Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:20-21 (NRSV)

Messiah 411

Plan to attend Community Day Aug. 26

All employees are encouraged to gather together for worship and fellowship on Community Day, Tuesday, Aug. 26. This annual Messiah tradition is the ceremonial launch of the new academic year for employees. President Kim S. Phipps will be sharing her “State of the College” address outlining the College’s key priorities for the coming year. The Community Day gathering is scheduled from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in Parmer Hall, located in the Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts, followed by light refreshments from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the Eisenhower Campus Center lawn. (Rain location for refreshments is Howe Atrium, Boyer Hall.) All offices and departments (except dispatch and Early Learning Center) will close from 8:45 to 11:30 a.m. to enable employees to attend the gathering and reception that follows. If you have questions, please contact Anne Barnes, executive assistant to the president, at

September Wellness Workshop announced

The first wellness workshop of the year will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 10 from 12-12:45 p.m. in Parmer Cinema.  Dr. Amy Meoli, medical director at Penn State Hershey Sleep Center, will be presenting “If You Don’t Snooze, You Lose: The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation.” You won’t want to miss this presentation on one of the most important health topics of our day.  Employees receive 15 wellness points for attending the workshop.

Messiah Team Triathlon moved to the fall

The 7th annual Messiah Team Triathlon will be held on Sunday, Oct. 5 at 2 p.m.  Teams must be comprised of any combination of three Messiah students, alumni or staff (or family members).  Each person does one leg (800-yd. swim, 12-mile ride, or 5K run) of the triathlon.  Start putting your team together now and let the training begin.  Every team must complete the online registration form (one form per team) by Tuesday, Sept. 30. Join us for this on-campus fun, free fitness event.  Employees participating receive 15 wellness points.

Opportunity to study the Bible in Turkey

After having led student trips to study the Bible in Turkey, I’ve volunteered to take members of my church in Harrisburg to do the same next summer from June 15-28 and wanted to extend the invitation to any interested adult learners at Messiah, as well. So if you ever considered taking a holiday to the beautiful turquoise Mediterranean coast while also learning more about the Bible and your faith at the same time, then consider joining us on a pilgrimage next summer to the “other holy land.” There we’ll walk the roads trod by Paul on his three missionary journeys (Acts 13-21) and explore several of the cities and earliest Christian communities to which he wrote letters (Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and more). We will also visit some of John’s “seven churches of Revelation” (Rev. 2-3) and travel across the regions to which Peter wrote his two letters. Since two-thirds of our New Testament books were either written from or to ancient Asia Minor (now modern-day Turkey), this land holds many clues to understanding the Bible better. Consider it an adult Vacation Bible School!

In addition to learning more about the Bible, there will also be free time and opportunities for relaxing by the Mediterranean Sea, soaking in calcium hot springs, sampling fabulous Turkish cuisine and coffee, seeing Turkish rugs woven, bartering in the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, visiting mosques to understand Muslims and their faith better, learning more about the modern secular state of Turkey and how religion and politics interact in a different country and visiting two UNESCO world heritage sites! Spanning the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey really is the place where East meets West and it is a country full of beauty, hospitality and history. So come and join the adventure!

If you are interested in learning more about the trip, please email Dr. Ramey at Deadline for trip deposits is Oct. 15


Position available:

The Department of Development has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Gift Processing Coordinator. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Susan Jaycox, Director of Development Services and Data Analytics, at


Roommate—Two Messiah male alumni are looking for one or two males to share a house in Grantham. Contact Dale Fogelsanger at or 717-623-0735.

Fore rent:

Apartment— First floor, two bedroom, one bath apartment and large living room and an eat-in kitchen provide a spacious living area. Off-street parking is also provided in this three-unit complex located west of the borough of Shiremanstown. No pets and no smoking. Seeking long-term renters.  Interested parties should contact Lisa Snyder at or Prowell Management at or 717-364-6764.

For sale:

Two guinea pig/rabbit/chinchilla cages—One low model 20.5 in. long × 30.5 in. wide × 18.5 in. high, asking $25 obo; cost $75 new; One high model 20 in. long × 30 in. wide × 36 in. high, asking $45 obo; cost $95 new. Both are in excellent shape.  Call Amelia at 717-697-6977 if interested.

Furniture—Moving overseas. Dining table and six chairs, patio table and four chairs, futon, assorted tables. For photos and prices, please contact

2003 Buick Rendezvous—AWD, good condition, 146,000 miles, with hitch and bike rack if desired.  $3,075 with rack; $3,000 without. Contact

Lightly used Haan Slim and Light Floor Cleaning Steam Sanitizer — Model SI35. Red color with original box and accessories, asking $40. Contact Jim at 717-379-9813.

August 7, 2014

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.
Proverbs 4:18 (NRSV)

Messiah 411

Opportunity to study the Bible in Turkey

After having led student trips to study the Bible in Turkey, I’ve volunteered to take members of my church in Harrisburg to do the same next summer from June 15-28 and wanted to extend the invitation to any interested adult learners at Messiah as well. So, if you ever considered taking a holiday to the beautiful turquoise Mediterranean coast while also learning more about the Bible and your faith at the same time, then consider joining us on a pilgrimage next summer to the “other holy land.” There we’ll walk the roads trod by Paul on his three missionary journeys (Acts 13-21) and explore several of the cities and earliest Christian communities to which he wrote letters (Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and more).We will also visit some of John’s “seven churches of Revelation” (Rev. 2-3) and travel across the regions to which Peter wrote his two letters. Since two thirds of our New Testament books were either written from or to ancient Asia Minor (now modern-day Turkey), this land holds many clues to understanding the Bible better. Consider it an adult Vacation Bible School!

In addition to learning more about the Bible, there will also be free time and opportunities for relaxing by the Mediterranean Sea, soaking in calcium hot springs, sampling fabulous Turkish cuisine and coffee, seeing Turkish rugs woven, bartering in the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, visiting mosques to understand Muslims and their faith better, learning more about the modern secular state of Turkey and how religion and politics interact in a different country, and visiting two UNESCO world heritage sites! Spanning the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey really is the place where East meets West and it is a country full of beauty, hospitality and history. So come and join the adventure!

If you are interested in learning more about the trip, please email Dr. Ramey at Deadline for trip deposits is Oct. 15

Learn about other cultures by serving as a Friendship Family

With 47 new, incoming international, missionary and transcultural students arriving next month (a record number!), the Friendship Family Program is in need of additional employees (individuals and families) to extend caring hospitality to them for the next year. The goal of the Friendship Family Program is to provide mutually beneficial friendships between Messiah College employees and their families and these dynamic students.

At the start and end of the academic year, international student programs will organize an event on campus where our Friendship Families and their students can interact with each other. Participating employees are then encouraged to get to know their students and their home cultures by inviting them to join in family activities, attending important events (such as recitals and sports competitions) and offering other forms of hospitality. Although the emphasis is on forming relationships, it also helps us build a network of people who can possibly provide transportation to students as needed.

Please know that this is NOT a host program. While some families may feel comfortable and want to provide housing for their students during breaks when the residence halls are closed, it is NOT a requirement to participate in the overall program. Ideally, the Friendship Families just pray for and spend time with their students, providing open hearts that are ready to learn from each other.

Families or individuals that are current Messiah College employees and are interested in participating in the Friendship Family Program should visit our website for more information and to access the online application. The application process helps us to better connect families and students based on their interests, experiences and needs. When you apply you can state whether you would like one or more students and also indicate the level of involvement you are comfortable accepting.

Any questions or concerns may be addressed to Kevin Villegas, director of international student programs, at ext. 2284 or by email at Thank you for supporting our students!



Full-size box springs — Are you getting a new full-size bed and want to put the old box springs to good use? Contact Les at ext. 2901 or email

For sale:

2006 VW Beetle convertible—Very good condition, blue exterior, black interior, new tires, 141,000 miles. Moving and can’t take with us. Asking $5,200. Call Ed Gilsbach at 717-614-7682.

Outside organization announcement:

The 4th Annual Forgotten 5K, 1 Mile Mosey and Family Fun Fest will be held on the grounds of West Shore Evangelical Free Church Saturday, Sept. 6—Race day registration opens at 7 a.m. and the 5K begins at 9 a.m. All proceeds benefit Forgotten Voices, a Dillsburg based 501(c)(3) helping children orphaned by AIDS in southern Africa. Prizes are authentic curios brought directly from Zambia and will be awarded to the top three overall male and female finishers, as well as the top three runners in each male and female age group. Run or walk the race in costume and be entered to win four Hershey Park season passes! Register by Saturday, Aug. 16 to be guaranteed a race T-shirt. Registration information is available at

July 31, 2014

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.
I John 4:12 (NRSV)


We are pleased to announce that Yonette Schneider has been promoted to the position of special event and donor stewardship coordinator. In her 14 years at Messiah College, Yonette has consistently delivered the highest levels of service to campus guests—coordinating all facets of donor-related and other special events on campus. In this new expanded role, she will bring her expertise with event planning to the tasks of thanking and stewarding the many donors who help ensure the financial viability of our educational mission. In particular, she will help build a creative stewardship plan for our donors in ways that resonate with their key areas of interest. Because this position is so closely aligned with the development office, Yonette will now report directly to Jon Stuckey, director of development. Please join us in congratulating Yonette on her well-deserved new position!
Carla Gross, executive director of marketing and communications, special assistant to the president for communication

Beth Transue, associate librarian/collection development coordinator, presented about health literacy and library partnerships in a webinar in July. The webinar was co-sponsored by the PA Library Association and the PA Department of Health. Beth presented about her role as liaison librarian in NURS405, a course which partners with local healthcare systems and increases students’ and nurses’ health information literacy skills while they evaluate medical evidence to improve nursing practice.

Messiah 411

Keith and Kristyn Getty concert for Messiah College community Oct. 2

On Thursday, Oct. 2 the office of development and the office of college ministries are pleased to host Keith and Kristyn Getty for a free, private concert for the Messiah College community. The concert will be held in Parmer Hall at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are required and can be obtained at the Ticket Office with a Messiah College ID card. There is a limit of two tickets per person.

Please note: There will be an additional concert for the general public Friday, Oct. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in Parmer Hall. Those tickets will be on sale from the Ticket Office for $20.

Irish singer/songwriters and recording artists Keith and Kristyn Getty are among the preeminent modern hymn composers of this generation. Best known for “In Christ Alone” (penned by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend), the world-renowned hymn has been recorded by numerous artists over the past decade—including Owl City, Natalie Grant and Newsboys—and is a classic sung in churches around the globe. For more information about the Gettys and their music, please visit

Learn about other cultures by serving as a Friendship Family

With 47 new, incoming international, missionary and transcultural students arriving next month (a record number!), the Friendship Family program is in need of additional employees (individuals and families) to extend caring hospitality to them for the next year. The goal of the Friendship Family program is to provide mutually beneficial friendships between Messiah College employees and their families and these dynamic students.

At the start and end of the academic year, international student programs will organize an event on campus where our Friendship Families and their students can interact with each other. Participating employees are then encouraged to get to know their students and their home cultures by inviting them to join in family activities, attending important events (such as recitals and sports competitions) and offering other forms of hospitality. Although the emphasis is on forming relationships, it also helps us build a network of people who can possibly provide transportation to students as needed.

Please know that this is NOT a host program. While some families may feel comfortable and want to provide housing for their students during breaks when the residence halls are closed, it is NOT a requirement to participate in the overall program. Ideally, the Friendship Families just pray for and spend time with their students, providing open hearts that are ready to learn from each other.

Families or individuals that are current Messiah College employees and are interested in participating in the Friendship Family program should visit our website for more information and to access the online application. The application process helps us to better connect families and students based on their interests, experiences and needs. When you apply you can state whether you would like one or more students and also indicate the level of involvement you are comfortable accepting.

Any questions or concerns may be addressed to Kevin Villegas, director of international student programs, at ext. 2284 or by email at Thank you for supporting our students!

Learning Technology Services offers workshops

Learning Technology Services is offering Google Workshops and Canvas Applications now through the middle of August. These workshops are led by our instructional designers, director of innovative technology, digital media specialist and Learning Technology Services student worker. Please join us for casual conversation in Hoffman’s Innovation Zone (H106) to discuss ways you can incorporate these tools into your classes. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Google Docs (collaborations within Canvas)
Google Sites
Google Drawings (mind maps)
Google Forms

Please visit this link to view the calendar of times to drop in.

Environmental, health and safety (EHS) audits included in Safety Manual

Each semester, areas throughout the campus that are most impacted by EHS regulations are audited for compliance. The program for these audits is documented in the Safety Manual, Section 10. This program has been updated to now include a final score for each audit based on the number of observations (compliance/safety concerns), the number of repeat/uncorrected observations and the length of time to complete the audit. The lower the score, the better the audit results. Areas are encouraged to strive to lower their scores with each consecutive audit by promptly correcting observations and by self-auditing to prevent issues from re-occurring. The new scoring system will be implemented with the fall semester audits.


For rent:

Apartment — First-floor, two-bedroom, one bath apartment, a large living room and an eat-in kitchen provides a spacious living area. Off-street parking is also provided in this three-unit complex located west of the borough of Shiremanstown. No pets and no smoking. Renting at $800 per month. Interested parties should contact Lisa Snyder at or Prowell Management at or 717-364-6764.


Graphing calculator —Looking to purchase a Texas Instrument calculator for my son entering high school. It can be the TI-NSpire CX, TI-84+ or the TI-83+. Please call Heather Negley at ext. 6890 or email

For sale:

2012 Mazda3 — Garage-kept, Skyactiv (40-plus mpg), automatic, moon roof, grey. Call Dan at 717-697-6975 for more information.

32-note student percussion bell set with rolling case, stand, mallets and drum practice pad; also includes Percussion Home Helper CD and practice book. Purchased from Menchy in 2007, used a few years, still in very good condition. Great for anyone starting out on percussion in school. $100; Small dorm fridge—1.7 cu ft. Used. $25.For more information, contact Neil at

Weider Pro245 weight bench—Adjustable incline. Barbells with six weight rings included (two 10 lb. rings and four 15 lb. rings). $60 obo. For more information or photo, contact Lawrie Merz at

Sound and lighting equipment—The department of sound and lighting has the following items for sale. Please pass this list along to your local church or organization that might have interest. Best offer will be considered on all items. Condition will be disclosed to the best of the department’s knowledge, but all items will be sold “as is.”

Allen & Heath GL3300 32-Channel Sound Console – $600

Carver PM950 Amplifier (two) – $25 each (one bad channel each)

Carver PM420 Amplifier – $25 (one bad channel)

Peavey CS-400 Amplifier – $10 (both volume pots need cleaned; vintage item)

Alesis 3630 – Compressor, $30

Behringer MDX4400 – Compressor (two), $30 each

Behringer MDX2200 – Gate/Compressor, $30

Behringer MDX2100 – Gate/Compressor, $20

Behringer DSP1124P – Feedback Destroyer Pro, $75

Behringer 8024 – Ultra-Curve Pro (two), $100 each

Behringer CX2300 Super X Crossover, $80

Rane ME30 – Graphic Equalizer, $40

Denon DNT620 – CD Player/Tape Recorder, $75

Denon DNT625 – CD Player/Tape Recorder, $50 (CD tray door missing)

Denon DN610-F – CD/Cassette Player, $30

Teac AD-400 – CD/Cassette Player, $20

Technics SL-PD867 – Five-disc CD Player, $20

Panasonic PV-D4744S – DVD/VHS Player, $15

Rapco db100 – Direct Box, $10

Rapco db200 – Stereo Direct Box, $10

Whirlwind Connect EDBI – Direct Box, $15

Whirlwind Director – Direct Box, $20

Yamaha SM151V Speakers (two) – $200/pair (can be used as floor monitors or house speakers)

Peavey SP 2XT Speakers (two) – $75/pair (horns not working; can only be used as subwoofers)

Phillips Conference Microphone System (LBB 3300) with 11 delegate microphone stations (CCS410) – $300 including hard road case

Lancer 575 Follow Spotlight – $500

Chauvet 400G Spotlight – $75

Chauvet HZ-1000 – Ultimate Haze Machine – $50

Chauvet Haze Fluid for Haze Machine – Three gallons for $20

Various microphone stands with round or tripod bases – $5 each

Rapco Audio Snake – 16 channels with four returns – $100

Rolling metal cart with casters – $25

Please contact Jonathan Bert at with offers or requests to view items.

July 24, 2014

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names. Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.
Psalm 147:4-5 (NRSV)

Messiah 411

Important information for students arriving early on campus

If you plan to sponsor students for early arrival, please complete the online early arrival request form or if you have a large group of students, please contact for a spreadsheet to fill out and return by Friday, Aug. 1. The earliest students may return this year is Monday, Aug. 18, but we ask that you bring your students back as late as possible. Please note that the meal plan for returning students will not be active until Thursday, Aug. 28 at lunch. If you need meal cards for the students you are bringing back early, please make these arrangements through the Falcon Exchange.

There is no charge for students to stay on campus. However, any additions or changes received between Aug. 4–17 will be charged $10/person and between Aug. 18–30 any changes or additions will be $25/person.

Plan to attend Community Day Aug. 26

All employees are encouraged to gather together for worship and fellowship on Community Day, Tuesday, Aug. 26. This annual Messiah tradition is the ceremonial launch of the new academic year for employees. President Kim S. Phipps will be sharing her “State of the College” address outlining the College’s key priorities for the coming year. The Community Day gathering is scheduled from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in Parmer Hall, located in the Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts, followed by light refreshments from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the Eisenhower Campus Center lawn (rain location for refreshments is Howe Atrium, Boyer Hall). All offices and departments (except dispatch and Early Learning Center) will close from 8:45 to 11:30 a.m. to enable employees to attend the gathering and reception that follows. If you have questions, please contact Anne Barnes, executive assistant to the president, at

Equipment pre-start up checklist added to Safety Manual

An “Equipment Pre-Start Up Checklist” has been added to the Safety Manual, Section 17. The intent of this checklist is to ensure that new, major equipment is in compliance with government regulations and is safe for use before it is put into operation. It is to serve as a reminder of equipment requirements mandated by law. All personnel who are involved in specifying, installing or initiating the use of new equipment should be familiar with this program. Please contact Donna Fink at if you have any questions.


For sale:

Very nice maple bunk bed — In very good condition. Photos available. Asking $125. Call Bill at ext. 3904.

Assorted artificial trees — Used by SAB at a few events; four different styles and heights $10-$15 each; Strathwood Basics all-weather hardwood three-seater benches – Used at one event, beautiful condition. Asking $75 each. Nice for your office or home. Photos available.  Benches located at Larsen Student Union. Cash or check accepted. Contact Sheryl at ext. 5240 or

Outside organization announcement

Frank Sherwin to speak on campus Aug. 2

This summer, St. Thomas Evangelical Congregational Church celebrates 30 years of hosting their North American Family and Youth Conference at Messiah College. They would like to invite the Messiah Community to attend one of their sessions. Frank Sherwin, from the Institute for Creation Research, will be giving a seminar Saturday, Aug. 2 at 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., in Brubaker Auditorium. He will be speaking on “Scientific Evidence for Creation/Design in Nature.” More details are available on NAFYC website.

July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

As the scripture has said, “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.
John 7:38 (NRSV)


The President’s Office work-study Kaitlyn Gehris was just named Prezi Ambassador for Messiah College by the Prezi Corporation. Kaitlyn is partnering with the department of human resources to offer four, one-hour sessions for employees in the fall and four in the spring for students. Details will be communicated through the Intercom. Congratulations, Kaitlyn!
Laurie Owens, executive coordinator for the office of the president

Messiah 411

Department of safety annual bike auction set for July 23

It’s that time of year again for the department of safety to host another “Tour De Messiah Bike Auction and Other Stuff.” Please come to the lawn in front of the department of safety office (located just before the main entrance to campus on your right) on Wednesday, July 23 from 9 to 11 a.m. to peruse the bicycle auction selection for 2014. Other items this year include iPods, cameras, mini dorm-size refrigerators, TV, furniture, push mowers, trimmers and other miscellaneous items. This is one auction you won’t want to miss! Auction concludes at 11 a.m., so you must visit and make your bids by that time. Please note, if you plan to bid, be prepared to pay for and pick-up the item you bid on at the conclusion of the auction; cash and checks accepted only. Please note all items sold “as is.” All proceeds from auction donated to missions. Event sponsored by the Department of Safety.

Learning Technology Services offers workshops

Learning Technology Services is offering Google Workshops and Canvas Applications now through the middle of August. These workshops are led by our instructional designers, director of innovative technology, digital media specialist and Learning Technology Services student worker. Please join us for casual conversation in Hoffman’s Innovation Zone (H106) to discuss ways you can incorporate these tools into your classes. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Google Docs (collaborations within Canvas)
Google Sites
Google Drawings (mind maps)
Google Forms

Please visit this link to view the calendar of times to drop in.


Positions available:

The Campus Events department has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Campus Events Worker II – North Side Floater. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Scott Zeigler, campus events manager, at

The Office of Admissions has an immediate opening for the limited-hour position of ACS Data Entry Processor. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Sherri Wolgemuth, recruiting and admissions data systems administrator and admissions communication services supervisor, at

The Student Financial Services department has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Student Account Representative and Coordinator of Military Education Benefits. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Marilyn Donelson, Director of Student Financial Services/Bursar, at

The School of the Humanities has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Administrative Assistant to the Dean, School of the Humanities. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Pete Powers, Dean of the School of the Humanities, at

For rent:

Three-four bedroom duplex house in Grantham— Located at 810 Grantham Road. $1,190/month. Contact Dale Fogelsanger at 717-623-0735 or

For sale:

The Early Learning Center will be holding an equipment and toy sale Aug. 7-8 from 10 a.m-2 p.m. each day. The sale will be held outside on the small playground, weather permitting. If the sale must be held inside due to inclement weather, please ring the doorbell and show ID to gain access to the building. Items to be sold include children’s carpets, cribs, highchairs, books, toys, teacher resource books, curtains, riding toys for toddlers, assorted puzzles and games, Bye Bye buggy and buggy for six children, etc. Payment may be made via check. If paying in cash, please have exact change available. We hope to see you at our sale!

July 10, 2014

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21 (NRSV)


The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce that Joanna Hadley-Evans has accepted the position of provost’s office coordinator.  Joanna will be transitioning into the role in August as she moves out of her current role of administrative assistant to the dean, School of the Humanities and the assistant dean of general education and Common Learning.  Joanna brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with the variety of processes and systems managed by the office of the provost.  Please join us in welcoming Joanna to her new role.

Bill Strausbaugh, vice president of information technology and associate provost

Charles Seitz has just been appointed as a member of the CSWE (Council on Social Work Education) Commission on Accreditation (COA) for a term effective July 1, 2014—June 30, 2017. The work of the COA fulfills the critically important function of maintaining and advocating for quality in social work education through its accreditation/candidacy of more than 730 social work programs in the United States. In addition, the commission acts as the policy body for developing and interpreting accreditation standards and assuring that policies and procedures are fairly and consistently applied to all social work programs.

Mike True, director of the internship program, attended the Global Internship Conference in Toronto, Canada. He moderated a plenary session on “Tough Issues…No Simple Answers” regarding internships worldwide. For many of the participants, this was the first time they had heard of Messiah. Mike was also interviewed recently for articles by and

Messiah 411

Farewell reception for Beth Lorow and Eunice Hager

All members of the Messiah College community are invited to attend a farewell reception for two members of the marketing and communications team—Director of Communications Beth Lorow and Cultural Series Coordinator Eunice Hager. Please join us on Thursday, July 17, sometime between 3-5 p.m. in the Private Dining Room, located on the second floor of Eisenhower Campus Center.

Beth will be leaving Messiah after eight years of dedicated service to spend more time with her daughter (soon-to-be kindergartner Adele) and her new baby girl, scheduled to arrive in mid-August. Beth’s last planned day in the office will be Aug. 8.

Eunice recently announced her retirement after 17 years in her role of providing leadership to Messiah’s Cultural Series. Her last day was June 30, but she will be on campus to attend this reception and say farewell to campus colleagues.

Both Beth and Eunice have contributed significantly to the work of the Advancement Division and Messiah College during these past many years. I know that many of you have had the opportunity to work with these gifted colleagues, so please join us in wishing them well and thanking them for all they have done for the Messiah community.
Carla E. Gross, executive director of marketing and communications

Important reminders from accounts payable

Please make note of these new fiscal year changes and reminders for requisitions for purchase orders, invoice processing and employee reimbursements.

Please be sure to use the “New Chart of Accounts” listed here (save pdf to your desktop for reference).

Once the requisition systems open for the new fiscal year, do not enter FY14 expenses into the purchase order systems in Banner and One Source. Invoices for FY14 (indicate FY14 in upper right corner of invoice), must be processed through accounts payable (AP) and have the accounting and approval signature on the invoice. All employee reimbursements for FY14 must be submitted for payment to AP no later than July 7; if they are received after that date, they will be rejected. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with the procurement office.

If you have any questions, contact Teri Rader at ext. 2910 or

Important information for students arriving early on campus

If you plan to sponsor students for early arrival, please complete the online early arrival request form or if you have a large group of students, please contact for a spreadsheet to fill out and return by Friday, Aug. 1. The earliest students may return this year is Monday, Aug. 18, but we ask that you bring your students back as late as possible. Please note that the meal plan for returning students will not be active until Thursday, Aug. 28 at lunch. If you need meal cards for the students you are bringing back early, please make these arrangements through the Falcon Exchange.

There is no charge for students to stay on campus. However, any additions or changes received between Monday, Aug. 4–Aug. 17 will be charged $10/person and between Aug. 18–30 any changes or additions will be $25/person.

Learning Technology Services offers workshops

Learning Technology Services is offering Google Workshops and Canvas Applications now through the middle of August. These workshops are led by our instructional designers, director of innovative technology, digital media specialist and Learning Technology Services student worker. Please join us for casual conversation in Hoffman’s Innovation Zone (H106) to discuss ways you can incorporate these tools into your classes. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Google Docs (collaborations within Canvas)
Google Sites
Google Drawings (mind maps)
Google Forms

Please visit this link to view the calendar of times to drop in.

Product recall information available

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has a website that lists safety recalls for clothing, bicycles, laptops, dehumidifiers, compound bows, power tools, furniture and much more. For details on recalled products, check out the CPSC website.


Positions available:

The Department of Development has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Senior Development Officer. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Bob Brown, Director of Planned and Leadership Gifts, at

The Department of Institutional Research has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Research Analyst. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Laura Miller, Director of Institutional Research, at

For sale:

Assorted colors of day lilies — One of the easiest perennials! $4 each (get three for the price that you’d pay for one at a nursery). Call 717-259-7700.

1997 LoadRite trailer — Tilt bed, torsion axle, working lights, greasable bearings, maximum weight 1,880 lbs. Will need new tires. Paid $1,200 new; asking $400 obo. Email or call Alan at 717-497-5737 with questions or for pictures.

July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Thus says the Lord: “Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies, and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16 (NRSV)

Messiah 411

Fleet vehicle offered through silent auction

Messiah College will be offering the silent auction sale of a 2003 Mercury Sable fleet vehicle. The car has more than 107,000 miles on it. It was purchased new by the College and all of the maintenance records for service work over the years are available at the time of purchase. The vehicle will be sold “as is” and without warranty. The car can be seen at the Lenhert Building. The car is available for staff bidding only. Any person who test drives the car must be on the Messiah College Approved Drivers List. If interested, silent sealed written bids can be given to facility services at the Lenhert Building. The sealed bids will be opened July 14. The car will be sold to the highest bidder. Bids must start at $3,000. The car is inspected through June 2015. All taxes, registration transfer fees and notary fees will be the cost of the purchaser.

Farewell reception for Beth Lorow and Eunice Hager

All members of the Messiah College community are invited to attend a farewell reception for two members of the marketing and communications team—Director of Communications Beth Lorow and Cultural Series Coordinator Eunice Hager. Please join us on Thursday, July 17, sometime between 3-5 p.m. in the Private Dining Room, located on the second floor of Eisenhower Campus Center.

Beth will be leaving Messiah after eight years of dedicated service to spend more time with her daughter (soon-to-be kindergartner Adele) and her new baby girl, scheduled to arrive in mid-August. Beth’s last planned day in the office will be Aug. 8.

Eunice recently announced her retirement after 17 years in her role of providing leadership to Messiah’s Cultural Series. Her last day was June 30, but she will be on campus to attend this reception and say farewell to campus colleagues.

Both Beth and Eunice have contributed significantly to the work of the Advancement Division and Messiah College during these past many years. I know that many of you have had the opportunity to work with these gifted colleagues, so please join us in wishing them well and thanking them for all they have done for the Messiah community.
Carla E. Gross, executive director of marketing and communications

Don’t get left out…send in your fall public events

The Office of Marketing and Communications is again producing a Highlights brochure to promote the public events occurring on campus during the fall semester. In an effort to bring more people to campus, we will mail the brochure to more than 5,000 homes in the community in early September. To ensure your public event is included, i.e. a concert, recital, play, lecture, conference, performance or any other event at which you would welcome the general public, please send the event, date, time, place, contact name, admission charge (if any) and contact phone number to Kim Christen at no later than Friday, July 18.

The Highlights brochures have been very well received in the past and demand for them has been high, both on and off campus. If you would like to order a quantity for your own department’s use, please call Kim Christen at ext. 7326. There will be a charge of $12 per 100 brochures (12 cents per copy) to cover the additional printing costs.

Volunteers needed for move-in day Aug. 28

The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Programs needs volunteers to help on Move-in Day for the first-year and transfer students when they arrive on campus Thursday, Aug. 28.

If you are available and willing to help these new students move into their residence halls, please email with your name and preference of a morning (9 a.m.-noon), midday (11 a.m.-2 p.m.) or afternoon (noon-3 p.m.) time slot. You will also receive a free T-shirt! Please indicate your T-shirt size (S, M, L, XL, XXL).

If you are an office supervisor, consider having your staff volunteer on this day. If you supervise work-study students, consider asking your student workers to volunteer as a team. Everyone receives a free T-shirt!

Please get approval from your supervisor to volunteer if this is during your regularly scheduled work time. Heavy lifting and stair-climbing are likely. Any questions, please contact Sheryl Ezbiansky at ext. 5240 or at the email address above.

Important reminders from accounts payable

Please make note of these new fiscal year changes and reminders for requisitions for purchase orders, invoice processing and employee reimbursements.

Please be sure to use the “New Chart of Accounts,” listed here (save pdf to your desktop for reference).

Once the requisition systems open for new fiscal year, do not enter FY14 expenses into the purchase order systems in Banner and One Source. Invoices for FY14 (indicate FY14 in upper right corner of invoice), must be processed through accounts payable (AP) and have the accounting and approval signature on the invoice. All employee reimbursements for FY14 must be submitted for payment to AP no later than July 7; if they are received after that date, they will be rejected. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with the procurement office.

If you have any questions, contact Teri Rader at ext. 2910 or

Collecting shoes for Project Big Love 717

Project Big Love is a community effort to provide back-to-school items for children in our community who simply cannot afford things like backpacks, new sneakers, a haircut, school photo, etc. Project Big Love is gaining momentum with many businesses, churches and non-profit organizations working together in our area to host 5,000 kids at the Northern High School on Saturday, July 26. See attachment for complete details.

Information for making reservations for Climenhaga Homestead

Climenhaga Homestead reservations can now be made using Virtual EMS. When making reservations for lodging, please remember that check-in begins at 4 p.m. and check-out is 10 a.m. Those are the start times and end times that you use. Please call the office of conference and event services at ext.6009 with any questions.

National Safety Council advises how to avoid child deaths in vehicles

Did you know that many children are killed in vehicles and yet no collision is involved in their deaths? If you have young children, grandchildren or simply provide occasional childcare, you should read what the National Safety Council has to say about vehicle safety and children.


Position available:

The Department of Conference Services has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Sound and Lighting Technician. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Jonathan Bert, Sound, Lighting and Event Coordinator, at

For rent:

Three- to four-bedroom duplex house in Grantham—Located at 810 Grantham Road. $1,190/month.  Contact Dale Fogelsanger at 717-623-0735 or

For sale:

Girl’s bedroom set—Includes bed frame with box spring and mattress, night table with lamp and dresser with mirror. Very good condition. $300 (obo). For more information and pictures, please contact Minoska at

Queen bedroom set—Headboard, two dressers, one night stand. Vintage circa 1975. $100 obo. Photos upon request. Contact or 717-574-8901.

Wood stove—Selling a wood stove capable of heating up to 2,000 square feet. More information and a photo available at

1.4 cu. ft. countertop LG microwave—White, about 1.5 years old. $50. Contact

Investment property in Carlisle—Needs work. Will be good for either rental property or fix and flip home. Email with inquiries please.

June 26, 2014

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:17-18 (NRSV)


On June 10, Dwayne Magee, director of college press and postal services, traveled to Milwaukee, Wis., and achieved his Graphic Communications Manager Certification through the In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association (IPMA). IPMA is a leading international association exclusively dedicated to corporate publishing and distribution professionals who provide graphic design, page layout, copy, print, mail and distribution services to their enterprise. Certification is achieved through demonstrated management experience, professionalism and successful completion of a comprehensive examination. Dwayne is one of 52 internationally who have achieved this prestigious certification, which like other professional certifications has a continuing education requirement. The CGCM is the only certification of its kind in the graphics industry. Dwayne is now a member of the IMPA “Franklin Stamp and Ink Society,” which is an exclusive group of dedicated members who have demonstrated leadership, technological and advanced knowledge in the fields of graphic design, printing and mailing. Please congratulate Dwayne on this outstanding achievement.
Kathie Shafer, vice president of operations

Messiah 411

Volunteers needed for move-in day Aug. 28

The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Programs needs volunteers to help on Move-in Day for the first-year and transfer students when they arrive on campus Thursday, Aug. 28.

If you are available and willing to help these new students move into their residence halls, please email with your name and preference of a morning (9 a.m.-noon) midday (11 a.m.-2 p.m.) or afternoon (noon-3 p.m.) time slot. You will also receive a free T-shirt! Please indicate your T-shirt size (S, M, L, XL, XXL).

If you are an office supervisor, consider having your staff volunteer on this day. If you supervise work-study students, consider asking your student workers to volunteer as a team.  Everyone receives a free T-shirt!

Please get approval from your supervisor to volunteer if this is during your regularly scheduled work time. Heavy lifting and stair-climbing are likely. Any questions, please contact Sheryl Ezbiansky at ext. 5240 or at the email address above.

Fleet vehicle offered through silent auction

Messiah College will be offering the silent auction sale of a 2003 Mercury Sable fleet vehicle. The car has more than 107,000 miles on it. It was purchased new by the college and all of the maintenance records for service work over the years would be available at the time of purchase. The vehicle will be sold “as is” and “without warranty.” The car can be seen at the Lenhert Building starting June 30. The car is available for staff bidding only. Any person who test drives the car must be on the Messiah College Approved Drivers List. If interested, silent sealed written bids can be given to facility services at the Lenhert Building starting on June 30. The sealed bids will be opened on July 14. The car will be sold to the highest bidder. Bids must start at $3,000. The car is inspected through June 2015. All taxes, registration transfer fees and notary fees will be the cost of the purchaser.

Don’t get left out…send in your fall public events

The Office of Marketing and Communications is again producing a Highlights brochure to promote the public events occurring on campus during the fall semester. In an effort to bring more people to campus, we will mail the brochure to more than 5,000 homes in the community in early September. To ensure your public event is included, i.e. a concert, recital, play, lecture, conference, performance or any other event at which you would welcome the general public, please send the event, date, time, place, contact name, admission charge (if any) and contact phone number to Kim Christen at no later than Friday, July 18.

The Highlights brochures have been very well received in the past and demand for them has been high, both on and off campus. If you would like to order a quantity for your own department’s use, please call Kim Christen at ext. 7326. There will be a charge of $12 per 100 brochures (12 cents per copy) to cover the additional printing costs.

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) located throughout campus

During the spring, the college purchased and installed automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in strategic locations throughout campus. In addition to the installed AEDs, the Department of Safety vehicles have an AED as well.  Please review the attached document for the AED locations throughout campus so you are familiar.
Kathie Shafer, chair of crisis management

June is National Safety month

Each week of the month, the National Safety Council will be focusing on a safety topic relevant to most workplaces and most households. For the fourth week, the Council advises everyone to “Put an End to Distracted Driving” and one of the biggest contributors is cell phone use. Follow the advice in the tip sheet for safer travel.

Fireworks safety reminders

With July 4 holiday comes the enjoyment of fireworks. But be careful that the enjoyment doesn’t turn into a tragedy. For recommendations on fireworks safety, see NFPA’s tip sheet.

Collecting Shoes for Project “Big Love 717”

“PROJECT BIG LOVE” is a community effort to provide back-to-school items for children in our community who simply cannot afford things like backpacks, new sneakers, a haircut, school photo, etc.  PROJECT BIG LOVE is gaining momentum with many businesses, churches and non-profit organizations working together in our area to host 5,000 kids at the Northern High School on Saturday, July 26.

Here’s how you can help:

1.)  Donate a new pair of sneakers (or more)! (Boys/Girls sizes:  Kids size 10 to Adult 4.5)

  1. Drop boxes are located in:  Old Main Admissions Entrance, outside the Athletics Office and the entrance of Murray Library

2.)  Sign up to volunteer at the Sneakers Tent on July 26 from 8:00-10:00 AM or 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM with other Messiah friends at

3.)    Email Emily Lint at and let her know that you plan to donate sneakers and/or if you signed up to help at the Sneakers Tent on July 26!

For more information on Project Big Love 717, visit their website You can also follow them on Facebook at


Positions available:

The Department of General Education has an immediate opening for the part-time position of Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Dean of General Education, Common Learning, and Advising and the Director of Teaching and Learning and Assessment. For more information and to apply, please visit: Job-related questions may be directed to Robin Lauermann, Assistant Dean of General Education and Common Learning, at

The Admissions Office has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Coordinator of Telecounseling and Recruitment. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Joy Ellis, Associate Director of Admissions for Visitation and Telecounseling, at

The Department of Safety has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Supervisor of Patrol – Night Shift. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Cindy Burger, Director of Safety, at


Office-sized refrigerator and microwave—Contact Brian

For sale:

Townhouse—Located in Arlington Hills, conveniently close to the college. Two spacious bedrooms, 1.5 baths, large living room, open kitchen and dining area with access to the rear patio. Asking $114,500. Call 717-241-6060 to schedule your showing.

Black patio fire pit —Deep kettle style, only used once. Has complete screen enclosure. Asking $60, photo available; Wii game console with two controllers and Wii sports game — All in very good condition, not used often. Asking $70. Please call Bill at ext. 3904.

The Early Learning Center has three gently-used cribs that meet the new federal requirements for overall crib safety — Selling for $130 per piece. They are all made in the USA and purchased in fall 2012; Two high chairs that were bought in January 2013 —Asking for $30 per chair. Please be on the lookout for more furnishing that we might be selling as we finish up with our renovation at the center. For more information, email or call ext. 5043.

Outside organization announcement:

West Shore Christian Academy has openings for new academic year —West Shore Christian Academy, the region’s largest Middle States Accredited Christian School has several openings for students (PreK-12) for the 2014-2015 academic year. Located just minutes from Messiah College off of Route 15 between Mechanicsburg and Camp Hill, West Shore Christian Academy has provided an excellent Christ-centered education for 40 years. Our certified teachers, relevant curriculum, low student faculty ratio, excellent fine arts programs, PIAA athletics, chapel programming, mentoring groups, community service program and intentionally international community will assist you as you develop, nurture and equip your child to positively influence the world for Christ. To learn more about the school and why so many former and current Messiah employees and alum have chosen WSCA for their child’s education, visit, or contact Molly Miner, director of admissions, at

June 19, 2014

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Numbers 6:25-26 (NRSV)


Erin Boyd-Soisson, professor of human development and family science, presented a paper which was co-authored with Melinda Burchard, assistant professor of special education, titled “Integrating Special Education and Family Science: Using Bibliotherapy to Address Stress of Parenting a Child with a Disability” at the Family Science Association’s Teaching Family Science Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. Raeann Hamon, distinguished professor of family science and gerontology, presented a paper which was co-authored with Paul Johns, instructor of human development and family science, titled “Integrating Family Life Education Instruction Across the HDFS Curriculum” at the same conference. The conference theme was “Integration Across the Curriculum.”

Learning Technology Services welcomes Julie Gomboc-Turyan in the position of instructional designer. Julie has a PH.D. in communication media and instructional technology and a multidisciplinary background that includes instruction in graphic and interior design at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Please stop by Hoffman’s Innovation Zone (first floor) to welcome Julie.

Raeann Hamon, distinguished professor of family science and gerontology, and Suzanne Smith’s (Washington State University Vancouver) article titled “The Discipline of Family Science and the Continuing Need for Innovation” was just published in the journal “Family Relations” (Volume 63, pages 309-322. DOI: 10.1111/fare.12068). The journal editor noted, “My plan is to publish this paper along with another one currently under review (“Whither Famology? Department Name Trends across Three Decades). In addition to the “bundling” of these papers, a collection of family scholars have tentatively agreed to read and provide comments on the issues highlighted within the two papers. These scholars were part of a symposium held at last year’s NCFR Conference titled “Famology’ is Dead” and “‘Family Science’ is on Life Support: How is the Health of ‘Family Studies?” I am hopeful that the papers in conjunction with the commentary will call attention to what we within family studies programs need to be mindful of if our goal is to promote the health of the field in the near and long-term future.”

Messiah 411

Important information for students arriving early on campus

If you plan to sponsor students for early arrival, please complete the online early arrival request form or if you have a large group of students, please contact for a spreadsheet to fill out and return by Friday, Aug. 1. The earliest students may return this year is Monday, Aug. 18, but we ask that you bring your students back as late as possible. Please note that the meal plan for returning students will not be active until Thursday, Aug. 28 at lunch. If you need meal cards for the students you are bringing back early, please make these arrangements through the Falcon Exchange.

There is no charge for students to stay on campus. However, any additions or changes received between Monday, Aug. 4–Aug. 17 will be charged $10/person and between Aug. 18–30 any changes or additions will be $25/person.

Change in mail delivery services

As previously announced in the President’s Campus Update from Dec. 16, courier mail delivery to all campus offices other than those in Old Main will be discontinued following the end of the 2014 spring semester. However, due to an unforeseen shortage in staffing, it will be necessary to move the date forward by one week. As a result, the last date for full courier mail delivery service will be June 20, 2014.

Beginning June 23, each campus office should pick up their mail at the Campus Post Office daily between the hours of 1 and 3:30 p.m. Large or unusually heavy packages which are not time sensitive will be delivered to campus by the College Press courier during his normal delivery schedule as time permits. A package dolly and mail tubs will also be available to borrow from the campus post office. These can be obtained on a first-come, first-serve basis by inquiring at the customer service window.

In order to maintain security of the mail, the Campus Post Office is asking that there be a designated person or persons who will regularly pick up the mail for each department. The presentation of a Messiah College photo ID card will be required for unknown or unfamiliar staff members. Sending work-study students to pick up mail without prior arrangements to do so is strongly discouraged for security reasons.

Mail delivery to Old Main will still occur between 12 and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Questions about mail pickup or delivery can be addressed to Bill Althoff at ext. 3904.

Reminder to order tickets for employee night out at Harrisburg Senators game

Just a reminder from human resources to get your tickets to the employee night out at a Senators Game on June 20! Tickets are only $7 with our promotion code. Bring your family and enjoy the game and fireworks that will follow. Don’t delay, these deeply discounted tickets will go quickly!

Go to this link and then follow the instructions below to purchase tickets:

1. Click on the box that says “Special Offer Code.”

2. Type in the promo code in ALL CAPS: MESSIAH. (The code will not work if it isn’t in all caps!)

3. Click submit.

4. Next click the dark blue plus sign next to Box for seat choices. The promo code only works with box seats.

5. There will be two choices. One for the Messiah $7 Box Seat and one for Web Box. Make sure to order tickets through the Messiah ticket drop down so you get the discounted rate.

6. Choose the amount of seats desired.

7. Click continue.

8. The Ticket Type should say Messiah College.

9. You may also specify which seats you want.

10. After completing these steps, simply follow the on-screen instructions to finish purchasing your tickets!

We hope to see you there!


Positions available:

The Department of Information Technology Services has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Administrative Programmer/Analyst. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to John Luft, director of information services, at

The department of Grounds Services has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Grounds Services Manager. For more information and to apply, please visit Job-related questions may be directed to Brad Markley, director of facility services, at

Murray Library has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Cataloging Technician-B. For additional information and to apply, please see Job-related questions may be directed to Elizabeth Kielley, associate librarian and technical services coordinator, at

College Press has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Courier/Bindery Technician. For additional information and to apply, please see Job-related questions may be directed to Dwayne Magee, director of printing and mailing services, at

Murray Library has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Acquisitions Technician. For additional information and to apply, please see Job-related questions may be directed to Elizabeth Kielley, associate librarian and technical services coordinator, at

For sale:

2001 Toyota Corolla — Four-door, AC, CD player, 228K miles, runs well. Asking $2,500. Call Larry at 717-580-2782.

2000 Chevy Blazer — 185k miles; very reliable. 4 × 4 works perfectly, has the 2H auto 4WD 4H and 4L options. Asking $3,000. For more information, contact or see this link.

Midnight blue 2005 Honda Odyssey — 125,000 miles in very good condition. Up-to-date in servicing and maintenance. Available in mid to late July 2014. Kelly’s Blue Book value $7,800. Make an offer. Contact B. Michael at 717-763-6836 or 717-602-4118 (cell).

Large solid oak table and 10 solid oak chairs — Table 59 in. x 48 in. oval, with seven 12 in. leaves; when all leaves in length it is 13 ft., wooden holder for leaves, asking $1,500; Black countertop microwave — 1100 watts, $30; Wood TV stand — Doors on both sides open to hold DVDs, $75; Antique mantle — $120; Magic Bullet — Almost new, $40. Can email pictures. For more information, contact or call Eileen at 717-418-2850.

June 12, 2014

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you,
so you also must forgive.
Colossians 3:13 (NRSV)


Last week at the NACCAP (North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals) conference held at John Brown University in Arkansas, Dana Britton and Tim Agnolutto presented a session entitled, “Blue Jeans, Comp Time and Trophies: Mentoring & Managing Millennials.” There were approximately 400 admissions professionals that attended this conference. Dana was also chosen to receive the Outstanding Achievement Award, and Tim received the Regional Service Award. We are honored to have our employees recognized for excellence in the profession and celebrate a strong team presence at this year’s NACCAP conference. On a fun side note, Rusty Hoffman was the first to cross the finish line in the NACCAP 5K, while Rachel Shenk was the top-performing female in this annual event. Congrats to all!
John Chopka, vice president for enrollment management

This past spring semester the COE Senate approved the Teaching and Learning Initiative. The plan for this initiative includes my appointment of a Director of Teaching and Learning to give leadership to centralized programming and to chair the Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee. I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jennifer Fisler, associate professor of education, to fill this role. Given Jennifer’s related work with the assessment of student learning, her title for these responsibilities will be Director of Teaching and Learning and Assessment. Please congratulate Jennifer on her appointment and look for more this summer and early fall about the implementation of the initiative.
Randy Basinger, Provost

Dr. William Stowman, professor of music, was a featured artist at the 39th Annual International Trumpet Guild Conference held in Valley Forge, PA, May 20-24. Bill performed as a soloist with Bravo Brass from Philadelphia doing a world premiere of a new composition for brass and trumpet solo called “Monaco Legacy” by Benjamen Blasko ’13. He also performed as a member of Tromba Mundi in the opening ceremonies and in a recital of opera transcriptions for trumpet later in the week. The conference was attended by more than 1,000 people from around the world.

Messiah 411

Wellness completion form due in three days

Employees who acquired 100 wellness points during the 2013-14 academic year and want to receive a discount on next year’s health insurance premium must return their completed form to Doug Miller by Sunday, June 15. If you have not yet returned the form, but plan to do so, please email a copy of it to Do not send a hard copy through campus mail. The wellness completion form can be found at the wellness website. You can also Google “Messiah Wellness” and find the site. Employees who accumulate 100 wellness points, complete the form and return it by the deadline will receive a discount on next year’s health insurance premium.

Accounts payable notice for fiscal year end June 30

Please submit all employee reimbursements for this fiscal year by June 20 so we can process them by June 30. If you make a purchase or are traveling the last few days of June, be sure to submit your reimbursements and receipts within five business days of returning to campus, and no later than July 7.

NOTICE: Messiah College is a PA Sales Tax Exempt Entity. If you are making purchases on behalf of the College, please be sure to present a PA Sales Tax Exempt Certificate to the cashier prior to checking out. If you need a PA Sales Tax Exemption Certificate, contact accounts payable. Thank you for your continued cooperation, and have a great summer! Any questions regarding this notice, contact Teri Rader at ext. 2910 or

2014-15 Letters of Appointment delayed

The delay in the decision regarding the cost of living adjustment has necessitated a delay in the production of the 2014-15 Letters of Appointment for administrative and staff employees. We expect to mail the letters by July 11. The content will include title, salary or hourly rate, and the date range an employee is expected to work. The letters will be mailed to your home address.

Benefit and deduction information is no longer displayed on the Letter of Appointment. Instead, employees who wish to review this information may do so using Employee Self Service, which is available through MCSquare.

If you do not receive your Letter of Appointment, or have any questions on the content, please contact Kathy Castonguay, human resources, at ext. 7086.

Family Weekend 2014 activities needed for brochure mailed in August

Family Weekend 2014 will be Sept. 19-21. If your office or department is having an event that you would like considered for submission in the weekend brochure (mailed to all underclassmen families in early August), please send the information to Only activities or opportunities appropriate for family involvement will be considered. Call ext. 5240 with any questions.

Make arrangements for early student arrivals

If you plan to sponsor students for early arrival, please complete the online early arrival request form, or if you have a large group of students, please contact for a spreadsheet to fill out and return by Friday, Aug. 1. The earliest students may return this year is Monday, Aug. 18, but we ask that you bring your students back as late as possible. Please note that the meal plan for returning students will not be active until Thursday, Aug. 28 at lunch. If you need meal cards for the students you are bringing back early, please make these arrangements through the Falcon Exchange.

There is no charge for students to stay on campus. However, any additions or changes received between Aug. 4–Aug. 17 will be charged $10/person and between Aug. 18–30 any changes or additions will be $25/person.

Human resources announces partnership with Open Hands Ministry

Human resources will be partnering with Open Hands ministry, founded by retired College Pastor Eldon Fry, in the development of various programs for supervisors and teams. Open Hands serves individuals and congregations desiring spiritual direction, pastoral counseling, spiritual formation consultation, life coaching or leadership development. Open Hands is also available to anyone seeking such support and guidance. For more information, contact Eldon at 717-385-3980 or His website is

Safety tip: Be aware of your surroundings

June is National Safety Month. Each week of the month, the National Safety Council will be focusing on a safety topic relevant to most workplaces and most households. For the third week, the Council advises everyone to “Be Aware of Your Surroundings.” Information provided in this tip sheet includes how to create a safer environment on the job and at home.


Positions available:

The Financial Aid Office has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Loan Processing Coordinator. For additional information and to apply, please see Job-related questions may be directed to Greg Gearhart, director of financial aid, at

The Office of the Provost has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Provost’s Office Coordinator. For additional information and to apply, please see Job-related questions may be directed to William Strausbaugh, associate provost, at

For rent:

Single room with private bath for rent in Dillsburg, 10 minutes from college. $500/month. Shared kitchen. Call 717-856-8060.

Single room for rent with shared bathroom and kitchen in Dillsburg. Call 717-856-8060.

One-bedroom apartment available for rent mid-July. Located on Summit Dr., a five-minute walk to campus. Single tenant only. Contact Susan at or 717-802-5447.

Outside organizations:

Grantham community yard sale Saturday, June 14, 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.