Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

May 9

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11



I am pleased to announce that Dr. Emerson Powery, interim dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society and professor of Biblical studies, has agreed to serve as dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society, effective immediately. Dr. Powery’s leadership and dedication to the faculty and students at Messiah University during his tenure as interim dean have been exemplary, and I look forward to his continued leadership.

I am also pleased to announce that Dr. Kerry Hasler-Brooks, associate professor of English and chair, Department of Language, Literature and Writing, has agreed to serve as assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society, effective August 1. The contributions Dr. Hasler-Brooks has made as department chair and to university-wide committee service have been outstanding. We look forward to her leadership, expertise and vision in this new role.

I am grateful for their service to the School of Arts, Culture and Society and to the University more broadly and look forward to their leadership in fulfilling our institutional mission.

Alison R. Noble
Interim Provost


We are so very grateful to every member of our Messiah community for the contributions you make each and every day. We would especially like to recognize our performance award recipients: President’s Award – Shannon Bivens and Drew White; Pride in Performance Award – Virgil Angeles, Aubrey Kleinfeld, Artie “Bud” PaleseStephanie Patterson and Leah Smock; Team Falcon Award – ITS security enhancements team – Joe Bennett, Dan Campbell, Lew Gladfelter, Chad Keene, Allen Snook, Neil Weaver and Tony Wyland; and the Road to Reconciliation Award – Using technology to advance inclusive excellence – Rocky Allinger, Joe Bennett, Sara Brenneman, Cindi Kerns and Hannah McBride. The attached document lists these winners, along with our full-time faculty, staff, and administrative employees reaching milestone years of service; and our adjunct professors who have reached significant load unit categories in the last four years. All employees are invited to our Employee Recognition Picnic on May 13.



Dr. Damian Savarino, bass professor of music, recently performed with the internationally acclaimed Orchestra Nexus and the Nexus Choral Artists. On April 14, Savarino was a soloist in Monteverdi’s VESPERS 1610 in Newtown, CT which was a joint production with the Connecticut Choral Society. In addition to the orchestra, the performance featured nine soloists and three choirs.


Dean Angela Hare is pleased to share that Dr. Roseann K. Sachs, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, will be serving as assistant dean of the School of Science, Engineering and Health in 2024-25. Roseann has served in a loaded support role in SSEH since 2016 and has provided excellent leadership to undergraduate research in the sciences. As assistant dean she will continue this and will work with the school leadership team and the university to plan for optimal and enhanced use of Kline Hall (our oldest academic building). Roseann has 20 years of experience as department chair (2003-2023) and brings significant insight and experience to her role.


Professor of Marketing David Hagenbuch spoke at the national Leadership Summit of the American Marketing Association (AMA), an event held exclusively for AMA professional chapter leaders, which took place May 3-5, in Chicago. His invited talk was titled “Questions are the Key to AI and Ethics.” He has written an article similar to what he shared at the Summit that can be found at


After 19 years of service to Messiah, Christy Hanson, dean of experiential learning and leadership development, is leaving to pursue a new opportunity as director of training and development with Clark Associates. Christy started her career at Messiah in the Career Center. As director, she oversaw the merging of career services and the internship program to form the Career and Professional Development Center. Christy co-chaired the task force that developed and implemented the Experiential Learning Initiative and co-chaired the ELI oversight committee. As part of her role as dean of experiential learning and leadership development, she created and managed the Student Leadership Institute, a comprehensive leadership development program for approximately 150 student leaders and advisors at Messiah – a program that has inspired leadership development initiatives at other CCCU institutions. Christy has been actively involved in the Community of Educators during her time at Messiah, consistently seeking to foster connections between curricular and cocurricular programs. Christy’s last day will be May 17. Please join us in acknowledging her and the imprint she has left on Messiah at an open house reception in Howe Atrium on Friday, May 10, anytime from 1 to 3 p.m.


The Office of the President and the Provost’s Senior Staff is hosting a drop-in reception during May Development Week to honor the contributions of Interim Provost Alison Noble, and to celebrate her appointment as Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at Fresno Pacific University. The reception will be Thursday, May 16, from 2:30 – 4 p.m., in Howe Atrium. There will be a twenty-minute program starting at 3 p.m., though please drop by whenever you can to wish Alison the best in her new endeavors.


Important undergraduate commencement information for employees

Schedule and details

Messiah University will be hosting Commencement weekend for the undergraduate Class of 2024 on May 10-11.

Members of the Community of Educators should have already received information from the Provost’s Office regarding their participation in Commencement weekend. Faculty, staff and administrators who are participating in the Commencement ceremony itself have received, or will soon receive, an email memo regarding their role in the ceremony from the Commencement Committee. If you have any questions regarding Commencement, please contact Carla Gross, co-chair of the Undergraduate Commencement Committee, at ext. 6940 or

Important employee parking information for Baccalaureate (Friday, May 10)

  • From 6 a.m. until 10 p.m., the VV (Visitor’s lot) will be closed to employees, so families of our graduates have access to parking for Commencement-related activities.
  • For Baccalaureate, Department of Safety personnel will direct guests to designated parking areas on campus. Guests will walk to Eisenhower Campus Center. There is no shuttle service provided that eveningNote:Messiah employees do not receive reserved parking for Baccalaureate.  It is also important to note that Baccalaureate is a ticketed event; see the Commencement web site for details.
  • If you have questions regarding parking for guests with a disability, visit

 Important employee parking information for Commencement Day (Saturday, May 11).

  • Members of the Community of Educators and other employees who are marching in the processional or participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive a reserved parking pass via campus mail from the Provost’s Office (educators) or directly from their supervisor (staff/administrators). Drivers MUST show their parking pass to traffic control personnel upon entering campus to be directed to their designated reserved parking areas. 
  • All other employees who will be working at the Commencement ceremony will receive parking instructions with their assignment.
  • Due to the significantly increased volume of traffic on campus for Commencement, the Department of Safety strongly encourages all employees to arrive on campus no later than 8:15 alleviate being delayed in traffic, and to assist in being directed to their reserved parking areas on campus.
  • It is also extremely important to follow all parking direction and instruction from safety personnel while entering and leaving campus, as traffic conditions can change quickly and officers are not able to stop traffic flow to have conversation with individual drivers.

Limited HR staffing tomorrow

Human Resources and Compliance staff are attending a professional development program tomorrow, Friday, May 10. There will be very limited staff availability.

Important updates to renting a vehicle for university travel

There have been updates to renting a vehicle through Messiah University’s preferred rental vehicle supplier – including a new website to make reservations as well as improved Emerald Club benefits. Please refer to the Preferred Rental Vehicle Suppliers website for new links and instructions. Contact Steph Sechrist (ext. 2497) with questions.

Susquehanna Chorale to Present 2024 Spring Concert Series

The Susquehanna Chorale will present its Spring concert series, “A Thousand Beautiful Things” on May 17-19 under the direction of Linda L. Tedford.

The series begins on Friday, May 17 at Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, May 18 at Market Square Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, May 19 at The Calvin and Janet High Center for Performing Arts, Messiah University, 4 p.m.

The inspiration for the Chorale’s 2024 spring concerts comes from Craig Hella Johnson’s setting of the Annie Lennox piece, 1000 Beautiful Things. It describes the beauty of life and encourages us to savor those exquisite moments that cause us to pause and appreciate what we have. The program includes Handel’s Sing Unto God, Thomas Tallis’s If Ye Love Me, Mendelsohn’s Richte Mich Gott, as well as Ola Gjeilo’s Iam Sol Recedit and Lux Beata Trinitas. The Chorale will perform gospel spirituals such as Walk Together Children by Anthony Leach and a men’s barbershop-style version of It is Well with my Soul.

The plaintive sound of the oboe and cello will be interwoven throughout the concert and featured in the moving David’s Lamentation and the well-known Gabriel’s Oboe. The concert will conclude with the beloved favorites, When I Fall in Love and “The Impossible Dream” from Man of La Mancha.

Chorale accompanist Daniel Dorty, along with guest artists, Jill Haley, oboe, and John Caldwell, cello, will present a pre-concert recital 15 minutes prior to each program. The recital will feature music written by Haley, who is the resident composer for the National Parks.

New this year is our Livestream/On-Demand option! For tickets, visit or call the Messiah University Box Office at 717.691.6036 and choose option 1.

Employee Recognition Picnic – Monday, May 13

All employees are invited to our annual Employee Recognition Picnic, where we celebrate those reaching milestone years of service and performance award recipients. This year the event will be held on Monday, May 13, at Larsen Student Union. Come anytime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to enjoy lunch from a food truck, fellowship, music, and outdoor games. Please see the attached invitation for more details and menu options.

Hersheypark tickets online – Flash Sale

The Messiah University Community Discount Program is excited to announce that Hersheypark is offering Messiah University an online exclusive savings on tickets. This limited time offer:

·   Can be purchased for TWO WEEKS only – Wednesday, May 1 – Wednesday, May 15

·   Is only available for Messiah University employees and students

·   MUST be purchased online (fees may apply)

·   Is available through the link provided (click here) and promo code 64475742

·   Choice of tickets are for the summer season (valid thru 9/8/24) for $45.95 OR the remainder of 2024 (valid thru 1/1/25) for $49.95

Business Women’s Forum to be Held at Messiah May 15

Messiah University is hosting the 30th Anniversary Business Women’s Forum (BWF) on Wednesday, May 15 at the High Center. The BWF is the largest one-day professional development conference for women in the central Pennsylvania region. This event is organized by the Carlisle Area Chamber and West Shore Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation. Messiah is a member of both Chambers and this one-day event is wonderful opportunity for business women of all professional levels to network, create business contacts, and develop additional leadership skills in a motivational and supportive environment. You can find more information and registration details at the event website –

Cybersecurity students awarded DoD scholarship

The Cybersecurity Education Program is thrilled to announce that two of our talented students have been awarded the prestigious Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship (DoD CySP)! Our students’ dedication to cybersecurity and commitment to excellence have truly set them apart. Out of 670 students across the nation who applied for this scholarship, roughly 100 were selected.

The scholarship award includes full scholarship, stipend for living expenses, summer internships, and employment after graduation.

Join us in celebrating this significant achievement for our students. Their hard work and passion for advancing cyber security are inspiring to all of us.


Job opportunities

Applications are now being accepted for a full-time director of certificate program for students with intellectual disabilities. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Facilities Services has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Brad Markley at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The department of safety has openings for 3rd shift safety officers. Job related questions may be directed to Bryce Wickard at For more information and to apply, visit:

Athletics has a part-time opening for an assistant coach, track and field. Job related questions may be directed to Dale Fogelsanger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time director of safety. Job related questions may be directed to Kathie Shafer at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Procurement has an opening for a full-time purchasing systems coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Stephanie Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Admissions has an opening for temporary traveling recruiter. Job related questions may be directed to Libby Curd at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Admissions has an opening for a part-time admissions transfer assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Rusty Hoffman at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a full-time director of athletic communication. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Gustin Hamrock at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Career and Professional Development Center has an opening for a full-time events and administrative coordinator. Job related questions may be related to Ashley Jones at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time summer lifeguard. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a full-time director of residence life. Job related questions may be directed to Doug Wood at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time evening circulation supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (Librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer high school workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

A variety of items are for sale below. For additional information on any of the items please email:

Tooth Fairy jars. $5 or 2/$8. Perfect for putting your child’s lost tooth in, so it does not get lost underneath their pillow.

Cork Keychains. $6 or 2/$10. Really cute and many to choose from.

Pretty sea glass necklaces. $12 each. These make a great gift for a special someone. I have many to choose from. You are free to meet up and peek. I can also send pictures of other available options.

Key fobs. $10. Super cute beaded key fobs that will hold all your keys and make them easier to find. Very stylish and easy to use.

For rent

The commute to Messiah University dragging you down? It is harder to find closer housing than Oakwood Hills Apartments. The beautifully designed apartments of Oakwood Hills offer the ideal blend of comfort, convenience, and style. The dedicated team ensures your satisfaction every step of the way. From responsive maintenance to community events, you will notice Oakwood Hills provides a 10/10 product. Current Messiah employees and graduate students are eligible for rental discounts. Visit Oakwood Hills at or call to schedule a tour at 717-590-8883.


Cats need a good home. I have two 8-year-old sister cats looking for a new home. Both Luna and Marcie are house trained and people friendly. They are both black medium haired cats. They have always been together but would also be fine on their own. Free cat tower included! If interested, please email me at





Thursday, May 2nd, 2024


For the despairing man there should be kindness from his friend;

So that he does not forsake the fear of the Almighty.

Job 6:14



Raeann Hamon, distinguished professor of family science and gerontology, and three FCS students — Kathrine Beck, Jordyn Thompson, and Isabella Benner– attended the PA Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference in Summerdale. Hamon participated in a panel entitled “What’s Happening at our FCS University Programs.” Raeann was also presented the 2024 Outstanding Family and Consumer Science Professional Award. Her nominators lauded her work as impacting “not only the FCS Education students at Messiah, but also K-12 student across the Commonwealth and the Northeast United State. Dr. Hamon has strong collaboration skills, forming partnerships with colleagues, students and community stakeholders. She continues to hone her skills through professional development opportunities, staying abreast of current trends, and acting as a role model for aspiring professionals.”


Messiah University was well represented at the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting and Exhibition, April 14 – 16, in Lancaster, Pa.

Kaitlin Gill, assistant professor of nutrition and dietetics, serves on the board of the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is the current president-elect of the organization. Kaitlin was heavily involved in planning the event as speaker co-chair, served as a judge of the poster presentations, and presided over the awards ceremony luncheon.

Senior nutrition and dietetics majors Will Bray, Jarrett Hoy, Tim Song, Kathleen DiCarlo, Ellie Kauruter and Jamie Zuber presented the research carried out as part of a two semester research course series taught by Amy Porto, professor of nutrition and dietetics and director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics. Graduate students in Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics/Dietetic Internship (MS/DI), Cera Connolly, Sara Masker, Larae Rhine, Megan Riley, Tyler Kuykendall, and Andrew Dudley, also presented their research carried out with community partners and mentored by Michelle Sanford, senior lecturer in dietetics and director of the MS/DI. Both Amy and Michelle attended the conference in support of their students.

Leah Smock, associate director of enrollment for graduate and professional studies, participated as a vendor sharing information about Messiah’s nutrition programs. Messiah University’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics/Dietetic Internship was a Bronze Sponsor of the conference.


Congratulations to Jennifer L. Good, administrative assistant to the dean of the School of Science, Engineering and Health on her recent promotion to the position of state authorization, licensure and  compliance manager at Messiah, beginning May 16. In this full-time role, Jennifer will report to the associate provost and will lead University-wide state authorization, state licensure, financial value transparency (FVT), and gainful employment (GE) compliance. This is a new position, created in response to federal regulations announced in September 2023. Jennifer will support enrollment management and chairs/program directors in communication with current and prospective students and alumni regarding state licensure questions and will coordinate the data collection process across campus offices for filing of compliance reports related to FVT and GE. She has a professional background in compliance, is skilled in establishing structures that are effective and understandable and is known for her careful attention to detail.


Dr. Kim Fenstermacher, assistant dean of nursing, will be stepping down from her Messiah position effective June 14 and will begin as dean of the School of Nursing at Palm Beach Atlantic University on Aug. 1. We are grateful for Kim’s excellent leadership of both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs in her six years of service to Messiah. Under her leadership, the undergraduate nursing program has been ranked #1 in Pennsylvania, due to a student first-time NCLEX pass rate of 100% in all but one of those years.  The program has been named a Best Undergraduate Nursing program by U.S. News and World Report, a Nursing College of Distinction (, and a Top-Ranked Nursing School ( In 2020-21, while navigating a myriad of COVID-related challenges, Kim led the department in writing the self-study and preparing for a 2021-22 accreditation review of the BSN, MSN and DNP programs that achieved full accreditation renewal of all programs with no concerns. More recently in Summer/Fall 2023 Kim worked with Messiah Lifeways to submit a proposal for PA approval to launch a Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP). Kim is a consummate professional, a compelling educator, a published scholar and a widely known leader in her field.


I am pleased to announce that Dr. Emerson Powery, interim dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society and professor of Biblical studies, has agreed to serve as dean of the School of Arts, Culture, and Society, effective immediately. Dr. Powery’s leadership and dedication to the faculty and students at Messiah University during his tenure as interim dean have been exemplary, and I look forward to his continued leadership.

I am also pleased to announce that Dr. Kerry Hasler-Brooks, associate professor of English and chair, Department of Language, Literature and Writing, has agreed to serve as assistant dean of the School of Arts, Culture and Society, effective August 1. The contributions Dr. Hasler-Brooks has made as department chair and in university-wide committee service have been outstanding. We look forward to her leadership, expertise and vision in this new role.

I am grateful for their service to the School of Arts, Culture and Society and to the University more broadly and look forward to their leadership in fulfilling our institutional mission.

Alison R. Noble
Interim Provost


We are so very grateful to every member of our Messiah community for the contributions you make each and every day. We would especially like to recognize our performance award recipients: President’s Award – Shannon Bivens and Drew White; Pride in Performance Award – Virgil Angeles, Aubrey Kleinfeld, Artie “Bud” Palese, Stephanie Patterson and Leah Smock; Team Falcon Award – ITS security enhancements team – Joe Bennett, Dan Campbell, Lew Gladfelter, Chad Keene, Allen Snook, Neil Weaver and Tony Wyland; and the Road to Reconciliation Award – Using technology to advance inclusive excellence – Rocky Allinger, Joe Bennett, Sara Brenneman, Cindi Kerns and Hannah McBride. The attached document lists these winners, along with our full-time faculty, staff, and administrative employees reaching milestone years of service; and our adjunct professors who have reached significant load unit categories in the last four years. All employees are invited to our Employee Recognition Picnic on May 13.


After 25 years of dedicated teaching and research mentoring in the Biological Sciences at Messiah University, it is time to bid farewell to Larry Mylin as he embarks on a new chapter of life: retirement!

Please stop by and join us for a celebratory gathering filled with memories, stories and well wishes as we celebrate Larry’s remarkable career and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Date: May 7
Time: 3:30-5 p.m.
Venue: Second floor lounge – Jordan Science Center


After 19 years of service to Messiah, Christy Hanson, dean of experiential learning and leadership development, is leaving to pursue a new opportunity as director of training and development with Clark Associates. Christy started her career at Messiah in the Career Center. As director, she oversaw the merging of career services and the internship program to form the Career and Professional Development Center. Christy co-chaired the task force that developed and implemented the Experiential Learning Initiative and co-chaired the ELI oversight committee. As part of her role as dean of experiential learning and leadership development, she created and managed the Student Leadership Institute, a comprehensive leadership development program for approximately 150 student leaders and advisors at Messiah – a program that has inspired leadership development initiatives at other CCCU institutions. Christy has been actively involved in the Community of Educators during her time at Messiah, consistently seeking to foster connections between curricular and cocurricular programs. Christy’s last day will be May 17. Please join us in acknowledging her and the imprint she has left on Messiah at an open house reception in Howe Atrium on Friday, May 10, anytime from 1 to 3 p.m.


After nine years serving the campus community in the department of safety, Bryce Wickard is moving to Pittsburgh. Please join us in the Howe Atrium on Tuesday, May 7 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to celebrate Bryce and wish him well as he begins a new chapter in his life journey. Light refreshments will be served. Best Wishes, Bryce!


After 28 years, this will be my final semester at Messiah University. I want to express my appreciation for the many wonderful friendships I have made with people across campus during my time here. It has been an honor to serve alongside you. For those who wish to stay in touch, my email address is
Eric A. Seibert, professor of Old Testament


School of Science, Engineering and Health Symposium

The 21st Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health will be held on Friday, May 3 in Frey, Jordan, and Kline academic buildings. The work of more than 283 co-authors (students from within the school, off campus collaborators and Messiah University faculty mentors) will be represented in ninety-four presentations. Oral and poster presentations will be given in multiple venues throughout the day. A detailed schedule and program is available on the Symposium website at:

Celebrate the work, creativity and innovation reflected in the rich and diverse variety of oral and poster presentations. Many presentations will describe basic or applied research projects and represent the culmination of months (or years) of effort by graduating seniors. A number of presentations will highlight how talents and resources are being used to address needs in the developing world. Plan to join us to celebrate the accomplishments of the students!

Susquehanna Chorale to Present 2024 Spring Concert Series

The Susquehanna Chorale will present its Spring concert series, “A Thousand Beautiful Things” on May 17-19 under the direction of Linda L. Tedford.

The series begins on Friday, May 17 at Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, May 18 at Market Square Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, May 19 at The Calvin and Janet High Center for Performing Arts, Messiah University, 4 p.m.

The inspiration for the Chorale’s 2024 spring concerts comes from Craig Hella Johnson’s setting of the Annie Lennox piece, 1000 Beautiful Things. It describes the beauty of life and encourages us to savor those exquisite moments that cause us to pause and appreciate what we have. The program includes Handel’s Sing Unto God, Thomas Tallis’s If Ye Love Me, Mendelsohn’s Richte Mich Gott, as well as Ola Gjeilo’s Iam Sol Recedit and Lux Beata Trinitas. The Chorale will perform gospel spirituals such as Walk Together Children by Anthony Leach and a men’s barbershop-style version of It is Well with my Soul.

The plaintive sound of the oboe and cello will be interwoven throughout the concert and featured in the moving David’s Lamentation and the well-known Gabriel’s Oboe. The concert will conclude with the beloved favorites, When I Fall in Love and “The Impossible Dream” from Man of La Mancha.

Chorale accompanist Daniel Dorty, along with guest artists, Jill Haley, oboe, and John Caldwell, cello, will present a pre-concert recital 15 minutes prior to each program. The recital will feature music written by Haley, who is the  resident composer for the National Parks.

New this year is our Livestream/On-Demand option! For tickets, visit or call the Messiah University Box Office at 717.691.6036 and choose option 1.

Employee Recognition Picnic – Monday, May 13

All employees are invited to our annual Employee Recognition Picnic, where we celebrate those reaching milestone years of service and performance award recipients. This year the event will be held on Monday, May 13, at Larsen Student Union. Come anytime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to enjoy lunch from a food truck, fellowship, music, and outdoor games. Please see the attached invitation for more details and menu options.

Hersheypark tickets online – Flash Sale

The Messiah University Community Discount Program is excited to announce that Hersheypark is offering Messiah University an online exclusive savings on tickets. This limited time offer:

  • Can be purchased for TWO WEEKS only – Wednesday, May 1 – Wednesday, May 15
  • Is only available for Messiah University employees and students
  • MUST be purchased online (fees may apply)
  • Is available through the link provided (click here) and promo code 64475742
  • Choice of tickets are for the summer season (valid thru 9/8/24) for $45.95 OR the remainder of 2024 (valid thru 1/1/25) for $49.95

Business Women’s Forum to be Held at Messiah May 15

Messiah University is hosting the 30th Anniversary Business Women’s Forum (BWF) on Wednesday, May 15 at the High Center. The BWF is the largest one-day professional development conference for women in the central Pennsylvania region. This event is organized by the Carlisle Area Chamber and West Shore Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation. Messiah is a member of both Chambers and this one-day event is wonderful opportunity for business women of all professional levels to network, create business contacts, and develop additional leadership skills in a motivational and supportive environment. You can find more information and registration details at the event website –

Important undergraduate commencement information for employees

Schedule and details

Messiah University will be hosting Commencement weekend for the undergraduate Class of 2024 on May 10-11.

Members of the Community of Educators should have already received information from the Provost’s Office regarding their participation in Commencement weekend. Faculty, staff and administrators who are participating in the Commencement ceremony itself have received, or will soon receive, an email memo regarding their role in the ceremony from the Commencement Committee. If you have any questions regarding Commencement, please contact Carla Gross, co-chair of the Undergraduate Commencement Committee, at ext. 6940 or

Important employee parking information for Baccalaureate (Friday, May 10)

  • From 6 a.m. until 10 p.m., the VV (Visitor’s lot) will be closed to employees so families of our graduates have access to parking for Commencement-related activities.
  • For Baccalaureate, Department of Safety personnel will direct guests to designated parking areas on campus. Guests will walk to Eisenhower Campus Center. There is no shuttle service provided that evening. Note: Messiah employees do not receive reserved parking for Baccalaureate.  It is also important to note that Baccalaureate is a ticketed event; see the Commencement web site for details.
  • If you have questions regarding parking for guests with a disability, visit

 Important employee parking information for Commencement day (Saturday, May 11).

  • Members of the Community of Educators and other employees who are marching in the processional or participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive a reserved parking pass via campus mail from the Provost’s Office (educators) or directly from their supervisor (staff/administrators). Drivers MUST show their parking pass to traffic control personnel upon entering campus to be directed to their designated reserved parking areas.


  • All other employees who will be working at the Commencement ceremony will receive parking instructions with their assignment.


  • Due to the significantly increased volume of traffic on campus for Commencement, the Department of Safety strongly encourages all employees to arrive on campus no later than 8:15 a.m. to alleviate being delayed in traffic, and to assist in being directed to their reserved parking areas on campus.


  • It is also extremely important to follow all parking direction and instruction from safety personnel while entering and leaving campus, as traffic conditions can change quickly and officers are not able to stop traffic flow to have conversation with individual drivers.

Tech Support – Did you know?

  • Tech Support purchases extended warranties for our Lenovo computers. This is to extend their life and usability for as long as possible as we often repurpose these computers throughout campus after they may have been used by individual employees. If there are any issues with the computer assigned to you, it is important to report it immediately so we can have it repaired without incurring a cost.
  • May Development Week and throughout the summer is a great time for laptop tune-ups! Please contact us at, call 717-796-4444, or come to the first floor of Old Main if you have any issue that you have found yourself ‘living with’ all year that you would like to address. Tune-ups may take 2 or more hours to complete, and are completed on a first come, first served basis.


Job opportunities

Applications are now being accepted for a full-time director of certificate program for students with intellectual disabilities. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time director of safety. Job related questions may be directed to Kathie Shafer at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Procurement has an opening for a full-time purchasing systems coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Stephanie Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Admissions has an opening for temporary traveling recruiter. Job related questions may be directed to Libby Curd at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Admissions has an opening for a part-time admissions transfer assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Rusty Hoffman at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a full-time director of athletic communication. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Gustin Hamrock at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Career and Professional Development Center has an opening for a full-time events and administrative coordinator. Job related questions may be related to Ashley Jones at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time summer lifeguard. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a full-time director of Residence Life. Job related questions may be directed to Doug Wood at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time evening circulation supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer high school workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Items for sale below. For additional information on any of the items please email:

  • Spider Plants in mason jars. $10. So cute in mason jars where you can watch them sprout and grow. They grow perfectly in water, no soil needed. Jars available with the word faith in white or the word grace in glass etching. More photos available upon request:
  • 2024 Graduation t-shirts. New. $15 each. More photos and sizes available by request.

For rent

The commute to Messiah University dragging you down? It’s harder to find closer housing than Oakwood Hills Apartments. The beautifully designed apartments of Oakwood Hills offer the ideal blend of comfort, convenience, and style. The dedicated team ensures your satisfaction every step of the way. From responsive maintenance to community events, you’ll notice Oakwood Hills provides a 10/10 product. Current Messiah employees and graduate students are eligible for rental discounts. Visit Oakwood Hills at or call to schedule a tour at 717-590-8883.


Cats need a good home. I have two 8-year-old sister cats looking for a new home. Both Luna and Marcie are house trained and people-friendly. They are both black medium haired cats. They’ve always been together but would also be fine on their own. Free cat tower included! If interested, please email me at


April 25

Thursday, April 25th, 2024


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all.

Without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

James 1:5


Messiah University hosted the 99th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (PAS) over the weekend of April 12 – 14. 322 students and faculty from thirty-four educational institutions across Pennsylvania registered to attend the conference. 17 Messiah students (Evangeline Soerens, Michael Azar, Ruby Ramsey, Austin Grove, Marian Ambrosino, Bryan Jones, Tyler Jahraus, Caleb Smith, Mary Michael, Caleb Richert, Caleb Thurber, Sarah Condon, Abigail Casey, Ava Foster, Nathan Saxe, Unimakon Undieh, and Laurel Gaston) delivered oral or poster presentations describing work done in collaboration with Messiah faculty (Larry Mylin, John Harms, David Foster, Erik Lindquist, Randy Cassell, Janet Matanguihan, Rick Schaeffer, Jeff Erikson, and Michael Shin). David B. Olsen (’83, Ph.D.) delivered a keynote address following the Saturday evening banquet describing work of Merck and collaborating scientists to identify and characterize new classes of anti-malarial drugs. An unexpected discovery, chemo-vaccination, suggests that chemical inhibition of malaria parasites allowed for induction of long-lasting immunity in the experimental model. Messiah Alumni hosted three lunchtime career panels for student attendees. A healthcare panel was co-chaired by Kristin (Wallace) Kreider (’11, PA), Daniel Kreider (’12, MD), Daniel Wingert (’14, MD), Andrew Nevin (’18, MD) and Rebekah (Jones) Nevin (’19). An Organismal and Field Biology panel was co-chaired by David Jackson (’99), Leo “Rick” Donovall (’03, MS), Ben Hepler (’12, MS), Kristin (Sicher) Coury (’14, MS) and Erik Lindquist (Ph.D., distinguished professor of biology and environmental science, chair of the Department of Biological Sciences). David Olsen (’83, Ph.D.) shared insights in an Industry panel. A total of 122 Messiah students and faculty registered to attend the conference. Larry Mylin (’80, Ph.D., professor of biology, biological sciences department) served as the local organizing host. BIG “shout outs” go to conference services, catering services, and the faculty and student volunteers for their much-appreciated support of what was a wonderful and fast-paced meeting.


Raeann Hamon, distinguished professor of family science and gerontology, and three FCS students — Kathrine Beck, Jordyn Thompson, and Isabella Benner– attended the PA Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference in Summerdale. Hamon participated in a panel entitled “What’s Happening at our FCS University Programs.” Raeann was also presented the 2024 Outstanding Family and Consumer Science Professional Award. Her nominators lauded her work as impacting “not only the FCS Education students at Messiah, but also K-12 student across the Commonwealth and the Northeast United State. Dr. Hamon has strong collaboration skills, forming partnerships with colleagues, students and community stakeholders. She continues to hone her skills through professional development opportunities, staying abreast of current trends, and acting as a role model for aspiring professionals.”


Messiah University was well represented at the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting and Exhibition, April 14 – 16, in Lancaster, Pa.

Kaitlin Gill, assistant professor of nutrition and dietetics, serves on the board of the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is the current president-elect of the organization. Kaitlin was heavily involved in planning the event as speaker co-chair, served as a judge of the poster presentations, and presided over the awards ceremony luncheon.

Senior nutrition and dietetics majors, Will Bray, Jarrett Hoy, Tim Song, Kathleen DiCarlo, Ellie Kauruter and Jamie Zuber presented the research carried out as part of a two semester research course series taught by Amy Porto, professor of nutrition and dietetics and director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics. Graduate students in Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics/Dietetic Internship (MS/DI), Cera Connolly, Sara Masker, Larae Rhine, Megan Riley, Tyler Kuykendall, and Andrew Dudley, also presented their research carried out with community partners and mentored by Michelle Sanford, senior lecturer in Dietetics and director of the MS/DI. Both Amy and Michelle attended the conference in support of their students.

Leah Smock, associate director of Enrollment for Graduate and Professional Studies, participated as a vendor sharing information about Messiah’s nutrition programs. Messiah University’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics/Dietetic Internship was a Bronze Sponsor of the conference.


After 25 years of dedicated teaching and research mentoring in the Biological Sciences at Messiah University, it is time to bid farewell to Larry Mylin as he embarks on a new chapter of life: retirement!

Please stop by and join us for a celebratory gathering filled with memories, stories and well wishes as we celebrate Larry’s remarkable career and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Date: May 7
Time: 3:30-5 p.m.
Venue: Second floor lounge – Jordan Science Center


School of Science, Engineering, and Health Symposium

The 21st Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health will be held on Friday, May 3 in Frey, Jordan, and Kline academic buildings. The work of more than 283 co-authors (students from within the school, off campus collaborators and Messiah University faculty mentors) will be represented in ninety-four presentations. Oral and poster presentations will be given in multiple venues throughout the day. A detailed schedule and program is available on the Symposium website at:

Celebrate the work, creativity and innovation reflected in the rich and diverse variety of oral and poster presentations. Many presentations will describe basic or applied research projects and represent the culmination of months (or years) of effort by graduating seniors. A number of presentations will highlight how talents and resources are being used to address needs in the developing world. Plan to join us to celebrate the accomplishments of the students!

Important updates to renting a vehicle for university travel.

There have been some updates to renting a vehicle through Messiah University’s preferred rental vehicle supplier – including a new website to make reservations as well as improved Emerald Club benefits. Please refer to the Preferred Rental Vehicle Suppliers website for new links and instructions. Contact Steph Sechrist (x2497) with questions.

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: The Student Directed One-Act Play Festival and Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present The Student Directed One-Act Play Festival and Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret, a festival of student-directed and fully produced one act plays and a musical theatre cabaret on April 26-28! Each performance will include a selection of productions on a rotating basis. Please see the full schedule for details. Join us for fresh, inventive, and innovative story telling!

The Student Directed One-Act Play Festival and Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret
A festival of student-directed and fully produced one act plays and the musical theatre cabaret, Shoeless Joe!
April 26 – 27 at 8 p.m.
April 27- 28 at 3 p.m.
Poorman Black Box Theater, Climenhaga Building

Performance Schedule- Friday, April 26 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, April 27 at 3 p.m.:
Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret
Directed by Susan Hurley

“Sure Thing”
By David Ives
Directed by Solangie Almeyda

“A Tale of Two Spectators”
By Peter Manos
Directed by Reannah Weiss

“I Dream Before I Take the Stand”
By Arlene Hutton
Directed by Megan Eich

Performance Schedule- Saturday, April 27 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, April 28 at 3 p.m.:
By Susan Glaspell
Directed by Ashlyn Moore

“Foreign Gifts”
By Nina Kossman
Directed by Meredith Hensel

“Happily Ever After?”
By Laura Sebastian
Directed by Hannah Wilburn

By Ellen Byron
Directed by Makayla Peltz

“A Castle Broken Apart”
By James Hanson
Directed by Ella Shane

Tickets: $10—Adults $7—MU Students (w/ID), MU Employees (w/ID), Youth (under 18) & Seniors (60+) Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door.

Rhonda Sider Edgington, organist

April 27, 7:30 p.m., Parmer Hall

Sponsored by the Performing Arts Series

Organist and central Pennsylvania native Rhonda Sider Edgington brings a creative and eclectic musical voice to the stage. With a diverse repertoire and wide-ranging musical interests, she has garnered praise for her innovative programming, imaginative use of registrations and exhilarating performances. Edgington performs a diverse repertoire for the organ, including 17th-century Northern German music, 19th- and 20th-century French compositions, and contemporary works. Her recitals have engaged audiences across the United States.

Ticket prices are $10 for adults; $5 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717-691-6036 option #1 or online at

Visit for more information.

or as available. Discounts are available for groups of ten or more.

Airport drivers needed.

The Collaboratory is sending five student teams internationally this summer in May and June. If you would be willing to help drive a team to the airport (most are within two hours) or pick up a team from the airport, please email The likely travel dates will be: 5/17, 5/24,6/1, 6/2, and 6/15. Thanks for considering!

Tech Support – Did you know?

  • May Development Week and throughout the summer is a great time for laptop tune-ups! Please contact us at, call 717-796-4444, or drop by the first floor of Old Main if you have any issue that you have found yourself “living with” all year that you’d like addressed. Tune-ups may take 2 or more hours to complete, and are completed on a first come, first served basis.
  • Remote users should connect to Messiah’s VPN at least once a week and work for several hours.  This will allow updates to be installed, along with having your computer “check-in” with the licensing servers on campus.
  • After a student graduates and their status is changed to “graduated,” the student will no longer have access to their files stored through their Messiah accounts (unless they are transitioning to a Messiah graduate program). If graduate students would like to keep their email account, they will need to complete the Alumnus Email Request Form prior to October 1, 2024.  This only gives the student access to email. It does NOT provide access to their files that are outside of email.


Job opportunities

The Department of Safety has an opening for a full-time director of safety. Job related questions may be directed to Kathie Shafer at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Procurement has an opening for a full-time purchasing systems coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Stephanie Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Admissions has an opening for temporary traveling recruiter. Job related questions may be directed to Libby Curd at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Admissions has an opening for a part-time admissions transfer assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Rusty Hoffman at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The School of Science, Engineering and Health has an opening for a full-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Angela Hare at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a full-time director of athletic communication. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Gustin Hamrock at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Career and Professional Development Center has an opening for a full-time events and administrative coordinator. Job related questions may be related to Ashley Jones at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time summer lifeguard. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a full-time director of Residence Life. Job related questions may be directed to Doug Wood at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time evening circulation supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (Librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director. Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a temporary records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer high school workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

House for sale. Semi-detached recently renovated house for sale in Mechanicsburg. Close to Mechanicsburg High School. See MLS listing for complete details and photos. Contact

A variety of items are for sale below. For additional information on any of the items please email:

  • Pop-Tart keychains. $5. Kids love them for their bookbags, etc.
  • Spider Plants in mason jars. $10. So cute in mason jars where you can watch them sprout and grow. They grow perfectly in water, no soil needed. Jars available with the word faith in white or the word grace in glass etching. More photos available upon request:
  • Medical bracelet. $10. New.
  • 2024 Graduation t-shirts. New. $15 each. More photos and sizes available by request.
  • Tooth Fairy jars. $5 or 2/$8. Perfect for putting your child’s lost tooth in, so it does not get lost underneath their pillow.
  • Cork Keychains. $6 or 2/$10. Really cute and many to choose from.
  • Pretty sea glass necklaces. $12 each. These make a great gift for a special someone. I have many to choose from. You are free to meet up and peek. I can also send pictures of other available options.
  • Key fobs. $10. Super cute beaded key fobs that will hold all your keys and make them easier to find. Very stylish and easy to use.

Beginner sourdough workshop. Have you been wanting to try your hand at making sourdough bread but do not know how or where to begin? This is the class for you! Taught by myself, this is a hands-on workshop (approx. 1 ½ hours) that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to bake fresh and nutritious sourdough bread for your family and friends. See the attached flyer for further details.


Looking to buy a used vehicle. I am looking to purchase an affordable, used vehicle. Please let me know if you or someone you know of is selling one! My email is


Free sofa and love seat. Brown sofa (90″ L x 38″ D x 30″ H) and love seat (64″ L x 38″ x 30″ H) free to a good home. Email for pictures.


April 18

Thursday, April 18th, 2024

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

James 1:2-3


Dr. Jason Renn, associate professor of politics, along with seniors J.T. Crocenzi (English), Megan Raab (economics) and Alex Shehigian (public history, digital public humanities minor) attended the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 8 – 10, in Long Beach, California. NCUR is a prestigious event dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity across all fields of study. J.T.’s project was “Reframing Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway”, and his mentor was Samuel Smith, professor of English; Megan presented “Viability and Efficacy of Savings Groups in Shantytowns” and her mentor was Michael Dolislager, associate professor of economics and economic development; Alex presented “Women’s Role in Shaping the Narrative of US History Textbooks” and her mentor was Sarah Myers, associate professor of history.


Messiah University hosted the 99th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (PAS) over the weekend of April 12 – 14. 322 students and faculty from 34 educational institutions across Pennsylvania registered to attend the conference. 17 Messiah students (Evangeline Soerens, Michael Azar, Ruby Ramsey, Austin Grove, Marian Ambrosino, Bryan Jones, Tyler Jahraus, Caleb Smith, Mary Michael, Caleb Richert, Caleb Thurber, Sarah Condon, Abigail Casey, Ava Foster, Nathan Saxe, Unimakon Undieh, and Laurel Gaston) delivered oral or poster presentations describing work done in collaboration with Messiah faculty (Larry Mylin, John Harms, David Foster, Erik Lindquist, Randy Cassell, Janet Matanguihan, Rick Schaeffer, Jeff Erikson, and Michael Shin). David B. Olsen (’83, Ph.D.) delivered a keynote address following the Saturday evening banquet describing work of Merck and collaborating scientists to identify and characterize new classes of anti-malarial drugs. An unexpected discovery, chemo-vaccination, suggests that chemical inhibition of malaria parasites allowed for induction of long-lasting immunity in the experimental model. Messiah Alumni hosted three lunchtime career panels for student attendees. A healthcare panel was co-chaired by Kristin (Wallace) Kreider (’11, PA), Daniel Kreider (’12, MD), Daniel Wingert (’14, MD), Andrew Nevin (’18, MD) and Rebekah (Jones) Nevin (’19). An Organismal and Field Biology panel was co-chaired by David Jackson (’99), Leo “Rick” Donovall (’03, MS), Ben Hepler (’12, MS), Kristin (Sicher) Coury (’14, MS) and Erik Lindquist (Ph.D., distinguished professor of biology and environmental science, chair of the Department of Biological Sciences). David Olsen (’83, Ph.D.) shared insights in an Industry panel. A total of 122 Messiah students and faculty registered to attend the conference. Larry Mylin (’80, Ph.D., professor of biology, biological sciences department) served as the local organizing host. BIG “shout outs” go to conference services, catering services, and the faculty and student volunteers for their much-appreciated support of what was a wonderful and fast-paced meeting.


With a mixture of sadness for our loss and joy for her new journey, the Department of Nursing announces Dr. Kristi Barbato’s departure from Messiah University in August 2024. Dr. Barbato is getting married in May and moving with her new husband to the Virginia/D.C. area in June. She will continue to teach her summer courses in the DNP program through August. Kristi joined our faculty team full-time in 2020 after serving as a graduate adjunct faculty for the FNP-DNP program in 2019. She quickly became a beloved friend and colleague. Join us in wishing Kristi many blessings in this next chapter in her life!


After 25 years of dedicated service, Teri Rader is retiring from Messiah University on May 7. Even if you haven’t worked directly with Teri, undoubtedly her dedicated efforts in accounts payable have significantly supported both you and your department. Her presence will be missed in the finance hallway, and we wish her nothing but the best.
We are happy to announce that Darcy Griffiths will be stepping into the role of accounts payable coordinator upon Teri’s departure. Darcy brings with her years of experience in purchasing here at Messiah, as well as an extensive background in accounting. We are equally excited for both Teri and Darcy as they transition to their next adventures. Join us in congratulating them both.


High school students can get a head start on college with Messiah’s dual enrollment

Course registration is now available for Messiah’s summer online sessions. This year students can choose from nearly 60 courses in two different sessions—all at a discounted price. Messiah’s online summer undergraduate courses cost 60 percent less than the same classes offered during the academic year. Visit our course list to find the online class you, or someone you know, may want to take this summer.

Messiah’s online summer sessions are convenient, interactive experiences that work around busy summer schedules. All courses are taught by Messiah faculty, drawn from Messiah’s curriculum, and designed specifically for an online learning experience that reflects Messiah’s reputation for academic excellence. Summer courses are open to college-level students, qualified homeschooled and high school students, employees, alumni, parents, and anyone who would like to further their education. The majority of Messiah’s online summer courses meet general education requirements and are transfer friendly—and high school students will find a variety of options for pursuing dual enrolled credit—for a discounted price of only $150 per credit.

If you, or someone you know, would be interested in registering or learning more, visit To learn more about our dual enrollment program for qualified homeschooled and high school students, visit

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: The Spring Senior Series (April 18-19)

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre & Dance is proud to present the second part of “The Spring Senior Series”, an evening of performance created and presented by department seniors. The performances on April 18-19 feature seniors Hannah Lim and Ashton Ritter in Miller Theater, Climenhaga Building.

The Spring Senior Series
April 18-19 at 8 p.m.
Miller Theater, Climenhaga Building

“The Weeds in My Garden”
Created and Performed Hannah Lim and Ashton Ritter

Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available.

Exploring Careers in Healthcare Summer Day Camp

The School of Science, Engineering and Health is pleased to once again offer Exploring Careers in Healthcare summer day camp, June 10-12, for students entering 10th, 11th and 12th grades this fall. Our camp is designed for students to explore some of the most dynamic healthcare professions, including nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, applied health science and nutrition and dietetics, from a faith-based perspective. Patient case studies will provide context for engaging, hands-on activities, demonstrations and panel discussions in state-of-the-art facilities on our main campus and at Winding Hill, led by Messiah’s expert faculty, students, and professional practitioners. If you or someone you know is interested, we invite you to learn more and register at before June 2. A 10% discount is available to the children of Messiah employees. Scholarships are also available. Email for discount codes and with any questions.

Important updates to renting a vehicle for University travel

There have been some updates to renting a vehicle through Messiah University’s preferred rental vehicle supplier – including a new website to make reservations as well as improved Emerald Club benefits. Please refer to the Preferred Rental Vehicle Suppliers website for new links and instructions. Contact Steph Sechrist (x2497) with questions.

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: The Student Directed One-Act Play Festival and Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present The Student Directed One-Act Play Festival and Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret, a festival of student-directed and fully produced one act plays and a musical theatre cabaret on April 26-28! Each performance will include a selection of productions on a rotating basis. Please see full schedule for details. Join us for fresh, inventive, and innovative story telling!

The Student Directed One-Act Play Festival and Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret
A festival of student-directed and fully produced one act plays and the musical theatre cabaret, Shoeless Joe!
April 26 – 27 at 8 p.m.
April 27- 28 at 3 p.m.
Poorman Black Box Theater, Climenhaga Building

Performance Schedule- Friday, April 26 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, April 27 at 3 p.m.:
Shoeless Joe: Musical Cabaret
Directed by Susan Hurley

“Sure Thing”
By David Ives
Directed by Solangie Almeyda

“A Tale of Two Spectators”
By Peter Manos
Directed by Reannah Weiss

“I Dream Before I Take the Stand”
By Arlene Hutton
Directed by Megan Eich

Performance Schedule- Saturday, April 27 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, April 28 at 3 p.m.:
By Susan Glaspell
Directed by Ashlyn Moore

“Foreign Gifts”
By Nina Kossman
Directed by Meredith Hensel

“Happily Ever After?”
By Laura Sebastian
Directed by Hannah Wilburn

By Ellen Byron
Directed by Makayla Peltz

“A Castle Broken Apart”
By James Hanson
Directed by Ella Shane

Tickets: $10—Adults $7—MU Students (w/ID), MU Employees (w/ID), Youth (under 18) & Seniors (60+) Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more.

Rhonda Sider Edgington, organist

April 27, 7:30 p.m., Parmer Hall

Sponsored by the Performing Arts Series

Organist and central Pennsylvania native Rhonda Sider Edgington brings a creative and eclectic musical voice to the stage. With a diverse repertoire and wide-ranging musical interests, she has garnered praise for her innovative programming, imaginative use of registrations and exhilarating performances. Edgington performs a diverse repertoire for the organ, including 17th-century Northern German music, 19th- and 20th-century French compositions, and contemporary works. Her recitals have engaged audiences across the United States.

Ticket prices are $10 for adults; $5 for Messiah University students (with ID) and youth (18 and under). To purchase, please contact the Messiah University Box Office at 717- 691-6036 option #1 or online at

Visit for more information.

Tech Support – Did you know?

  • You should always report phishing emails to Please do not assume that someone else is reporting it or ITS already knows about it. Reminder: Forwarding the email as an attachment is always preferrable. To forward an email, select the email in question, press Ctrl-Alt-F, and send it to
    • Microsoft has recently updated its Spam Filters which may impact which emails end up in your Junk/Spam folder. It is a good practice to check your Junk/Spam folder regularly. If you received a message that was marked as “Junk” that should not be, you can right-click on the message, scroll down to “Junk,” and select “Not Junk.” This will move the specific message to your inbox. Outlook will display a message asking if you would like to “Always trust email from this sender?” When you check the box, emails from that sender will be routed to your inbox rather than your junk folder.
    • Over the summer months, the tech support team may be updating work study and adjunct desktop computers to new hardware and new software. Please remind adjunct and student employees to make sure they do not keep data on the hard drive of the computers.
    • As the campus switches to the new Zoom phone system, please note the caller ID numbers will appear as 223-285-xxxx until the system is completely switched. Continue to use the 4-digit extension and not the 10-digit phone number to contact others on campus.


Job opportunities

Procurement has an opening for a full-time purchasing systems coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Stephanie Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Admissions has an opening for a part-time admissions transfer assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Rusty Hoffman at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a full-time director of athletic communication. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Gustin Hamrock at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Career and Professional Development Center has an opening for a full-time events and administrative coordinator. Job related questions may be related to Ashley Jones at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time summer lifeguard. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a part-time loan/technical processing technician. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a full-time director of Residence Life. Job related questions may be directed to Doug Wood at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time evening circulation supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (Librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a temporary records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer high school workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Jazzy 1113 power chair. Clean and very good condition. 300 lb. capacity with adjustable arms and back. Zero turn capable and 5 speed setting on joystick. Has 2 new batteries. Instructions and charger included. See attached photoAdditional photo here. Pet and smoke-free home. Asking $400. Can deliver locally around Dillsburg area. Contact Densie at or Don at 717-728-6235.

House for sale. Semi-detached recently renovated house for sale in Mechanicsburg. Close to Mechanicsburg High School. See MLS listing for complete details and photos. Contact


Looking to buy used vehicle. I am looking to purchase an affordable, used vehicle. Please let me know if you or someone you know of is selling one! My email is


Dillsburg Community Church craft sale

On Saturday, April 20, the Dillsburg Community Church in Dillsburg will be having a craft sale. The church is located at 412 Mountain Rd, Dillsburg. Hours are 9 a.m. -2 p.m. There will be many crafts made by local vendors in the area. Grab your friends and come check out all the beautiful crafts. Crafts are great for birthdays, bridal and baby showers. You are bound to find something, maybe even a special gift for yourself. Mark your calendars now, so you do not forget. See you there.



April 11

Thursday, April 11th, 2024

““We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him.”

Romans 6:9


Jesse Kleingardner, associate professor of chemistry, along with seniors Abigail Casey, Joseph Vidzicki and Ethan Stroud recently attended the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, March 17-21, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Each student presented their Messiah University research carried out with their mentors Jesse Kleingardner, David Foster, Rick Schaeffer and Seth Burkert. In addition, the students attended talks and posters presenting cutting edge research being done in both chemistry and biochemistry across the country.


Dr. Kimberly Duetsch, assistant professor of occupational therapy, and Dr. Krystal Robinson-Bert, associate professor of occupational therapy, co-presented a student session entitled, “Can I Get Your Number? How Understanding Your Enneagram Can Facilitate Better Communication & Stress Management in Fieldwork and in the Classroom” at the AOTA Inspire annual conference in Orlando, FL, on March 23.

The occupational therapy faculty team, led by Dr. Krystal Robinson-Bert, presented their poster titled, “Freewheeling: An Introduction to the OT Student Advising Wheel, a Tool Infused by the OTPF–4 for Holistic Advising” at the same AOTA conference.

Dr. Kimberly Duetsch also presented her poster titled, “Student Perspectives on Embedding Coping Strategies and Burnout Education in the Health Care Curriculum” in Orlando, FL.

Dr. Krystal Robinson-Bert, along with alumna Demma Franklin ’23, presented their poster titled, “Current Practice of Somatosensory Impairment” at the AOTA conference. The purpose of this quantitative, cross-sectional survey was to determine occupational and physical therapists’ current practice of assessment and intervention related to somatosensory impairment across the United States.

Dr. Jim Foster, assistant professor of occupational therapy, presented his poster titled, “Addressing Group & Population Occupational Dysfunction via Telehealth: A Scoping Review” at the AOTA conference. His poster identified groups and populations in which telehealth was recently utilized to address occupational dysfunction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Leanne Rutt, program director and associate professor of occupational therapy, presented her poster titled, “Occupational Justice: Staff Members’ Understanding of the Role of OT in Organizations Serving Persons Experiencing Homelessness” at the AOTA conference.

Dr. Carrie Gorman, assistant professor of occupational therapy, along with alumni Emily Leeper ’23 and Allison Price ’23, presented their poster titled, “Perceptions of Spirituality in OT Education & Implementation in Practice” at the AOTA conference.

Dr. Joanna Behm, assistant professor of occupational therapy, presented her poster titled, “Experiences of Occupational Therapy Students with Disabilities” at the AOTA conference. Along with current students Hannah Mumau and Lauren Viscusi, Dr. Behm also presented a poster titled “Compliance Is Not Inclusion: Exploring the Lived Experience of Disabled OT Students & Practitioners.”


High school students can get a head start on college with Messiah’s dual enrollment

Course registration is now available for Messiah’s summer online sessions. This year students can choose from nearly 60 courses in two different sessions—all at a discounted price. Messiah’s online summer undergraduate courses cost 60 percent less than the same classes offered during the academic year. Visit our course list to find the online class you, or someone you know, may want to take this summer.

Messiah’s online summer sessions are convenient, interactive experiences that work around busy summer schedules. All courses are taught by Messiah faculty, drawn from Messiah’s curriculum, and designed specifically for an online learning experience that reflects Messiah’s reputation for academic excellence. Summer courses are open to college-level students, qualified homeschooled and high school students, employees, alumni, parents, and anyone who would like to further their education. The majority of Messiah’s online summer courses meet general education requirements and are transfer friendly—and high school students will find a variety of options for pursuing dual enrolled credit—for a discounted price of only $150 per credit.

If you, or someone you know, would be interested in registering or learning more, visit To learn more about our dual enrollment program for qualified homeschooled and high school students, visit

Employee Worship Service – Tuesday

Everyone is invited to Employee Worship this Tuesday, April 16, from 9:30-10:15 a.m. in Hostetter Chapel. An employee choir will present special music, along with congregational singing, and a message by employee community pastor, Stephen Gallaher. We hope to see you there!

Connecting Communities Convening

Register now and join us on Thursday, April 18 from 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel to connect with a diverse cross sector of community partners from the Greater Capital Region who will be on campus for the Connecting Communities Convening. You are invited to learn about important neighboring initiatives underway in our region as well as to participate in discussions throughout the day with community leaders about housing and neighboring practices, policies, paradigms and philanthropy. For a program itinerary and/or to register as a member of the Messiah community, visit
The Convening is a program of the School of Arts, Culture and Society. Contact Chad Frey at if you have any questions.

PSYCamp 2024

We are excited to invite high school students (entering 10th through 12th grade in Fall 2024) to attend Psychology Camp this year, June 23-28! Psychology Camp provides a fun opportunity for students to explore psychology and the question, “Why do humans do what they do?” This year, we are offering both an overnight residential option and a day-camp commuter option. This enriching summer camp environment will help students gain knowledge and explore various branches of psychology including clinical psychology, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology and biopsychology.

If you know someone who would be interested in attending, we invite you to learn more and register at: before June 1.
Also, there is a special offer for dependents of Messiah University employees!
Contact for more information.

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: Culmination ’24 Spring Dance Concert

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present the spring dance concert Culmination ’24 on April 12 and 13! Celebrate spring and the dance accomplishments of Messiah University’s theatre and dance department in an offering of favorite dance pieces from the year, new faculty work, student adjudicated creations, and senior capstone projects all in one fun and glorious dance concert!

Culmination ’24
Spring Dance Concert
Directed by Gregg Hurley

April 12 at 8 p.m.
April 13 at 2 p.m.
Miller Theater, Climenhaga Building

Estimated run time: 2 hours, including one 15-minute intermission
Tickets: $10—Adults $7—MU students (w/ID), MU employees (w/ID), youth (under 18) and seniors (60+) Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of ten or more.

2024 Alumni Awards recipients announced

The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Alumni Awards. These awards are important not only for the tribute they pay to the lives of each recipient, but also as a symbol of the quality of our alumni as a whole. Please save the date for Friday, Nov. 1 for the Alumni Awards Dinner, which will take place from 6 – 8 p.m. in Martin Commons. Questions? Please contact us at 717-796-5252 or

Young Alumnus Achievement Award – Dr. Nathaniel D. M. Jenkins (Class of 2011, health and exercise science)
This award recognizes an alumnus/a who has attended Messiah University within the past 15 years for significant contribution to church, vocation, community and/or Messiah University.

Distinguished Alumnus Achievement Award – Jeffrey F Lehman (Class of 1974, chemistry)
Recognizes a lifetime of vocational achievement in a manner that embodies the mission of the University.

Alumni Christian Service Award – Michele E Struss (Class of 1994, art)
This award recognizes outstanding lifelong service or long-term effort in fulfilling the mandates of the Christian gospel to both serve and sacrifice for the needs of humanity.

Alumni Appreciation Award – Barry G. Goodling (Class of 1979, business administration)
Recognizes an individual(s) who has/have contributed to the University in an extraordinary manner (long-term professional service; significant volunteer service and/or financial contribution)

Seed Library “Lunch and Learn”

Did colonists have to give up tea breaks after December 16, 1773? Weren’t they also depriving themselves when they tossed tea to the fish? How did they get tea in the first place? Gardener Gary Reneker from Dills Tavern will answer these questions and more at our “lunch and learn” event on April 17 from noon-1 p.m. in the library athenaeum. Remember to bring your own lunch to this FREE event. Register now at

Boyer Center and TEP scholarship awards

The Ernest L. Boyer Center and Teacher Education Program is happy to announce the following scholarship awards for teacher certification students completing their program in 24-25:

Ethel Brandt Bigham Endowed Education Award – Ella Talbot, grades 4-8 with English concentration

Ernest L. Boyer Sr. Teacher Scholarship – Rachel Baksa, grades Pre-K – 4

Suzanne Joy Johnson Endowed Scholarship Award – Alison Coles, grades Pre-K- 4

Terry L. Stoudnour Endowed Education Award – Mireliz Bermudez, grades Pre-K -4/special education

Murk-Hayes Endowed Education Award – Yvette Celius, grades Pre-K – 4

Exploring Careers in Healthcare Summer Day Camp

The School of Science, Engineering, and Health is pleased to once again offer Exploring Careers in Healthcare summer day camp, June 10-12, for students entering 10th, 11th and 12th grades this fall. Our camp is designed for students to explore some of the most dynamic healthcare professions, including nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, applied health science and nutrition and dietetics, from a faith-based perspective. Patient case studies will provide context for engaging, hands-on activities, demonstrations and panel discussions in state-of-the-art facilities on our main campus and at Winding Hill, led by Messiah’s expert faculty, students, and professional practitioners. If you or someone you know is interested, we invite you to learn more and register at before June 2. A 10% discount is available to the children of Messiah employees. Scholarships are also available. Email for discount codes and with any questions.


Job opportunities

Athletics has an opening for a full-time director of athletic communication. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Gustin Hamrock at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Career and Professional Development Center has an opening for a full-time events and administrative coordinator. Job related questions may be related to Ashley Jones at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Athletics has an opening for a part-time summer lifeguard. Job related questions can be directed to Joshua Clarke at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a part-time loan/technical processing technician. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (Librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a full-time director of Residence Life. Job related questions may be directed to Doug Wood at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time evening circulation supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (Librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Residence Life has an opening for a full-time residence director (first year). Job related questions may be directed to Lyndsay Grimm at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Agape Center for Local and Global Engagement has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Paula Holtzinger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a temporary records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining services is now accepting applications for summer Lottie workers. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer high school workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:

For sale

Jazzy 1113 power chair. Clean and very good condition. 300 lb. capacity with adjustable arms and back. Zero turn capable and 5 speed setting on joystick. Has 2 new batteries. Instructions and charger included. See attached photo. Additional photo here. Pet and smoke-free home. Asking $400. Can deliver locally around Dillsburg area. Contact Densie at or Don at 717-728-6235.


April 4

Thursday, April 4th, 2024

After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.

Acts 1:3


Associate Professor of Finance Dwayne Safer served as a guest lecturer at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania on March 29 and 30. The working sessions and lectures with MBA students covered recent developments in the fields of data analytics and financial modeling.
He will also be holding workshops and lectures at Tufts University (Medford, MA) covering similar content on April 6 and 7.


Dr. Kimberly Duetsch, assistant professor of occupational therapy, and Dr. Krystal Robinson-Bert, associate professor of occupational therapy, co-presented a student session entitled, “Can I Get Your Number? How Understanding Your Enneagram Can Facilitate Better Communication & Stress Management in Fieldwork and in the Classroom” at the AOTA Inspire annual conference in Orlando, FL, on March 23.
The occupational therapy faculty team, led by Dr. Krystal Robinson-Bert, presented their poster titled, “Freewheeling: An Introduction to the OT Student Advising Wheel, a Tool Infused by the OTPF–4 for Holistic Advising” at the same AOTA conference.

Dr. Kimberly Duetsch also presented her poster titled, “Student Perspectives on Embedding Coping Strategies and Burnout Education in the Health Care Curriculum” in Orlando, FL.

Dr. Krystal Robinson-Bert, along with alumna Demma Franklin ’23, presented their poster titled, “Current Practice of Somatosensory Impairment” at the AOTA conference. The purpose of this quantitative, cross-sectional survey was to determine occupational and physical therapists’ current practice of assessment and intervention related to somatosensory impairment across the United States.

Dr. Jim Foster, assistant professor of occupational therapy, presented his poster titled, “Addressing Group & Population Occupational Dysfunction via Telehealth: A Scoping Review” at the AOTA conference. His poster identified groups and populations in which telehealth was recently utilized to address occupational dysfunction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Leanne Rutt, program director and associate professor of occupational therapy, presented her poster titled, “Occupational Justice: Staff Members’ Understanding of the Role of OT in Organizations Serving Persons Experiencing Homelessness” at the AOTA conference.

Dr. Carrie Gorman, assistant professor of occupational therapy, along with alumni Emily Leeper ’23 and Allison Price ’23, presented their poster titled, “Perceptions of Spirituality in OT Education & Implementation in Practice” at the AOTA conference.

Dr. Joanna Behm, assistant professor of occupational therapy, presented her poster titled, “Experiences of Occupational Therapy Students with Disabilities” at the AOTA conference. Along with current students Hannah Mumau and Lauren Viscusi, Dr. Behm also presented a poster titled “Compliance Is Not Inclusion: Exploring the Lived Experience of Disabled OT Students & Practitioners.”


Cyber Camp 2024

Messiah University’s Cyber Camp is back this summer, taking place June 10-13. This day camp for high school students entering 9th through 12th grade is a fun way to dive into the world of cybersecurity. We will cover topics such as cryptography, online behavior and privacy, ethical hacking, social engineering, threat intelligence and using AI to defend the digital domain.

This year, students will take part in even more hands-on cyber labs, simulations and interactive gaming scenarios. Plus, they will receive instruction directly from our cybersecurity faculty and local industry experts, all while getting to experience an introduction to what college life is all about.

Get all the details and register at (*Messiah employees receive a 10% discount when signing their dependents up. Contact for the discount code.)

Join us for our next MBI event on April 24

Dr. Craig Sider is passionate about unleashing potential in others. He partners with leaders and organizations to help them identify – and move courageously toward – a preferred future. For over three decades, Craig has walked with and served leaders from business, nonprofit and education. He combines insights gleaned from degrees in business, theology and leadership development. Craig’s approach is to listen deeply and then ask questions that draw out deeper reflection and inspire fresh thinking. Please join us for our next MBI event where Sider will share insights from his new book, “Beyond Your Box: Break Free to Pursue Your Dream.”

This event will be held in the Martin Commons.
7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Enjoy an extended networking breakfast
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Settle in for a lively keynote from Dr. Craig Sider based on his new book “Beyond Your Box: Break Free to Pursue Your Dream”
9:30 – 10 a.m. Q&A session, extended networking.

Registration is required for this event, please use the following link:

Summer Camp at the Oakes Museum!

This summer the Oakes Museum will be hosting multiple summer camps for elementary to high school ages.

Curator Club (3rd -5th)
Collect It! – June 24-28
Animals Camp – July 8-12
9 a.m. – noon

CC2 (6th-8th)
Ecology Camp – July 22-26
9 a.m. – noon

High school:
Field Biology Camp – June 17-21
9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Vertebrate Anatomy Camp – July 15 and 16
9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Visit our website to learn more and register!

Messiah students and faculty present research to PA State Legislators

Two research teams represented the Messiah University School of Arts, Culture and Society and School of Science, Engineering and Health by presenting posters describing research accomplishments as part of the Undergraduate Research at the Capitol – Pennsylvania conference held on Tuesday, March 19 in the East Wing Rotunda of the Capitol Building. Sydney Sefing and Michael Lin (accompanied by John Bechtold on behalf of co-author Teressa Fink) described a study entitled, “Effects of Aroma and Nature of Presentation of Material on Memory.” Larry Mylin (standing in for Evangeline Soerens who was absent due to NCAA National Swimming competition) described a study entitled, “Evaluation of a Cell-Based Vaccine Against Pancreatic Cancer” on behalf of co-authors Evangeline Soerens, Sarah Bath, Daniel Guevin, Laura Hudson, Ashlee (Leib) Ramirez and John Harms. Multiple individuals visited the posters; Mylin was able to describe the study too and take a selfie with Representative Brett Miller who represents the 41st district in which Mylin now resides.

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: Culmination ’24 Spring Dance Concert

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present the spring dance concert Culmination ’24 on April 12 and 13! Celebrate spring and the dance accomplishments of Messiah University’s theatre and dance department in an offering of favorite dance pieces from the year, new faculty work, student adjudicated creations, and senior capstone projects all in one fun and glorious dance concert!

Culmination ’24
Spring Dance Concert
Directed by Gregg Hurley

April 12 at 8 p.m.
April 13 at 2 p.m.
Miller Theater, Climenhaga Building

Estimated run time: 2 hours, including one 15-minute intermission
Tickets: $10—Adults $7—MU students (w/ID), MU employees (w/ID), youth (under 18) and seniors (60+) Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available. Discounts are available for groups of ten or more.

April 2024 Library Newsletter

Read our April newsletter containing the latest news on events, staff, and more!
View attachment.

2024 Alumni Awards recipients announced

The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Alumni Awards. These awards are important not only for the tribute they pay to the lives of each recipient, but also as a symbol of the quality of our alumni as a whole. Please save the date for Friday, Nov. 1 for the Alumni Awards Dinner, which will take place from 6 – 8 p.m. in Martin Commons. Questions? Please contact us at 717.796.5252 or

Young Alumnus Achievement AwardDr. Nathaniel D. M. Jenkins (Class of 2011, health and exercise science)
This award recognizes an alumnus/a who has attended Messiah University within the past 15 years for significant contribution to church, vocation, community and/or Messiah University.

Distinguished Alumnus Achievement AwardJeffrey F Lehman (Class of 1974, chemistry)
Recognizes a lifetime of vocational achievement in a manner that embodies the mission of the University.

Alumni Christian Service AwardMichele E Struss (Class of 1994, art)
This award recognizes outstanding lifelong service or long-term effort in fulfilling the mandates of the Christian gospel to both serve and sacrifice for the needs of humanity.

Alumni Appreciation AwardBarry G. Goodling (Class of 1979, business administration)
Recognizes an individual(s) who has/have contributed to the University in an extraordinary manner (long-term professional service; significant volunteer service and/or financial contribution)

Solar eclipse event

You might have heard about the April 8 solar eclipse. Where we are at Messiah, it will happen between 2:05 and 4:30 p.m., and peak at ~ 92.7% coverage at 3:21 p.m.

Your favorite physicists are planning to set up our telescopes (with sun filters) on the Alumni Plaza outside Lottie, and we invite everyone to come take a look.

One telescope will be equipped with a camera, and we will live-stream the event here, starting at 1:30 p.m.: (thanks to Cole and the Physics Club for this).

We will also have NASA approved eclipse glasses that you can borrow.

WARNING – NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN without proper protection! Looking directly into the sun can cause permanent eye damage, even blindness! Note that normal sunglasses provide virtually no protection from direct sunlight! Typical sunglasses block in the order of 20-90% visible light, and (if they are good) up to 99% UV light. Eclipse glasses block around 99.9999% of visible, IR and UV light! That is a factor 10,000 difference! Only use approved eclipse glasses!

DISCLAIMER – This is not an official event. We can help you view the eclipse with approved equipment and eclipse glasses, BUT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!

Tech Support – Did you know?

  • Microsoft 365 is available for you to install on your computer if you are still running Office 2016. To install it, open software center from your desktop or start menu, find Microsoft 365 64-bit, click Install (plan on 10-15 minutes for this process). After installation is complete, navigate to the software center again. Click Office 365 taskbar and start menu fix (this will remove those 2016 icons). Sign back into your account.
  • Teams – The “New” Teams became Teams on 3/31. If you run Teams through the web browser, it is only available in Edge or Chrome. The “New” Teams application cannot be used in Firefox nor Safari yet. Only Classic Teams can be used in those browsers, but Microsoft says they will be adding support soon.
  • Shared data with students – When students graduate, you may lose files/information shared with you by the student. Please work with the owner of the information to ensure you have access to the data after graduation.
  • Any questions? – Email, which will generate a support ticket. The ticket will be assigned to an available technician. This ensures your issue receives attention, even if someone is out of the office.


Job opportunities

The Career and Professional Development Center has an opening for a full-time events and administrative coordinator. Job related questions may be related to Ashley Jones at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a part-time loan/technical processing technician. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (Librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a full-time director of residence life. Job related questions may be directed to Doug Wood at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Murray Library has an opening for a full-time evening circulation supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Sarah Myers at (librarian). For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Procurement has an opening for a full-time accounts payable coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Steph Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Residence Life has an opening for a full-time residence director (first year). Job related questions may be directed to Lyndsay Grimm at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies: Administration has an opening for a full-time state authorization and licensure manager. Job related questions may be directed to Jennifer Fisler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Agape Center for Local and Global Engagement has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Paula Holtzinger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a temporary records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining services is now accepting applications for summer Lottie workers. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Thank you!

I wanted to let you know especially those who were so kind to my mom, said prayers and made her smile with all those Christmas cards, that my mom went to be with our Lord on Feb. 22. I am doing okay and I miss her dearly, but I know that she is no longer suffering and at peace. Thank you for the prayers and kind words during her final days. It means so much to work for a company where there are so many kind and caring people. Thank you again and may God Bless each one of you. – Stacy Portko


Dillsburg Community Church craft sale

On Saturday, April 20, the Dillsburg Community Church in Dillsburg will be having a craft sale. The church is located at 412 Mountain Rd, Dillsburg. Hours are 9 a.m. -2 p.m. There will be many crafts made by local vendors in the area. Grab your friends and come check out all the beautiful crafts. Crafts are great for birthdays, bridal and baby showers. You are bound to find something, maybe even a special gift for yourself. Mark your calendars now, so you do not forget. See you there.



March 28

Thursday, March 28th, 2024

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

1 Peter 1:3


Ted Davis, professor emeritus of the history of science, gave the keynote address last week at The Christianity in the Academy Conference, held at Carson-Newman University. Next week, he will visit classes and give public talks at Westmont College and California Baptist University.

Todd Goranson, DMA, RN, professor of music, presented a lecture titled, “Discovering Health: Injury Prevention and Performance Anxiety Management for the Saxophonist” at Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, Oklahoma) on March 16 as part of the 2024 North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference. The NASA biennial conference gathers over 1000 professional and collegiate saxophonists from North America for concerts, master classes and lectures.

On March 18, Goranson also presented a lecture titled, “Strategies for Overcoming Performance Anxiety” at the Weiss Center for the Arts in Carlisle for the music students and faculty of Dickinson College.


Summer student hiring reminder

As a reminder, hiring proposals for summer student employees are due by April 5. If your department plans to have any student employees this summer, please submit a summer hiring proposal via the system for each student that will be working.

Additional information about summer student employment can be found here.
If you have any questions about hiring student employees for the summer, contact Belinda Conrad, student employment coordinator, ext. 2900 or

Cyber Camp 2024

Messiah University’s Cyber Camp is back this summer, taking place June 10-13. This day camp for high school students entering 9th through 12th grade is a fun way to dive into the world of cybersecurity. We’ll cover topics such as cryptography, online behavior and privacy, ethical hacking, social engineering, threat intelligence and using AI to defend the digital domain.

This year, students will take part in even more hands-on cyber labs, simulations and interactive gaming scenarios. Plus, they’ll receive instruction directly from our cybersecurity faculty and local industry experts, all while getting to experience an introduction to what college life is all about.

Get all the details and register at (*Messiah employees receive a 10% discount when signing their dependents up. Contact for the discount code.)

Young Peacemakers Academy summer camp

Messiah University’s Young Peacemakers Academy will host their residential camp from June 23-28. The Young Peacemakers Academy seeks to engage high school students who are interested in building and sustaining peace in local and global contexts and provide them with Christian foundations for peacemaking. The cost is $349 for the week. Scholarships are available. Employees will automatically receive a 10% discount.

Campers will participate in service-learning in central Pennsylvania and experience social and economic peacemaking with community partners. The camp will also include a day trip to Washington, D.C. to meet global peacemakers at the U.S. Institute for Peace. For more information, please visit our website or email

The Living Library: Many Stories, One Community – Signups are live!

Please join the Office of Diversity Affairs and the Murray Library as they co-host the “Living Library: Many Stories, One Community” on Wednesday, April 10 between noon – 4 p.m.

This event is held in the library and you, as a “reader” have the opportunity to hear stories from colleagues and students as they are the “books.” Each book is on loan for 30 minutes.

Come hear these personal narratives and reserve the “books” of your choice online at:

If you are new to the concept of the Living Library, and have any questions, please contact Liz Kielley, discovery and metadata librarian, at

Spring Budget Forum – April 4

An employee FY25 budget forum will be presented on Thursday, April 4 in Hostetter Chapel at 3:30 p.m. All employees are encouraged to attend. The presentation will be led by Gary Nowicki, vice president of finance and planning, who will share the University’s FY25 budget parameters.

Summer Camp at the Oakes Museum!

This summer the Oakes Museum will be hosting multiple summer camps for elementary to high school ages.

Curator Club (3rd -5th)
Collect It! – June 24-28
Animals Camp – July 8-12
9 a.m. – noon

CC2 (6th-8th)
Ecology Camp – July 22-26
9 a.m. – noon

High school:
Field Biology Camp – June 17-21
9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Vertebrate Anatomy Camp – July 15 and 16
9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Visit our website to learn more and register!

Messiah students and faculty present research to PA State Legislators

Two research teams represented the Messiah University School of Arts, Culture and Society and School of Science, Engineering and Health by presenting posters describing research accomplishments as part of the Undergraduate Research at the Capitol – Pennsylvania conference held on Tuesday, March 19 in the East Wing Rotunda of the Capitol Building. Sydney Sefing and Michael Lin (accompanied by John Bechtold on behalf of co-author Teressa Fink) described a study entitled, “Effects of Aroma and Nature of Presentation of Material on Memory”. Larry Mylin (standing in for Evangeline Soerens who was absent due to NCAA National Swimming competition) described a study entitled, “Evaluation of a Cell-Based Vaccine Against Pancreatic Cancer” on behalf of co-authors Evangeline Soerens, Sarah Bath, Daniel Guevin, Laura Hudson, Ashlee (Leib) Ramirez and John Harms. Multiple individuals visited the posters; Mylin was able to describe the study too and take a selfie with Representative Brett Miller who represents the 41st district in which Mylin now resides.

Giving Day is coming!

Messiah University Giving Day is Tuesday, 4.2.24!

Did you know that when 30 employees give any amount, a generous donor will give $10,000 to the Messiah Fund? 100% of students receive a tuition supplement from the Messiah Fund, and that is made possible through the support of employees, parents and alumni like you! Visit to make a gift early or on the day.

Thank you for the ways in which you make a difference in student lives and in the success of Messiah daily!


Job Opportunities

The Department of Residence Life has an opening for a full-time director of residence life. Job related questions may be directed to Doug Wood at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Procurement has an opening for a full-time accounts payable coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Steph Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Residence Life has an opening for a full-time residence director (first year). Job related questions may be directed to Lyndsay Grimm at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies: Administration has an opening for a full-time state authorization and licensure manager. Job related questions may be directed to Jennifer Fisler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Admissions Office has an opening for a part-time admissions hospitality assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kristin Thomas at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Agape Center for Local and Global Engagement has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Paula Holtzinger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a temporary records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining services is now accepting applications for summer Lottie workers. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:


Inexpensive used car. Do you have (or know someone has) an old car that they would be willing to sell at, or below, market to help a refugee family who works third shift at Messiah? Justin and Nyakiza Nyantabara have their driving permits and will be taking their drivers test this summer, at which point they will need a car. If you can help, please contact Jay McClymont ( who is working with this family to help meet their transportation needs.


March 21

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28


The Provost’s Office is pleased to announce that Janet Vogel has been hired to be the next director of Murray Library, effective June 1. Janet is currently the director of the Hiram College Library in Hiram, OH. Janet has an M.S. in library science from the University of Illinois, an M.A. in public history from Loyola University Chicago, and a B.A. in history from Messiah College. Before assuming the library directorship at Hiram College, Janet served as youth services manager at Frederick County (MD) Public Libraries; Janet also served as an adjunct instructor of history at Messiah University (2011-2015), and before that, as Murray Library’s evening and weekend circulation supervisor. We look forward to having Janet return to her alma mater in June and are grateful for the careful work of the search committee (David Dixon, Braden Lawson, Janet Matanguihan, Caleb Miller, Kimberly Steiner, Beth Transue, and Liz Kielley).

The Registrar’s Office welcomes Anne Narber into the newly created position of undergraduate academic services coordinator. Anne’s first day at Messiah was Jan. 8. Anne comes to Messiah with many years of nonprofit management and ministry experience. She and her husband, Darren, have three children, Emma, Caleb and Ethan, and have recently relocated to the Mechanicsburg area. Anne’s office is in AWC Suite 107.

Please review updated information about the Registrar’s Office team and associated responsibilities on the “Contact Our Team” link on our website (


Introducing the new employee Messiah photo Library, Air

The Office of Marketing and Communications, in partnership with Information Technology Services, is pleased to announce that a new library of Messiah University digital photography is now available for employee use. This curated photo library is hosted by Air, a user-friendly third-party digital asset management system. The Air photo library contains professional, staff and student photography from various aspects of the Messiah experience from the past five years. Photos may be searched/filtered by keywords and downloaded for use in campus department/program communications. It is important to note that, due to copyright restrictions, all photos accessed via Air must be used for university-related purposes only.

Employees can access Air on Falconlink by searching for/clicking on the “Air Photo Library” card.

For more information about Air and how to use it, please see the Tech Support Knowledge Base article “Introducing Air: Messiah’s Image Repository.”

For questions about any of the assets included, contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at

Summer student hiring reminder

As a reminder, hiring proposals for summer student employees are due by April 5. If your department plans to have any student employees this summer, please submit a summer hiring proposal via the system for each student that will be working.

Additional information about summer student employment can be found here.
If you have any questions about hiring student employees for the summer, contact Belinda Conrad, student employment coordinator, ext. 2900 or

2023-2024 Library Student Research Grant

The 2023-2024 Library Student Research Grant application deadline is Friday, April 5. This competitive grant, sponsored by Friends of Murray Library, provides Messiah seniors doing their senior honors projects or senior capstone projects an opportunity to experience a taste of graduate school-level research using both Murray Library’s print and digital collections as well as other relevant research materials for their chosen topic located at other institutions or organizations. Proposals are selected for funding by an interdisciplinary panel of judges chaired by Chad Frey, chair of Friends of Murray Library. The grantee will be awarded $1,000 in the spring for the fall 2024 academic year. Grant recipient research will culminate with a presentation of the overview and process of their research project at the Friends Annual Dinner or alternative venue as appropriate. Award recipients will be announced Monday, April 22.
See attached PDF for application details.

Young Writers’ and Young Filmmakers’ Summer Academic Camps

This summer, the Young Writers’ and Young Filmmakers’ will
hold their academic camps with commuter and resident options.
The Young Filmmakers’ Workshop provides college-level film-making skills for
students in rising grades 10-12. Students will leave with an understanding of how to
be a writer, director, actor, cinematographer and editor. This camp is being held
June 23 – 28. To learn more about this camp, visit the website at

The Young Writers’ Workshop provides college-level writing skills development for
students in rising grades 9 – 12. The workshop offers intensive courses in creative
writing taught by published faculty and writers, poetry readings and a variety of activities.
This camp will be held June 23– 28. To learn more about our Young Writers’ Workshop, visit the website at

A 25% discount off the tuition for either workshop is offered to the dependents of Messiah employees.

Messiah University Department of Theatre and Dance presents: The Spring Senior Series

Messiah University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is proud to present the first part of “The Spring Senior Series”, an evening of performance created and presented by department seniors. The weekend of March 22-23 features performances by seniors Madalyn Oliver, Lydia Matson, and Alysse Whaley in Poorman Black Box Theater, Climenhaga Building.

The Spring Senior Series
Featuring seniors Lydia Matson, Madalyn Oliver, and Alysse Whaley
March 22 – 23 at 8 p.m.
Poorman Black Box Theater, Climenhaga Building

“Love Letter”
Created and performed by Madalyn Oliver

“Searching for Hope”
Created and performed by Lydia Matson

“I Am The Fall”
Created and performed by Alysse Whaley

Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online at, by phone at 717-691-6036, or at the door as available.

Young Peacemakers Academy summer camp

Messiah University’s Young Peacemakers Academy will host their residential camp from June 23-28. The Young Peacemakers Academy seeks to engage high school students who are interested in building and sustaining peace in local and global contexts and provide them with Christian foundations for peacemaking. The cost is $349 for the week. Scholarships are available. Employees will automatically receive a 10% discount.

Campers will participate in service-learning in central Pennsylvania and experience social and economic peacemaking with community partners. The camp will also include a day trip to Washington, D.C. to meet global peacemakers at the U.S. Institute for Peace. For more information, please visit our website or email

Announcing Messiah’s 2024 Commencement speakers

Both the Graduate and Undergraduate Commencement Committees are working to prepare for the graduation festivities for Messiah’s undergraduate and graduate Class of 2024. The websites for both Commencement ceremonies are now live, providing important details for graduates and their families and announcing the Commencement speakers for the Messiah University Class of 2024.

Undergraduate Commencement—May 11

Commencement speaker Jeffery Deal, M.D., is author of four novels and an anthropology book on South Sudan. He recently retired from his position as director of health studies for Water Missions International and is now a Senior Fellow of Public Health and an adjunct professor of anthropology for the College of Charleston. In addition to writing fiction, his previous publications span the fields of microbiology, anthropology and surgery. His patented robot, Tru-D, is being used around the world and in the U.S. to reduce hospital-acquired infections. Read more.

School of Graduate and Professional Studies Commencement—May 18

Commencement speaker Amy E. Black, Ph.D., is professor of political science at Wheaton College (Ill.). Prior to joining the Wheaton faculty in 2001, she taught at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. A graduate of Claremont McKenna College, Black earned her Ph.D. in political science at M.I.T. She is a specialist in American government, and her teaching and research interests include religion and politics, women in politics, fostering civil dialogue, the U.S. presidency and Congress. In 2000-2001, she served as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow, working in the office of Representative Melissa A. Hart (PA-04). Most recently, she and Michael Wear co-authored the report “Christianity, Pluralism, and Public Life in the United States: Insights from Christian Leaders,” published by the Trinity Forum. Read more.

Tech Support – Did you know?

  • Older Microsoft files – If an old Microsoft file is saved in a .doc, .xls or .ppt format, there may be compatibility issues and limitations to new features. To update the file, go to “File” and then “Save As” and save it as the more recent file type version like .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.
  • Desktop computers should NOT be powered off. Updates are pushed to the computers during off hours, and it allows Tech Support to check the system for special updates.
  • Restart, sleep or shutdown? Your computer should be restarted at least once a week. Closing the lid or pushing the power button only puts the computer to sleep and does not constitute a restart. To restart your Windows computer, click start > power > restart. On a Mac, click the Apple icon > restart.

Connecting Communities Convening

Register now and join us on Thursday, April 18 from 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. in Hostetter Chapel to connect with a diverse cross sector of community partners from the Greater Capital Region who will be on campus for the Connecting Communities Convening. You are invited to learn about important neighboring initiatives underway in our region as well as to participate in discussions throughout the day with community leaders about housing and neighboring practices, policies, paradigms and philanthropy. For a program itinerary and/or to register as a member of the Messiah community, visit
The Convening is a program of the School of Arts, Culture and Society. Contact Chad Frey at if you have any questions.

PSYCamp 2024

We are excited to invite high school students (entering 10th through 12th grade in Fall 2024) to attend Psychology Camp this year, June 23-28! Psychology Camp provides a fun opportunity for students to explore psychology and the question, “Why do humans do what they do?” This year, we are offering both an overnight residential option and a day-camp commuter option. This enriching summer camp environment will help students gain knowledge and explore various branches of psychology including clinical psychology, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology and biopsychology.

If you know someone who would be interested in attending, we invite you to learn more and register at: before June 1.
Also, there is a special offer for dependents of Messiah University employees!
Contact for more information.

The Living Library: Many Stories, One Community – Signups are live!

Please join the Office of Diversity Affairs and the Murray Library as they co-host the “Living Library: Many Stories, One Community” on Wednesday, April 10 between noon – 4 p.m.

This event is held in the library and you, as a “reader” have the opportunity to hear stories from colleagues and students as they are the “books.” Each book is on loan for 30 minutes.

Come hear these personal narratives and reserve the “books” of your choice online at:

If you are new to the concept of the Living Library, and have any questions, please contact Liz Kielley, discovery and metadata librarian, at

Giving Day is coming!

Messiah University Giving Day is Tuesday, 4.2.24!

Did you know that when 30 employees give any amount, a generous donor will give $10,000 to the Messiah Fund? 100% of students receive a tuition supplement from the Messiah Fund, and that is made possible through the support of employees, parents and alumni like you! Visit to make a gift early or on the day.

Thank you for the ways in which you make a difference in student lives and in the success of Messiah daily!

Join us for our next MBI event on April 24

Dr. Craig Sider is passionate about unleashing potential in others. He partners with leaders and organizations to help them identify – and move courageously toward – a preferred future. For over three decades, Craig has walked with and served leaders from business, nonprofit and education. He combines insights gleaned from degrees in business, theology and leadership development. Craig’s approach is to listen deeply and then ask questions that draw out deeper reflection and inspire fresh thinking. Please join us for our next MBI event where Sider will share insights from his new book, “Beyond Your Box: Break Free to Pursue Your Dream”.

This event will be held in the Martin Commons.
7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Enjoy an extended networking breakfast
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Settle in for a lively keynote from Dr. Craig Sider based on his new book “Beyond Your Box: Break Free to Pursue Your Dream”
9:30 – 10 a.m. Q&A session, extended networking

Registration is required for this event, please use the following link:
Detailed information will be provided to registrants.

Spring Budget Forum – April 4

An employee FY25 budget forum will be presented on Thursday, April 4 in Hostetter Chapel at 3:30 p.m. All employees are encouraged to attend. The presentation will be led by Gary Nowicki, vice president of finance and planning, who will share the University’s FY25 budget parameters. Light refreshments will be available.


Job opportunities

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Procurement has an opening for a full-time accounts payable coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Steph Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies: Administration has an opening for a full-time state authorization and licensure manager. Job related questions may be directed to Jennifer Fisler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Admissions Office has an opening for a part-time admissions hospitality assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kristin Thomas at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Agape Center for Local and Global Engagement has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Paula Holtzinger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a temporary records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining services is now accepting applications for summer Lottie workers. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:


March 14

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”

Psalms 84:11


Michael Zigarelli, professor of leadership, published an article in the latest edition of Christian Scholar’s Review entitled, “Near-Death Experiences and the Emerging Implications for Christian Theology.” The article may be of special interest to those seeking evidence for whether an afterlife exists, as well as those looking for an alternative way to lead others toward God. It is available online at


Three members of the Advancement Division presented at the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities’ 2023 Multi-Academic Conference, which was held on Feb. 26-28 in San Diego, CA. Jay McClymont, director of alumni and parent relations, co-presented a session with Chris Allbrook from CampusESP entitled, “How Strategic Engagement Fuels Student Success.” John Zeigler, executive director of development, and Abby Book, director of advancement programs, co-presented a session called “Strategic Alumni Affinity Groups: Harnessing the Power of Cross-Campus Collaborations.”


The Provost’s Office is pleased to announce that Janet Vogel has been hired to be the next director of Murray Library, effective June 1. Janet is currently the director of the Hiram College Library in Hiram, OH. Janet has an M.S. in library science from the University of Illinois, an M.A. in public history from Loyola University Chicago, and a B.A. in history from Messiah College. Before assuming the library directorship at Hiram College, Janet served as youth services manager at Frederick County (MD) Public Libraries; Janet also served as an adjunct instructor of history at Messiah University (2011-2015), and before that, as Murray Library’s evening and weekend circulation supervisor. We look forward to having Janet return to her alma mater in June and are grateful for the careful work of the search committee (David Dixon, Braden Lawson, Janet Matanguihan, Caleb Miller, Kimberly Steiner, Beth Transue, and Liz Kielley).


Associate Professor of Marketing Keith Quesenberry has published the Fourth Edition of “Social Media Strategy: Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations for the Consumer Revolution” with Roman and Littlefield. It has been completely revised for today’s social media landscape with many updates to make it more student, professor and professional friendly. With an integrated cross-discipline approach, Social Media Strategy serves as a core textbook for a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate social media college courses. Nearly 10 years after the first edition it’s become a go-to text in business and communications departments for marketing, advertising, public relations and communications programs.


The Office of Faculty Development supported a strong representation of educators at 2024 Lancaster Learns, a one-day conference held on Friday, Feb. 23. Messiah University contributed as a conference sponsor. Additionally, several Messiah University educators contributed as break-out session presenters during the event. Jennifer Fisler, dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies and professor of education, presented “Candid and Kind: Developmental Feedback on Teaching”; Michelle George, associate professor of social work, and Sarah Jones, associate professor of nursing, collaborated on “Utilizing Interprofessional Collaboration for Student Success in Diverse Professional Settings”; Mindy Smith, assistant professor of applied health science, and Vanessa Lee, assistant professor of physical therapy, presented “Undergraduate and Graduate Collaboration in Service-Learning Pedagogy”; Karen Harrington, interdisciplinary studies, presented “Utilizing the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) to Increase Critical Thinking, Inquiry, and Reflection in Higher Education Classrooms”; Jennifer Dose, professor of management, presented “Low-Stakes Quiz Design: Maximizing Learning vs. Minimizing Cheating”; Melinda Burchard, professor of special education, and Sarah Myers, public service librarian, collaborated on “Translating Information from Scholarly Sources to Community”; Joanna Behm and Kimberly Duetsch, assistant professors of occupational therapy, presented “Integrated Student Wellness Initiative”; Brooke Dunbar-Treadwell, director of writing, and Robin Lauermann, professor of politics, presented “A University-Wide Approach to Writing That Supports Students in Building Critical Thinking Skills Through Research”; Joanna Behm and Jim Foster, assistant professors of occupational therapy, presented “AI and the Classroom: Practical and Ethical Use”; Cindi Kerns and Rocky Allinger, instructional designers, presented “Visual Metaphor in Instructional Design: Increase Engagement and Accessibility” and Sheila Rodriguez, associate professor of Spanish along with her student, Kiana Haldeman, senior, Spanish with teaching certification major, presented “Practice Makes Perfect: Intentional Target Language Use in the Foreign Language Classroom”.

Additional attendees included faculty members Elizabeth Eveler, assistant professor of graduate education, Braden Lawson, assistant professor of graduate athletic training, Amy Porto, director and professor of nutrition and dietetics, Anne Reeve, professor of chemistry, Kelly Waltman, assistant professor of criminal justice, Nick Weaver, assistant professor of mathematics, Sean Strehlow, assistant professor of sport management and Leah Clarke, director of teaching and learning, and director and professor of the graduate program in counseling.

Please join me in thanking these colleagues for their commitment to excellence in teaching.

Cynthia A. Wells, associate dean for faculty development
Director of The Ernest L. Boyer Center
Professor of higher education


The Registrar’s Office welcomes Anne Narber into the newly created position of undergraduate academic services coordinator. Anne’s first day at Messiah was Jan. 8. Anne comes to Messiah with many years of nonprofit management and ministry experience. She and her husband, Darren, have three children, Emma, Caleb and Ethan, and have recently relocated to the Mechanicsburg area. Anne’s office is located in AWC Suite 107.

Please review updated information about the Registrar’s Office team and associated responsibilities on the “Contact Our Team” link on our website (


Murray Library’s March 2024 newsletter

What’s New in the Library? Read our March newsletter containing the latest news on events and displays, staff, and more! Read the newsletter on Mosaic.

Murray Library Seed Library Sow and Grow Event

Ring in the first day of Spring by joining Murray Library’s Seed Library on Tuesday, March 19 for our second annual Sow and Grow event. Join us in the lobby of Murray Library any time between noon -1 p.m. to plant your own Candytuft, Forget-me-not, or Lobelia seed and learn more about the seed library. We hope to see you there!

2023-2024 Library Student Research Grant

The 2023-2024 Library Student Research Grant application deadline is Friday, April 5. This competitive grant, sponsored by Friends of Murray Library, provides Messiah seniors doing their senior honors projects or senior capstone projects an opportunity to experience a taste of graduate school-level research using both Murray Library’s print and digital collections as well as other relevant research materials for their chosen topic located at other institutions or organizations. Proposals are selected for funding by an interdisciplinary panel of judges chaired by Chad Frey, chair of Friends of Murray Library. The grantee will be awarded $1,000 in the spring for the fall 2024 academic year. Grant recipient research will culminate with a presentation of the overview and process of their research project at the Friends Annual Dinner or alternative venue as appropriate. Award recipients will be announced Monday, April 22.
See attached PDF for application details.

Term tenure and promotion presentation

We invite all faculty to attend Don Zhao’s term tenure presentation, “Genome Editing and the Christian Worldview: The Ethical Challenge Faced by Biomedical Professionals”. The presentation is a requirement for his Christian Faith and Academic Vocation (CFAV) review and will be held on March 19 (noon – 1 p.m.) at Winding Hill 140. If you are interested in his presentation but cannot attend in person, you may join the following zoom link for a live-stream:

National Procurement Month

March is National Procurement Month! The procurement team would like to invite you to a small celebration on Tuesday, March 19 from 1 – 3 p.m. in the finance/procurement lobby; first floor of Old Main. Stop by and introduce yourself, ask questions or simply say “hi.”

Exploring Careers in Healthcare summer day camp

The School of Science, Engineering and Health is pleased to once again offer Exploring Careers in Healthcare summer day camp, June 10-12, for students entering 10th, 11th and 12th grades this fall. Our camp is designed for students to explore some of the most dynamic healthcare professions, including nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, applied health science and nutrition and dietetics, from a faith-based perspective. Patient case studies will provide context for engaging, hands-on activities, demonstrations and panel discussions in state-of-the-art facilities on our main campus and at Winding Hill, led by Messiah’s expert faculty, students and professional practitioners. If you or someone you know is interested, we invite you to learn more and register at before June 2. Please email with any questions.

Voice major performing in Italy!

Victoria Lang ’25, a voice major and music education major in the Department of Music, will be attending the Opera Lucca festival this summer. Victoria is a voice and opera student of Damian Savarino. Victoria applied and auditioned to be a member of the festival and was cast as “Suor Angelica” (cover) in their production of Giacomo Puccini’s SUOR ANGELICA. She will also sing opera scenes and aria concerts in local venues, study intensive Italian, work with world-renowned faculty, and spend four weeks in the gorgeous town of Lucca and surrounding areas. Congratulations to Victoria! Buona fortuna!

Boyer Legacy Award and Class of 1964 Carlton Wittlinger Award

The Boyer Legacy and Wittlinger Awards section committee, which is comprised of Cynthia Wells, Devin Manzullo-Thomas and Jon Stuckey, is pleased to announce the 2024 recipients.

2024 Boyer Legacy Award: Rachel Baksa

The Ernest L. Boyer Center annually bestows a Messiah University junior with this award in honor of the legacy of Ernest L. Boyer, Sr. Recipients demonstrate Dr. Boyer’s broad accomplishments and convictions, including his passionate commitment to viewing education as a means to solving societal challenges and his ardent emphasis that leadership is grounded in service.

This year’s recipient is Rachel Baksa. The selection committee appreciated her thoughtful essay, highlighting her commitments to serving students that our educational systems neglect and her efforts toward building community among teachers.

Thank you to Sarah Fischer who nominated Rachel for the award.

2024 Class of 1964 Carlton Wittlinger Award: Isabella Farrington

A graduate of Messiah Junior College in 1935, Dr. Wittlinger returned to Messiah and served over 35 years as a teacher and visionary administrator. The Class of 1964 Wittlinger Award seeks to honor students who demonstrate Dr. Carlton Wittlinger’s broad academic accomplishments, including his qualities of persistence and unselfish dedication, as they pursue and develop their own leadership skills.

This year’s recipient is Isabelle (Bella) Farrington. The selection committee was deeply impressed by the many ways Bella seeks to inflect service, leadership and reconciliation into her various commitments on- and off-campus.

Thank you to Jason Renn who nominated Bella for the award.

Both awards carry a $1,500 cash prize.

We are grateful to the COE for all nominations and look forward to another round of awards in 2025!


Job opportunities

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Procurement has an opening for a full-time accounts payable coordinator. Job related questions may be directed to Steph Sechrist at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies: Administration has an opening for a full-time state authorization and licensure manager. Job related questions may be directed to Jennifer Fisler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Admissions Office has an opening for a part-time admissions hospitality assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kristin Thomas at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Agape Center for Local and Global Engagement has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Paula Holtzinger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a temporary records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Network Services has an opening for a full-time system administrator/analyst. Job-related questions may be directed to Tony Wyland at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining services is now accepting applications for summer Lottie workers. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit:


Inexpensive used car. Do you have (or know someone has) an old car that they would be willing to sell at, or below, market to help a refugee family who works third shift at Messiah? Justin and Nyakiza Nyantabara have their driving permits and will be taking their drivers test this summer, at which point they will need a car. If you can help, please contact Jay McClymont ( who is working with this family to help meet their transportation needs.



March 7

Thursday, March 7th, 2024

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Psalm 16


Associate professor of marketing Keith Quesenberry has published the Fourth Edition of Social Media Strategy: Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations for the Consumer Revolution with Roman and Littlefield. It’s been completely revised for today’s social media landscape with many updates to make it more student, professor, and professional-friendly. With an integrated cross-discipline approach, Social Media Strategy serves as a core textbook for a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate social media college courses. Nearly 10 years after the first edition it’s become a go-to text in business and communications departments for marketing, advertising, public relations, and communications programs.


The Office of Faculty Development is pleased to announce our Faculty Development Fellows for academic years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026. Faculty Development Fellows are members of the Ranked Faculty who have demonstrated excellence in their roles and displayed commitment to their professional growth and development.

Jason Renn, associate professor of politics and international relations, will serve as Faculty Development Fellow focusing on giving leadership to the Faculty of Color Thriving and Networking group, co-directing the Inclusive Excellence in Teaching Academy, and developing programmatic support for faculty scholarship.

Jenell Paris, professor of sociology and anthropology, will continue as a Faculty Development Fellow for Christian Faith and the Academic Vocation (CFAV). She will support faculty in exploring, understanding, and articulating connections between the Christian faith and their vocations as teacher-scholars. Her focus includes facilitating the CFAV dialogue sessions for faculty preparing for initial review and planning Christian Scholarship Colloquies.

David Owen, professor of computer science, and Krystal Robinson-Bert, associate professor of occupational therapy, will serve as Faculty Development Fellows for Teaching and Learning. In this capacity, they will work closely with Leah Clarke, director of teaching and learning, to support faculty in fulfilling the expectations for quality teaching at Messiah University.

Please join us in congratulating these faculty colleagues as they take on new or renewed terms as Faculty Development Fellows. We’d also like to express our deep gratitude for the good work of Devin Manzullo-Thomas, assistant professor of American religious history and interdisciplinary studies, and Erin Boyd-Soisson, professor of human development and family science, who will each conclude their service this spring after having served for two consecutive terms as Faculty Development Fellows for Teaching and Learning.

We are grateful for the many contributions of our Faculty Development Fellows to the work of the Office of Faculty Development and to Messiah University.

Cynthia Wells, associate dean for faculty development


The Office of Faculty Development supported a strong representation of educators at 2024 Lancaster Learns, a one-day conference held on Friday, Feb. 23. Messiah University contributed as a conference sponsor. Additionally, several Messiah University educators contributed as break-out session presenters during the event. Jennifer Fisler, Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies and Professor of Education, presented Candid and Kind: Developmental Feedback on Teaching; Michelle George, associate professor of social work, and Sarah Jones, associate professor of nursing, collaborated on Utilizing Interprofessional Collaboration for Student Success in Diverse Professional Settings; Mindy Smith, assistant professor of applied health science, and Vanessa Lee, assistant professor of physical therapy, presented Undergraduate and Graduate Collaboration in Service-Learning Pedagogy; Karen Harrington, Interdisciplinary Studies, presented Utilizing the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) to Increase Critical Thinking, Inquiry, and Reflection in Higher Education Classrooms; Jennifer Dose, Professor of Management, presented Low-Stakes Quiz Design: Maximizing Learning vs. Minimizing Cheating; Melinda Burchard, professor of special education, and Sarah Myers, public service librarian, collaborated on Translating Information from Scholarly Sources to Community; Joanna Behm and Kimberly Duetsch, assistant professors of occupational therapy, presented Integrated Student Wellness Initiative; Brooke Dunbar-Treadwell, director of writing, and Robin Lauermann, professor of politics, presented A University-Wide Approach to Writing That Supports Students in Building Critical Thinking Skills Through Research; Joanna Behm and Jim Foster, assistant professors of occupational therapy, presented AI and the Classroom: Practical and Ethical Use; Cindi Kerns and Rocky Allinger, instructional designers, presented Visual Metaphor in Instructional Design: Increase Engagement and Accessibility and Sheila Rodriguez, associate professor of Spanish along with her student, Kiana Haldeman, Senior, Spanish with Teaching Certification major, presented Practice Makes Perfect: Intentional Target Language Use in the Foreign Language Classroom.

Additional attendees included faculty members Elizabeth Eveler, assistant professor of graduate education, Braden Lawson, assistant professor of graduate athletic training, Amy Porto, director and professor of nutrition and dietetics, Anne Reeve, professor of chemistry, Kelly Waltman, assistant professor of criminal justice, Nick Weaver, assistant professor of mathematics, Sean Strehlow, assistant professor of sport management and Leah Clarke, director of teaching and learning, and director and professor of the Graduate Program in Counseling.

Please join me in thanking these colleagues for their commitment to excellence in teaching.

Cynthia A. Wells, associate dean for faculty development
Director of The Ernest L. Boyer Center
Professor of Higher Education


Michael Zigarelli, professor of leadership, published an article in the latest edition of Christian Scholar’s Review entitled “Near-Death Experiences and the Emerging Implications for Christian Theology.” The article may be of special interest to those seeking evidence for whether an afterlife exists, as well as those looking for an alternative way to lead others toward God. It is available online at


Murray Library bids farewell to Kimberly Steiner, interlibrary loan specialist, as she embarks on an exciting new chapter of her career journey. Since 2015, Kimberly has been an invaluable member of our Murray Library family, bringing forth innovations and efficiencies to our interlibrary loan process. Her dedication and expertise have not only facilitated access to rare and foreign language materials but have also elevated ILL services to new heights.

Kimberly’s impact extends far beyond the realms of interlibrary loan. She has been a true champion of campus partnerships and student-focused programming, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to enhancing the student experience. Her original events such as Clue, CrafTea, and Mini Golf have become beloved traditions at our library, highlighting her boundless creativity and passion for engaging students. Kimberly’s involvement in significant initiatives like MLK Day planning and Living Library programming embodied her dedication to fostering inclusivity and dialogue. She has also served as a leader on Agape Center service trips. The library is a better and more beautiful place thanks to her attention to displays and details.

As Kimberly sets sail for new horizons at Dickinson College as the associate director of campus life for orientation and campus activities, we will undoubtedly miss her infectious energy and innovative spirit. Her final day is Friday, March 22. You are invited to submit sendoff messages to Liz Kielley ( by March 8 to compile into a book of well wishes, as we express our gratitude and best wishes for Kimberly’s future endeavors.


The Department of Nursing bids farewell to Ashley Ringquist, graduate clinical coordinator, as she embarks on a new career chapter. A department celebration was held for Ashley on Wednesday Feb 28, her last day at Messiah.

Ashley’s started at Messiah in July of 2014, and for nearly ten years, she served as both an administrative assistant and graduate clinical coordinator. In 2021, her role split, and she served as the graduate clinical coordinator until her departure. At Messiah, she was crucial in establishing clinical partnerships across the United States. Ashley went above and beyond to help students find good learning experiences for the various nursing students we serve (Family Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Educators, Nursing Administrators, and RN-BSN students).

Outside of her day-to-day role, Ashley was instrumental in helping assemble our annual Department Newsletter, serving on the social committee, and serving on various other Department committees as needed. She was with us through several rounds of accreditation and adopting a new clinical tracking software program, leaving us in exceptionally good hands. She worked to connect other departments that use the same clinical tracking program to troubleshoot challenges. Her persistence in ensuring the platform was user-friendly and everyone was trained to use it was invaluable.

Please keep Ashley in your prayers as she takes on a new role at Rasmussen University, where she will serve as a remote clinical coordinator for their Florida-based nursing program. We will miss Ashley dearly. If you would like to wish her well, please email for contact information.


Young Writers’ and Young Filmmakers’ Summer Academic Camps

This summer, the Young Writers’ and Young Filmmakers’ will
hold their academic camps with commuter and resident options.
The Young Filmmakers’ Workshop provides college-level film-making skills for
students in rising grades 10-12. Students will leave with an understanding of how to
be a writer, director, actor, cinematographer and editor. This camp is being held on
June 23 – 28. To learn more about this camp, visit the website at

The Young Writers’ Workshop provides college-level writing skills development for
students in rising grades 9 – 12. The workshop offers intensive courses in creative
writing taught by published faculty and writers, poetry readings and a variety of activities.
This camp will be held on June 23– 28. To learn more about our Young Writers’ Workshop, visit the website at

A 25% discount off the tuition for either workshop is offered to the dependents of Messiah employees.

Exploring Careers in Healthcare Summer Day Camp

The School of Science, Engineering, and Health is pleased to once again offer Exploring Careers in Healthcare summer day camp, June 10-12, for students entering 10th, 11th and 12th grades this fall. Our camp is designed for students to explore some of the most dynamic healthcare professions, including nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, applied health science and nutrition and dietetics, from a faith-based perspective. Patient case studies will provide context for engaging, hands-on activities, demonstrations and panel discussions in state-of-the-art facilities on our main campus and at Winding Hill, led by Messiah’s expert faculty, students, and professional practitioners. If you or someone you know is interested, we invite you to learn more and register at before June 2. Please email with any questions.

Looking for “books” for the Living Library

The Living Library: Many stories, One Community (formerly the Human Library Project) is where Messiah students, faculty and staff become open books, sharing their personal stories with readers. The Living Library is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Living Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers.
Please consider participating as a “book” in the Living Library @ the Murray Library on Wednesday, April 10. As a living book, you would be sharing your story with others in the Messiah University community in a moderated 25-minute session.
Please complete this application to be a book no later than Friday, March 15:

Questions may be directed to Todd Allen, vice president for Diversity Affairs at or Liz Kielley, Discovery and metadata librarian at

Tech Support – Did you know?

  • Qualtrics – Qualtrics has changed their licensing from unlimited responses to a set number of responses allotted to Messiah. This allocation of responses should be sufficient for the needs of Messiah this year. However, if you are using Qualtrics for basic processes such as a sign-in/sign-out system there may be another software that can save Messiah responses and still meet your needs. Please refer to the knowledge base for some information about the different form/survey tools on campus and/or contact for more detailed guidance.
    • Chrome, Edge, or Firefox? – Chrome and Edge can be signed into using Messiah credentials, and will synchronize with the Messiah password, making it easy to back up and restore bookmarks, passwords, etc. Firefox requires an account that will NOT synchronize with the Messiah credentials requiring you to remember another password. There is no longer a recommended browser to use on campus.
    • Zoom Phones/Caller ID – As the campus switches to the new Zoom phone system, please note internal caller id numbers will appear as 223-285-xxxx instead of their extension until the system is completely switched. Please continue to use the 4-digit extension and not the 10-digit phone number to contact others on campus.

Boyer Legacy Award and Class of 1964 Carlton Wittlinger Award

The Boyer Legacy and Wittlinger Awards section committee, which is comprised of Cynthia Wells, Devin Manzullo-Thomas, and Jon Stuckey, is pleased to announce the 2024 recipients.

2024 Boyer Legacy Award: Rachel Baksa

The Ernest L. Boyer Center annually bestows a Messiah University junior with this award in honor of the legacy of Ernest L. Boyer, Sr. Recipients demonstrate Dr. Boyer’s broad accomplishments and convictions, including his passionate commitment to viewing education as a means to solving societal challenges and his ardent emphasis that leadership is grounded in service.

This year’s recipient is Rachel Baksa. The selection committee greatly appreciated her thoughtful essay, highlighting her commitments to serving students that our educational systems neglect and her efforts toward building community among teachers.

Thank you to Sarah Fischer who nominated Rachel for the award.

2024 Class of 1964 Carlton Wittlinger Award: Isabella Farrington

A graduate of Messiah Junior College in 1935, Dr. Wittlinger returned to Messiah and served over 35 years as a teacher and visionary administrator. The Class of 1964 Wittlinger Award seeks to honor students who demonstrate Dr. Carlton Wittlinger’s broad academic accomplishments, including his qualities of persistence and unselfish dedication, as they pursue and develop their own leadership skills.

This year’s recipient is Isabelle (Bella) Farrington. The selection committee was deeply impressed by the many ways Bella seeks to inflect service, leadership, and reconciliation into her various commitments on- and off-campus.

Thank you to Jason Renn who nominated Bella for the award.

Both awards carry a $1,500 cash prize.

We are grateful to the COE for all nominations and look forward to another round of awards in 2025!


Job opportunities

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a full-time director, Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research. Job related questions may be directed to Brian Swartz at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Graduate Studies: Administration has an opening for a full-time state authorization and licensure manager. Job related questions may be directed to Jennifer Fisler at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Engineering has an opening for a part-time, temporary administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Philip Tan at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Admissions Office has an opening for a part-time admissions hospitality assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kristin Thomas at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Agape Center for Local and Global Engagement has an opening for a part-time administrative assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Paula Holtzinger at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Registrar’s Office has an opening for a part-time records and registration assistant. Job related questions may be directed to Kathee Clark at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining Services has an opening for a full-time dining room supervisor. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Network Services has an opening for a full-time system administrator/analyst. Job-related questions may be directed to Tony Wyland at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building services have a variety of full and part-time openings. Job related questions can be directed to Laura Price at For more information and to apply, please visit:

The Department of Education has an opening for a full-time faculty in education. Job related questions may be directed to Beverly Pitcher Johnson at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Dining services is now accepting applications for summer Lottie workers. Job related questions may be directed to Todd Christopher at For more information and to apply, please visit:

Campus and Building Services is now accepting applications for summer workers. Job related questions may be directed to Denise Blackley at For more information and to apply, please visit: