There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1


Erin Boyd-Soisson, professor of human development and family science, had the article “Family Folklore” published in Macmillan Encyclopedia of Families, Marriages and Intimate Relationships.


Erin Boyd-Soisson, professor of human development and family science, and Raeann Hamon, distinguished professor of family science and gerontology, provided workshops at the PA FCCLA Advisors Retreat in Wilkes-Barre. Erin presented on “Child Development and Care: Sociodramatic Play and Early Childhood Development” and Raeann presented “Interactive Activities to Engage Students in Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecology Theory.”


Passport services

Representatives from the Cumberland County Courthouse will be on campus at the Eisenhower Commons between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 22 to process passport applications.

Applicants need to bring the following documents:

  • Original birth certificate, PLUS A PHOTOCOPY OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE
  • Copy both front and back of the driver’s license on the same side of the page
  • Non-PA residents also need to bring their Messiah ID along with a photocopy of their ID
  • Completed application
  • Fees ($110 check or money order written to the U.S. Department of State and $35 cash or check written to the Prothonotary’s Office)
  • Photo services will be available.

Cost is $10 in cash or check written to Messiah College. Applications can be downloaded at Please contact if you have questions.

Come view two art exhibitions from the Bowden Collection, Oct. 18 – Nov. 2

Please join us at Messiah’s Homecoming Weekend as we celebrate the opening of two concurrent exhibitions of German expressionist prints on loan from the collection of Sandra and Robert Bowden at The Galleries at Messiah College. A lecture by Dr. Daniel Siedell, Biblical Imagination in Modern Art, will be given on Oct. 18 at 4:15 p.m. in the High Foundation Recital Hall, High Center.

“Was God Dead?” highlights the role that Biblical imagery played in German expressionist printmaking with 60 works by artists like Beckmann, Corinth, Dix, Kandinsky, Kollowitz, Schmidt-Rotluff, Munch and others.

Oct. 18 – Nov. 26 in the Aughinbaugh Gallery, Climenhaga Building

Matthaus Evangelium is a series of 33 lithographs depicting scenes from the Gospel of Matthew by Otto Dix and printed by the Berlin publisher Klibor in 1960.

Oct. 18 – Nov. 26 in the High Center Galleries (upper and lower levels)

Gallery hours

Monday – Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Evenings and weekends with High Center events

High Center and Climenhaga Galleries hours: 7 a.m.–10 p.m., daily for more details, visit

Archives administration changes

Starting in the 2019-20 academic year, Messiah College has merged the three archives that exist on its campus: the Archives of Messiah College, the Brethren in Christ Historical Library and Archives, and the Ernest L. Boyer Center Archives. The merger creates opportunities for operational and administrative efficiencies while simultaneously allowing each unit to maintain its own unique identity and collecting policy under a common mission: to preserve and provide access to materials that document the history of Messiah College, its faculty, its alumni, and its founding denomination, the Brethren in Christ Church. Devin Manzullo-Thomas, who formerly oversaw the work of the Boyer Center Archives, will provide leadership to the merged archives as director of archives. Glen Pierce, who formerly directed the work of the College and Brethren in Christ archives, will continue in a revised role as archives assistant.

The summer issue is here!

The summer Bridge is here! Be sure to read the article “Why I Give,” which features the profiles of several Messiah alums and why they give back. Hard copies of the magazine can be found in the Eisenhower and Boyer lounges and always in the reception area of the third floor of Old Main.

Murray Library October 2019 newsletter

What’s New at Murray Library? Check out our October newsletter and read about our current exhibits and upcoming events, meet one of our library staff and hear from our director. View newsletter here.

Guests on campus

The Office of Conference and Event Services is pleased to welcome the following groups to campus over the next week:

  • LEPC SARA Summit – Oct. 10
  •  SynAudCon – Oct. 10-11
  •  PPA Ethics Educators conference – Oct. 11
  •  High school men’s basketball tournament – Oct. 12
  • 567 Workshops – Oct. 14 and 16

If you see our guests on campus, please extend a warm welcome to Messiah College!

Equipment donations

Doing some fall cleaning? The Winding Hill facility is in need of the items listed below. If you’re interested in helping us grow our equipment and supplies for the Master of Occupational Therapy and Doctor of Physical Therapy student open labs, please contact with a photo of your item(s).

  • Standard wheelchairs with removable arm and leg rests
  • Rolling walkers with 5 inch fixed wheels
  • Single point canes
  • Axillary adult crutches
  • Loftstrand adult crutches 


For sale

Items for sale. Yellow plasma riding toy in good used condition. $25 obo. Huffy green machine riding toy in good used condition. $35 obo Breckwell P24i pellet stove. Approximately 7 years old and little finicky. Full of pellets. Best bought by someone who knows how to operate or looking to buy for parts. $250 obo. (You must pick up) Email or call 717-557-1409. Photos available on request.

Baby and toddler items. Cherry crib and mattress – $30, cherry changing table and pad – $15, additional contour pad – $10, 2 organic cotton changing pad covers – $8 each, cherry mini crib and mattress – $50, pink mini crib dust ruffle – $5, Boppy pillow with jungle and floral covers – $20, Fisher Price cradle swing – $45, Fisher Price bouncer – $10, 4 interlocking foam floor mats – $10, Babies R Us inflatable tub – $5. Also assorted cloth diapers, new or gently used, individual or by lot – price negotiable. Email for pictures.


Free daisies. Sharing my abundance of Shasta daisies. Free for the asking. They spread through the roots and are very easy to grow, as is evidenced by the 900 blooms I had last year! It’s time to thin the patch. Contact me to get your free bag of roots: