan and Kline academic buildings. The work of more than 250 co-authors (students from within the school, off campus collaborators and Messiah University faculty mentors) will be represented in 104 presentations. Oral and poster presentations will be given in multiple venues throughout the day. A detailed schedule and program is available on the Symposium website at:

Celebrate the work, creativity and innovation reflected in the rich and diverse variety of oral and poster presentations. Many presentations will describe basic or applied research projects and represent the culmination of months (or years) of effort by graduating seniors. A number of presentations will highlight how talents and resources are being used to address needs in the developing world. Plan to join us to celebrate the accomplishments of the students!

Important undergraduate commencement information for employees

Schedule and details

Messiah University will be hosting Commencement weekend for the undergraduate Class of 2022 on May 6-7.

Members of the Community of Educators should have already received information from the Provost’s Office regarding their participation in Commencement weekend. Faculty, staff and administrators who are participating in the Commencement ceremony itself should have already received an email memo regarding their role in the ceremony from the Commencement Committee. If you have any questions regarding Commencement, please contact Carla Gross, co-chair of the Undergraduate Commencement Committee, at ext. 6940 or

Important employee parking information for Baccalaureate (Friday, May 6)

  • From 6 a.m. until 10 p.m., the VV (Visitor’s lot) will be closed to employees so families of our graduates have access to parking for Commencement-related activities.
  • For Baccalaureate, Department of Safety personnel will direct guests to designated parking areas on campus. Guests will walk to Eisenhower Campus Center. There is no shuttle service provided that evening. Note: Messiah employees do not receive reserved parking for Baccalaureate.  It is also important to note that Baccalaureate is a ticketed event; see the Commencement web site for details.

 Important employee parking information for Commencement day (Saturday, May 7).

Members of the Community of Educators and other employees who are marching in the processional or participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive a reserved parking pass via campus mail from the Provost’s Office (educators) or directly from their supervisor (staff/administrators). Drivers MUST show their parking pass to traffic control personnel upon entering campus to be directed to their designated reserved parking areas.

  •  All other employees who will be working the Commencement ceremony will receive parking instructions with their assignment.
  • Due to the significantly increased volume of traffic on campus for Commencement, the Department of Safety strongly encourages all employees to arrive on campus no later than 8:15 a.m. in order to alleviate being delayed in traffic, and to assist in being directed to their reserved parking areas on campus.
  • It is also extremely important to follow all parking direction and instruction from safety personnel while entering and leaving campus, as traffic conditions can change quickly and officers are not able to stop traffic flow to have conversation with individual drivers.
  • An important reminder—employees are not permitted to schedule vendor visits, pick-ups or deliveries on the day of Commencement as it interferes with the increased and altered traffic flow on campus that day. 

The Susquehanna Chorale presents A Celebration in Song!

Performances are on Friday, May 13, at 8 p.m. at the Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey; and Sunday, May 15, at 4 p.m. at the High Center, Messiah University, Mechanicsburg. Tickets for both may be purchased through the Messiah University Box Office, and audience members are invited to a reception following each performance.

“Celebrate with us as we commemorate our legacy: 40 years of enriching lives through song,” said artistic director and conductor Linda Tedford. “Experience our joy as we come together with renewed excitement for singing to an audience in live performance.”

The Susquehanna Chorale is a nationally acclaimed adult chamber ensemble of 37 auditioned singers. Since its founding by Tedford in 1981, the group has been praised for its “ethereal blend,” “unparalleled tone,” and strong emotional connection to the music. The May concerts will feature songs that have delighted its listeners for four decades, including sacred motets, early American hymns, love songs, and African American spirituals. There are songs that reflect heartfelt faith, common experiences, and powerful emotions. Concert repertoire includes signature Chorale favorites like Schubert’s Holy, Holy, Holy and Bruckner’s Locus Iste; Philip Stopford’s poignant Do Not Be Afraid; two classic early American folk hymns, Down to the River to Pray and No Time; and Java Jive, made famous by Manhattan Transfer. The concert will conclude with Rollo Dilworth’s Shine the Heavenly Light, and a special performance of Shenandoah as the Susquehanna Chorale is joined by several alumni.

For more information, call 717.533.7859, email or see

Encourage your students to consider May 2023 CC in Zambia!

Experience rural southern AFRICA!!!
We have openings for the May 2023 Zambia Cross-Cultural Course.

Join our May 2023 group to examine the history, geography, and political environment, and culture of Zambia through readings, formal and informal conversations, guest speakers, visits to cultural and historical sites, and a village homestay. Much time will be spent around Macha (Macha Mission Hospital and Macha Research Trust) where we will focus on rural community life, health, education, community development, and international aid issues. Zambia in general, and Macha as a microcosm, have been affected by the “big three” diseases of poverty (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria). Experience life among a welcoming community that has risen to these challenges!

Special feature: Our cross-cultural course includes a unique week-long internship/professional shadowing component. One week of our time at Macha is devoted to arranging opportunities for students to interact with (“shadow”) professionals in Macha whose responsibilities relate to the student’s academic major and/or career interests. Shadowing opportunities can be organized for individuals or student groups with interest(s) in clinical healthcare, laboratory research, education (primary or secondary), physical or occupational therapy, dentistry, optometry, nutrition, politics, business administration, accounting, Christian Ministries, athletics, psychology, communications, counseling, and even criminal justice. More options are available! Join us and learn about challenges and opportunities uniquely afforded by the location and culture for a variety of professions!

We routinely end the trip by getting soaked in the spray from Victoria Falls (a true Wonder of the World!) and a two-day camping safari in neighboring Botswana. Few things can top seeing and hearing elephants, lions, hippos, giraffes, etc. up close in their natural setting! And, view the night sky filled with southern constellations!

Please contact Larry Mylin ( if you want more information. Or, check out our Terra Dotta May 2023 Zambia trip site. Register soon!

2022 Fall Semester – Faculty work submission deadlines

A Note to Faculty: Please Read

Due to the new Campus Store vendor’s textbook subscription service, Slingshot Choice, the due dates for faculty submissions of copyright and non-copyrighted material have been adjusted. With enrollment in this new service, the Campus Store aims to deliver a student’s required course materials, including course packets and lab manuals, to the students a week before the semester starts.
As a result, the Campus Store needs these materials to be received into their inventory sooner than in the past.
Thank you in advance for your understanding. Below are the new dates.

Deadline Dates for Fall Semester 2022 (begins Tuesday, August 23)

May 18:
* Course packs and lab manuals for sale in the Campus Store requiring copyright clearance
* Course materials requiring copyright clearance (posted in Canvas, library reserve, class handouts)

June 13:
* Course packs and lab manuals not requiring copyright clearance

*Complete web form for:

*Electronic copyrighted course materials posted in Canvas
* Print course packs/lab manuals for sale to students in Messiah University Campus Store that REQUIRE copyright clearance
* Print lab manuals/course packs for sale to students in the Campus Store that DO NOT REQUIRE copyright clearance
* Print course materials placed on library reserve or used as a classroom handout

Important: If you plan to have a course packet or lab manual, please add this item to your course in Slingshot Pro as a custom product. Enter the title (i.e. CHEM 106 Lab Manual), your name as author, Messiah Press as publisher and choose Coursepack as product type. Include any additional context in the additional comments section. If you have questions, please contact Aleisha Wildon at x3070.

Questions? Contact Cathy Weaver, Messiah Press customer service representative, at ext. 3896 or

SPLICE 2022!

Join us Sunday, May 1, beginning at 2 p.m., in Parmer Cinema, Boyer Hall, to see our much anticipated, annual SPLICE Student Film Festival!! No tickets required, so plan to arrive early for best seating.

Reception to follow in Howe Atrium.

Note: Some films feature sensitive topics or contain strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.

History program senior honors presentation-Chloe Kauffman

On Friday, April 29, in Boyer 131, beginning at 3:30 p.m., senior Chloe Kauffman will present her research on, “Masculinity, Male Friendship, and Same-Sex Interactions in 18th Century America: The Relationship of Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens.”

Amidst the great political change of eighteenth-century America, the concepts of gender and sexuality were brought into new conversation surrounding the Revolution and the new nation. The shifting understandings of gender and sexuality, especially masculinity and male sexuality, were integral to society in both the public and private sphere. One of the unique facets within these sociocultural changes was the “heroic friendship,” an intimate friendship between two young men built upon the values of the early American public sphere–civic virtue, intellect, and status, to name a few. The debate lies in if the “heroic friendship” should be included as a valid category in the history of homosexuality; using the relationship of Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens, a case can be made that the “heroic friendship” blurs the lines of platonic male love and therefore should be considered an important element in the history of same-sex sexuality.


Job opportunities

The Admissions Office has an opening for a full-time admissions counselor. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Shayna Mark, associate director of admissions, at

The Post Office has an opening for a full-time postal services clerk and campus courier. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Dwayne Magee, director of printing and mailing services, at

Student Success and Engagement has an opening for a part-time student success coordinator. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Jocelyn Clippinger, director of student success, at

Student Financial Services has an opening for a full-time office coordinator. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris, director of student financial services, at

Information Technology Services has openings for (2) full-time programmer/analyst positions. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to John Luft, director of enterprise application support at

For sale

Electric scooter. Ninebot max kick scooter. Lightly used. Seat and turn signals included. Top speed 18 MPH. Range 30 miles. Can connect to smart phone for additional features. Now asking $350. Contact:

Great for Mother’s Day –Sunflower Key Fobs – Cute, handmade, adorable key fobs, available in 4″ and some are 6″. $5 each. I have them with me if you’d like to stop by Naugle and see them in person.  MANY other crafts available. All make great gifts for graduation, Mother’s Day, and birthdays etc. Feel free to email for more information and pictures. Contact Stacy at

Great for Mother’s Day – Handmade earrings. These would make a great gift for your mom – handmade and really cute. Made with cork or faux leather; some other materials used. These pictures do not do them justice. They are so cute. They’d be perfect for Mother’s Day, birthdays, graduation, or just to say “I love you”, or “thanks for being my friend”, whatever the occasion. I have many to choose from, you’re welcome to stop by Naugle and browse through all of my craft items. I have too many to post. Email me to set up a time: Monday – Friday until 4 p.m. All items $5. Thank you for looking. Contact Stacy at

Moving boxes. Lots available: 40 legal (11x16x24); wardrobe (tall and medium); miscellaneous. Negotiable price (i.e. v low). Contact Dan:


Board games, puzzles, relaxation items for education department students. We are creating an oasis of calm in the midst of the end of the semester work load. If you have donations of board games, puzzles, adult coloring books, or any other ideas for relaxation the education department can put them to great use! You can place your donations outside Tina Keller’s office-Boyer 405.

April 21

Thursday, April 21st, 2022

“. . .for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”

Romans 3:23


PSYCamp 2022

We are excited to invite high school students to attend Psychology Camp this year, June 19-24 (extended 5-day camp)! Psychology Camp provides a fun opportunity for students to explore psychology and the question, “Why do humans do what they do?” This year, we are offering both an overnight residential option and a day-camp commuter option. This enriching summer camp environment will help students gain knowledge and explore various branches of psychology including clinical psychology, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology and biopsychology.
If you know someone who would be interested in attending, we invite you to learn more and register at: before May 23.
Also, there is a special offer for dependents of Messiah University employees!
Contact for more information.

School of Science, Engineering and Health Symposium

The 19th Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health will be held on Friday, April 29 in Frey, Jordan and Kline academic buildings. The work of more than 250 co-authors (students from within the school, off campus collaborators and Messiah University faculty mentors) will be represented in 104 presentations. Oral and poster presentations will be given in multiple venues throughout the day. A detailed schedule and program is available on the Symposium website at:

Celebrate the work, creativity and innovation reflected in the rich and diverse variety of oral and poster presentations. Many presentations will describe basic or applied research projects and represent the culmination of months (or years) of effort by graduating seniors. A number of presentations will highlight how talents and resources are being used to address needs in the developing world. Plan to join us to celebrate the accomplishments of the students!

Theatre and Dance Academy-summer intensives

Messiah University Theatre and Dance Academy, June 19-24.
Space is limited; application and video audition are due May 15.
Have you ever considered majoring in theatre or dance? The Messiah University Theatre Arts Academy (MUTAA) specializes in professional training for rising 9th  through 12th-grade emerging theatre and dance artists. Join us for a unique opportunity to experience one week as a Messiah University theatre or dance major. Explore faith and art and culminate your week with a performance. Explore campus and learn firsthand about campus life from current majors and alumni who serve as your resident assistants.
Have questions? Contact Daniel Inouye at or ext 2409.

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: Culmination ’22

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present the spring dance concert Culmination ’22 on April 22 and 23! Please join us as GiViM, the premier dance ensemble for Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance, presents an eclectic evening of dance featuring faculty and adjudicated student work.

Culmination ’22
Spring Dance Concert
Directed by: Gregg Hurley

April 22 at 8 p.m. and April 23 at 2 p.m.
Miller Theater, Climenhaga Building

Estimated run time: 115 minutes, including one 15-minute intermission.

Tickets: $10—Adults $7—MU students (w/ID), MU employees (w/ID), youth (under 18) and seniors (60+)

Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more.

Department of History, Politics and International Relations Senior Honors Presentation

Join us today, Thursday, April 21,at 4 p.m. in Boyer 335, as senior Autumn Miller delivers her honors presentation, “The Shadow of Culloden: The Political Legacy of the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion.” Autumn’s presentation will look at the events following the Jacobite failure at the April 16, 1746 Battle of Culloden. Through 276 years of history, the harrowing memory of Culloden continues to affect the United Kingdom today. In her presentation Autumn will discuss these long-lasting affects and their continued impact, specifically on the recent 2014 Scottish Referendum. There will be refreshments.

Messiah University Symphony Orchestra “Reconciliation in Sound”

Parmer Hall, April 22, 7:30 p.m

The Messiah University Symphony Orchestra and JazzOne collaborate with composer Jonathan Ragonese, trumpet soloist William Stowman, and percussion soloist Erik Forst for the world premiere of an original double concerto. This composition is inspired by the research of Messiah alum Christina Thomas on the life of Rachel Flowers, the first African American student to attend Messiah University. The concert will also feature the Symphony No. 1 (Afro-American) by composer William Grant Still.

Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717-691-6036 option #1 or online at

Connecting Communities Convening

In conjunction with the Kline Foundation, Messiah is hosting the Connecting Communities Convening. This hybrid in-person and virtual event will continue last year’s goal of impacting local, affordable housing and being a good neighbor. Last year, this event virtually brought together over 100 community leaders to lay the foundation for a policy white paper that encourages and ensures those seeking public funding for housing initiatives demonstrate their commitment to becoming a good neighbor in the community they intend to serve.

We welcome our plenary guest speaker, Mark Martin, founder and CEO of Build UP Birmingham ( The mission of Build UP is to empower young people with education and credit bearing experiences, providing opportunities for them to become homeowners in the future. Registration for the Convening is NOW OPEN! We invite you to visit the website for additional details and registration info:

Hersheypark discount tickets

The Messiah University Community Discount Program is excited to announce that we will have representatives from Hersheypark on campus to offer an exclusive deal on tickets good for any public operating day during the 2022 season! Stop by the table located in Starry Parking Lot during the Employee Recognition event , May 10. The Hersheypark representatives will be available from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and will offer a 44.79% savings on tickets. Credit card only, please. Regular ticket (3 and older) gate rate: $77.80, Messiah rate: $42.95. This exclusive discount is available to Messiah University employees and family members. This special pricing is available at this event only. Please see flyer for more details.

New library resources

Murray Library added many new Ebooks this month. Click here to see a sampling. Educators are invited to contact their liaison librarian at any time with inquiries concerning resources.

1950s Night

Have a blast at 1950s night! Murray Library is celebrating the release of the 1950s U.S. Census! Get involved in history with the chance to transcribe the records and maybe even find yourself, parents or neighbors in the Census! Come and go as you’d like on Friday, April 22 from 7 – 9 p.m. Murray Library will have loads of 1950s fun activities, like board games to play, swing dancing, snacks, music and a movie. All Messiah students, employees and their immediate families are welcome.

Peace and Conflict Studies program-senior presentations

Join us on Wednesday, April 27, beginning at 4 p.m. in Boyer 131, as three Peace and Conflict Studies program students deliver their senior presentations. Chloe Wester will discuss how “Meaningful Education Equals Justice Upheld” at 4 p.m. At 4:45 p.m., Victoria Berrios will speak about “Oral History as Peacemaking in African American Church Communities,” and Jordan Howard will explore “Collaborative Strategies: Reconciling Police and Those They Serve and Protect,” at 5:20 p.m. Refreshments will be served.


Job opportunities

The Post Office has an immediate opening for the full time position of post office supervisor and copier support specialist.  Job-related questions may be directed to Dwayne Magee, director of Messiah Press and Postal Services, at

Information Technology Services has an opening for a full-time programmer/analyst position. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to John Luft, director of enterprise application support at

For sale

Electric dryer. Less than one year old Whirlpool 7.0-cu ft. vented electric dryer, model number WED4815EW. Needs power cord. Purchased at Lowes for $599. Asking $400 OBO. Can provide pictures upon request. Pick up from Lewisberry. If interested, please contact Tom at Thank you.

Electric scooter. Ninebot max kick scooter. Lightly used. Seat and turn signals included. Top speed 18 MPH. Range 30 miles. Can connect to smart phone for additional features. Now asking $350. Contact:


Board games, puzzles, relaxation items for education department students. We are creating an oasis of calm in the midst of the end of the semester work load. If you have donations of board games, puzzles, adult coloring books, or any other ideas for relaxation the education department can put them to great use! You can place your donations outside Tina Keller’s office-Boyer 405.


April 14

Thursday, April 14th, 2022

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”

Peter 1:3


Messiah University’s capstone marketing class, Marketing Management and Strategy, taught by Professor of Marketing David Hagenbuch, recently won first place in the annual Collegiate Marketing Plan Competition sponsored by the Pittsburgh chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA). It’s the third time in four years that Messiah’s marketing program has taken the top spot.

Pittsburgh-area marketing professionals judge teams’ presentations and plans, which this year focused on the marketing needs of Butler Technologies Inc., a manufacturer of user interface and printed electronics products located in Butler, PA. Lindsey Bernd, Clayton Holmes, and Angela Tozzi presented Messiah’s plan.

The semester-long competition draws teams from the greater Pittsburgh region. Over the last several years, schools competing have included the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, Chatham University, Point Part University, Robert Morris University, Slippery Rock University, and West Virginia University.


Scott Kieffer, professor of exercise physiology, and two students, Rhianna Gonzales and Melissa McCoy recently attended the Experimental Biology (EB) conference in Philadelphia. EB attracts over 12,000 attendees from six different professional scientific societies and the Messiah trio attended through the American Physiological Society (APS). Both students presented their research during poster sessions in the main venues during topic specific sessions as well as representing Messiah University in the APS Undergraduate Poster Session and Research Awards Ceremony. The research projects were:

  • Rhianna Gonzales (Sophomore) – “The Effects of Meditation on Heart Rate Variability” (Faculty sponsor: Scott Kieffer)
  • Melissa McCoy (Senior) – “The Influence of Caffeine Consumption and the Polymorphisms of DRD2 and ADORA2 Genes on Motor Task Performance” (Faculty sponsors: Scott Kieffer and Michael Shin)


Given the upcoming provost transition this summer, I am pleased to share the following information regarding leadership for the areas that currently report to the provost through the associate provost. Those areas generally fall into one of two categories. The first is comprised of the registrar’s office, curriculum, and assessment; together, these areas are responsible for generating and sustaining our academic offerings. The second is comprised of the library, educational technology, and academic advising; these areas focus on supporting, equipping, and empowering educators to effectively deliver programming within the mission and identity of the university.

As of July 1, leadership for these areas will be provided by two half-time administrative roles within the Office of the Provost. Angela Hare will assume the role of associate provost and dean of the School of Science, Engineering and Health, with responsibility for curriculum, assessment, and the Office of the Registrar, along with projects related to curricular and systems efficiency. David Weaver-Zercher has agreed to serve as half-time assistant provost, giving leadership to the Murray Library, Sider Institute and Archives, academic advising, and Educational Technology Services.

Angela has been at Messiah since 1996-97 and has extensive leadership experience. She has served on the TTP Committee, Teacher Education Committee, Curriculum Committee, and the Scholarship and Development Committee. In addition, she provided leadership first as a department chair, then interim dean of the School of Science Engineering and Health (SSEH), and, for the last six years, the dean of SSEH. She is an excellent educator and published scholar, having continued to lend her gifts to the classroom during her tenure as dean and through the pandemic years. Her notable accomplishments during this time include working collaboratively in the development of new accelerated programs, revising our room assignment processes during COVID, and extensive contributions to global service through her work with the Collaboratory. Angela led the Collaboratory Education group from 2007 to 2015 developing and publishing curriculum and leading in-person training for educators in mathematics literacy for Burkinabè children who are blind, who have other physical and learning disabilities, and for children preparing for national mathematics examinations to enter middle school. In addition, she spent two years as an investigator for the externally funded Africa Water and Disabilities Study, a Collaboratory partnership with World Vision aimed to empower persons with disabilities in targeted regions of West Africa. I am very pleased that she will be bringing her experience and acumen to this key role in the provost’s office, as well as continuing her leadership of the School of Science Engineering, and Health. She will have support in her role as dean and will be in communication with educators in SSEH in the coming weeks.

Weaver-Zercher came to Messiah in 1997 and has consistently and skillfully served the university in areas of governance and administration. He has chaired the ranked faculty meeting and the community of educators and has served on the term-tenure and promotion committee, scholarship and development committee, curriculum committee, and academic council. In addition, David led the task force that developed the new term-tenure and promotion policies and served for nine years as the department chair for the (then) biblical and religious studies department. His teaching and scholarship is exemplary. The author or editor of seven books (most recently, Martyrs Mirror: A Social History, published by Johns Hopkins University Press in 2016) and dozens of articles in the field of religious history, he was named distinguished professor of American religious history in 2016. Weaver-Zercher will provide strong leadership for the Library, ETS, Sider Institute and Archives, and Academic Advising as well as support the provost in working with academic and educational governance.
Please join me in supporting and congratulating Angela and David as they assume these new roles in service to the university.
-Alison Noble, associate provost and incoming interim provost


Exploring Careers in Healthcare Day Camp

Exploring Careers in Healthcare is the name and focus of Messiah’s new summer day camp being offered June 20-22, for students entering 10th, 11th and 12th grades this fall. Our camp is designed for students to explore some of the most dynamic healthcare professions, including nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training and applied health sciences, from a faith-based perspective. Patient case studies will provide context for engaging, hands-on activities, demonstrations, and panel discussions in state-of-the-art facilities on main campus and at Winding Hill with Messiah’s expert faculty, students and professional practitioners.
If you or someone you know is interested, we invite you to learn more and register at before June 1. Please contact Holly Myers at for more information.

Make the most of your summer with Messiah University’s undergraduate online courses.

This year, choose from nearly 60 courses in two different sessions—all at a discounted price. Messiah’s online summer undergraduate courses cost 60 percent less than the same classes offered during the academic year. Visit our course list to find the online class you, or someone you know, may want to take this summer.

Messiah’s online summer sessions are convenient, interactive experiences that work around busy summer schedules. All courses are taught by Messiah faculty, drawn from Messiah’s curriculum, and designed specifically for an online learning experience that reflects Messiah’s reputation for academic excellence. Summer courses are open to college-level students, qualified homeschooled and high school students, employees, alumni, parents, and anyone who would like to further their education. The majority of Messiah’s online summer courses meet general education requirements and are transfer friendly—and high school students will find a variety of options for pursuing dual enrolled credit.

Messiah is now enrolling for all summer online sessions. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in registering or learning more, visit To learn more about our dual enrollment program for qualified homeschooled and high school students, visit

Help Needed to Celebrate the Class of 2022!

On Saturday, May 7, Messiah University will host the 2022 undergraduate commencement. This is an exciting day for campus and particularly for the new alums and their families. Messiah University’s commitment to hospitality shines on this day and we need your help to make the day successful.
The Division of Operations is looking for employees to work who are not already participating in the commencement ceremony. We are in need of:
• Bus hosts
• Field ushers
• Assistance with traffic control
• Help with other duties as assigned
The day starts between 7-8:30 a.m. (depending on role) and is finished no later than 2 p.m. (depending on role).
Hourly employees who work commencement will be paid at their current wage rate, and where appropriate, overtime will be applied. All hours worked are to be recorded on the regular department time sheet.
All members of the COE and President’s Cabinet are expected, as part of their regular assignment, to march at commencement and/or provide support for commencement activities.
Are you interested in working and helping us celebrate the class of 2022? If so, please email Randy Heintzelman at
Thank you!

Kathrynne Shafer
VP of Operations

Connecting Communities Convening

In conjunction with the Kline Foundation, Messiah is hosting the Connecting Communities Convening. This hybrid in-person and virtual event will continue last year’s goal of impacting local, affordable housing and being a good neighbor. Last year, this event virtually brought together over 100 community leaders to lay the foundation for a policy white paper that encourages and ensures those seeking public funding for housing initiatives demonstrate their commitment to becoming a good neighbor in the community they intend to serve.

We welcome our plenary guest speaker, Mark Martin, founder and CEO of Build UP Birmingham. The mission of Build UP is to empower young people with education and credit bearing experiences, providing opportunities for them to become homeowners in the future. Registration for the Convening is NOW OPEN! We invite you to visit the website for additional details and registration info:

SACS Research Symposium

The School of Arts, Culture and Society is hosting their Research Symposium on Friday, April 22, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel. This respected event, which showcases a variety of student research, provides a visual representation of the hard work and dedication of many students within SACS. Featuring engaging posters and several oral presentations, this symposium displays relevant and interesting student research. Join us to support and learn more about our students’ projects! Please direct any questions or students interested in presenting to Jennifer Thomson (

Teacher Education Program scholarships

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 22-23 Teacher Education Program Scholarship Awards:

September Nguyen – Ethel Brandt Bigham, endowed education award
Melissa Johnson – Ernest L. Boyer, sr. teacher scholarship
Micah Wagner – Suzanne Joy Johnson, endowed scholarship award
Maria Cushing-Daniels – Terry L. Stoudnour, endowed education award
Sidney Stutzman – Murk-Hayes, endowed education award

Join us in congratulation these students.

Student Employee of the Year

The Student Employment Office is pleased to announce that Remy Murray has been selected as Messiah’s Student Employee of the Year. Remy works as a student trainer in the Dining Services Department and was nominated by Todd Christopher and Heather Wisner.

In addition to being selected as Messiah’s Student Employee of the Year, Remy’s nomination was forwarded for consideration at the state and regional levels and Remy was selected by NEASEA (Northeast Association of Student Employment Administrators) as Pennsylvania’s Student Employee of the Year. Additionally, she was chosen as one of the top 4 nominees from the Northeast region to move on to be recognized at the national level! Remy was presented with a monetary award from NSEA (National Student Employment Association) and will be featured in a flipbook honoring the top student employees from across the nation.

Please congratulate Remy and all of our Student Employee of the Year nominees:
Runner-up: Laura Phelps, residence life
Honorable Mention: Samuel Cable, athletic communications and Tjia-Yi Lau, multicultural and international student programs office
Nominees: Marianne Fitzkee, Chloe Hall, Grace Hogue, Kynza Learmont-Rawls, Chad Long, Griffin McVay, and Phalika Oum

You can read more about each nominee here:
Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination!

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: Culmination ’22

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present the spring dance concert Culmination ’22 on April 22 and 23! Please join us as GiViM, the premier dance ensemble for Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance, presents an eclectic evening of dance featuring faculty and adjudicated student work.

Culmination ’22
Spring Dance Concert
Directed by: Gregg Hurley

April 22 at 8 p.m. and April 23 at 2 p.m.
Miller Theater, Climenhaga Building

Estimated run time: 115 minutes, including one 15-minute intermission.

Tickets: $10—Adults $7—MU students (w/ID), MU employees (w/ID), youth (under 18) and seniors (60+)

Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more.


Job opportunities

For sale

Electric dryer. Less than one year old Whirlpool 7.0-cu ft. vented electric dryer, model number WED4815EW. Needs power cord. Purchased at Lowes for $599. Asking $400 OBO. Can provide pictures upon request. Pick up from Lewisberry. If interested, please contact Tom at Thank you.


April 7

Thursday, April 7th, 2022

“I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk your steps will not be hampered; when you run you will not stumble.”

Proverbs 4:11-12


Brenton Good, professor of art, painter, printmaker, and chair of the Department of Art and Design, was recently interviewed by the UK Printmaking journal, Pressing Matters. The profile focuses on how Professor Good’s life in the classroom impacts his time in the studio. Congratulations, Professor Good!
Check out the article here:


Oakes Museum summer camps

The Oakes Museum is offering the following summer camps:

3rd-5th grades
June 27 – July 1: Explore It! Curators Club Day Camp
9 a.m. to noon at the Oakes Museum, $125*
Each day we will investigate a different topic, ranging from fossils to the sun to following a raindrop on its path across campus. Join us as we explore it!

July 18 – 22: Animals! Curators Club Day Camp
9 a.m. to noon at the Oakes Museum, $125*
Using the museum and the surrounding natural world, each day campers will learn about a different animal group (invertebrates, fish, reptiles/amphibians, birds and mammals).

6th-8th grades
July 5-9: Ecology CC2 Day Camp
9 a.m. to noon at the Oakes Museum, $125*
The world is complex! Learn about the interactions between different life forms and their environments with hands on observations and experiments in the museum and the living laboratory of campus.

*Before camp care will be available for the above three camps from 8-9 a.m. Games, puzzles, crafts will be provided with staff oversight. The cost for before camp care is an additional $25/week.

9th-12th grades
Our high school day camps offer students entering 9th-12th grades a unique opportunity to learn in the field and lab. Qualified museum staff will lead each session, and college professors and professionals will offer their expertise as guest speakers. Lunch is included – we will eat in the university cafeteria or provide bag lunches to eat in the field.
June 13 – 14: Herpetology High School Day Camp
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., $150
Camp includes a frog dissection.

June 16 – 17: Aquatic Biology High School Day Camp
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., $150
Learn about collecting terrestrial insects in the field, preparing insects for permanent preservation and display, sampling techniques used by aquatic biologists and how ecologists assess water quality.

June 20 – 21: Forest Ecology High School Day Camp
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., $150
Learn about forest ecology in the field, learning how to view the forest sampling techniques used by aquatic biologists and how ecologists assess water quality.

June 23 – 24: Vertebrate Anatomy High School Day Camp
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., $175
Learn dissecting skills and use them to gain an overview of vertebrate anatomy by comparing the organ systems and specializations of a variety of representative vertebrates. Students will dissect a variety of vertebrates including: frog, shark and fetal pig. Labs will involve microscopy and tissue examination, along with a variety of other hands-on activities.

Space is limited, so register early at
Camper safety is our highest priority. In accordance with current CDC and Messiah University guidelines, masking and physical distancing will be required. Messiah University reserves the right to cancel camp if necessary in order to comply with local, state, and federal guidelines and recommendations.

Young Writers’ and Young Filmmakers’ Summer academic camps

The Young Writers’ Workshop and Young Filmmakers’ Workshop will be back this summer offering resident and commuter options.
The Young Filmmakers’ Workshop provides college-level filmmaking skills for students in rising grades 10-12. Students will leave with an understanding of how to be a writer, director, actor, cinematographer and editor. This camp is held June 19 – 24. To learn more about this camp, visit the website at

The Young Writers’ Workshop provides college-level writing skills development for students in rising grades 9 – 12. The workshop offers intensive courses in creative writing taught by published faculty and writers, poetry readings and other activities. The workshop will be held on June 19 – 24. To learn more about our Young Writers’ Workshop, visit the website at

Both workshops offer scholarships. If you are interested in a scholarship, the application is on the website along with registration. Please keep in mind that you will need to have your scholarship application in by May 15 to be considered.
This year we are also offering a 15% discount to employees, which will be an option when you register your child

Travel reminders

As travel restrictions continue to lift, Procurement Services would like to remind you of the following:

  • Please refer to section 6 of Messiah University’s Expenditure Policy prior to making travel arrangements for University business. Details include:
  • General travel principles
  • Air travel
  • Travel by car/van
  • Travel related business expenses
  • Travel related business meal expense guidelines
  • More information can be found on the Travel Servicessection of the Procurement Services website
  • Enterprise is the preferred rental vehicle supplier for Messiah University and should be used for regional and national university travel.  Details here.
  • As stated in the Purchasing Card Manual, cardholders should notify the purchasing card administrator ( with dates and location of travel at least 2 weeks prior to departure.  Plans will be communicated to M&T Bank to ensure out of area purchases are not flagged as fraud and declined.

Questions can be directed to Procurement Services x6010.

Open Door Day with President Phipps

President Kim Phipps will host two “Open Door” Day sessions on Friday, April 8 in her Old Main office to meet individually with students and employees on topics that are important to them. Choose either the 9-11 a.m. slot or the 1-3 p.m. slot. Sign up in Old Main 207 for a 15 minute appointment – appointments are available on a first come, first served basis. Light refreshments will be available in Old Main 225 as you wait. Contact Karin Bisbee with questions.

Spend an Evening with NASA’s first Science Mission specialist Mae Jemison

Come hear Mae Jemison on Wednesday, April 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Parmer Hall, as she speaks on issues related to health care, social responsibility, technology, education, STEM and motivation. Dr. Jemison broke more than the sound barrier in 1992 when she climbed aboard the space shuttle Endeavour and became the first woman of color to travel into space. She was also NASA’s first Science Mission Specialist performing experiments in material science, life science and human adaptation to weightlessness.

Ticket prices are $25 for adults; $10 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To order, contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717-691-6036 or online at

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: Yeomen of the Guard      

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present the spring opera production of Yeomen of the Guard in Miller Theater on April 7-10! Tickets are on sale now and are Buy-One-Get-One Free for Opening Night!

Yeomen of the Guard
Written by: William S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
Directed by: Dr. Damian Savarino
Conducted by: Dr. Timothy Dixon

At the Tower of London, Colonel Fairfax is sentenced to death for the crime of sorcery and is awaiting his execution this very day when Sergeant Meryll appears in hopes of providing him a reprieve. When the prisoner appears, he reveals that his wicked cousin will inherit his estate if he dies unmarried. Fairfax laments that if he could only marry a woman – any woman – he would pay that woman a healthy sum for her troubles. Suddenly, the jester Jack Point and his lovely assistant, Elsie Maynard, appear to perform for the gathering street crowd. Elsie reveals that her mother is ill and needs money for medicines, so she agrees to be blindfolded and marry Fairfax, much to the chagrin of Point who is secretly in love with Elsie. Meanwhile, Sergeant Meryll has hatched a plan to have Fairfax disguised as his son Leonard so he may disappear and escape, which he does, and the entire tower is thrown into chaos. Eventually, after several topsy-turvy plot twists involving other members of the tower – and an intermission! – Fairfax (still disguised as “Leonard”) marries Elsie. Other marriages are announced, and the whole Tower of London rejoices, except for the broken-hearted Jack Point.

Miller Theater, Climenhaga Fine Arts Building
April 7 – 8 at 8 p.m.
April 9 – 10 at 3 p.m.

Estimated Runtime: 2 hours and 45 minutes. There will be one 15-minute intermission between Acts I and II.

Tickets: $10—Adults $7—MU students (w/ID), MU employees (w/ID), youth (under 18) and seniors (60+)
*Tickets are Buy-One-Get-One Free for Opening Night!* Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more.

Save the Date – April 12!

We invite our campus community to join us in our institution-wide Giving Day event on Tuesday, April 12! This 24-hour online event is dedicated to rallying our students in an effort to raise $150,000 and 400 donors in support of their education and experience at Messiah.

How can you partner with us?

  1. Engage with our social content and share from your account! Did you know by reacting to a post and commenting on a post, you boost the algorithm that social platforms use? By boosting the algorithm, more people see our content and have an opportunity to join in on our efforts! #MessiahGives22
  2. Make a gift! You are a valued member of our community, and you already go above and beyond for our students. However, even a small gift of $10 can make a difference and contribute to a successful event!
  3. Become an official event ambassador! Receive a toolkit so you can champion the event on your own social platforms. Help us make a splash on social! Sign up today at

P.S. If you would like to make a one-time donation prior to Giving Day, you may do so at

Questions? Contact Lauren Walter, director of annual giving and donor communication, at

2022 Annual Peace Lectureship

On April 12, Dr. Sibonokuhle Ncube will deliver the Annual Peace Lecture, “Creation Care as Reconciliation,” at 9:30 a.m. in Brubaker Auditorium and again at 7 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel. Chapel credit is available for both events. Dr. Sibonokuhle Ncube is from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. She is a mother, social justice advocate, and development expert. She has more than 18 years of experience working with climate change responses, climate finance governance, and disaster preparedness in southern Africa. She is a member of the Brethren in Christ Church of Zimbabwe, and recently served as National Coordinator of Compassionate Development Services. This year’s Peace Lectureship is sponsored by the Peace and Conflict Studies and Sustainability Studies Programs. Please join us if you can.

Dept. of Communication student honors presentation

On Wednesday, April 13, senior communication major Jenn Myers will deliver her Honors Presentation, “Nonprofit Narratives: Faith-Based Organizations, the Gospel Mission, and You,” at 4:30 p.m., in Boyer 131. Her research considers Walter Fisher’s theory of narrative paradigm, that suggests that humans naturally communicate by telling stories and that good narratives have immense power. Many organizations have started harnessing the potential of social media to share narratives that tell the world what they do, why they do it, and how others can get involved. This study uncovers details about how five faith-based nonprofits use effective storytelling on social media to communicate their mission to the public, as well as to encourage others to join in supporting their cause. Jenn hopes that this research will help those who work in the nonprofit sector more successfully communicate with their constituents through storytelling on social channels, as well as help all of us become more conscious media consumers and supporters of sustainable, positive change. Please join us if you can. There will be refreshments.

Murray Library’s April newsletter

See what’s happening at Murray Library in April!
Check out upcoming library events, new resources, and more! View newsletter here.

Help Needed to Celebrate the Class of 2022!

On Saturday, May 7, Messiah University will host the 2022 undergraduate commencement. This is an exciting day for campus and particularly for the new alums and their families. Messiah University’s commitment to hospitality shines on this day and we need your help to make the day successful.
The Division of Operations is looking for employees to work who are not already participating in the commencement ceremony. We are in need of:
• Bus hosts
• Field ushers
• Assistance with traffic control
• Help with other duties as assigned
The day starts between 7-8:30 a.m. (depending on role) and is finished no later than 2 p.m. (depending on role).
Hourly employees who work commencement will be paid at their current wage rate, and where appropriate, overtime will be applied. All hours worked are to be recorded on the regular department time sheet.
All members of the COE and President’s Cabinet are expected, as part of their regular assignment, to march at commencement and/or provide support for commencement activities.
Are you interested in working and helping us celebrate the class of 2022? If so, please email Randy Heintzelman at
Thank you!

Kathrynne Shafer
VP of Operations

Connecting Communities Convening

In conjunction with the Kline Foundation, Messiah is hosting the Connecting Communities Convening. This hybrid in-person and virtual event will continue last year’s goal of impacting local, affordable housing and being a good neighbor. Last year, this event virtually brought together over 100 community leaders to lay the foundation for a policy white paper that encourages and ensures those seeking public funding for housing initiatives demonstrate their commitment to becoming a good neighbor in the community they intend to serve. We invite you to save the date for Tuesday, April 26 and visit the website for additional details and information about upcoming registration:

PSYCamp 2022

We are excited to invite high school students to attend Psychology Camp this year, June 19-24 (extended 5-day camp)! Psychology Camp provides a fun opportunity for students to explore psychology and the question, “Why do humans do what they do?” This year, we are offering both an overnight residential option and a day-camp commuter option. This enriching summer camp environment will help students gain knowledge and explore various branches of psychology including clinical psychology, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology and biopsychology.
If you know someone who would be interested in attending, we invite you to learn more and register at: before May 23.
Also, there is a special offer for dependents of Messiah University employees!
Contact for more information.

SACS Research Symposium

The School of Arts, Culture and Society is hosting their Research Symposium on Friday, April 22, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel. This respected event, which showcases a variety of student research, provides a visual representation of the hard work and dedication of many students within SACS. Featuring engaging posters and several oral presentations, this symposium displays relevant and interesting student research. Join us to support and learn more about our students’ projects! Please direct any questions or students interested in presenting to Jennifer Thomson (

Learn Cybersecurity this summer!

We are excited to announce Messiah’s first ever Falcon Cyber Camp, June 20-22. This day camp for high school students entering 9th through 12th grade will be a fun way to dive into the world of cybersecurity. We’ll cover topics such as cryptography, online behavior and privacy, data breaches, and ethical hacking. Students will learn through hands-on cyber labs, simulations, and interactive gaming scenarios. Plus, they’ll receive instruction directly from our cybersecurity faculty and industry experts, all while getting to experience an introduction to what college life is all about. Space is limited, so register soon! Spread the word and find the details at (*Messiah employees receive a 10% discount on the cost of registration for this camp. Contact for more info.)

Service Day opportunities

Service Day – Thursday, April 21.  Please consider signing up and encouraging students to do the same.

The Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement has several on and off campus project opportunities for you to serve with:

Love the Hill – Love the Hill does cleanup work and trash collection. They also have a community garden. Participants will be picking up trash around Allison Hill. There may be some community garden work, but the majority will be trash pick-up in the community. Sign up here.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry – Show the love of Christ through giving hand knit items to those in need. An intergenerational group will bring supplies and work on items for donation. We’ll share snacks/lunch items to enrich fellowship. Sign up here.

Paxton Ministries – Volunteers will be helping to facilitate games and activities for residents throughout the morning on a “fun day”. Activities will be planned by their activities coordinator and student facilitator. Sign up here.

Salvation Army Beautification – Salvation Army offers wholistic care for those in need. Participants will help with spring cleaning and gardening on the grounds around TSA. Working with the Major to beautify the space outside the building. Sign up here.

Salvation Army After-School – There are three storage closets at Steelton-Highspire elementary school that the Salvation Army uses to store their supplies for the after-school program. Salvation Army has asked volunteers to clean, organize, condense, and label supplies in order to be prepared for the summer program. Sign up here.

McBIC – Students will do various projects around the church. Power washing, staining, painting, organizing, cleaning, outside clean up. Lunch will be provided. Sign up here.

Grantham Community Garden -The Office of Sustainability is looking for volunteers to help prepare the garden for the summer season. This will involve weeding, as well as preparing the garden beds and planting seeds. We are also looking for volunteers to work with power tools to fix the chicken coop. Tree Planting – We are looking for volunteers to plant around 40 trees to help strengthen Messiah’s forest as well as strengthen the Creekside. We will focus on planting white pine and swamp white oak. Note: Wear appropriate clothes for the outdoors. Make sure to bring sunscreen, bug spray, and lots of water! Sign up here.

Sign-ups close on Wednesday, April 13.

(Note: All Created and Called for Community educators and students are already registered to support a designated project.)

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement at or call ext. 7255.


Job opportunities

Messiah University is hiring! Full-time, part-time and temporary positions in various departments are currently available. Do you know someone who would make an excellent employee? The employee referral program provides a $300 bonus for employees who provide referral assistance that leads to the successful hiring of qualified staff, administration or full-time faculty. Please visit for a list of current job openings and to apply.

The Division of Student Success and Engagement has an opening for a full-time coordinator for Student Success and Engagement/administrative assistant. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Kris Hansen-Kieffer, vice provost for student success and engagement, at

Education Technology Services has an opening for a full-time technology support (tier I) position. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Neil Weaver, director, innovation consulting, education technology services, at

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time community safety officer/dispatcher – 3rd Shift, working two 12-hour shifts per week as a dispatcher (7 p.m. to 7 a.m., and two 8-hour shifts per week as a safety officer (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.). For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Bryce Wickard, director of safety, at

The Department of Sports Medicine has an opening for a part-time athletic trainer. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Megan Fowler, director of sports medicine, at

The Admissions Office has an opening for a temporary admissions traveling recruiter, working 40 hours per week, August-October. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Shayna Mark, associate director of admissions, at

Campus Events has an opening for a full-time campus events worker, Residence Hall. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Laura Price, assistant manager, campus events central and residence halls, at

Human Resources and Operations has an opening for a full-time safety officer and compliance coordinator. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Inger Blount, director for human resources and compliance, at

Dining has an opening for temporary Lottie worker – summer. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher, restaurant manager, Lottie, at