Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

September 26

Thursday, September 26th, 2024

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Philippians 4:8



Messiah University’s Office of Sustainability has recently earned a STARS Bronze rating in recognition of its sustainability achievements from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). STARS, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education.

With more than 1,200 participants in fifty-two countries, AASHE’s STARS program is the most widely recognized framework in the world for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. Participants report achievements in five overall areas: 1) academics 2) engagement 3) operations 4) planning and administration and 5) innovation and leadership.

This report would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Brandon Hoover, the former director of sustainability. We would also like to thank everyone across campus who contributed to our bronze rating!

Keith Quesenberry, professor of marketing, has had a research article published in Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. “A Basecamp for Student Group Projects: Analysis of the Use of Project Management Software in the Advertising, Public Relations, and Marketing Classroom” studied integration of project management collaboration software for group experiential project courses in advertising, public relations and marketing courses. A survey of 177 students in seven course sections across two semesters at two universities found the use of project management collaboration software Basecamp improved experience in group projects, team collaboration and learning outcomes.

Dwayne Safer, associate professor of finance, was cited in the U.S. News and World Report on Sept. 18 in an article entitled, “Fed Rate Cut: Winners and Losers”.
Also, he served as a guest lecturer at the Yale School of Management (New Haven, CT) on Sept. 20 and 21 presenting on recent developments in the financial markets and modeling to MBA students.

Oksana Moroz, assistant professor of English and director of writing, is invited to lead a webinar on “Gendered language teacher identity in Ukraine through transnational intersectionality framework” for TESOL International Association’s Social Responsibility interest section on Septe. 28, at 10:30 a.m. For more information and to register for the webinar, please use this link


Advise a Fall Break service trip

The Agapé Center is pleased to offer an opportunity for employees to participate in and advise a student service-learning trip over Fall Break. Advisors serve alongside students, assist student leaders in facilitation of reflection and devotion, and assist in any problem-solving that may arise. All costs are covered for advisors.

Fall Break service trips will take place between Oct. 19-25. Our partnering organizations include Catholic Charities (Baltimore, MD), Praying Pelican (Pittsburgh, PA), and Priority 1 Ministries (Bronx, NY).

If you are interested in serving as an advisor or have additional questions, please contact Shardé Hardy at by Friday, Sept. 27.

Tromba Mundi, World Trumpet Ensemble

Sept. 29, 4 p.m.
Parmer Hall

Sponsored by the Performing Arts Series

Founded in 2007 to engage in the exploration, promotion and performance of new works for trumpet ensemble, Tromba Mundi has recorded several world premiere compositions and continues to commission new music for the genre. Tromba Mundi is dedicated to drawing the attention of students, professionals and brass music aficionados to the thrilling sounds of the trumpet ensemble!

Each member of the ensemble is a professional performer and professor from various universities across the United States. Members have performed frequently with ensembles such as the Cincinnati Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, St. Louis Symphony, Phoenix Symphony, Summit Brass, New Mexico Philharmonic, Keystone Wind Ensemble, Atlantic Brass Band, Woody Herman Orchestra, Maynard Ferguson’s Big Bop Nouveau, Glenn Miller Band and more. Several Tromba Mundi members also have critically acclaimed solo recordings.

The program is an eclectic mix of music ranging from classical interpretations to film score to jazz.

Ticket prices are $10 for adults; $5 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717-691-6036 option #1 or online at

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: “By the Bog of Cats”

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present our first production of the 2024-2025 season, “By the Bog of Cats”, opening on Oct. 3 in Poorman Black Box Theater!

“By the Bog of Cats”
Written by Marina Carr
Directed by Daniel Inouye

October 3-5 at 8 p.m.
October 6 at 3 p.m.
Poorman Black Box Theater, Climenhaga Building

This production contains prop weaponry and is intended for mature audiences only. Viewer discretion is advised.

“Loosely based on Euripides’ tragedy Medea, this is the prophetic tale of Hester Swane, an Irish Traveller, who attempts to come to terms with a lifetime of abandonment in a world where all whom she has loved to have discarded her. Set on the bleak, ghostly landscape of the Bog of Cats, this provocative drama discloses one woman’s courageous attempts to lay claim to that which is hers, as her world is torn in two. Hester’s long-term lover, Carthage Kilbride, with whom she has a seven-year-old daughter, is selling her “down the river” for the promise of land and wealth through a marriage with the local big farmer’s daughter. In the final moments of the action, we witness a woman provoked beyond the limits of human endurance. By the Bog of Cats is a furious, uncompromising tale of greed and betrayal, of murder and profound self-sacrifice.” -Publisher’s description.

Estimated run time: 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one 15-minute intermission.

Tickets: $10—Adults; $7—MU Students (w/ID), MU Employees (w/ID), Youth (under 18) & Seniors (60+)
Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of ten or more.

Employee Worship Service – Tuesday, Oct. 8

Everyone is invited to Employee Worship on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 9:30-10:15 a.m. in Hostetter Chapel. An employee choir will present special music, along with congregational singing, and a special message by President Kim S. Phipps. We hope to see you there!

Join us for the Religion and Society Lecture

Dr. Yolanda Pierce, professor and dean of the Vanderbilt Divinity School, will present the 2024 Religion and Society Lecture on Thursday, Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. in Parmer Hall.

Dr. Pierce is an accomplished theologian, scholar, and educational leader. She has written several books, essays, and articles for academic and trade journals including Time Magazine; The Christian Century; Theology Today; and Christianity and Literature. Pierce has also been the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including fellowships from the Ford Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the Pew Foundation, and the 2023 Martin E. Marty Award for the Public Understanding of Religion from the American Academy of Religion.

The lecture is free and open to the public.


Job opportunities

Grounds Services has an opening for a full-time groundskeeper/crew leader. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Graybill at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information to apply, please visit:

The Office of the Teacher Education Program has an opening for the full-time position of administrative assistant, teacher education. Job-related questions may be directed to Christina Simmons at For more information and to apply, please see:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Student Financial Services has an opening for the full-time position of financial aid counselor. Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris at jrharris@messiah.eduFor more information and to apply, please see:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher and a 3rd shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Daniel (Brad) Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, and

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time catering supervisor, a full-time cook and a part time cook. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please see:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time cold food prep cook (pantry lead II). Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services has a variety of full and part-time campus and building services worker openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher-Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a part-time adjunct professor of education- EDUC 415 – Evidence-Based Practices in Early Childhood Education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher-Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Framed photo for sale. Glass framed print of construction of the Eiffel Tower. $25 or best offer! Mild damage on the frame from moving. Contact Amanda:

Thank you

A few weeks ago, I received two nice gifts, and they were given anonymously. Your gifts touched my heart and brought a tear to my eye. I’d love to thank this person(s) in person but the only way I knew how was through the Intercom. I want you to know how much it was appreciated and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness. I prayed for you and asked that God bless you for your kindness. Thank you so very much.


Susquehanna Chorale announces 2024-25 Concert Season

Season subscriptions and tickets are now available for “A Kaleidoscope of Song,” the Susquehanna Chorale’s 2024-25 concert season.

The Chorale is a nationally acclaimed adult chamber ensemble of forty-four auditioned singers founded in 1981 by Artistic Director and Conductor Linda L. Tedford. The group is known for its commitment to artistic and expressive performance of a wide-ranging repertoire.

Conductor Tedford has said that the Susquehanna Chorale’s 2024-25 season features music ranging from the sacred and deeply profound to light-hearted and fun. It is filled with songs like the endless possibilities found in the changing patterns of a kaleidoscope which reflect the many colors of human experience.

The Youth Choral Festival kicks off the season on Sunday, Nov. 24, at 4 p.m. at Messiah University’s Calvin and Janet High Center for Performing Arts, Mechanicsburg. The Susquehanna Chorale’s beloved Youth Choral Festival reflects the joy of lifelong singing and features performances by the 150+ voices of the Chorale’s educational choirs for children, youth, and young women, as well as the Susquehanna Chorale. The program concludes with the combined choirs performing the powerful and moving Anthem of Peace.

The Chorale’s highly anticipated Candlelight Christmas concerts will feature Messiah University Brass and Percussion in Gloria Fanfare, The Dream Isaiah Saw, Welcome All Wonders, as well as familiar settings of Christmas carols. The Chorale will honor the memory of the late Alice Parker by singing several of her carol arrangements. Following Chorale tradition, the audience will be invited to sing several Christmas favorites, and the concert will conclude with the beloved Silent Night, sung by candlelight around the audience.

Performances are on Friday, Dec. 13, at The Church of the Brethren in Elizabethtown, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, Dec.14, at The Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and the Performing Arts, Messiah University, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, Dec. 15, at Market Square Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg, 4 p.m.

Our spring concerts, titled My Spirit Sang All Day, will begin with the spirited processional, Wana Baraka, welcoming all to the concert. You will hear exquisite settings of psalms and prayers, music of early America, as well as love songs and folk songs from a variety of styles. The popular Short People, What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor, and Buffalo Gals will provide moments of entertainment and fun for all.

Performances are Friday, May 16, 2025 at Derry Presbyterian Church in Hershey, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, May 17, 2025, at Market Square Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, May 19, 2025, at The Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and the Performing Arts, Messiah University, 4 p.m.

Season subscriptions and concert tickets are on sale now. Subscriptions can be purchased through Oct. 31. For tickets or subscriptions, visit or call the Messiah University Box Office at 717.691.6036 and choose option 1. Group discounts are available when ten or more tickets are sold at the same time. For information or group purchases, call the Messiah University Box Office.

We will be offering a Livestream/On Demand option for patrons who are unable to attend in person! Please check the Chorale website for additional information about this ticket option.

The Susquehanna Chorale is a recipient of Chorus America’s most prestigious award, the Margaret Hillis Achievement Award for Choral Excellence. They have also been considered for GRAMMY-nomination several times for their recordings.

In 2011, Conductor Tedford was honored by the American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania with the Elaine Brown Award for lifelong commitment to excellence and leadership in the choral art. In 2013, she received Theatre Harrisburg’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Arts in the Capital Region. In 2022 Tedford was the recipient of the Central Penn Journal’s Circle of Excellence Award.

The Chorale is funded, in part, by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.



Sept. 19

Thursday, September 19th, 2024

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3



Keith Quesenberry, professor of marketing, has had a research article published in Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. “A Basecamp for Student Group Projects: Analysis of the Use of Project Management Software in the Advertising, Public Relations, and Marketing Classroom” studied integration of project management collaboration software for group experiential project courses in advertising, public relations and marketing courses. A survey of 177 students in seven course sections across two semesters at two universities found the use of project management collaboration software Basecamp improved experience in group projects, team collaboration and learning outcomes.


Messiah University’s Office of Sustainability has recently earned a STARS Bronze rating in recognition of its sustainability achievements from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). STARS, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education.

With more than 1,200 participants in 52 countries, AASHE’s STARS program is the most widely recognized framework in the world for publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. Participants report achievements in five overall areas: 1) academics 2) engagement 3) operations 4) planning and administration and 5) innovation and leadership.

This report would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Brandon Hoover, the former director of sustainability. We would also like to thank everyone across campus who contributed to our bronze rating!


Laura Lebo, MSN, RN, CHSE, simulation educator, assistant professor of nursing, clinical track, completed the certified healthcare simulation educator certification exam. The internationally recognized CHSE certification represents excellence in healthcare simulation.

Rebekkah Stanko, DNP, RN, assistant professor of nursing recently attended the annual Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Conference, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and was honored as a member of the ENA Class of 2024’s 20 Under 40 Program. The 20 Under 40 Program is a prestigious international award that recognizes rising emergency nursing professionals who have achieved significant career milestones while remaining committed to uplifting their communities through providing meaningful contributions to the field of emergency nursing beyond professional clinical practice. 


Share your unique classroom events with our social team!

Faculty—do you have any unique, hands-on, or highly visual classes coming up? We’d love to hear about them! Messiah’s social media team encourages you to invite us into your classrooms to capture activities that highlight our distinctive academic opportunities. While we can’t guarantee coverage for every event, we’ll do our best to ensure all departments are represented. Examples of events that are great for showcasing include Physics Day, the eclipse watch party, Collaboratory boat races, and mock disaster drills. If you have any events, you’d like us to feature, please send a message to

Homecoming and Family Weekend: Volunteer request

We are rolling right along into a successful Homecoming and Family Weekend, Oct. 5. Many tasks are tackled, but a big one remains—volunteer registration. To ensure that Homecoming runs smoothly, our office of two really needs volunteers to come alongside us and welcome our alumni and families back to campus. There are multiple new events which equals more positions to fill. Click on the link to view the job list, If you are interested and available to serve in this capacity, please fill your name in the slot. If you have any questions, please call or text Melinda Barnes at 717-887-6770. Click here to see our new events, We look forward to serving with you!

Travel reminders

If you plan to travel for university related business, procurement services would like to remind you of the following:

  • Please refer to section 6 of Messiah University’s Expenditure Policy prior to making travel arrangements for University business. Details include:
  • General travel principles
  • Air travel
  • Travel by car/van
    • A university owned pool vehicle must be used when available
    • If not available, use the Vehicle Selection Worksheetto determine the most cost effective alternative
    • Employees must be an approved driver to use a pool vehicle or a rental car
    • An employee who uses a personal vehicle when a more cost-effective option was available will not be reimbursed for mileage.
  • Travel related business expenses
    • Travel related business meal expense guidelines
  • Enterprise Holdings, Inc. is the preferred rental vehicle supplier for Messiah University and should be used for regional and national university travel.  Click herefor details.
  • As stated in the Purchasing Card Manual, cardholders should notify the purchasing card administrator with dates and location of travel at least 2 weeks prior to departure.  Plans will be communicated to M&T Bank to ensure out of area purchases are not flagged as fraud and declined.

For more information, please refer to the Travel Services website or dial x6010.

Advise a Fall Break service trip

The Agapé Center is pleased to offer an opportunity for employees to participate in and advise a student service-learning trip over Fall Break. Advisors serve alongside students, assist student leaders in facilitation of reflection and devotion, and assist in any problem-solving that may arise. All costs are covered for advisors.

Fall Break service trips will take place between Oct. 19-25. Our partnering organizations include Catholic Charities (Baltimore, MD), Praying Pelican (Pittsburgh, PA), and Priority 1 Ministries (Bronx, NY).

If you are interested in serving as an advisor or have additional questions, please contact Shardé Hardy at by Friday, Sept. 27.

Tromba Mundi, World Trumpet Ensemble

Sept. 29, 4 p.m.
Parmer Hall

Sponsored by the Performing Arts Series

Founded in 2007 to engage in the exploration, promotion and performance of new works for trumpet ensemble, Tromba Mundi has recorded several world premiere compositions and continues to commission new music for the genre. Tromba Mundi is dedicated to drawing the attention of students, professionals and brass music aficionados to the thrilling sounds of the trumpet ensemble!

Each member of the ensemble is a professional performer and professor from various universities across the United States. Members have performed frequently with ensembles such as the Cincinnati Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, St. Louis Symphony, Phoenix Symphony, Summit Brass, New Mexico Philharmonic, Keystone Wind Ensemble, Atlantic Brass Band, Woody Herman Orchestra, Maynard Ferguson’s Big Bop Nouveau, Glenn Miller Band and more. Several Tromba Mundi members also have critically acclaimed solo recordings.

The program is an eclectic mix of music ranging from classical interpretations to film score to jazz.

Ticket prices are $10 for adults; $5 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717-691-6036 option #1 or online at

2024 Alumni Awards Dinner

Please join us for the 2024 Alumni Awards Dinner on Friday, Nov. 1 from 6-8 p.m. in the Martin Commons. These awards are important not only for the tribute they pay to the lives of each recipient, but also as a symbol of the quality of our alumni as a whole. Please contact Yonette Schneider ( to reserve a seat or sponsor a table.

Young Alumnus Achievement Award – Dr. Nathaniel D. M. Jenkins (Class of 2011, health and exercise science)

Distinguished Alumnus Achievement Award – Jeffrey F. Lehman (Class of 1974, chemistry)

Alumni Christian Service Award – Michele E. Struss (Class of 1994, art)

Alumni Appreciation Award – Barry G. Goodling (Class of 1979, business administration)


Job opportunities

Facility Maintenance has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative) 2nd shift. Job related questions may be directed to Amy Stephan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Grounds Services has an opening for a full-time groundskeeper/crew leader. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Graybill at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information to apply, please visit:

The Office of the Teacher Education Program has an opening for the full-time position of administrative assistant, teacher education. Job-related questions may be directed to Christina Simmons at For more information and to apply, please see:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Student Financial Services has an opening for the full-time position of financial aid counselor. Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris at jrharris@messiah.eduFor more information and to apply, please see:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher and a 3rd shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Daniel (Brad) Neuenschwander at For more information and to apply, and

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time catering supervisor, a full-time cook and a part time cook. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please see:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time cold food prep cook (pantry lead II). Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services has a variety of full and part-time campus and building services worker openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher-Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a part-time adjunct professor of education- EDUC 415 – evidence-based practices in early childhood education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher-Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

HUGE Teddy Bear $100. This teddy bear is huge, if you decide to purchase it, you will have to come pick it up. It’s HUGE. It was purchased as a gift but was never given. It would make a great baby shower gift, or for a small child, or a girlfriend etc. It’s so adorable and soft. Retail cost is $150. (more pictures available) Contact Stacy:

Sofa and Love seat. $450, Our son moved back home, and we have no room for this very comfy sofa/love seat and there is also a matching ottoman.
Email me for additional photo:

Velvet doctoral tam. New, unused six-cornered dark blue velvet doctoral tam with gold tassel. Perfect headwear for opening convocation and commencement. Asking $10 or best offer. Contact Phillip:


Oakwood Hills open house

Oakwood Hills Apartments has two upcoming open houses that will feature tours of the Clubhouse and model apartment.

Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to noon
Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to noon

Interested but not available on those dates? Call 717-590-8883 and ask about the Messiah University employee discount!


Sept. 12

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:3



Dr. Megan Gross, associate professor of nursing, has accepted a faculty position with Penn State – Hershey, beginning in January 2025. This academic year is Megan’s tenth year of full-time employment as a faculty member at Messiah. She is a committed faculty member, student mentor, and scholar, recognized by her peers and by competitive awards for her contributions to the academy in nursing education.
Kristen Slabaugh, assistant dean of nursing, and Angela Hare, dean of science, engineering and health, thank Megan for her service at Messiah, wish her a good fall semester here and wish her well in the transition.


Share your unique classroom events with our social team!

Faculty—do you have any unique, hands-on, or highly visual classes coming up? We’d love to hear about them! Messiah’s social media team encourages you to invite us into your classrooms to capture activities that highlight our distinctive academic opportunities. While we can’t guarantee coverage for every event, we’ll do our best to ensure all departments are represented. Examples of events that are great for showcasing include Physics Day, the eclipse watch party, Collaboratory boat races, and mock disaster drills. If you have any events, you’d like us to feature, please send a message to

The Bridge is here!

The latest issue of The Bridge has published! Check out our Commencement coverage, the announcement of President Phipps’ retirement, our reading feature and The Bridge readership survey. To complete the survey (and enter to win one of five Amazon gift cards of $50 each), visit

You can find hard copies of the magazine in the common areas of Boyer, Eisenhower and the Kim S. Phipps Admissions and Welcome Center. Also, you can read the issue at

Title IX staffing

The Messiah University’s Title IX staffing has changed. With the launch of the 2024-25 academic year, Hannah McBride will serve as the University’s coordinator for Title IX and Clery Compliance, which incorporates the role of Title IX coordinator. We are pleased to announce that Emma Dougherty ’19 has joined the Title IX office as the prevention and education specialist. As was previously Hannah’s role, Emma will serve as a confidential resource to support our students and receive disclosures of harm within our community.
Emma was most recently with Educational Data Systems, Inc., as a behavioral health specialist and prior to that she was a victim advocate with the victim services division of the Cumberland county district attorney’s office. Emma earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from Messiah in 2019 and her MSW from Millersville University.
Please welcome Emma to our community and feel free to reach out to Hannah regarding Title IX and Clery concerns.

Trivia Night in the Library – Friday, Sept. 13

You’re invited! Put your knowledge to the test on Friday, Sept.13 at Trivia Night! Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and trivia starts at 7 p.m. at Murray Library! We’ll have four rounds of trivia to test your knowledge in a variety of categories. All Messiah staff are invited. Gather with a group of colleagues to form a team or join up with friendly folks when you arrive. Teams can include up to six players. Awesome prizes await the top three teams!

Boyer Center and TEP scholarship reception

Please join us in celebrating the winners of five scholarships for teacher certification students on Thursday, Sept. 12, 4-5 p.m. in Howe Atrium. Award winners will share portions from their winning essays at the event.

Award winners are:
Ethel Brandt Bigham Endowed Education Award – Ella Talbot
Ernest L. Boyer Sr. Teacher Scholarship – Rachel Baksa
Suzanne Joy Johnson Endowed Scholarship Award – Alison Coles
Terry L. Stoudnour Endowed Education Award – Mireliz Bermudez
Murk-Hayes Endowed Education Award – Yvette Celius

Mendelssohn Piano Trio “Brahms and Strauss: Poetry and Passion of the Late German Romanticism”

Sept. 15
4 p.m., Parmer Hall

Sponsored by the Performing Arts Series

The Mendelssohn Piano Trio joins forces with violinist Michael Stepniak, executive dean for creativity and the arts at Shenandoah University, and Maestro Stuart Malina, who is celebrating his 25th season as music director of the Harrisburg Symphony, to perform Piano Quartets by Brahms and Richard Strauss. While these compositions share a short musical motif, their contrasting character illuminates the scope of musical imagination and emotional range of late German Romanticism.

Ticket prices are $15 for adults; $5 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717-691-6036 option #1 or online at

Homecoming and Family Weekend: Volunteer request

We are rolling right along into a successful Homecoming and Family Weekend, Oct. 5. Many tasks are tackled, but a big one remains, volunteer registration. To ensure that Homecoming runs smoothly, our office of two really needs volunteers to come alongside us and welcome our alumni and families back to campus. There are multiple new events which equals more positions to fill. Click on the link to view the job list, If you are interested and available to serve in this capacity, please fill your name in the slot. If you have any questions, please call or text Melinda Barnes at 717-887-6770. Click here to see our new events, We look forward to serving with you!

September 2024 library newsletter

What’s New in the Library? Read our September newsletter containing the latest news on events, staff, and more! Read the newsletter on Mosaic.

Car wash event

Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Kappa chapter (International Nursing Honors Society) is partnering with Nurses Christian Fellowship and the Student Nurses Association to hold a car wash and car seat safety check fundraiser on Saturday, Sept.14 from 10 a.m. -2 p.m. in the parking lot of Advance Auto Parts in Dillsburg. Come out and support the cause! Please contact with questions.

Travel reminders

If you plan to travel for university related business, procurement services would like to remind you of the following:

  •  Please refer to section 6 of Messiah University’s Expenditure Policy prior to making travel arrangements for University business. Details include:
  • General travel principles
  • Air travel
  • Travel by car/van
    • A university owned pool vehicle must be used when available
    • If not available, use the Vehicle Selection Worksheet to determine the most cost effective alternative
    • Employees must be an approved driver to use a pool vehicle or a rental car
    • An employee who uses a personal vehicle when a more cost-effective option was available will not be reimbursed for mileage.
  • Travel related business expenses
    • Travel related business meal expense guidelines
  • Enterprise Holdings, Inc. is the preferred rental vehicle supplier for Messiah University and should be used for regional and national university travel.  Click here for details.
  • As stated in the Purchasing Card Manual, cardholders should notify the purchasing card administrator with dates and location of travel at least 2 weeks prior to departure.  Plans will be communicated to M&T Bank to ensure out of area purchases are not flagged as fraud and declined.

For more information, please refer to the Travel Services website or dial x6010.


Job opportunities

Facility Maintenance has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative) 2nd shift. Job related questions may be directed to Amy Stephan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Grounds Services has an opening for a full-time groundskeeper/crew leader. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Graybill at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information to apply, please visit:

The Office of the Teacher Education Program has an opening for the full-time position of administrative assistant, teacher education. Job-related questions may be directed to Christina Simmons at For more information and to apply, please see:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Student Financial Services has an opening for the full-time position of financial aid counselor. Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris at jrharris@messiah.eduFor more information and to apply, please see:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher and a 3rd shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, and

Applications are being accepted for the temporary position of administrative assistant to psychology, criminal justice and sociology department and to the assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society. Job related questions may be directed to John Bechtold at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time catering supervisor, a full-time cook and a part time cook. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please see:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time cold food prep cook (pantry lead II). Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services has a variety of full and part-time campus and building services worker openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time Faculty in Education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher-Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Pasture-raised brown eggs for sale: $3/dozen, $4/18 count: contact or

Car decals$5 each, I can also make personalized decals. The price may vary depending on if I have the file. Contact Stacy:

Pfaltzgraff light(2) – perfect condition. These lights are at least 50 years old and are in perfect condition. $100/pair. Contact Stacy:

Childs tooth fairy bottles $3 or 2/$5. Have you ever put your child’s tooth under their pillow at night for the tooth fairy, only to go find it after their fast asleep and find its missing? Put their tooth in this jar and it will be easy to find when you reach under their pillow. $3 ea. or 2/$5. Contact Stacy:

BE KIND sweatshirt. $45 if I purchase the sweatshirt, $35 if you purchase the sweatshirt. Email me for any questions. Or to see a picture of the front of the sweatshirt.
This is the back of the sweatshirt, the front says BE KIND in 4″x2″. Contract Stacy:

Free handcrafted dollhouse. Scale: 3/4″ = 1 ft.; not a toy. Do you have a spot for this cool conversation piece? Contact Amanda at

Thank you

A few weeks ago, I received two very nice gifts, and they were given anonymously. Your gifts touched my heart and brought a tear to my eye. I’d love to thank this person(s) in person but the only way I knew how was through the Intercom. I want you to know how much it was appreciated and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness. I prayed for you and asked that God bless you for your kindness. Thank you so very much.


Oakwood Hills open house

Oakwood Hills Apartments has two upcoming open houses that will feature tours of the Clubhouse and model apartment.

Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to noon
Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to noon

Interested but not available on those dates? Call 717-590-8883 and ask about the Messiah University employee discount!


Sept. 5

Thursday, September 5th, 2024

  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Colossians 3:2




Congratulations to Dr. Brenda Elliott, director, Graduate Program in Nursing, on the publication of her article, “Knowledge, Attitudes, and Confidence of Nurses and Nursing Students Caring for Military Veterans and Their Families” in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Journal of Professional Nursing. For a limited time, the full article is freely available online, with full bibliographic details. Anyone clicking on the link below before Sept. 24, will be taken directly to the final version of the article on ScienceDirect, which they are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required. The Share Link is:

Oksana Moroz, an assistant professor of English and director of writing, recently published a research study in a special issue of TESOL Journal on gender equality. Her article titled “A case study of an English teacher in Ukraine: Where gender and national identity intersect” explores interactions of multiple identities and the experiences of one female in-service English language teacher in the Ukrainian context. Utilizing a narrative inquiry method, which includes an online autobiography, interviews, and lesson materials, the study examines how Irene’s (a pseudonym of the main participant) multiple identities intersect with her gendered identity to shape her experiences. The findings demonstrate that Irene’s transnational gendered identity is shaped by her educational and professional journey, her role in the language teaching field, and her various social identities.

Joseph P. Huffman, distinguished professor of European history, has completed two major research projects. 1. A lengthy article of over 50 pages in German will be published this December in the premier Rhineland journal for history: “Caritas und die Profitwirtschaft: Hospitalverwaltung und -stiftungspraktiken im mittelalterlichen Köln (ca. 1200-1350),” Geschichte in Köln. Zeitschrift für Stadt- und Regionalgeschichte 71 (2024) [i.e. “Charity and the Profit Economy: Hospital Administration and Endowment Practices in Medieval Cologne].
2. A major new book of 650 pages will be published this December by the leading academic publisher in Germany: Medieval Cologne: From Rhineland Metropolis to European City (A.D. 1125-1475) (Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg Verlag, 2024).


Fall programming at the Oakes Museum

Curator Club and CC2:
Curators Club (for grades 3-5) and CC2 (grades 6-8) are science enrichment programs on a variety of topics in a fun learning environment at The Oakes Museum of Natural History. Curators Club members receive a membership card for free admission to The Oakes Museum of Natural History, and a T-shirt.

Curator Club is 9:15 – 11:30 a.m. and CC2 is 12:15 – 2:30 p.m., on select Saturdays.
Topics include: Deciduous trees, Big Cats, Simple Machines and more!

Homeschool programming:
These run Sept. through Feb. on select dates and times.
Topics include: Creek, Shells, Simple Machines, Canines and more!

For more information and to register go to

Information and Clearance Night

Are service hours integrated into your club, program or coursework? Do your students need to obtain clearances to fulfill requirements related to student teaching or an internship? The Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement will be hosting an Information and Clearance Night on Thursday, Sept. 5 in the Howe Atrium (Boyer 136). This is a drop-in event from 6 – 8 p.m. Please encourage your students to stop by with their laptops. Our student leaders will be prepared to get them connected with a service opportunity and/or walk through the process of obtaining clearances.

Text alert registration

For the safety of our students and employees, and to be compliant with federal law, The Clery Act, Messiah University’s method to notify students and employees of critical emergency situations is provided through the University’s Text Alert System.

If you have not signed up for the Text Alert system, please do so today. Please reference the attached document or link below for instructions. There will be a test of the system on Friday, Sept. 6 around 4 p.m.

*This alert system is available to Messiah University students and employees only.

Title IX staffing

The Messiah University’s Title IX staffing has changed. With the launch of the 2024-25 academic year, Hannah McBride will serve as the University’s coordinator for Title IX and Clery Compliance, which incorporates the role of Title IX coordinator. We are pleased to announce that Emma Dougherty ’19 has joined the Title IX office as the prevention and education specialist. As was previously Hannah’s role, Emma will serve as a confidential resource to support our students and receive disclosures of harm within our community.
Emma was most recently with Educational Data Systems, Inc., as a behavioral health specialist and prior to that she was a victim advocate with the victim services division of the Cumberland county district attorney’s office. Emma earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from Messiah in 2019 and her MSW from Millersville University.
Please welcome Emma to our community and feel free to reach out to Hannah regarding Title IX and Clery concerns.

Trivia Night in the Library – Friday, Sept. 13

You’re invited! Put your knowledge to the test on Friday, Sept.13 at Trivia Night! Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and trivia starts at 7 p.m. at Murray Library! We’ll have four rounds of trivia to test your knowledge in a variety of categories. All Messiah staff are invited. Gather with a group of colleagues to form a team or join up with friendly folks when you arrive. Teams can include up to six players. Awesome prizes await the top three teams!

View Community Day and Welcome Week videos on YouTube

The 2024 Community Day year-in-review video, and the 2024 Move-in Day video have now been added to the Messiah University YouTube channel. View these, along with a variety of other university videos, at

Benefits Open Enrollment for FY25

Now is the time to make changes to your benefits for the upcoming plan year that begins on Nov. 1. Please be reminded of the following key items:

1. Messiah will continue to offer two medical plans. The HDHP Plan will remain the same with no increase in cost. The EPO Plan will replace the existing PPO w/HRA Plan and will result in a slight increase to payroll deductions.

2. There are only a few dates left to hear more about the changes for the new plan year. If you haven’t already attended an Open Enrollment meeting, please plan to join us at one of the following:
Friday, Sept. 6
o 11:30 a.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)
Thursday, Sept. 19 (please note the change in locations)
o 12 p.m. ~ Boyer 336
o 2 p.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)

3. ALL full-time employees MUST login to PlanSource at to make elections for Open Enrollment using the following guidelines for username and password:

Username: First initial of your first name; first six characters of your last name; last four (4) digits of your SSN
Password: All passwords were reset to be your birthday in the following format: YYYYMMDD (you will be prompted to change it)

4. For more information and to view the OE Presentation, visit the HR – Benefits website at

Boyer Center and TEP scholarship reception

Please join us in celebrating the winners of five scholarships for teacher certification students on Thursday, Sept. 12, 4-5 p.m. in Howe Atrium. Award winners will share portions from their winning essays at the event.

Award winners are:
Ethel Brandt Bigham Endowed Education Award – Ella Talbot
Ernest L. Boyer Sr. Teacher Scholarship – Rachel Baksa
Suzanne Joy Johnson Endowed Scholarship Award – Alison Coles
Terry L. Stoudnour Endowed Education Award – Mireliz Bermudez
Murk-Hayes Endowed Education Award – Yvette Celius

Employee Wellness Event – Sept. 17

Mark your calendar for our Employee Wellness Event on In-Service Day, Sept. 17, hosted by the Office Human Resources and Compliance. Outside vendors and partners across campus will be providing information and programming regarding health awareness, health management, preventative care, and positive lifestyle actions. Stations will be open in Brubaker Auditorium from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. and various class-style programs will be offered around campus. You will have the opportunity to be entered into a drawing to win one of several great prizes! Please see the attached flyer for details.

Mendelssohn Piano Trio “Brahms and Strauss: Poetry and Passion of the Late German Romanticism”

Sept. 15
4 p.m., Parmer Hall

Sponsored by the Performing Arts Series

The Mendelssohn Piano Trio joins forces with violinist Michael Stepniak, executive dean for creativity and the arts at Shenandoah University, and Maestro Stuart Malina, who is celebrating his 25th season as music director of the Harrisburg Symphony, to perform Piano Quartets by Brahms and Richard Strauss. While these compositions share a short musical motif, their contrasting character illuminates the scope of musical imagination and emotional range of late German Romanticism.

Ticket prices are $15 for adults; $5 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717-691-6036 option #1 or online at


Job opportunities

Facility Maintenance has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative) 2nd shift. Job related questions may be directed to Amy Stephan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Office of the Teacher Education Program has an opening for the full-time position of administrative assistant, teacher education. Job-related questions may be directed to Christina Simmons at For more information and to apply, please see:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time assistant coach, baseball/administrative coordinator and recruiter/AROMA strength and conditioning coach. Job related questions may be directed to Phillip Shallenberger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Student Financial Services has an opening for the full-time position of financial aid counselor. Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris at jrharris@messiah.eduFor more information and to apply, please see:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time assistant women’s lacrosse coach; administrative coordinator and recruiter. Job related questions may be directed to Heather McKay at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher and a 3rd shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, and

Applications are being accepted for the temporary position of administrative assistant to psychology, criminal justice and sociology department and to the assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society. Job related questions may be directed to John Bechtold at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time catering supervisor, a full-time cook and a part time cook. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please see:

Campus and Building Services has a variety of full and part-time campus and building services worker openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Reclining chair – $75: comfortable reclining chair, perfect furniture for a child furnishing a new apartment or at college. Pictures include a cover (not included) we used so the chair matched the room, but I can provide a link to the cover. Contact:
Picture link below.
Diaper Pong – Free: game perfect for baby showers or for kid birthdays. Contact: Picture link below.

HUGE Teddy Bear $100. This teddy bear is huge, if you decide to purchase it, you will have to come pick it up. It’s HUGE. It was purchased as a gift but was never given. It would make a great baby shower gift, or for a small child, or a girlfriend etc. It’s so adorable and soft. Retail cost is $150. (more pictures available) Contact Stacy:

Pfaltzgraff light(2) – perfect condition. These lights are at least 50 years old and are in perfect condition. $100/pair. Contact Stacy:

Childs tooth fairy bottles $3 or 2/$5. Have you ever put your child’s tooth under their pillow at night for the tooth fairy, only to go find it after their fast asleep and find its missing? Put their tooth in this jar and it will be easy to find when you reach under their pillow. $3 ea. or 2/$5. Contact Stacy:

ALDI quarter pocket – quarter included. $5/each. So cute! Add this to your key chain/fob and you will never be without a quarter next time you go to ALDI for shopping. Many to choose from. Contact Stacy:

Sofa and Love seat. $450, Our son moved back home, and we have no room for this very comfy sofa/love seat and there is also a matching ottoman.
Email me for additional photo:


House mate wanted. Messiah professor looking for a male house mate to share a house in Grantham. Contact Dale Fogelsanger.

August 29

Thursday, August 29th, 2024

“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.”
Hebrews 3:4



Keith Quesenberry and David Hagenbuch, professors of marketing in the business department, attended the First Annual AMA of Central PA Marketing Conference at Harrisburg University in early August. The American Marketing Association is the main national association for marketers. Founded in 2023, the new Central PA chapter connects marketing professionals, educators, and students in the Harrisburg, York, and Lancaster areas and hosts many networking, service, and educational events. AMA of Central PA is the first new AMA chapter to be formed in over a decade and is the fastest-growing chapter in the nation. Over 200 professionals, educators and students attended the first annual conference with sessions focused on artificial intelligence, SEO, copyright, branding, team culture and student career tracks. Both AMA members, David serves on the AMA Central PA Collegiate Committee and Keith is serving as the advisor for Messiah’s AMA Student Chapter this year.


After many years of devoted service as dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society, Peter Powers returns to the faculty as professor of English in the Department of Language, Literature and Writing and as the new director of the Center for the Public Humanities. The Center’s mission is to bring academic, civic and cultural communities together in a collaborative advancement of culture and learning, and to contribute to the university’s intellectual and cultural climate by stimulating debate and exchange on contemporary issues of significance, both on and off campus. His current research – a book project on the liberal arts and humanities entitled The End(s) of the Humanities – articulates his philosophy of liberal arts education in the 21st century and will guide his leadership of the Center. As a respected educator, with decades of service to Messiah, Pete is well poised to take the helm of and guide the Center into this next phase of its history at the University and for the wider community. Please join the School of Arts, Culture and Society in welcoming Pete back to the teaching faculty and into this new administrative role.


Congratulations to Dr. Brenda Elliott, director, Graduate Program in Nursing, on the publication of her article, “Knowledge, Attitudes, and Confidence of Nurses and Nursing Students Caring for Military Veterans and Their Families” in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Journal of Professional Nursing. For a limited time, the full article is freely available online, with full bibliographic details. Anyone clicking on the link below before Sept. 24, will be taken directly to the final version of the article on ScienceDirect, which they are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required. The Share Link is:


Benefits open enrollment – correction

Please note that open enrollment begins on Wednesday, Sept. 4, and runs through Friday, Sept. 20.

Student successfully passes CFP Exam

Congratulations to Sawyer Shank, senior international business and finance double major, who successfully passed the CFP (certified financial planner) exam. Approximately 3,000 candidates sat for the July exam and the pass rate was 65%. Sawyer was in the first cohort of students to complete the 6-required CFP courses at Messiah University since Messiah became a CFP™ board registered program in October 2022.

Fall programming at the Oakes Museum

Curator Club and CC2:
Curators Club (for grades 3-5) and CC2 (grades 6-8) are science enrichment programs on a variety of topics in a fun learning environment at The Oakes Museum of Natural History. Curators Club members receive a membership card for free admission to The Oakes Museum of Natural History, and a T-shirt.

Curator Club is 9:15 – 11:30 a.m. and CC2 is 12:15 – 2:30 p.m., on select Saturdays.
Topics include: Deciduous trees, Big Cats, Simple Machines and more!

Homeschool programming:
These run Sept. through Feb. on select dates and times.
Topics include: Creek, Shells, Simple Machines, Canines and more!

For more information and to register go to

Information and Clearance Night

Are service hours integrated into your club, program or coursework? Do your students need to obtain clearances to fulfill requirements related to student teaching or an internship? The Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement will be hosting an Information and Clearance Night on Thursday, Sept. 5 in the Howe Atrium (Boyer 136). This is a drop-in event from 6 – 8 p.m. Please encourage your students to stop by with their laptops. Our student leaders will be prepared to get them connected with a service opportunity and/or walk through the process of obtaining clearances.

Office of Human Resources and Compliance – Closed Sept. 3

The Office of Human Resources and Compliance will be closed on Tuesday, Sept. 3, for our annual planning day. Response to email and messages will be delayed. We will be happy to help you when we open on Wednesday. Thank you!

Text alert registration

For the safety of our students and employees, and to be compliant with federal law, The Clery Act, Messiah University’s method to notify students and employees of critical emergency situations is provided through the University’s Text Alert System.

If you have not signed up for the Text Alert system, please do so today. Please reference the attached document or link below for instructions. There will be a test of the system on Friday, Sept. 6 around 4 p.m.

*This alert system is available to Messiah University students and employees only.


Job opportunities

The Office of the Teacher Education Program has an opening for the full-time position of administrative assistant, teacher education. Job-related questions may be directed to Christina Simmons at For more information and to apply, please see:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant to the Dean. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Student Financial Services has an opening for the full-time position of financial aid counselor. Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris at jrharris@messiah.eduFor more information and to apply, please see:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher and a 3rd shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, and

Applications are being accepted for the temporary position of administrative assistant to psychology, criminal justice and sociology department and to the assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society. Job related questions may be directed to John Bechtold at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time catering supervisor, a full-time cook and a part time cook. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please see:

Campus and Building Services has a variety of full and part-time campus and building services worker openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Wine cork key chains. $5 each, many to choose from. Pictures available upon request. Contact Stacy:

HP Smart-Tank 5000 wireless printer. Just purchased in April from Amazon. Barely used. Everything works. $100. Contact Sherry Worley:

Reclining chair – $75: comfortable reclining chair, perfect furniture for a child furnishing a new apartment or at college. Pictures include a cover (not included) we used so the chair matched the room, but I can provide a link to the cover. Contact:
Picture link below.
Diaper Pong – Free: game perfect for baby showers or for kid birthdays. Contact: Picture link below.


Free bunk beds. Bunk beds in good condition available, including bunkie boards and mattresses. Also sets up as two separate twin beds. Picture available. Beds will need to be assembled, because they will have to come apart to come out of our house. Photo and more information available via email:


Caregiver needed. My neighbors, a family of five, are seeking occasional overnight caregiver.
They have three children and two large but friendly dogs.
The children are aged 16, 13, and 10. They are seeking a responsible caregiver who has current clearances filed with the state of Pennsylvania, criminal background check, and child abuse history clearances.

This job would be on an as needed basis when both parents are traveling away from home. Duties would include driving children to and from school and/or activities, making meals for children, and possibly helping with homework. It also includes taking care of dogs: feeding, watering, and some medications.

Caregivers will be well compensated, and compensation is negotiable.
Interested applicants may contact me: Amy Cook: or my neighbor, Meghan Harder at 717-418-9575 or A few home visits and a trial run would also be required. The first upcoming event is Sept. 28.

Thank you for your interest. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

House mate wanted. Messiah professor looking for a male house mate to share a house in Grantham. Contact Dale Fogelsanger.






August 22

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

1 Corinthians 13:13



Keith Quesenberry and David Hagenbuch, professors of marketing in the business department attended the First Annual AMA of Central PA Marketing Conference at Harrisburg University in early August. The American Marketing Association is the main national association for marketers. Founded in 2023, the new Central PA chapter connects marketing professionals, educators, and students in the Harrisburg, York, and Lancaster areas and hosts many networking, service, and educational events. AMA of Central PA is the first new AMA chapter to be formed in over a decade and is the fastest-growing chapter in the nation. Over 200 professionals, educators, and students attended the first annual conference with sessions focused on artificial intelligence, SEO, copyright, branding, team culture, and student career tracks. Both AMA members, David serves on the AMA Central PA Collegiate Committee and Keith is serving as the advisor for Messiah’s AMA Student Chapter this year.

The Interprofessional Education Committee (IPEC) provides programming for students and community members to enhance their understanding of IPE and collaboration skills between professional areas. We want to thank Dr. Kristen Slabaugh for her creative and capable leadership of this committee. Kristen brought the work of the IPEC to a new level of excellence including implementing our first annual IPE Research Symposium in May 2024. This year, we welcome Dr. Joanna Behm as chair of the IPEC. We look forward to Joanna’s leadership of this important work in the SGPS and the university as a whole.

Please join me in welcoming Lyndsay Grimm to the role of graduate student services coordinator. Lyndsay is rejoining the Messiah community after serving for several years as the director of residence life. SGPS is excited for Lyndsay to join our team, bringing her experience, skills, and enthusiasm to addressing the varied needs of approximately 800 residential and online graduate students in our 12 academic programs.


The Bridge Center for Continuing Education

Did you know that Messiah University offers professional development through the Bridge Center for Continuing Education? Join us this fall for one of these opportunities or share this information with family and friends! For more information, visit

Certificate in Influential Leadership – The next cohort starts on Sept. 10! This is a non-credit bearing certificate designed for those with leadership experience who desire to have significant influence and impact in people’s lives and on the organizations they serve. Topics include servant leadership, change and transition, emotional intelligence, dealing with difficult conversation, and more. Sessions will be held on Messiah’s campus.

Opportunity for Social Workers – Take one virtual course or all eight to earn the Advance Practice Certificate in Holistic Bereavement Care. Earn 3 CEs for each course. Some courses meet ethics and suicide requirements. The first course “Ethical Integration of Religion and Spirituality into Bereavement Practice” is Sept. 3.

Opportunity for Occupational Therapists — AOTA Fieldwork Educator Certificate Virtual Workshop. Evening sessions will be held Sept. 23, 25, 30 and Oct. 2. Earn 15 contact hours (1.5 AOTA CEUs/15 NBCOT PDUs).

Opportunity for Physical Therapists — NAIOMT’s COMT Certification Series — This series of five physical therapy continuing education courses is designed for licensed physical therapists and third-year DPT students. Courses can be taken in any order to fit your schedule. The next course COMT-1: Lumbar Spine is Oct. 5-6, at the Messiah University Winding Hill location.

Opportunity for Physical Therapists — In-person training “Medical Screening for Conditions We Do Not Want to Miss” (10 Direct Access PRE-APPROVED contact hours for Pennsylvania) presented by international and renowned instructor, William Boissonnault, PT, DPT, DHSc, FAAOMPT, FAPTA. This Nov. 16 training will be held at Messiah’s Winding Hill location.

Harrisburg Symphony tickets for you and your children

The Harrisburg Symphony would like to make Messiah’s employees aware of their Musical Chairs Program.

If you are parents with children in grades K-12, you are eligible for a special discount through their Musical Chairs Program. Your cost for 7 Masterworks performances is just 45 dollars per eligible family member, or about $6.42 cents per performance per person.

If you are grandparents with kids and grandkids in the region, consider an early birthday or Christmas present.

The first symphony Masterworks Performance is Sept. 28-29, a performance of Beethoven’s 5th symphony.

For more information about the Music Chairs program, see the following symphony website:

For more information about Masterworks performances, see the following website:

New graduate assistants at Messiah and partner institutions

The Graduate Program in Higher Education Leadership is pleased to welcome six new graduate assistants for the 2024-2025 academic year on the Messiah University campus. Graduate assistantships offer graduate students the opportunity to apply educational theories gained through classroom instruction and put them into professional practice through supervised, real-world experience. The graduate assistantship program aims to provide an innovative and cost-efficient way to advance departmental and university-wide goals and objectives.

Please join us and our collaborating departments in welcoming the following to the Messiah University community: Kade Anzulavich, graduate assistant for Men’s Basketball; Dinah Chitlango, graduate assistant for the Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement (off-campus programs); Ethan Kiggins, graduate assistant for Campus Ministries; Tony Masters, graduate assistant for Residence Life; Caleb Narber, graduate assistant for Athletics Marketing and Game Promotions;  and Nate St. Luise, graduate assistant for Student Success and Retention.

They join nine returning graduate assistants to the Messiah campus, who will complete their degree programs and GA positions this year. Gian Fabian, graduate assistant for Assessment of Student Learning; Rachel Fleagle, graduate assistant for Graduate Marketing; Kirsten Rasinski (Howland), graduate assistant for Cross Country/Track and Field; Kate Krieger, graduate assistant for Student Engagement; Julian Leon, graduate assistant for Athletic Communication; Emma Narber, graduate assistant for the Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement (Service Trips); Brady Vest, graduate assistant for Men’s Basketball; Reed Wagner, graduate assistant for Baseball; and Rebekah Walker, graduate assistant for Residence Life. Additionally, Alysse Banks, graduate assistant for Residence Life is completing her second year at Biola University, one of our partner institutions.

Open enrollment is coming soon!

We encourage all employees to attend an open enrollment informational session as elements of our benefits are changing, effective Nov. 1.

Monday, Aug.26
o 8:30 a.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)
o 11 a.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)
o 4:15 p.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)
o 9 p.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)
Tuesday, Aug. 27
o 1 p.m. ~ Alexander Auditorium (Frey 110)
o 7 p.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)
Friday, Sept. 6
o 11:30 a.m. ~ Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)
Thursday, Sept. 19
o 12 p.m. ~ Alexander Auditorium (Frey 110)
o 2 p.m. ~ Alexander Auditorium (Frey 110)

The time period to modify your benefits on the PlanSource platform begins Sept. 3 and ends Sept. 20. Because the health plan offerings are changing, every employee will need to access the benefit platform and make elections.

Student successfully passes CFP Exam

Congratulations to Sawyer Shank, senior international business and finance double major, who successfully passed the CFP (certified financial planner) exam. Approximately 3,000 candidates sat for the July exam and the pass rate was 65%. Sawyer was in the first cohort of students to complete the 6-required CFP courses at Messiah University since Messiah became a CFP™ board registered program in October 2022.


Job opportunities

The Office of Teacher Education Program has an opening for the full-time position of administrative assistant, teacher education. Job-related questions may be directed to Christina Simmons at For more information and to apply, please see:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant to the Dean. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Student Financial Services has an opening for the full-time position of financial aid counselor. Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris at jrharris@messiah.eduFor more information and to apply, please see:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher and a 3rd shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, and

Applications are being accepted for the temporary position of administrative assistant to psychology, criminal justice and sociology department and to the assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society. Job related questions may be directed to John Bechtold at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time catering supervisor, a full-time cook and a part time cook. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please see:

Campus and Building Services has a variety of full and part-time campus and building services worker openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Pasture-raised brown eggs for sale: $3/dozen, $4/18 count: contact or

Car decals. $5 each, I can also make personalized decals. The price may vary depending on if I have the file. Contact Stacy:

Wine cork key chains. $5 each, many to choose from. Pictures available upon request. Contact Stacy:

ALDI quarter pocket – quarter included. $5/each. So cute! Add this to your key chain/fob and you will never be without a quarter next time you go to ALDI for shopping. Many to choose from. Contact Stacy:


Caregiver needed. My neighbors, a family of five, are seeking occasional overnight caregiver.
They have three children and two large but friendly dogs.
The children are aged 16, 13, and 10. They are seeking a responsible caregiver who has current clearances filed with the state of Pennsylvania, criminal background check, and child abuse history clearances.

This job would be on an as needed basis when both parents are traveling away from home. Duties would include driving children to and from school and/or activities, making meals for children, and possibly helping with homework. It also includes taking care of dogs: feeding, watering, and some medications.

Caregivers will be well compensated, and compensation is negotiable.
Interested applicants may contact me: Amy Cook: or my neighbor, Meghan Harder at 717-418-9575 or A few home visits and a trial run would also be required. The first upcoming event is Sept. 28.

Thank you for your interest. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.




August 15

Thursday, August 15th, 2024

for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

1 Timothy 2:2


The Operations Division is excited to announce the incoming director of safety, Daniel “Brad” Neuenschwander. Brad will join the Messiah community on Monday, August 19. Brad brings extensive knowledge and experience in serving communities and ensuring safety. Brad recently retired from the Maryland State Police with over 25 years of progressive experience as an officer, field operations, criminal intelligence, and executive protection. In his new role as director of safety, Brad is committed to continuing and improving upon campus partnerships which allow our community to learn and thrive, while providing a safe environment for our students, employees and guests. Brad is the father of a Messiah alumnus and of a current student.

Please join me in welcoming Brad to Messiah.

Kathie Shafer
Vice President for Operations


Community Day

All employees are warmly invited to attend Community Day on Tuesday, August 20 from 9 -10:15 a.m. in the Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts. This annual Messiah tradition serves as the ceremonial launch of the new academic year for employees to enjoy corporate worship and fellowship. President Kim Phipps, Provost Christy Gardner and Messiah Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Craig Sider will lead our time together. Light refreshments and 2024 Community Day t-shirts will be available immediately following the event in front of the High Center. All offices and departments (with the exception of Dispatch) will close from 8:45-11 a.m. to allow employees to enjoy the Community Day experience. If you have any questions, please contact Karin Bisbee, executive coordinator for the president’s office and board of trustees, at

Please remember that no food or drink is permitted in the venue – only bottled water.

Susquehanna Chorale to perform at Mt. Gretna on Aug. 18

The Susquehanna Chorale will perform a concert, “Music for a Summer’s Evening”, at Mt. Gretna’s open-air Tabernacle on Sunday, Aug.18, at 7 p.m. The Chorale’s founder and artistic director, Linda L. Tedford, will conduct the Chorale in its appearance as part of Mt. Gretna’s Summer at the Tabernacle concert series.

There is no charge for admission, but a free-will offering to support the Tabernacle’s summer series will be collected. The Tabernacle is located at Third Street and Glossbrenner Avenue, Mt. Gretna (the Campmeeting side of Mt. Gretna).

For more information call 717-533-7859 or visit For parking information, see “Directions” at

Welcoming new students to Messiah University

We are excited to welcome our new students to Messiah University in just a few short weeks! All incoming new and transfer students will arrive to Messiah by Friday, Aug. 23 (with many students arriving earlier through participation in pre-orientation programs).

If you plan to be on campus on Aug. 23, please be prepared to show hospitality in welcoming our new students! If you would like to assist with new student arrivals on Aug. 23 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., please email to express an interest.

Additional Welcome Week programs will take place through the conclusion of the first week of classes on Aug. 30. The full schedule for Welcome Week is publicly available in digital format. Instructions for accessing the schedule are on the First Year Experience website:

Laying a Prayerful Foundation – Thursday, August 22

Please consider participating in this prayer vigil as we pray for new and returning students, new and returning employees, our Board of Trustees, and our overall campus physical and spiritual well-being.
All are invited to sign up for a 15-minute prayer time between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 22. You may intercede in prayer at any location during your 15-minute slot. There are three openings per time slot and our hope is to have the entire 12-hour vigil covered. Please sign up using this link: If you have further questions, please reach out to our employee community pastor, Stephen Gallaher ( or for questions regarding the sign-up, Staci Davis (

The Bridge Center for Continuing Education

Did you know that Messiah University offers professional development through the Bridge Center for Continuing Education? Join us this fall for one of these opportunities or share this information with family and friends! For more information, visit

Certificate in Influential Leadership – The next cohort starts on Sept. 10! This is a non-credit bearing certificate designed for those with leadership experience who desire to have significant influence and impact in people’s lives and on the organizations they serve. Topics include servant leadership, change and transition, emotional intelligence, dealing with difficult conversation, and more. Sessions will be held on Messiah’s campus.

Opportunity for Social Workers – Take one virtual course or all eight to earn the Advance Practice Certificate in Holistic Bereavement Care. Earn 3 CEs for each course. Some courses meet ethics and suicide requirements. The first course “Ethical Integration of Religion and Spirituality into Bereavement Practice” is Sept. 3.

Opportunity for Occupational Therapists — AOTA Fieldwork Educator Certificate Virtual Workshop. Evening sessions will be held Sept. 23, 25, 30 and Oct. 2. Earn 15 contact hours (1.5 AOTA CEUs/15 NBCOT PDUs).

Opportunity for Physical Therapists — NAIOMT’s COMT Certification Series — This series of five physical therapy continuing education courses is designed for licensed physical therapists and third-year DPT students. Courses can be taken in any order to fit your schedule. The next course COMT-1: Lumbar Spine is Oct. 5-6, at the Messiah University Winding Hill location.

Opportunity for Physical Therapists — In-person training “Medical Screening for Conditions We Do Not Want to Miss” (10 Direct Access PRE-APPROVED contact hours for Pennsylvania) presented by international and renowned instructor, William Boissonnault, PT, DPT, DHSc, FAAOMPT, FAPTA. This Nov. 16 training will be held at Messiah’s Winding Hill location.

Harrisburg Symphony tickets for you and your children

The Harrisburg Symphony would like to make Messiah’s employees aware of their Musical Chairs Program.

If you are parents with children in grades K-12, you are eligible for a special discount through their Musical Chairs Program. Your cost for 7 Masterworks performances is just 45 dollars per eligible family member, or about $6.42 cents per performance per person.

If you are grandparents with kids and grandkids in the region, consider an early birthday or Christmas present.

The first symphony Masterworks Performance is Sept. 28-29, a performance of Beethoven’s 5th symphony.

For more information about the Music Chairs program, see the following symphony website:

For more information about Masterworks performances, see the following website:

New graduate assistants at Messiah and partner institutions

The Graduate Program in Higher Education Leadership is pleased to welcome six new graduate assistants for the 2024-2025 academic year on the Messiah University campus. Graduate assistantships offer graduate students the opportunity to apply educational theories gained through classroom instruction and put them into professional practice through supervised, real-world experience. The graduate assistantship program aims to provide an innovative and cost-efficient way to advance departmental and university-wide goals and objectives.

Please join us and our collaborating departments in welcoming the following to the Messiah University community: Kade Anzulavich, graduate assistant for Men’s Basketball; Dinah Chitlango, graduate assistant for the Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement (off-campus programs); Ethan Kiggins, graduate assistant for Campus Ministries; Tony Masters, graduate assistant for Residence Life; Caleb Narber, graduate assistant for Athletics Marketing and Game Promotions;  and Nate St. Luise, graduate assistant for Student Success and Retention.

They join nine returning graduate assistants to the Messiah campus, who will complete their degree programs and GA positions this year. Gian Fabian, graduate assistant for Assessment of Student Learning; Rachel Fleagle, graduate assistant for Graduate Marketing; Kirsten Rasinski (Howland), graduate assistant for Cross Country/Track and Field; Kate Krieger, graduate assistant for Student Engagement; Julian Leon, graduate assistant for Athletic Communication; Emma Narber, graduate assistant for the Agapé Center for Local and Global Engagement (Service Trips); Brady Vest, graduate assistant for Men’s Basketball; Reed Wagner, graduate assistant for Baseball; and Rebekah Walker, graduate assistant for Residence Life. Additionally, Alysse Banks, graduate assistant for Residence Life is completing her second year at Biola University, one of our partner institutions.

Tech Support – Did you know?

As the summer comes to an end and you return to campus, there will be software updates required for your computers. If your computer has not been in use during the summer, it may be slower than usual while updates are being done. Updates will happen automatically on the computers. If there are any issues, please contact Tech Support at or ext. 4444.
• Microsoft 365 is available for you to install on your computer if you are still running Office 2016. To install it, Open Software Center from your desktop or start menu, find Microsoft 365 64-bit, click install (plan on 10-15 minutes for this process). After installation is complete, navigate to Software Center again. Click Office 365 taskbar and start menu fix (this will remove those 2016 icons). Sign back into your account.
• Chrome, Edge, or Firefox? – Chrome and Edge can be signed into using Messiah credentials, and will synchronize with the Messiah password, making it easy to back up and restore bookmarks, passwords, etc. Firefox requires an account that will NOT synchronize with the Messiah credentials requiring you to remember another password.


Job opportunities

The Department of Education has an opening for the full-time position of administrative assistant, teacher education.  Job-related questions may be directed to Christina Simmons at For more information and to apply, please see:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant to the Dean. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Student Financial Services has an opening for the full-time position of financial aid counselor. Job-related questions may be directed to JR Harris at

For more information and to apply, please see:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Residence Life has an opening for an interim residence director. Job related questions can be directed to Annastasia Bonczyk at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher and a 3rd shift safety officer. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, and

Applications are being accepted for the temporary position of administrative assistant to psychology, criminal justice and sociology department and to the assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society. Job related questions may be directed to John Bechtold at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Facility Services has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative 2nd shift). Job related questions may be directed to Brian Miller at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time catering supervisor, a full-time cook and a part time cook. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please see:

Campus and Building Services has a variety of full and part-time campus and building services worker openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more informaFor saletion and to apply, please visit:

Portable AC/heat pumpFrigidaire portable air conditioner. Does heat and A/C. 10,000 BTU 501 to 700 sq. ft. 115 volts. Purchased 2-20-23. Great unit. Selling it because I moved and can’t use it in the new place. Paid $550, asking $200. Contact

August 8

Thursday, August 8th, 2024

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

2 Chronicles 15:7


Susquehanna Chorale to perform at Mt. Gretna on Aug. 18

The Susquehanna Chorale will perform a concert, “Music for a Summer’s Evening”, at Mt. Gretna’s open-air Tabernacle on Sunday, Aug.18, at 7 p.m. The Chorale’s founder and artistic director, Linda L. Tedford, will conduct the Chorale in its appearance as part of Mt. Gretna’s Summer at the Tabernacle concert series.

There is no charge for admission, but a free-will offering to support the Tabernacle’s summer series will be collected. The Tabernacle is located at Third Street and Glossbrenner Avenue, Mt. Gretna (the Campmeeting side of Mt. Gretna).

For more information call 717-533-7859 or visit For parking information, see “Directions” at

Tech Support – Did you know?

  • Any questions? – Email, which will generate a support ticket. The ticket will be assigned to an available technician. This ensures your issue receives attention, even if someone is out of the office.
  • Campus computers should be kept turned on. Please power on ALL computers on campus, including student worker and adjunct computers. Most of the computers have not been in use over the summer, and they will require software updates. These updates will happen automatically.
  • As the campus switches to the new Zoom phone system, please note the caller id numbers will appear as 223-285-xxxx until the system is completely switched. Continue to use the 4-digit extension and not the 10 digit phone number to contact others on campus.


Job opportunities

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Residence Life has an opening for an interim residence director. Job related questions can be directed to Annastasia Bonczyk at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, visit:

Applications are being accepted for the temporary position of administrative assistant to psychology, criminal justice and sociology department and to the assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture, and Society. Job related questions may be directed to John Bechtold at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Facility Services has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative 2nd shift). Job related questions may be directed to Brian Miller at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for an assistant softball coach; administrative coordinator and recruiter. Job related questions can be directed to Amy Weaver at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Conference Services – sound and lighting, has an opening for a full-time sound and lighting technician. Job related questions may be directed to Spencer Rennels at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Human Resources has an opening for a full-time prevention and education specialist. Job related questions may be directed to Inger Blount at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time assistant swim coach. Job related questions may be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time swim lessons instructor. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time culinary assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Portable pet cage for medium sized pet. Cage is in fair condition. Bottom mat has corner broken off and cage has mild rust in one spot. Everything else is fine. Asking $25 obo. Contact

Portable AC/heat pump. Frigidaire portable air conditioner. Does heat and A/C. 10,000 BTU 501 to 700 sq. ft. 115 volts. Purchased 2-20-23. Great unit. Selling it because I moved and can’t use it in new place. Paid $550, asking $200. Contact


Airline miles. Does anyone have any airline miles they know they will not be using that they would be willing to sell me for a discount price? I would like to fly out to San Diego in September to see my son’s graduation from the Navy and I know sometimes people have miles that they do not use. Not even sure you can transfer them, but it was a thought.
Just thought I would ask. Thank you. Contact


August 1, 2024

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

1 Peter 1:3


Community Day

All employees are warmly invited to attend Community Day on Tuesday, August 20 from 9 -10:15 a.m. in the Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts. This annual Messiah tradition serves as the ceremonial launch of the new academic year for employees to enjoy corporate worship and fellowship. President Kim Phipps, Provost Christy Gardner and Messiah Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Craig Sider will lead our time together. Light refreshments and 2024 Community Day t-shirts will be available immediately following the event in front of the High Center. All offices and departments (with the exception of Dispatch) will close from 8:45-11 a.m. to allow employees to enjoy the Community Day experience. If you have any questions, please contact Karin Bisbee, executive coordinator for the president’s office and board of trustees, at

Please remember that no food or drink is permitted in the venue – only bottled water.

Welcoming New Students to Messiah University

We are excited to welcome our new students to Messiah University in just a few short weeks! All incoming new and transfer students will arrive to Messiah by Friday, Aug. 23 (with many students arriving earlier through participation in pre-orientation programs).

If you plan to be on campus on Aug. 23, please be prepared to show hospitality in welcoming our new students! If you would like to assist with new student arrivals on Aug. 23 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., please email to express an interest.

Additional Welcome Week programs will take place through the conclusion of the first week of classes on Aug. 30. The full schedule for Welcome Week is publicly available in digital format. Instructions for accessing the schedule are on the First Year Experience website:


Job opportunities

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies has an opening for a full-time coordinator of Student Services, School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Job related questions may be directed to Jennifer Fisler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering & Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Facility Services has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative 2nd shift). Job related questions may be directed to Brian Miller at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for an assistant softball coach; administrative coordinator and recruiter. Job related questions can be directed to Amy Weaver at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Conference Services – Sound & Lighting, has an opening for a full-time sound and lighting technician. Job related questions may be directed to Spencer Rennels at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Human Resources has an opening for a full-time prevention and education specialist. Job related questions may be directed to Inger Blount at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time assistant swim coach. Job related questions may be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time swim lessons instructor. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time culinary assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:


Free hand sanitizer from Facilities ServicesFacilities has ‘Germs be Gone’ hand sanitizer gel up for grabs to anyone that would like to stop by facilities office in the Lenhert building on lower campus. They are FREE so please stop down and take one.



July 25

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:15



This summer, the National Opera Association appointed Dr. Damian Savarino, professor of music, to the panel of adjudicators for the Opera Production Competition. Dr. Savarino has been a member of the NOA for 10 years and has directed productions which have placed 1st and 2nd place (2014 and 2016) in the same competition.


Murray Library Recreational Reading Collection

Looking for a summer read that’s a little lighter than the average academic title? Check out Murray Library’s Recreational Reading Collection with over 100 popular fiction and nonfiction titles. Browse on your lunch break or when you are in the building for a meeting. You can find the collection on the back side of the new bookshelf near the entrance of the library.


Job opportunities

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies has an opening for a full-time coordinator of Student Services, School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Job related questions may be directed to Jennifer Fisler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Graduate Counseling Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Leah Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Facility Services has an opening for a full-time general maintenance mechanic (preventative 2nd shift). Job related questions may be directed to Brian Miller at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for an assistant softball coach; administrative coordinator and recruiter. Job related questions can be directed to Amy Weaver at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Conference Services – sound and lighting, has an opening for a full-time sound and lighting technician. Job related questions may be directed to Spencer Rennels at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Honors Program has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to James LaGrand at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Human Resources has an opening for a full-time prevention and education specialist. Job related questions may be directed to Inger Blount at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time assistant swim coach. Job related questions may be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time swim lessons instructor. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for 3rd shift safety officer/dispatcher. Job related questions may be directed to Sean Paddock at For more information and to apply, visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time culinary assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Mark Wirtz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Specialized girls 6-speed bike. Girl’s specialized brand Hotrock 20” wheel size, aluminum-frame, 6-speed, pink bicycle. Originally purchased from Mountainside Ski and Sports in Mechanicsburg. Hardly used, like-new condition. Generally a good-sized bike for children ages 6-12. Asking $125. If interested, or would like to see photos, email

Multiple home items for sale.

Lazy Boy floral sofa 81×34. Used but in good shape. No snags, fading or tears. $30.

Walnut-stain wooden double dresser 60x33x19 – Very solid with drawers that work well. Does have some scuffs but in presentable condition.  $30

Old Carrom dome hockey table (players on rods). The table needs to be tightened up. $20

Contact Amanda:


FREE treadmill. Free Pro-Form GP5 treadmill. It is in good condition and works well. We just do not use it. You must pick it up. Contact

Free hand sanitizer from Facilities Services. Facilities has ‘Germs be Gone’ hand sanitizer gel up for grabs to anyone that would like to stop by facilities office in the Lenhert building on lower campus. They are FREE so please stop down and take one.