October 17

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40: 28-31


President’s Open Door Day

President Phipps will host an Open Door Day on Oct. 30, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to meet individually with students and employees on topics that are important to them. Open Door Day will take place in the president’s office on the second floor of Old Main. A sign-in sheet will be located in Old Main room 207 starting at 1p.m. on Oct. 30. Open Door Day is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Fall 2019 Shred Day

On Tuesday, Oct. 22, Shredding Solutions will provide a truck on campus for confidential document shredding. The truck will be located at the top of the access road between Frey Hall and the library (located where the access road and the brick walkway meet) and will be available from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Please use this opportunity to purge your office/work areas of documentation that contains confidential information that has met its retention requirements and is no longer needed.

What can be shredded? All forms of documentation containing confidential information can be included in this campus shred day. Secured data and all sizes, color and texture of paper will be accepted. The shredding truck can shred/destroy staples and paperclips, but ALL BINDER CLIPS MUST BE REMOVED and documents in binders will not be accepted. (You will have the opportunity to observe your documents throughout the shredding process if you wish.) Personal documents in small/reasonable amounts (a paper box full or less) are also welcome to be brought in for shredding.

Shredding instructions

Normal shredding needs: Please bring all the paper for shredding directly to the truck beginning at 11 a.m. It is the goal to complete all shredding needs in the designated two (2) hours scheduled; plan to bring paper between 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. (please note, the shredding truck will be leaving promptly at 1 p.m., we suggest arriving no later than 12:45 p.m.).

Special shredding needs: If your department has specific needs, special arrangements can be made by calling Allen Snook, IT security analyst, at ext. 6790. All shredding arrangements must be made before the close of business Thursday, Oct. 17. For special requests or other questions, please contact Allen Snook, at ext. 6790.

Come view two art exhibitions from the Bowden Collection, Oct. 18 – Nov. 2

Please join us at Messiah’s Homecoming Weekend as we celebrate the opening of two concurrent exhibitions of German expressionist prints on loan from the collection of Sandra and Robert Bowden at The Galleries at Messiah College. A lecture by Dr. Daniel Siedell, Biblical Imagination in Modern Art, will be given on Oct. 18 at 4:15 p.m. in the High Foundation Recital Hall, High Center.

“Was God Dead?” highlights the role that Biblical imagery played in German expressionist printmaking with 60 works by artists like Beckmann, Corinth, Dix, Kandinsky, Kollowitz, Schmidt-Rotluff, Munch and others.

Oct. 18 – Nov. 26 in the Aughinbaugh Gallery, Climenhaga Building

Matthaus Evangelium is a series of 33 lithographs depicting scenes from the Gospel of Matthew by Otto Dix and printed by the Berlin publisher Klibor in 1960.

Oct. 18 – Nov. 26 in the High Center Galleries (upper and lower levels)

Gallery hours

Monday – Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Evenings and weekends with High Center events

High Center and Climenhaga Galleries hours: 7 a.m.–10 p.m., daily for more details, visit arts.messiah.edu.

An Evening with Chris Thile, Oct.29  

Mandolinist, singer, songwriter, composer and radio personality Oct. 29 at 7:30 p.m., Messiah College Parmer Hall Sponsored by the School of the Arts Performing Arts Series

Multiple Grammy Award-winner and MacArthur Fellow Chris Thile a member of Punch Brothers and Nickel Creek, and now host of the radio program, “Live from Here,” is a mandolin virtuoso, composer and vocalist. A Grammy winner for his work on “The Goat Rodeo Sessions,” a collaboration with Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer and Stuart Duncan, he also won a Grammy for “Bass + Mandolin” with Edgar Meyer.In 2018, Punch Brothers released the Grammy-winning “All Ashore,” which Pop Matters described as “a call to savor, to pay attention, to step back from the hustle and bustle and remember the importance of being calm.”

For more information visit arts.messiah.edu. Ticket prices are $20 for adults; $5 for Messiah College students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah College Ticket Office at 717-691-6036 or online at messiah.edu/tickets

Archives administration changes

Starting in the 2019-20 academic year, Messiah College has merged the three archives that exist on its campus: the Archives of Messiah College, the Brethren in Christ Historical Library and Archives, and the Ernest L. Boyer Center Archives. The merger creates opportunities for operational and administrative efficiencies while simultaneously allowing each unit to maintain its own unique identity and collecting policy under a common mission: to preserve and provide access to materials that document the history of Messiah College, its faculty, its alumni, and its founding denomination, the Brethren in Christ Church. Devin Manzullo-Thomas, who formerly oversaw the work of the Boyer Center Archives, will provide leadership to the merged archives as director of archives. Glen Pierce, who formerly directed the work of the College and Brethren in Christ archives, will continue in a revised role as archives assistant.

2019 American Democracy Lecture

Join us for the 2019 American Democracy Lecture on Oct. 28, at 7 p.m. in Parmer Hall. The Center for Public Humanities and the Department of Politics and International Relations are pleased to welcome Dr. Steven Levitsky, professor of government at Harvard University and New York Times best-selling author. Dr. Levisky has published extensively on authoritarian regimes and the rise of despots and will draw on his book “How Democracies Die,” to discuss the warning signs and the crucial elements needed to protect a free democracy. A reception and a book-signing event will take place immediately following the lecture. We do hope that you will join us for this important and timely discussion.

Save the Date Human Library Project – Unjudge Someone

Please Save the Date of April 1, 2020 to attend the 3rd Annual Messiah College Human Library Project in Murray Library.

Immerse yourself in the pages of the books right in front of you. The 3rd annual Human Library Project is where Messiah students, faculty and staff become open books, sharing their personal stories with readers. The Human Library™ is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Human Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers. Please save the date of Wednesday, April 1, 2020 from noon-4 p.m. (you can read one or multiple books depending upon your schedule).

If you would like to be a “book” and tell your story, please contact Dr. Todd Allen, special assistant to the president and provost for diversity affairs, at tallen@messiah.edu or Liz Kielley, associate librarian/technical services.

What is the “second tuition” for students?

The CCCU recently referred to the high cost of textbooks as students’ second tuition. This affects student retention and student success! During Open Access week (Oct. 21-27), the Library is offering 2 programs on open educational resources (OERs) and other free options in lieu of expensive textbooks. Both programs are designed to fit into a lunch hour (bring your bag lunch; cookies and coffee available!)

Wednesday, Oct. 23 (noon-12:50 p.m.), in the Learning Commons: Hear from faculty members who have adopted either open access textbooks or e-books available from the library, and also hear about a database of open access textbooks worth exploring.

Thursday, Oct. 24 (12:00-1:00), in the Athenaeum: Lunch and a movie. Watch the film “Paywall: The Business of Scholarship,” a documentary that focuses on the need for open access to scholarship and exposes the $25.2 billion that flows

Halloween Safety

Did you know children are hit and killed by a vehicle two times more often on Halloween than any other day of the year? If you’re a driver, use extra caution and drive slower during the hours of trick or treat. And if you’re a parent, here’s some tips to keep your chid(ren) safe during this fun time:

• Have each child carry or wear something lit, such as a flashlight (with fresh batteries), glow stick, or even light-up shoes for visibility. Consider adding reflective tape to costumes.

• Avoid costumes and accessories that create tripping hazards. Costumes that drag on the ground, ill-fitting shoes or high-heels, and masks that don’t allow full visibility create walking hazards.

• Don’t allow your children to cut across yards; obstacles could exist that aren’t readily visible in the evening. Stress that they should walk, not run; stay on sidewalks and in cross-walks as much as possible; and look both ways before crossing streets.

• Only trick or treat at houses with outside lights on. Residents who do not wish to be bothered by trick or treaters often have their lights turned off as a sign; respect their preference.

• Young children should be escorted by an adult. If your child is older and going without adult supervision, establish a pre-planned route and curfew time. Make sure s/he has a cell phone to contact you in the event of an emergency.

• Have your child wait until you can inspect the treats. Discard anything slightly or not completely wrapped. If your child has food allergies, read the ingredients carefully.

Halloween should be a fun-filled holiday for children. Please do your part to keep it that way.

Chicago Semester program rep visit

On Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 21 and 22, Sara (Van Gorp) Chiang, a representative from Chicago Semester will be on campus to talk to students about studying in Chicago, IL.

This program offers a variety of tracks. The 16-week semester program delivers a custom-tailored Chicago experience designed to prepare students for their chosen career – and life after college. The Chicago Semester staff work closely and collaboratively with the student to place them in a full-time internship that matches their interests.

If you are interested in meeting with her to learn more about the program or in having her speak briefly to your class(es), please contact Katie Rousopoulos in the Intercultural Office at X 6089 or krousopoulos@messiah.edu

Also, please feel free to share with your students that the Sara will have an information table in Eisenhower Commons both days.

To learn more about the program, please explore:


Spend an Evening with Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist George Will

George Will speaks on “The Political Argument Today” on Thursday, Oct. 31 at 7:30 p.m. in Parmer Hall. Will is today’s most widely read columnist. His newspaper column has been syndicated by The Washington Post since 1974. Today, it appears twice weekly in approximately 500 newspapers in the U.S. and in Europe. In addition, he serves as a contributor for MSNBC and NBC News. In 1976, he became a regular contributing editor of Newsweek magazine, for which he provided a bimonthly essay until 2011. For 32 years, beginning as a founding member in 1981, he was a panelist on ABC television’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”
In 1977, he won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary for his newspaper columns. Altogether eight collections of Will’s Newsweek and Washington Post columns have been published, the most recent being “One Man’s America.” In 1990, Will published “Men At Work: The Craft of Baseball,” which topped The New York Times best-seller list for two months. Will was educated at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, Oxford University and Princeton University, where he earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree. He has taught political philosophy at Michigan State University and the University of Toronto. Will served as a staff member in the U.S. Senate from 1970 to 1972. From 1973 through 1976, he was the Washington editor of National Review magazine. Today, Will lives and works in Washington, D.C.

Ticket prices are $25 for adults; $10 for Messiah College students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah College Ticket Office at 717-691-6036 or online at messiah.edu/tickets.

Children’s book sale

Come visit our Children’s Book Sale, October 21 and 22, 4:30-6:30 PM!

Hardback books $2, Paperback books $1.

Sale is in the old ELC, basement of Hostetter Chapel. Proceeds go toward the Donald A. Murk and Steven B. Hayes urban scholarship. 

Annual soup and dessert sale

The Division of Finance & Planning’s annual soup sale to benefit local families for Christmas will be held on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019 from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel. Limited seating will also be available for your dining pleasure. Enjoy a cup of soup for $3, a barbeque sandwich for $2 or a dessert for $1. We are also collecting diapers (any size) for Silence of Mary Homes in Harrisburg. Please consider supporting this worthy cause and enjoying some homemade food!

Fall Photo Days

There’s been a large request for individual and group department photos. Whether you are a new employee or need an updated headshot, the dept. of OMC will be scheduling a series of Fall Photo Days. Please look in next week’s issue of the INTERCOM for dates and times. Sign up electronically and don’t forget to bring your smile.